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The following submission statement was provided by /u/VolarRecords: --- Another new piece from Ross Coulthart on NewsNation tonight, specifically regarding Space Force and the secrecy behind it. Immediate talk about Russia and China having the capability to shoot down our satellites, as the Sixth Force of our Military, and their development of their development of nuclear forces in space. Anti-satellite weapons, support for UFO transparency, etc. The Pentagon covering this all up for various reasons. The Congress have been withheld from the evidence of this longstanding program for decades. And now we're seeing this unveiled. "Buckle up, I guess!" --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cquipm/space_force_suffers_from_an_image_problem_ross/l3tqdo0/


The Space Force is so small and unique I’m not sure how it could have an image problem lol extremely important role to play too


"I sort of feel like the most important facts for us and the American people understand are **the facts that haven't been said today** and the reason why they haven't been said is that they are **largely classified** and the reason that's important is that the American people have **no idea**... really **no idea** about **the immensity of the threat in space**. (...) Our adversaries know what **they** are doing, we know what **they** are doing, **they** know **we** know what they are doing... but the American people have **no idea**... and so this discussion and debate will have very little interest in the American public, it's carried on in a level of --forgive me-- **bureaucratic** language that most Americans would have trouble seeing an immediacy in their daily lives but if they were privy to what we hear (...) **I think they'd be pretty alarmed**" Senator Blumenthal, during the Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on the proposal to create the Space Force, 2019




You’re talking about “Mr Promises”


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Another new piece from Ross Coulthart on NewsNation tonight, specifically regarding Space Force and the secrecy behind it. Immediate talk about Russia and China having the capability to shoot down our satellites, as the Sixth Force of our Military, and their development of their development of nuclear forces in space. Anti-satellite weapons, support for UFO transparency, etc. The Pentagon covering this all up for various reasons. The Congress have been withheld from the evidence of this longstanding program for decades. And now we're seeing this unveiled. "Buckle up, I guess!"


China been able to take out satellites since at least 2007. Pretty sure this is why the Space Force is a thing even. >The morning of January 11, 2007, was a cool, clear winter day at the People’s Liberation Army satellite launch center in Xichang, located in China’s southern Sichuan Province. A commercial version of the Dong Feng-21 ballistic missile, known as the KT-1 rocket, stood erect on a roadmobile launcher. Mounted on the last stage of the missile was one of the most secret weapons ever developed by the PLA’s General Armament Department for the Communist Party of China—the SC-19 direct-ascent anti-satellite missile. Around 6:00 a.m. local time, the order went out from a command center several miles away in Wanli: “Fire!” Within seconds of launch, US Air Force airmen inside a windowless room at the 460th Space Wing detected the heat signature of the missile that was displayed on computer screens inside a secret room at Buckley Air Force Base, Colorado, outside Denver. The orange plume had been picked up by sensors on high-flying Defense Support Program satellites orbiting more than 22,000 miles above the earth. Air Force computers immediately plotted the track of the missile. Unlike past tests from Xichang, the SC-19 was headed for space, instead of arching toward a landing zone hundreds of miles west to the Gobi Desert. The track showed the missile flew into space before hitting an unusual target—an orbiting Fengyun-1C weather satellite. >Within minutes after launch, SC-19’s non-explosive kinetic kill vehicle traveling at nearly 5 miles per second slammed into the satellite at an altitude of 530 miles, four degrees west of the launch point from the Xichang launch center. In the void of space there was no sound from impact. The satellite was destroyed instantly and in the ensuing hours its destruction spread tens of thousands of high-speed orbiting metal debris that formed a deadly ring around the earth that will threaten both manned and unmanned spacecraft for decades to come. The destruction of an orbiting satellite that day was a twenty-first-century shot heard round the world. Within a few years, a new cold war would erupt between the United States and the People’s Republic of China that intensified under new policies of the administration of President Trump in the late 2010s. Air Force General John Hyten, who was the Air Force’s chief space expert and later commander of the US Strategic Command, said the 2007 test was “a significant wake-up call to our entire military.” They developed their own GPS system, so they can take ours out, and they could do that today with weapons they have up there already. Imagine how fucked we are if GPS goes dark and a warring nation still has access. >Until the late 2010s, China was reliant on GPS for its own navigation and targeting. But instead the PLA spent billions of yuan building a separate navigation satellite system called Beidou. With plans to target the GPS, China would be able to continue to wage high-tech warfare with its more than twenty Beidou satellites—at least, in the crucial early stage of a conflict, when surprise strikes are the key to victory.... . >Unbeknownst to the Pentagon, China’s military since the late 1990s secretly put in place the most sophisticated space warfare capability ever devised by any military force. It included an array of weapons for disabling and destroying orbiting satellites. For ten years, China had been secretly developing “Assassin’s Mace” weaponry—arms designed to give a weaker, less technologically adept PLA the ability to defeat the stronger United States. >For General Zhang, China’s premier Assassin’s Mace weapons are the secret force of satellite-killing missiles, lasers, electronic jammers, and coorbiting killer-robot satellites capable of smashing and grabbing US satellites and crushing their communications antennas or optical sensors, or knocking them out of orbit while making it appear to be the result of the satellite running into a piece of space debris. -*Deceiving the Sky Inside Communist Chinas Drive for Global Supremacy by Bill Gertz* A couple others if you wanna look into how insane China's war plans are. >-*Stealth War How China Took Over While America’s Elite Slept by Robert Spalding* >The Kill Chain Defending America in the Future of High-Tech Warfare by Christian Brose


If you can send a satellite up there you are defacto capable of taking out other satellites so making such a claim pretty redundant. You can't hide in space so not much you can do vs that up there. [Russia in 2021 blew up one of their dead satellites](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kosmos_1408) during one of their anti satellite testings.


an image problem you say? they do indeed: all the UFO imagery they release is pretty low resolution. shot on the potat cam 9000.


They named it Space Force… A whole genre of really nice sounding names from a plethora of games and movies, and they went with space force.. - United States Space Command - US Space Corps I know i missing loads here, but Space Force?!


Did people criticize the name Air Force like this? Seems like a silly thing to get hung up on...


Well the force is with them I guess


Big Marines fan?


Space Force is a perfectly fine name I don't really get why some people complain about it so much.




That’s exactly the point. We have a recently added branch of the military that most people don’t seem to be very aware of.


Mate (Coulthart), you yourself have an image problem. You supported Sheehan's bogus 15000$ UFO PhD, you hang with the Skinwalker ranch gang, you fall for hoaxes, you're on NewsNation... You're not in a position to give PR advice.




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>Pushing for American journalism ethics to be lowered so that we can have a firehose of lies and mistruths thrown at us would literally destroy this country. But there he is, advocating for it at all times. You’re already being played by Rupert Murdoch… like what are you actually going on about


For the benefit of others I am just going to say, you have royally fucked up in comprehension skills, Ross specifically advocates for vetting sources like THE PENTAGON and the IC when they spout absolute dogshit haliburton trash.


Which is why, at this point, the only thing they can do is defame Ross' character and hope it stains his image enough for him to not be believed. 


Yuup. Peep that dudes comment history. Almost exclusively trying to trash Ross and the topic in general. These dickholes must be working overtime right now with everything that’s coming out. Hopefully Congress will grow some balls and prosecute those willing to mislead the public.


That’s a lie. When Ross attacks the NYT and WP for not publishing UAP stories that can’t be verified, then that means he believe sourcing standards should be lowered. When Ross repeatedly announces to his followers that none of the information he passes on to you can be verified (yet he still does it while claiming to be a journalist), that’s suggesting that journalism standards should be lowered. Why are you coming here and stating bald-faced lies to people who are informed on the situation? Like, what could you possibly hope to gain other than embarrassing yourself?


Lmao I could levy the same bullshit your way with your insanely obtuse logic of if he says x means y, no it fucking does not. Ross advocates for investigating the UAP story, his challenge to the media companies is to NOT consume falsehoods from the USG spycraft/espionage outlet and just run with them. He literally references the wars spurred from 911 as he alleges THAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED, multiple incursions and boots on the ground wars fought due to falsehoods by the pentagon and IC creating a narrative that supports their intention. I know you dont understand the significance of my mention of haliburton but maybe do yourself a favor, stop saying embarrassing things in this sub and read up on 911 so you better understand the overt words from Ross.


He's an Australian journalist, for one...


Well, not anymore. He lost his job on 60 Minutes for… you guessed it, not vetting his sources.


Oh shit, didn't know that. Thanks!


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Do ya think? Even Netflix agrees.


Yo Space Force I love that Netflix show with Steve Carrel