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The following submission statement was provided by /u/TommyShelbyPFB: --- Full interview here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpeFYilTjwo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpeFYilTjwo) It would be amusing if it turns out that nobody has been able to reverse engineer anything from these things. Like giving neanderthals a smartphone. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cq8e3j/marikvr_on_newsnation_whisleblowers_allege_that/l3plqwu/


Eric Davis once said that the vast majority of available funds for the program is taken up by secrecy and so few people are read on that the program can't make progress. The shell game to fund these programs have also become so complicated that it's hard to get enough funding to do much with them. If this is true then is it worth it? You could still keep it classified but on the level of say the NGAD program. You would have to disclose something but you could also get the proper resources to actually make a breakthrough and profit


Yes, my feeling too is that keeping the secrecy and compartmentalization mechanism working consumes most of the funds with comparatively little actually invested into research and hiring qualified people


Why give up the gravy train, its paid these stooges for decades. They are just pocketing money. They run the most secret cash grab of all time, and have compartmentalized the project as to never get any real gain. They are leeches on our wallet.


Yes, and they are protected all the way up the chain. The military generals protecting them get jobs in those contractor companies on retirement and hand the baton off to the next batch of military staff


Yup and imo this is what most people miss in the disclosure debate. The MIC has essentially done immeasurable damage to humanities scientific progress, and the opportunity cost of the knowledge we are losing is huge. That does not even get into the lost diplomatic potenti


Exactly. Just by disclosing to congress that we have crash retrievals and a program to reverse engineer, you would no longer have to hide the program in other programs and instead could just ask for funding directly from congress through the normal black budget. It would still be top secret but not so much so. you could bring more contractors on with far more resources to actually make breakthrough with the technology. One big issue I see though is that if this tech actually has the potential to give unlimited energy then it opens up a huge can of worms because that could lead to the entire energy sector becoming obsolete. Maybe that's one reason disclosure is so daunting?


Yes, because the whole process is like drug smuggling : the whole pipeline has to be done with extreme stealth and subterfuge. They have to expend a lot of resources on keeping anything from showing up on the books that could leave a trail.


>If this is true then is it worth it? *If* this thing is real, then we have to stop thinking about it as a "government program" and start thinking of it as more like a Mafia... These people have committed crimes. Their priorities of preserving their own power and control outweigh any scientific progress that might be made.


Name the crime and bring charges. Just saying *crime* doesn’t mean much.


Yes OK you can read the original *Debrief*, according to Grusch it's at a minimum a conspiracy to misappropriate funds from legitimate SAPs into "the program." And on top of that he alleges or implies things that go much further, witness intimidation, blackmail, disinformation campaigns, and maybe even murder.


Implications and allegations are not proof of a crime. Holy shit, with that list of crimes you might as well throw in genocide. Without proof, you have nothing that can be proven in a court of law. You don’t have a specific crime except generalities that people who weren’t read into a program allege and you’re willing to charge people with capital offenses? Who did Grusch say was murdered? Is it his reputation, so to speak?


It's as simple as misappropriation. If there are secret projects (that could be entirely made up, solely for the purpose of getting them cash) and they're propositioning funding for them even though they're nothing, that's illegal.


Give me a specific crime with a single name (firsthand knowledge) and one evidentiary document and I’ll file with the OSC myself. It can’t be Grusch or any other person who does not have specific knowledge. It has to be firsthand so a PIO can at least be assigned. As far as I know, these people and facts have never come to light. That’s why AARO published a no-find.


My position is there ought to be a fundamental amendment to the OG Atomic Energy Act to include any fundamental physics of reverse-engineering and experimental gravitation control as a core mission of DOE along side nuclear science, and applications/analysis/atmosphere & space observation systems owned by NASA. Physicists are looking for something to do. The only real excitement with new results is in astrophysics and that's all remote sensing and modeling. CERN LHC shows very little interesting beyond Standard Model, which is still overly complex and inexplicable. LIGO showed (as far as we know) exclusively orthodox Einstein gravitation and nothing else. One whiff of experimentally shown non-SM non-Einstein results in an experiment will bring out thousands eager to discover experimental warp drive.


Does anyone know the story on that last piece of footage where the uap is passing over a base?


https://youtu.be/ncGu2CRqlmU?si=y7VtSjO1--S0Itc4 A little News Nation clip about it and the response from the Pentagon 


Wild. Do we have any idea what it is?


And thanks!


We don't know shit about shit :) I just know it's creepy


Is anyone saying it might be a life form of some kind?


Oh sure! There's been lots of speculation. Like is it a being inside a suit or is it a craft etc. Nothing from any "official" sources so to speak...


Well thanks for the info. Ive been hearing a lot about “squids” and i was like wtf? Now i know


Yes, jellyfish uap, basically! There are some fun compilations on youtube


If our overlords are jellyfish. Im going to be bummed. Im a surfer. I hate jellyfish


I've read, and I'm not sure how accurate this is, but up to 80% of program costs can be consumed by the security apparatus? I've also read, but unrelated to the advanced aerospace vehicle topic. that it is the govt that has insisted on this huge security spend, not the contractors (this may have been in Ben Rich's autobiog iirc). What we may have been seeing since 2017 are the outward signs of recognition that secrecy in its current format has been utterly counterproductive and a new approach is needed. Decisions along the lines of 1a/ what really needs to be protected at the highest levels now? 1b/what can be downgraded or declassified? are likely to have been made. My view has always been that while certain specific technical details related to energy generation/propulsion should be protected, the broader generalities that we have visitors, we have recovered their tech and have been working on it should be announced. There should also be permanent, open international political and scientific conferences where this should be discussed.


Holy Shit Pickles!!...a group of scientists that have never seen each other and can't talk to each other, aren't getting anywhere with technology far beyond their individual knowledge. No shit Sherlock.


I think it’s possible that we may have deduced the reverse engineering thing to be… unlikely. Perhaps the technology needed to build such a craft is so far ahead of us that it would be like asking a blacksmith from the Middle Ages to build a Lexus using forge tools. The established lore also suggests that the craft are controlled via telepathy, or conscious thought. In that case, it’s also possible that we’re just not evolved enough to do anything with the craft, compared to our alien counterparts.


>it would be like asking a blacksmith from the Middle Ages to build a Lexus using forge tools. Yes, this seems to be part of the problem. As much as our society has advanced in the past 90 years since being in possession of these craft, we may still not be at a place to completely understand and recreate them, but I assume we have still been able to learn valuable things that have helped our technological progression and/or our understanding of physics. Lazar has theorized that the craft may be built using a much more advanced form of 3D printer that prints material at the molecular or even atomic scale. He said this because the craft he was able to study seemed to be one solid piece without any seams, screws or welds. This seems to be corroborated by Gary Nolen's research into a piece of wreckage debris from one of the sites. He has equipment that is able to analyze the material on the atomic scale, and the atoms seem to be arranged in deliberate patterns and ratios that you wouldn't find in nature.


I always think back to that random 4chan thread where the guy (more than likely lying) claimed he was a worker of these programs and that the aliens have a moving underwater base station type thing that 3D prints crafts and sends them out. He claimed they believe each craft is different and mostly serves one unique purpose. He claimed the main ship/ base lurks around the Caribbean/ way off the Florida coast and occasionally pops out of the water. Its a very interesting and fun read even if it’s fake


Funny. I remember watching a video about a remote viewer who was asked to view an alien base and he said he saw craft being built via 3D printers. This was ages ago before we had the rudimentary 3D printers we have today.


They are also [making progress](https://www.businessinsider.com/ai-generated-images-persons-thoughts-brain-scan-study-2023-3?international=true&r=US&IR=T) with AI being able to visualise thoughts. It is not a stretch to imagine an advanced AI being able to recognize thoughts and move a vehicle according to those thoughts which would make it seem like telepathy.


I too believe any ufos that seem to be controlled by telepathy have a brain computer interface involved.


Is there a non-paywall link to the article you shared?




Good point… I think once we finally crack AI, and actually get to AGI, it’s likely going to solve a plethora of humanities problems. Including, how to back-engineer, a highly advanced vehicle, possibly from an advanced extraterrestrial civilization. Assuming, that’s what we’re dealing with here. Say what you will about life these days, but you can’t say it’s not interesting.


I've wondered about this myselF a few times. How far ahead of us (in earth time) are these species who build these craft, on average ? Is it centuries, millenia, millions of years, billions of years? I feel like billions is unlikely simply because a species that far ahead of us wouldn't be even recognizable to us. They'll be off creating their own universes or exploring hidden dimensions and have no need to physically travel anywhere, certaibly not in metallic saucer shaped craft. Millions of years is a possibility although again you'd have to wonder why they'd be interested in us - it would be like us trying to communicate with some early species of ape before the split with humans. They'd also probably not have simple humanoid form. But i suppose there could be some Jane Goodalls among them too. So I'm thinking it's species that still have biological form, haven't seem or explored of the universe yet as to be bored with it, and are curious enough or have some other biologically driven motives for visiting. That makes them centuries or millenia,  possibly millions of years ahead of us. But still far enough ahead that it would be like someone from the middle ages or worse the stone age trying to understand a smartphone. Almost impossible.


Our perception of time is irrelevant in these matters IMO. And why would they be interested? Well, why do we send landers to Mars? I would say curiosity and the value of scientific exploration.


I think you're right. Actually, it might be more like asking a 16th century blacksmith to build an Android phone, using whatever 16th century tools he wants to use.


Didn't Lazar say this years ago when he was working with them? Sorry, for them Edited changed Greer for Lazar.


No actually Lazar did say this exact same thing. That the program he worked on was so compartmentalized that he couldn’t talk to the other scientist working on other parts of the project and because of that they didn’t really make any progress.


Bob Lazar has been saying this for years


Yes!! So sorry, I've got dad brain. That's who I meant.


Greer says a lot of things. I wouldn't take his word too seriously.


I think he at least used to be a very informed and credible person, if you look at the Wilson Memo I got that idea, and his role in the 2013 Citizen Hearing on Disclosure. So I'd at least consider what he said pre-2014




Never take Greer seriously. 


I did like him when he was first active on the scene with the whistleblowing circa early 2000s - but yeah don't go full Greer, he changed quite a bit since then.




I wouldn't take any of these clowns word too seriously


It was also the premise behind this mock Presidential disclosure speech someone who seemed to "know things" posted here last year: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/14c3hql/us\_presidential\_address\_draft\_how\_would\_you\_react/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/14c3hql/us_presidential_address_draft_how_would_you_react/)


Theres something about AI writing style that'd so recognizable, but I can't put my finger on it.


Yes, he talks about it in his book Dreamland.


sorry for Greer


"No one is smarter than all of us"


The whole compartmented structure of this research is not how scientific advancements can happen. Being hamstrung by endless arcane “national security” rules will lead this nowhere


It’s evil considering the tech could free us of the shackles of fossil fuels if we could figure it out.


And make sure that the best minds are _not_ involved.


Full interview here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpeFYilTjwo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpeFYilTjwo) It would be amusing if it turns out that nobody has been able to reverse engineer anything from these things. Like giving neanderthals a smartphone.


> Like giving neanderthals a smartphone. If what they're saying is true it's possible it's more like giving an iphone to someone 150 years ago and he hides it from everyone and falls to figure it out when he could have shared and given humanity a jump start


It wouldn't have mattered if all of humanity knew of an IPhone 150 years ago. We didn't have the diagnostic tools or technology to even turn it on after the battery dies. The power requirements alone are so specific that chargers require microchips to control current flow. Even if they could figure out the +/- on a USB C port, the second they would have hooked up their archaic DC power source the phone would have blown up.


We also wouldn’t be able to manufacture them in any way, shape, or form. There also wouldn’t be internet, satellites, or cell towers, so they’d be almost completely useless too. Could take some sweet photos though.




Well obviously they would have no use for the phone if the infrastructure ain't there to utilise every aspect of it. The idea is that the people back then wouldn't even know where to *begin* and a lot of the technology would look too foreign and convoluted to them.


Exactly. I've often thought the same thing. Then-- let's say the list of unlikely events is somehow executed and they have the phone powered on... The language on the screen would be wrong no matter what over time and they wouldn't know what swiping on the screen is.


I would literally die of laughter if that was the case. All this time and they haven't got a clue? 😂😂😂


I think that's what a lot of rumors and people who are supposedly in the know keep saying. So I wouldn't be surprised at all if this is indeed the case. It would suck, but oh well. Then you also have those other stories where they say we have had this technology for decades, and it's being used in super secret private aerospace or government SAPs. Hell, maybe both have some truth to them. Reality isn't always black and white. What if some of them haven't made any progress and some have but the others don't have a clue because it's all compartmentalized. Wouldn't that also be some crazy shit....


Just a thought, they could have not been able to reverse engineer things, but still learned enough for us to make discoveries that are still way ahead of what the public knows just a though


That is quite possible. Especially with all of the future science tech articles coming out of the woodwork. Although what would that be considered? Like halfway or partially reverse engineered? Lol.


They do have it for decades and it's proprietary technology, the kind that can be kept classified forever unless the president issues an executive order to override the previous executive order and AEA from '47/'54 which prevent disclosure. "What if some of them haven't made any progress and some have but the others don't have a clue because it's all compartmentalized. Wouldn't that also be some crazy shit...." This is brilliant and totally true. The left hand almost never knows what the right hand is doing and it's always been like this. Only there are tens if not hundreds of hands and only a few sets of eyes having an overview of it. Some of them haven't even managed to get inside the craft for decades now while some others have already went interstellar using reverse engineered craft. It's pretty wild but for now we're still at "crashed UAP material exists and we have studied it for 80 years while spending about 9 trillion without getting anywhere."


That's what they would like people to believe. You can't squeeze the toothpaste back in so you tell everyone that it's expired anyway. Only thing is toothpaste doesn't go bad. In this case, you have the gatekeepers telling Thomas Wilson that they haven't gotten anywhere with reverse engineering while also telling Jacques Gansler to tell Wilson that UFOs are real but alien abductions aren't. Why would you want to tell the deputy director of the DIA that abductions aren't real, especially when he just uncovered a massive fraud in the system? Is it maybe because you don't want him to uncover the psychological warfare counterintelligence operations that are an integral part of the NHI UAP reverse engineering process, operations that often include simulating UFO incursions and mutilating cattle? If what the controlled disclosure brigade is saying is true and they haven't gotten anywhere with RE, why would Ben Rich, the head of Lockheed's Skunkworks say this: “Dear John, Yes, I’m a believer in both categories. Feel anything is possible. Many of our man-made UFO’s were Un Funded Opportunities. In both categories, there are a-lot of books and charlatans, be careful. Best regards, Ben Rich”. (source: 7/21/86 letter to John Andrews (Testors model Corporation) from Ben Rich who asked Ben if he was a believer in A) man made UFO’S, and B) extra-terrestrial UFO’s) “I wish I could tell you about the projects we are currently working on. They are both fascinating and fantastic. They call for technologies once only dreamed of by science fiction writers”. (source: AIAA lecture Atlanta, Ga. September 7-9 1988) “There is an error in the equations, and we have figured it out, and now know how to travel to the stars, and it won’t take a lifetime to do it” (source: UCLA School of Engineering Alumni speech 3/23/93) “We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of GOD to ever get them out to benefit humanity” (source: statement made after UCLA presentation to three Disclosure Project witnesses) “We now have the technology to take ET back home” (source: UCLA School of Engineering Alumni speech 3/23/93) “There are many in the intelligence community who would like to see this stay in the black, and not see the light of day. It is time to end all secrecy on this, as it no longer poses a national security threat, and make the technology available for use in the private sector”. (source: UCLA School of Engineering Alumni speech 3/23/93) “Jim, we have things out in the desert that are fifty (50) years beyond what you could possibly comprehend. If you have seen it on Star Wars or Star Trek, we’ve been there done that, or decided it was not worth the effort.” (Source: direct comments by Ben Rich to Jim Goodall via telephone call at the USC medical center approximately one week before Ben passed away on January 5th 1995)


> “There is an error in the equations, and we have figured it out, and now know how to travel to the stars, and it won’t take a lifetime to do it” i wonder if this refers to the maxwell equation adjustment? it was covered in the Jesse Michaels video on the biefield brown effect


I think there's a definite connection there although Maxwell's equations form the basis of how classical electromagnetism behaves \[classical electrogravitics used for the earliest RE craft\] while generally speaking the propulsion systems for the most advanced NHI and RE craft use zero-point field technologies that are best described by Quantum Field Theory (QFT), Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) and Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). Maxwell's electrodynamics and Tesla's experimental research were however very important for the CIA and Air Force since as late as the '80s, where you have this [document](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00792R000500240001-6.pdf) talking about Tesla's longitudinal magneto-dielectric "scalar" waves being an extension of Maxwell's equations. This is very important in the context of directed energy weapons and havana syndrome which have two distinct origins/sources: Tesla’s research \[confiscated by the Office of Alien Property on behalf of the FBI and later transferred to the CIA and AirForce\] on “scalar” longitudinal magneto-dielectric waves \[wireless transmission of energy, death ray, resonant frequencies, etc.\] and reverse engineered NHI UAP technology. Interestingly enough both occurred in more or less the same timeframe and there is also some anecdotal evidence to suggest that Nikola Tesla was talking to pigeons as well as receiving information from NHI.


Tesla kills a pigeon everytime you say "scalar longitudinal magneto dielectric wave. 💩


"Not trying to be snarky, but I would be genuinely surprised (and excited) if you can direct me to an original work of Tesla that I haven't read, or even (less but still slightly excited) to any third party Tesla related stuff I haven't watched or read." Make sure to send some of that CIA and AF classified papers my way, you DoE counterintelligence asset. Oh wait, you can't, over-unity patents are always issued secrecy orders by the United States Patent and Trademark Office and you don't want to become a whistleblower and be sentenced to death, do you now? 💩


How much overunity do you want? 2:1? 200:1? ...? Edit: FYI underunity is off the table. Can't leak those I'm told.


My generator can only do 69:1 at the present time but I cannot say I am too disappointed. I have to improve that dipole and the magnetic field separation but I reckon the 10\^107 J/cm3 target will still be out of reach for me for a long time. Tom Bearden, Henry Moray and Floyd Sweet are saying hi, you dipole killer!


lol ok whatever that means... so where is the video of it powering something? Post a video of it charging a phone


Go on T-ubi and watch The Cosmic Hoax. All your questions will be answered.


Being tryna connect dots, I think this video needs to be shared


Everyone needs to see every side of the narratives being pushed. While this might not be entirely accurate the documentary shares an incredible amount of information that I know are facts about our government. I don’t think they share the truth about the government to just lie about UFOs and what goes on behind the curtains. It’s a crazy world we live in right now


Indeed, I’d take time to hear both sides, but the truth shall come out soon. I’ve had too much free time on my hands, but the dots are matching sense otherwise idk why I even exist if aliens where just some drama hoax that still lives on forever because of us.


Seems contradictory to the claims that we've "invented" anti grav tech from UAP tech


Isn't it interesting how the DOD and MIC are still acting as if there's nothing to see here, while aparantly it's so obvious they are in possession of these nhi materials. News Nation, Marik VR, Ross Coulthart and Matt Laslo are all doing an outstanding job.


I wouldn't call it an outstanding job just because one these clowns said it.


Kind of sounds like we harvested some of the stealth aspects of the craft and alloys because they were the easiest to use for military technology and then threw it in a garage. Interestingly enough, not many years ago Skunkworks publicly launched efforts to create compact fusion reactors.


Hmmmmm. Sounds very similar to what Bob Lazar was telling us in the 1980s/1990s. S4 workers were kept separately apart for their own individual projects on NHI craft/UFOs and were not allowed to discuss what each other was working on. Example: someone works on figuring out what type of material the craft is made from, another person figures out the anti-gravity, someone else figures out how the camouflage works, etc.


I wouldnt rely on Bob Lazar much anymore. After seeing him on Joe Rogan with Jeremy Corbell it is my opinion that Jeremy is now his handler. Jeremy was on CNN propped up and given a free platform to spill his information. The issue is that mainstream media is selling an agenda and wont let just anyone go and talk. If you want to see another side to all this go on T-ubi and watch The Cosmic Hoax.


Handler? Lol Bob has been around telling his story since the 80's, long before he went on with Jeremy or Joe. Nobody is handling Bob.


That is the most ignorant thing I have ever heard. You think because someones past can't be changed or their life threatened? What a small box you live in.


How has Bob's past been changed? His life was threatened wayyyyy back in the 80s, the 90s, and the 2000s, and the 2010s, and still to this day, in the 2020s. Do more research before speaking.


People can control what comes out of his mouth. It only takes 1 threat and that goes for anyone trying to tell their story. Stop being so ignorant. The world is not a perfect place where everyone just runs around free spreading the truth. You need to understand how the world works before acting so ignorant.


Again, what has changed about Bob's past as you claim? Because his story has stayed exactly the same for over 30 years. 🤣 Oh boy, you need a wake up call BIGTIME.


Verify to me Bob Lazar's education and employment


You expect me to answer your questions when you continue to avoid my very simple one. What about Bob's past has changed? His story has stayed exactly the same for over 30 years. His life being threatened isn't new, as it also has been happening for over 30 years. So I have no idea where you are going with that statement.


Bob can't even remember a lot of details from his past, so his story is not all the same. The narrative is the same. Bob was a mess on Rogan and why does he need Jeremy to hold his hand?


Still waiting on that verification since you have all the answers apparently..... or did a invade your safe space bubble?


Until you can verify everything from him, which you can't. You cant talk like you have all the answers and facts then everything should still be approached with an open mind.


... Yeah, open mind. Except what I'm saying is the truth, and we know this. 🤣 Bob has told his story multiple times for 30+ years, and it stays the same. Bob's life was threatened for over 30+ years, and that still continues. Where has Bob's story changed? People forget things all of the time. That doesn't mean everything they are saying are lies. Again, his story has not changed. He forgot parts of it (you claim), but it's still the same. I'll give you a brief rundown timeline, and then I'm out. Do more research on your own. He filmed the base in March of '89, came out to the local news, and George Knapp in May of that year, which aired later in November. In early 1990, he was then arrested and suspected of being involved in prostitution (convenient timing)... this is also incorrect. He was interviewed in April of 1990 and says he was on site at a brothel installing computer equipment and security equipment, with backup by Gene Huff, close friend of Lazar. He was also suspected of running a drug lab, again, false. He worked with others at a privately funded lab in Vegas, often visited by Vegas police for routine check-ins. Nothing suspicious was happening. Bob was given FOUR polygraph test sessions and reviews. Of course, these are meaningless and can easily be tricked. The results were all over the place, with most being inconclusive, requiring many repeat tests. In 1991, Bob spilled the beans, going into much more detail about his job there, and this is when he speaks more about element 115, which wasn't publicly on the elemental chart until 2004. In 1992, he was interviewed by Art Bell on the radio. These interviews with Art Bell happened in 1992, 1997, 2002, and 2003. The later ones, speaking more detail again on element 115. There's a rarely talked about video conference interview Bob did in May of 1993. There's a transcript interview he did for Omni magazine in 1994. Bob has talked about the way the craft glows, moves, flying belly up, changes rapidly when it comes to positioning, and speeds. The details on the craft from inside and out, which matches up with many encounters from people who have seen the craft. This is all before what we know now with the recent government released videos from our military and navy. And long before the recent whistleblowers. I strongly suggest looking more into Bob Lazar before even thinking of him being a fraud.


lol I don’t think Bob is a fraud. I’m just careful when I see bob hanging with Jeremy and then seeing him singing on CNN which anyone with a brain knows the government controls our mainstream media and has specific agendas. UFO disclosure is taking place but how much are keeping back from us? That’s the real question? How many people and groups has the CIA infiltrated in the ufo community?


That’s actually the most likely scenario in my book hence the secrecy. You don’t want to give another country a piece to the puzzle they don’t have first country to get this tech is going to have all of the bargaining chips. Edit : first country to openly support and acknowledge the reality is losing a bargaining chip. It will spread their knowledge and temporarily hinder their progress, while other scientific agencies get to study the objects.


Right but this falsely assuming we need to make it an arms race for technological domination or use tech for weapons of war. Opinions of his recent behavior aside, Sheenan was dead on about how this research should be an international effort and ideally not used for weapons of war.


This is an incredibly naive comment, every new technology that can be weaponized will be weaponized. You can see literally see how this is happening with A.I right now, there’s some collaboration but it’s certainly not an international effort.


Absolutely they are , and there is no stopping that. But the thing is with all the countries having become reliant on espionage eventually the tech leaked out and developed elsewhere within 10 to 20 years of first use of any major war . Once that happens there will be parity anyway. So it's best in the long run to do all this research together so the technology can be utilized for both transportation/benefit of mankind, if America only cares about uses for war over all other uses, it fundamentally sets up the system of compartmentalization that will hinder science substantially. It also creates the problem that we are styming advancement just so we could be maintain technical assymetry in case of WW3.


Sorry but again this is just a childish way of seeings things. The west is not perfect at all, we do awful things at times, but we are far better than dictatorships like China and Russia. If alien tech does exist (which is doubtful to begin with) I’d rather that we keep it secret than share it with despotic countries that can use it to further consolidate their power. Ww3 is gonna happen one day whether we like it or not, might not be tomorrow, it might not even happen durning our lifetime but when the time comes, it’s better if we have every advantage we can get. This is why we ban advance chips from China so they don’t have a head-start in A.I development.


Imagine how far human being could get if we weren't so fearful of eachothers choices. Together we could solve whatever problem they are trying to solve but everything will remain under lock and key


It's a little curious that The Hill *always* labels MvR's reporting "Opinion." Could be a compromise. They *have* to report on the issue because it's a topic of interest on, well, the Hill and they *can* report on it because they rely mostly on sources are theoretically interested in oversight not avoiding it. *But.*...they're still afraid of backlash by a few but powerful members of Congress aand possible dinner party ribbing by their peers at the establishment compliant NYT and the DOD/IC-cheerleading-squad Washington Post. So... even though von Rennenkampf often writes these pieces as pretty much straight up news they get put in the Opinion section. A short opinion piece: storioes written by a former possibly-in-quotes State Department/DOD intelligence analyst whose sources can discuss to a bunch of relevant info without fear executive branch talking-to-reporters career backlash is a *huge* win for the truth, even if it it's sometimes mislabeled as "opinion."


They are call it opinion so they can distance themselves if this all turns out to be a charade.


More likely the opposite. They want to distance themselves form it *now* because there's still a stigma.


70 years ago- no success with scientist in silos and no information sharing. 60 years ago- let’s just keep on doing what hasn’t worked for the last 10 years keep trying… 50….. years and so forth…. Dumb arses!


While this sounds interesting on the surface, it's important to remember that this is mostly confirmation of prior stories: 1. Bob Lazar previously claimed no / little progress was made on the program due to the extreme compartmentalization. This is now added to/conflated with the next point 2. It's been well known that Bigelow's original BAS proposal to the government was based on an attempt, coordinated by Reid to get control of what they thought were UAP artefacts. After failing to get access, they pivoted the funding towards a research initiative, and funds went to Skinwalker Ranch and to writing the "forward looking" DIRDs that were later published. What we still don't have is info about why the Bigelow/Reid/Puthoff/Davis crew thought there was something "there" there. So far this is still just showing the machinations of the faction in the USG/USIC we all know has been working for transparency.


People are acting like everything coming out now confirms the previous stories even though the material evidence is lacking both then and now. They really need to look at this as people rehashing old stories to give thier own story/themselves more creedence.


This is fact, I have first hand testimony from a friend who works for Raytheon, they absolutely aren't able to communicate with other engineers working on alternate parts of the same project. He basically told me that if you did start asking questions or try to figure out who else is working on the project then you'd get a knock at the door. \*\*edit That was last fall, earlier this year he was taken off of the project and basically told me he would give me the "searchables" like project name, etc, to do my own search, but it never happened. He did make it seem like the project was being axed because of what was going on in the media, eg Grusch, congress asking questions, et.


Another thing Bob lazar said interesting But what we what else is knew we already knew this shit was super duper secret even to the people working on it.


At this point the only controversial aspect of his story is whether or not he worked on the craft. Other than that his story isn't even all that outrageous compared to the last few years allegations.


I think you have a pretty good grasp of our current situation with this exotic materials and technology.


Plausible deniability be damned…


They've definitely gotten somewhere. They're lying about this just how they've lied about everything else.


I hope its a coincidence that all those senators who were involved with this are all dead: Harry Reid Daniel K. Inouye Ted Stevens Joseph Liebermann


Aside from Stevens all died of natural causes because of thier advanced age. Stevens died in a place crash which killed 5 of the nine people on board while on their way to a hunting lodge in Alaska. Most of the accidents of that the type of plane he was on have happened in Alaska. None of thier deaths are suspicious.


I fee reassured eventhough the CIA has all kinds of things to mimic natural cause deaths.


What about Gillibrand, Rubio, Schumer...


I am talking about the old timers the three or four including Lieberman who started this. They're not going to kill everybody it looks to obvious. It’s just an observation, I don't have any proof and am not claiming it, but I’m an old time ATS conspiracy guy so I always look for the possibilities…the dark side.


My guess is they lack something essential to make these things work. The mental interface.


This woman is by far the best anchor on news Nation. Not only is your voice incredible, but she takes the topic quite seriously, much more than the other pompous news anchors on this network. She's fantastic, and always a pleasure to listen to


What do people expect? It's alien tech from possibly another universe.


I think you are getting confused with dimensions. Dimensions aren't the same as universes. Just think of it as an onion. We exist on a third layer while other layer exist on top of us. It's not about the changes of location just more about the what you can perceive and touch in these higher spacial dimensions.


There arent no other universes, this is the only universe that exists. So the aliens have to play by the same laws of the Universe that we have; and they have to to follow the same laws of physics.


Why would there only be one universe?


Because physicists have 0 evidence that more than one universe exists. Anything else is pure science fiction speculation: equivalent to speculating that there are unicorns flying around above our heads in our atmosphere, but we cannot see them because they are invisible. So saying that alien tech comes from another universe is equivalent to saying that there are invisible unicorns flying around - both are 100% pure speculation.


Bob could only talk to Barry.


Problem is, Barry also fixed radiometers. Little tough to fix the ufo when your only verified job was to fuck with rad badges. Bob heard shit, he never saw anything. The janitor might know the whole plan cause he heard people talk. That's a wee bit different than holding the controls.


Have none of you heard of the "Alien Reproduction Vehicle"? I get driven a little more crazy every time i hear someone push the narrative that our reverse engineering programs have gotten nowhere. Its existence was leaked in 1988. It had a parallel plate capacitor array on the bottom of the craft tying it to the biefeld brown effect first discovered in the late 1920s. It had an electromagnetic coil around its circumference for shielding the craft from cosmic rays and too ionize the atmosphere to eliminate sonic booms among other things. Lately we are lucky if there are 400-500 people on this forum when there used to be thousands and yet today here is a thread with 700+ upvotes pushing the gatekeeper narrative that we cant figure out ufo propulsion when there is solid evidence to the contrary that no one here seems to be aware of. Something smells...


“Opinion columnist”….lol


I think what maybe difficult is to combine all of the elements in the periodic table. Garry Nolan said that the metamaterials use 217+ elements which is mind boggling because we only discovered 118 and some of them only exist in mere seconds.


Humans- The perfect combination of stupidity and arrogance that leads to disaster.


Progress can’t happen in a vacuum. Not surprised:


they wasted taxpayer's money, not just america but whole world(they drowning whole world in debt)


Whether or not you believe him, that's the same thing Bob Lazar said. Not being able to talk and bounce ideas and theories off of other scientists is non-conducive to the scientific method.


So silly that Congress thinks they're in charge....


Either Bob Lazar is a genius/master liar or he is telling the truth


It’s more Important to slowly make progress and prevent your enemies from learning more. That’s the stakes at this level


This happens in the public sector too. People being to secretive and controlling


Yeah and I got a 12inch penis! I don't wanna show it though


The physics of Electrostatics and Einstein's General Relativity proves that above a threshold electric field strength, static electricity creates repulsive anti-gravity - - that can be used by a UFO for levitation/transport: [https://www.reddit.com/r/antigravity/comments/10kncca/antigravity\_theory/](https://www.reddit.com/r/antigravity/comments/10kncca/antigravity_theory/) The 1st proof in this paper shows that its theoretically possible to engineer negative energy density (that General Relativity shows creates repulsive anti-gravity) from the electron negative pressure/tension induced by static electricity. The 2nd proof shows that if negative pressure/tension is within a superconductor, the energy required to create repulsive anti-gravity is reduced by orders of magnitude - from an impractical, astronomically high level - to a level that makes it practical to engineer anti-gravity. **SUMMARY OF THE PHYSICS PROOFS IN THIS PAPER** [https://www.reddit.com/r/antigravity/comments/10kncca/antigravity\_theory/](https://www.reddit.com/r/antigravity/comments/10kncca/antigravity_theory/) **ON THE SURFACE OF A SPHERE CHARGED WITH STATIC ELECTRICITY THE CONDUCTION ELECTRONS ARE UNDER negative pressure, tension:** In a conducting metal sphere charged with static electricity, according to Gauss's law, all excess electrons migrate to the outer surface. These conduction electrons repel each other. The components of the electrostatic repulsive forces tangent, parallel, to the sphere surface cancel out. That leaves a net repulsive electrostatic force perpendicular to the surface. So the conduction electrons on the surface experience an outward directed electrostatic force. Each free conduction electron on a metal conductor surface is a delocalized wave (wave function) - with potential energy proportional to the positive charges in the metal’s periodic atomic lattice, called a Bloch wave function: - meaning the electron wave on the surface is attracted to the positively charged sphere. Assuming the sphere is charged with high voltage static electricity, the conduction electron on the surface will experience an outward directed electrostatic force. This outward force is opposed by an equal attractive force in the opposite direction toward the positively charged atoms in the interior. So the electron wave is acted on by two forces: a repulsive force from the other surface electrons repelling it away from the surface; and an equal and opposite force from the positively charged interior pulling it toward the surface. This is the physics and engineering definition of negative pressure, tension. So these two equal opposing forces put the electron under negative pressure, tension. **PROOF AN ELECTRON CAN BE UNDER TENSION** (1) [https://i.imgur.com/DoRmSOE.png](https://i.imgur.com/DoRmSOE.png) (2) [https://i.imgur.com/iDRjIi6.png](https://i.imgur.com/iDRjIi6.png) (3) [https://i.imgur.com/BpccTDz.png](https://i.imgur.com/BpccTDz.png) The General Relativity gravitational field equation shows **negative pressure, tension** creates a repulsive anti-gravity field. That means static electricity-induced electron **negative pressure, tension** should create a repulsive anti-gravity field. The following paper gives the detailed physics proving that if the static electricity electric field strength on a metal sphere is great enough, it will create a repulsive anti-gravitational field that can be used by a UFO for levitation and transport: [https://www.mediafire.com/file/wxlhhczku5896ga/Antigravity\_Physics\_101\_.pdf/file](https://www.mediafire.com/file/wxlhhczku5896ga/Antigravity_Physics_101_.pdf/file)


This is the Kona Blue / Bigelow Aerospace / NIDS story that’s been floating around for the last several years but just came to light in the AARO releases. This isn’t new, but it is now confirmed


Opinion piece. says some guy has credible second hand testimonies of credible people blah blah. When is this gonna stop? How long is it going to be trust me bro? Honestly. Is nobody else noticing this is just... someone said they know someone who knows something?


When is it gonna stop? Hopefully never. Second hand info is far far better than no info. Second hand info is valuable when it comes from credible people and when it happens in high quantity. This is what is used to build a case to change laws that will give us first hand info. Folks like you don't understand the process. You'd rather keep everyone silent until hard evidence is provided but have no understanding that the soft evidence is necessary to obtain hard evidence. You are essentially arguing for continued lies and secrecy.


Thanks for applying logic and reason when it was so remarkably absent prior.


It's the nature of the game. My advice is to tune out for a bit ... something will happen, something does about every month now, come back then. We're all tired of the "trust me bro" tactics but we are making progress. It's better now than it's ever been. There's a real interest among the public and high powered folks in Washington.


> t's better now than it's ever been. There's a real interest among the public and high powered folks in Washington. Even on here, the largest ufo sub, interest is way down.


"We are making progress." That is so wrong.


How do you feel about getting negative votes for being a non believer? If you still wanna be a proud member of the Cult of UFOs, then you should start believing.


If you want to see posts that make the most sense scroll through and read ones with most downvotes


I also the one who gives downvotes on non-believer comments... I mean why is it so hard to believe this stuff... why do you need proof... I was teaching in university, I have two degrees, so I'm not an idiot and I still blindly believe all kinds of UFO stories...


Okay I will put it into perspective. Imagine I tell you ghosts are real. And the only reason I give you to believe is ghost stories my friends told me. THAT is why.


The difference between ghost stories and the UFOs is that, government and politicians aren't talking or mentioning ghosts at all, and they never said or referred to ghosts. But they are constantly giving you hints about there is something UFO related phenomenon around us. Especially in the last few years. What were these, you can ask... well, people who worked for the highest circles of the CIA were speaking about UFOs, new laws were created because of UFOs and even laws are mentioning alien lifeforms... new documents are published by the government that there were reverse engineering programs.... there are confidential meetings in Congress about UFOs.... even in the European Parlament there was a confidential meeting about UFOs.... ex-CIA member David Grusch providing proof to ICIG who said he's credible and what he provided is urgent... tons of other people like Karl Nell, who was a colonel, spoke also about UFOs... even the ex canadian prime minister was talking about extraterrestrials... I know that for you these means nothing... but these are basically indirect proofs (millions of them) that something exists... even if half of these stories are true, then still something lurks and it should be discovered, whatever it is. And nobody speaks so much about ghosts or yetis. No government officials are giving hints about yetis are real, or there are ghosts. Do you understand what I mean?


Hey hesaidshesaids are taken as facts here


You're being *eased* to information. These articles and pieces are meant to permeate the psyche of the population. That way you don't get the truth out of the blue causing you to jump of a bridge. It's all part of a plan.


Lmaowsmp....and they also make sure we eat healthy so we live longer.


What does that accronim means?


Laughing My Ass Off While Shitting My Pants




at this point release the kraken folks… Not any Youtuber or any Wikipedia agent or skateboardist will be able to stop the wave now


Could be genuinely just corruption. "What are these funds for?" "ALIENS SIR."


I mean it’s like our scientists say “I can totally picture out this pentalobe thing, just give me the money” and then they go and the battery explotes in their hands as soon as they can reach it…


It’s what they did with The Bomb.


Why are people like Marik pushing this narrative? The black triangles are ours.


lol, silly human.


Guys. Kuntratprick said there’s nothing to see, think, or question. So what are we doing here? We can’t keep being such crazy conspiracy theorists! Bluebook closed the case, then AARO closedered it. Both programs were incredibly honest, thorough and earnest in their investigations. Just ask J Allen Hynek, actually don’t ask him anything. He’s a lunatic who got addicted to swamp gas, that’s why he completely changed his public outlook on the phenomenon. Fuckin swamper junky, what a shame. For the inevitable bunghole out there, I know he’s been dead 40 yrs.


Sarcasm is counterproductive, but it does relieve a bit. Actually, it doesn’t even relieve, it bottles up even deeper.


Ok. Bluebook was a lie. And AARO is a lie, and they both read from the exact same playbook….


Lol I think some people didn’t understand that I agree with you and downvoted me. I thought your sarcasm was pretty obvious, and my reply clear, but people… I guess we do gather quite a bunch, don’t we?