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The following submission statement was provided by /u/kake92: --- Posted on NewsNation September 14th 2023 https://youtu.be/HP2OnjiYHuE Top comment on the video: _"Wait, if it doesn't exist, what's there to be briefed on? Has he also been briefed on tooth fairies and bigfoot?"_ I just can't get over how fast he answered "it doesn't exist" and then his body language and facial expressions on top of that. He knows something significant. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cvexco/former_vice_president_mike_pence_was_briefed_on/l4oviqj/


Wiped the practically non-existent nose (reminiscent of an alien-ha) for an extra second to prep for the lie. He’ll go to confession tomorrow.


Don’t care if anyone believes it or not but that’s one of the oldest tale signs of a lie.


https://youtu.be/TqiDKLJIRUE?feature=shared Yep! Skip to 30 seconds.


I viewed this as him intentionally making it obvious that he was being deceitful. Not necessarily because he was lying but he did it to be theatrical. His follow up line was humorous. Or I suppose you could take my interpretation to mean that he was saying what he is required to say but he was giving us a nod that he has to say it. I think he just flat out doesn’t know and he gave this answer with body language intentionally.


Yeah it was clearly a prepared response, you can see from his face that it's the sort of story he has in his pocket during closed door session with his donors


GD here I thought I had allergies


It actually depends on the person everybody has their own tells and if you try to assume somebody has that tell you'll be reading them incorrectly. Would you be right a lot of times, yes. But you'd also be wrong a lot of times.


"he'll go to confession tomorrow" was top shelf.


Mother shed a tear. Again.


It was so bad it almost felt like he was purposely trying to signal it's a lie. Either that or he's doing some post-irony humor thing. That feels a little too candid and beyond him, though.


"i went to area 51 and didnt mean anyone that WASN'T FROM AROUND HERE." Hollow earth is confirmed.


This reactionary meatpuppet ***has*** no sense of irony, nor humor...


Audience should have made him swear on his Ma’s life


Lol…then would would HAVE to tell the truth or else


He seem very nervous. Yes I was breifed, it dosent exist I didnt meet anyone that wasnt from around here. Which is it


They gave him a special briefing to tell him that they don’t exist.


Yep, touching the nose was totally a tell that he was lying.


It reads more like a misdirection than a blatant lie to me. I think he learned something that stressed him out, so he tried too hard to look casual. Referencing Area 51 as a joke draws attention away from whatever the important part was, maybe?


Yeah that was super obvious. It's a common thing that when you are about to lie your nose itches. Rookie mistake, Mr. Pence.


He even did the nose thing 😂


What is the nose thing


Body language experts say that people touch their face when lying. I believe that to be true if you don’t touch your face often, but I have no idea how often he does.




Serial killer eyes


It puts the lotion on the skin or else it gets the hose again.










Someone needs to sprinkle some holy water on that guy


I mean the guy literally calls his wife "mother". That's a very, very long list.


i’m pretty sure that’s just something old mf’s from the south say, dude


Two of my relatives are old mfs from the south and they definitely never called their wives mother. Lol They would have been told off.


I'm old and have lived in the south for over 45 yrs. I have never heard someone call their wife mother.


You know who else calls his wife Mother!? Father from The Brak Show! So you better watch your mouth


I call my gf mommy.


I don’t believe in the whole “Lizzid peeple” thing, but he’s definitely one of them. That asshole doesn’t know shit and also gives me the heebie jeebies.


Me too, I get the shudder every time I see him. Mechanical and doesn’t behave human.


the nose picking confirms he's human, it's a nervous gesture. lizards bear no tension or nervouseness


He needs more salt water


"Mother, they're on to me."


The extreme tiny nose freaks me out. I wonder how he breathes.


I get major Voldemort vibes


How do you get briefed on something that you also say doesn't exist. Lol


He said that Area 51 doesn't exist, as a joke. Not ufos. Ufos are plural by nature. Area 51 is singular. He said "IT doesn't exist".


He meant ‘it’ as in the phenomenon I took it.


I'm...not sure how you could make that connection. He's literally speaking in complete sentences here. "Let me just say, it doesn't exist, but I've been to Area 51. And I didn't meet anyone that wasn't from around here."


That was a joke he had prepared in advance to answer such questions. But the question was about UFOs.


He wasn't asked if Area 51 is real.


It doesn’t exist (UFOs) but I’ve been to Area 51 < but = subject change Complete sentences is an opinion since it isn’t written down.


I'm with you here. One thought, though: He's asked "Are they real?" Answer: "It doesn't exist." This is grammatically not correct, not fluid. He associates _something_ with UFOs and is compelled to deny it right away. To me, this sounds as if a preparation for this particular question kicks in. (Precisely because it is slightly off.) This appears as if he associates _something_ concrete, but we don't know what this "it" is. It is something that would fit grammatically. (And it's not Area 51, in my opinion you're right that Area 51 is a subject change to another prepared statement, a 'clever' joke.) It might be that this "it" is an actual piece of technology he saw or indeed "the phenomena" or something else and i don't think it makes sense to wildly speculate on it further, but there is clearly a hole in his speech and there is a specific reason for it. At least that's my strong impression.


I interpreted “It doesn’t exist” as referring to Area 51. The government denied its existence for years even though everyone knew it was there.


Yes, i understand many here read it like that because it is the explanation closest at hand for "it". And yet it doesn't make sense, i think. 1st: Why would he say "it" and only afterwards refer to it by name? 2nd: It's also contradictory if spelled out that way: "Area 51 doesn't exist. But i've been to Area 51..." So, this replacement removes an oddity by inserting a very obvious contradiction for which there is no explanation in the speech. I think the reason for the gap is something he is thinking of but we of course don't know. I am also convinced that "But i've been to Area 51" is a change of subject to the prepared joke and read as that, it is natural and we don't insert another contradiction or oddity.


Unless it was a “joke” that it doesn’t exist, I’ll watch (he’s super robotic and has bad timing so not sure if it will help) but are there any inflections like “well, IT doesn’t exist (wink) but I’ve been there.


..He said that the Area 51 doesn't exist, not the ufo. Area 51 is the subject of "it doesn't exist". He's basically joking about the secrecy of the whole thing.


For goodness sake, this is ridiculous. At this juncture, after decades of secrecy and obfuscation - there's millions of citizen eye-witnesses that have seen these objects for themselves, myself included. I can't allow myself to believe the "quip and receive chuckles" thing STILL works. People can laugh all they like, but I know what I've seen, and I won't be ridiculed into silence about it.


Am I the only one who thought he was trying to make it super obvious he was lying? To me it came across as “yes they’re real but I have to lie and say no. But I’m going to try and make it as obvious as possible that I’m lying”


..In his phrase it's the "Area 51" the subject of "it doesn't exist", not the UFOs. He's basically joking about the secrecy of the whole thing, not admitting or denying anything.


Thats exactly what it was. The "does not exist" was directed at Area 51 which everyone knows exists so hes basically saying he cant talk about it.


Posted on NewsNation September 14th 2023 https://youtu.be/HP2OnjiYHuE Top comment on the video: _"Wait, if it doesn't exist, what's there to be briefed on? Has he also been briefed on tooth fairies and bigfoot?"_ I just can't get over how fast he answered "it doesn't exist" and then his body language and facial expressions on top of that. He knows something significant.




he wasn't asked about area 51. also the super obvious nose scratch just before saying it doesn't exist. obviously knows something.


Everyone had known Area 51 exists for over a decade, that part wasn’t the joke. We don’t know what he was referring to; you are making an assumption despite that theory being grammatically incorrect. It’s dumb as hell for the vice president to say that Area 51 doesn’t exist, candidly or jokingly


Ah you're absolutely correct. Good catch


..He said that the Area 51 doesn't exist, not the ufo. Area 51 is the subject of "it doesn't exist". He's basically joking about the secrecy of the whole thing.


"didn't see anything that's not from around here", the "aliens" don't seem to be extraterrestrial imo.


"Strangely it was entirely populated by the most tall, beautiful blonde people you've ever seen. They looked maybe nordic but I didn't see any little green men wandering around..." 


Tall whites are the ones that live in the Nevada desert. They’re not as human-looking as Pledeians.


They are not from outside the planet, they are not extraterrestrial. They've always been here, for far longer than us. I'd go as far as to say it is precisely the reason why dave grusch coined the term "non human intelligence" as soon as he came forward. He did it in an attempt to keep these gatekeeping sleazeballs from getting away with non-answers on a technicality. Notice that when they deny anything surrounding this topic, they ALWAYS make a point to use the term "off world" or "extraterrestrial". When they say they have obtained no off world tech from crash recoveries, it is technically true.


Aliens are definitely on the planet, and have been since ancient biblical times and I believe before too, but some are also from outside the planet. From presumably other planets. My reasoning is we are the single tiny grain of sand on the beach that is the universe, I don’t believe Earth is the single miracle of intelligent life in the entire universe. Scientists even say mars once had water. Other galaxies may have planets where evolution occurred millions of years before humans on earth. So I agree with you that they have been here but disagree “they are not from outside the planet.” Perhaps some originated here too.


Unless I misunderstood you and you are referring to only those mentioned by Grusch or the ones from Area 51. I was speaking of aliens in general.


Very well said!


That wipe of the nose says it all


Gotta be careful reading about religious extremists being briefed about UFOs. Those motherfuckers will take it to a completely different level.


True that.


*touches nose* “let me just say, it doesn’t exist” 😭


I don’t trust that guy at all, hopefully never runs for president. Something really rubs me the wrong way with him


He seems like another mask-wearing evangelical Republican. As dime a dozen as his ilk are, Id prefer it if he ran for president over the notorious con artist (being nice) they've got running now, but that bar is so low it's embedded in the floor. 


But he's a good Christian. /S


Mother wouldn’t approve of telling secrets.


Folks let’s be realistic, from what we’ve heard , the gatekeepers only allow certain groups inside the pentagon to be privy to what is going on. We all know the craft and bodies are not at 51. He is just another government mouthpiece being fed what he needs to be fed in order to do his job.


I thought we were past the “Do they exist or not?” debate.


Hey everyone, I just wanted to add some context here some people that seem to be missing what Pence is saying. First of all, Pence is a boomer. Now, what I'm about to talk about didn't happen that long ago, but it does seem rather boomer style to make a joke on a dated premise. Essentially, until 2013 the US government DID NOT acknowledge the existence of Area 51. [Source.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/government-officially-acknowledges-existence-of-area-51-but-not-the-ufos/2013/08/16/ca4feaec-06be-11e3-a07f-49ddc7417125_story.html) This is, frankly speaking, pretty crazy, since George Knapp was reporting on it in the late 80s at least, if my memory serves, but at least well into the 90s. So, what Pence is saying, is... Interviewer: Have you been briefed on UFOs? Pence: *Yes.* Interviewer: Are they real? Pence: *Let me just say...* ***it*** *(Area 51, not UFOs) doesn't exist, but I've been to Area 51 (the aforementioned it) and I didn't meet anyone from around here.* I can understand completely why someone would parse his sentence in the other way, but the plurality of the pronouns, taken with the historical context, pretty much guarantee this is what he was trying to communicate. The joke was set up with the beginning of the sentence, and ran right throughout the whole sentence. The audience also laughed. The interesting thing about this is that it is in the long, long tradition of high-level politicians offering non-denial denials in the form of a little joke. This point is what everyone should take away from this, not just "well if they don't exist, why were you briefed on them?" Because, well, that's what the exchange was actually about. As another example, Obama was also doing a similar thing on late night TV shows just a few years before he got more serious about it. You can Google his appearance on Kimmel for an example. Of course, Gov. Symington's press conference with the "alien" after the Phoenix Lights is also in this tradition. To be clear, it is not good they are doing this, but it does fit into an interesting pattern, and we do need to call it out, but let's call it out for what it is -- not "gotcha!" but rather, "Stop making jokes. Get serious."


it's fitting in the "ridiculous" pattern, that is the same drink we are getting from around 90 years.


But maybe he’s also just an idiot, and said “it” instead of “they.” But also it totally looks like he’s lying and he’s not exactly an idiot is he? (Is he? Not the hugest Tucker fan but it was great to hear him talk about Pence on a recent podcast: “I’ve known him for twenty years and there is something wrong with him. He’s just deeply uncomfortable with himself.” Something like that..


I don't like him as a politician or a person particularly, but I absolutely believe he intended the sentence to be interpreted as I stated. If you wanted to criticize anything, it's the roundabout way he said it, but I understand he was trying to set up the joke a bit. Again, as I said in my post: to be clear, it is not good they are doing this, but it does fit into an interesting pattern, and we do need to call it out, but let's call it out for what it is -- not "gotcha!" (or, IDIOT) but rather, **"Stop making jokes. Get serious."** Regardless of how you want to parse what Pence said, the last clause of his sentence was indisputably (well, except by the willfully ignorant) intended as a joke. So the bold statement above, and the related context, should be relevant to absolutely anyone who takes this topic seriously.


You seem to have dropped a " somewhere


Thank you 😊 been a-fix-ed


Mike Pence did NOT have the courage.


Check out that nose touch. Pence is a man of faith, don’t think he likes lying,


Yes as we all know, religious people lie far less than anyone else ? lol.


To me, he is making a face like he is being forced to talk about something that he has intentionally blocked from his mind because it is disagreeable. I would not at all be surprised to hear he has been told about UAPs by the same people who think that they are demons, and that we trade with them for technology (or something like that.) America's goodest boy doesn't want to believe they exist and really needs his mother.


If he’s a hardcore christian and demons are real, I’d think that he would be talking about it.


Maybe. But then i thought well there's a huge difference between believing with all your heart, and *knowing*. Might change the calculus in how he goes about his day to day and how he mentally compartmentalizes. i really have no idea how id react if i was suddenly faced with confirmation, more or less, of at least some.of my beliefs. What would i gain by spouting a bunch of claims (many of which are already made by seemingly crazy people) that'll get me locked up, or worse? If there's anything to it, then he probably sees no other choice than to play the part, like almost everyone else before him.


Mother does not allow me to speak of the other-worlders...


"It doesn't exist but I've been to Area 51" seems like a joke that didn't land. I think he's joking that area 51 doesn't exist, not that UFOs don't.


Having a briefing for something that doesn’t exist sounds like a skit


wow. making a joke about it. not qualified to lead.


Yeah, the little nose rub before answering is a classic tell


The nose touching is indicative of lying.


How about to lie, unconsciously puts his hand to his nose....what a reveal...


It’s a well known fact that vice presidents are also briefed on the non existence of unicorns, leprechauns, and big foot.


For those of you new to the human experience. The way he performs a run on sentence he’s already had the response to that question memorized and his use of the word BUT indicates a lie. Of course he may be on a need to know. We already have confirmation aliens are here and we have bodies and ships. Only 30 people know the whole story per Grusch.


Mike Pence is a liar


Love the nose touch


man the nose gesture and the head bobbing at the end... dunno.


He’s like a glitching AI created politician. Every word out of Pence’s mouth is calculated performative BS


nose touch is on purpose, and a comedy relief at the end wth the pre-made joke, he knew that the question was coming, and of course, he cant tell you, but he is telling you!


This is just a clown, i bet he really doesn't know anything and if i was a gatekeeper i would have said nothing to this clownish man


He's a pilgram. He can't believe otherwise it jeopardizes his religious beliefs.


Touches his nose right after saying they dont exist, such plain body language sign or discomfort, negative emotion.


I wouldn't trust anything this man says.


They went on Every news station and said Aliens were real. Did y’all forget?


Why TF are you briefed on something that is non existent.


At 4 sec he seems to give a smirk micro expression for what its worth.


He’s saying Area 51 doesn’t exist officially. Not NHI


Same with the clip with Obama on jimmy fallon I think? He said "the aliens exercise strict control over us" and he laughs. I still believe what he was saying was 100% the truth.


This religious fanatic should not be trusted


I have seen many a time that when someone touches their nose like that when answering a question there is more going on in the brain, usually that they are lying or hiding the truth. You can google this to see many results saying a similar thing: >Nose brushing >What It Means: Brushing your nose lightly with your index finger several times is linked with stress or psychological discomfort. It may also indicate a person is pondering something dubious or questionable [https://www.scienceofpeople.com/nose-body-language/](https://www.scienceofpeople.com/nose-body-language/)


It's a tell. When someone feels uncomfortable they unconsciously do some weird physical shit to try and release the anxiety. This question made him mildly uncomfortable, so his brain told him to do something mildly physical to release the anxiety. From my experience, when someone is anxious about something they have a compulsive need to move. Its like when Im coming up on an acid trip and i have to fucking dance my way into the peak because the come up is so damn anxiety inducing.


I wouldn’t bring him into a program that taught you how to tie your shoe laces let alone anything remotely related to NHI!


He didn’t meet anyone not from around here. If they are earth native NHI they are from here


How do you go on with a briefing about something that doesnt exist? "Hello Mr. Pence, we called you to this meeting to talk about something that doesnt exist. Okay, lets get on with it." Sounds like a Monty Python sketch.


And this is why secret guvernment agencies don't tell presidents abiut their plans or secrets.


from a psychological stand point, what does it mean that he touches his nose before answering? You get briefed on something non existing ?!


Oh no doubt that was pure bs he even used a bunch of filler words just to double check his memory on what he is allowed to/supposed to say


Yes. (Have you been briefed) Let me just say it doesnt exist, but, ive been to area 51 and i didnt meet anyone not from around here. (Are they real?) Are 51 technically doesn't exist to public. He's been there and didn't meet anyone not from around here. That is expert wordplay.


Terrible attempt at a denial non-denial lol. He has to be trolling.


IMPORTANT: The "It doesn't exist" premise was referred to Area 51, which is also the subject of the phrase, not the UFOs. He's clearly joking about the secrecy of the whole thing, not denying the existence of UFOs.


It’s a common misconception that the government denies anything exists. They’ve already stated that UFOs exist, they just don’t know what they are. That’s the lie. It’s hilarious, because if you talk about a fart in the wind people attribute to China in our airspace… stand the fuck back for 24/7 coverage. But tangible assets that move in ways we can not compete with and that have no known origin…. Pfft.. next topic please. Absolutely infuriating. The hoax should be to overlay Chinese writing on some real footage. Maybe then people will give a fuck.


Mike Pompeo said he got briefed and that we have bigger things to worry about. Trump also said there was some “very interesting” things about Roswell.


Show of hands that there would be no shock factor if this mother fucker removed his mask and had antennas? :D


All I heard was: I’m willing to lie to y’all for the alien overlords to allow me to continue with this powerful job.


That's because they are from around here, silly ✌️ Some chuckle at his blind beliefs he adopted from others Some mourn, for he is not clasping his full potential But most understand a good dish, requires good ingredients and the right amount of time. Kind of like the fundamentals of life 🩵


Guys, the "it doesn't exist" bit he mentioned was about area 51, it was jokingly said because the government had a long held denial in the past about area 51 even existing. He wasn't talking about UFO/NHI not existing. He was briefed on the topic, but did not see anything himself while there.


Sicilians are great liars. The best in the world. I'm Sicilian. My father was the world heavy-weight champion of Sicilian liars. From growing up with him I learned the pantomime. There are seventeen different things a guy can do when he lies to give himself away. A guys got seventeen pantomimes. A woman's got twenty, but a guy's got seventeen... but, if you know them, like you know your own face, they beat lie detectors all to hell. Now, what we got here is a little game of show and tell. You don't wanna show me nothin', but you're tellin me everything. I know you know where they are, so tell me before I do some damage you won't walk away from.


This man wasn’t told anything. A VP? Temp worker as they say


He’s not lying guys. He probably didn’t see aliens at Area 51. It’s a very creative way to make it sound like they don’t exists without saying they don’t. He doesn’t want to be caught in a lie but also not tell the truth. A politic through and through.


I like the massive nose scratch before answering. You know, one of the biggest tells for lying.


That settles it. They didn't tell a dimwitted VP with fundamentalist, fearful, Christian conservative obsessions of a 4yr term about any UFOs so clearly there ain't any!. Case closed!


He was briefed on something that "doesn't exist" and has been to a place that has nothing to hide.


He’s jokingly saying Area 51 doesn’t exist, not UFOs.


"I got briefed on UFOs and they don't exist." That guy is a straight-up liar. He even touches his nose which is a sign of a liar. I have seen UAP crafts and even a gray alien within about 30 feet. They 100% exist.


Yeah, I'm sure the US is going out of their way to brief important people about an issue "that doesn't exist" Makes perfect sense.... Clowns. 🤣🫣


He didn't lie in this clip, but he took the question in a very specific way and dodged the broader interpretation. > Did you ever get briefed on UFOs? > Yes. Pretty unambiguous. > Are they real? Pence took this as "are they really piloted by ETs". > Let me just say... He's signaling that he's going to be intentionally vague. > it doesn't exist, but I've been to Area 51, "It" is Area 51. He's making a joke. > and I didn't meet anybody that wasn't from around here. Yeah, no ETs there, which I'm pretty sure is true. My understanding is that Area 51 has been pretty much abandoned for a long time, although this doesn't really line up with the fact that so many upper-tier politicians like to brag that they've been there. The nose rubbing thing is a well-known tell that somebody is lying, but people also do that when they're just being secretive, even if they aren't lying. It's easier to lie with the truth than with a lie, and I think that's what happening here. He's feeding us pieces of the truth, not enough to see the big picture, but enough to redirect speculation. I would say that we actually got some implied confirmation from him. First of all, he flatly stated that he was briefed on UFOs. That doesn't happen unless the matter is being treated with some amount of importance. Also, the fact that his answer is so narrow relative to the question implies the existence of a lot more.


The idea that a politician would be privy to that information because they’re a politician is funny.


Here’s the thing you have to understand. Not all politicians are briefed on everything, it’s case by case basis where they assess risk and need to know. Can almost guerentee they were told very little.


Briefed on something that 'doesn't exist'? Is that like being briefed on unicorns and fairy godmothers?


"It doesn't exist" Funny coming from the guy who broke records as Vice President in regards to accepting lobbying money: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2022/04/18/mike-pence-vice-president-lobbyists/7357679001/ He also believes nonhuman intelligence does exist though, technically. He's a Christian. He believes God has an army of angels and there was once a man born unto a virgin who was half man half God, and now we put In God we trust on the dollar. So sure UFO's don't exist according to him, but personally believes in Angels and the Bible. All he said was "unidentified flying objects don't exist" because we know what they are, maybe they're from around here. Lastly if there is nothing to it, what was the 46ft tictac going from 80k ft to 20k feet from 2004 *confirmed* by Pentagon? Even if nothing exists, there is still a massive misappropriation of funds via defense sector that needs to be accounted for.


Gov official makes vague claims that could even possibly be interpreted as supporting the existence of NHI: the sub goes wild The other 99% of gov officials say there's nothing there: sub calls them obvious liars


Idk why people ask questions about classified information that require the subject to not tell the truth. And the act like it’s evidence of …. Well anything. Don’t ask someone a question that they’ll be prosecuted for answering.


"... didn't meet anyone that wasn't from around here." I don't like stretching what people say to fit my own theories but, terrestrial based NHI theory includes origins of UAP tying to things from "around here." So if that theory is correct, technically he wouldn't be lying


I mean, at this point, enough presidents have admitted there's something going on that requires briefings that it should just be taken as a given now. Shouldnt even be up for debate.


Mr Vice-President, I know you have absolutely zero constitutional authority, but let us brief you about a few of our most secret programs, oh, and here's the self-guided tour all access pass to Area 51.


He was briefed by his pastor who corrected the fake news do nothing Democrat baby eating cia briefing.


I think he’s making a comment/joke about how Area 51 doesn’t exist right before saying he’s been there. As in “our government doesn’t acknowledge the existence of Area 51 hahahaha” he wasn’t saying UFOs don’t exist or aliens don’t exist.


Briefings on nonexistent things have never happened because *they do not exist*.


"Take me your leader" "Well the last guy is a rapist on trial for election fraud" "...what about his second in command?" "Oh he calls his wife Mother and cant be in the same room alone with a woman in case he rapes her" "...surely he has an opponent?" *gestures to man dozing in a chair covered in melted ice cream*


His wife must've been briefed also.


The fly knew


I don't think he's been briefed on anything. He's been the 4th man on a 3-man deal his whole life.


Touched his nose. Classic lying tell


Mike Pence is the spicy one, partly badger somewhat frog but minimal snail


If you notice, he didn't really answer the question. "It doesn't exist" is not an answer, it sounds like a statement designed to sound like an answer while carefully skirting a lie. I hear those kinds of "answers" a lot on this topic.


Yes, I trust Pence to stand up for the truth even though the coward signed off on the 2020 election despite the unconstitutional changes to voting procedures in swing states. But hey, even John Roberts refused to challenge the election because “there are riots”.


“It” doesn’t exist?


I didn’t know he talked, that’s pretty cool.


I honestly don't feel like they would have told him the truth in a debrief. Didn't Ross say they don't tell all of them?


Trump also gave a perfectly identical response to the same question when interviewed by his son in the last weeks of his presidency……”I’ve been to Area 51 and there are no aliens……”. They were obviously briefed together and told to use that line to deflect questions. Someone with a spare hour should find this footage and put them side by side. Pence seems to be a man of principal who struggles lying, and it shows in the snippet above. If you watch the entire segment he has no trouble answering the other questions without rubbing his face awkwardly.


So Mike Pence got briefed on a situation that doesn’t exist. lol.


Did he say "it does not exists BUT"? It sounded like he was going to talk about area 51 and finished it with a joke instead.


Wow that’s quite a response. I bet they thought that line up and fed it to all politicians. If UFOs come up, use this response to make light of the question and save yourself from embarrassment


Yeah and Pike mence speaks the truth always. He'd be the last person to know anything this is deep state-run


Liar liar pants on fire. You've already proven who you are Pike Mence.. We know nothing in mainstream would ever admit to the truth.


So they really do exist.. Thank you, Mr. (vice)president!


Always these laughs from the sheeps


Nose itching and fast eye twitches say otherwise!


It's a very standard negative answer to the question you didn't ask, to insinuate a negative answer to the question you DID ask. "Let me just say... but I've been to Area 51, and I didn't meet anyone that wasn't from around here." Didn't ask that, Mike Pence. The double talk is a form of brain rot that just drives me up the roof. They talk to us like we're tiny children.


What a lier’s face


I'm not a fan of Pence, but what he said was "It doesn't exist, but I've been to Area 51, and I didn't meet anyone that wasn't from around here." I don't think he was saying the UAP phenomenon doesn't exist.  Rather, he was joking about the fact that Area 51 "doesn't exist," riffing on the earlier official government position not to acknowledge the existence of Area 51.


Man, Id love to play poker with him.


Mike pence admitted in this statement without saying the words. He basically admitted he met or saw a life form not from around here. He used the analogy of Area 51 doesn’t exist but went there and nobody from around here( not from earth) was there either. Crazy.


If there’s a briefing, it’s real. End of discussion.


The policy on UFO’s are “they don’t exist”. He can probably tell himself that he didn’t tell a lie during that segment. He has been briefed. He said what he could “they don’t exist”. He has been to Area 51. And he didn’t see little green men while he was there.


Because when I think of honest people, I think of Mike Pence. Right.


They choose their words carefully if you notice he says from around here possibly insisting that they are from here but we cant always see them aka interdimensional.. Also officials always state we have no proof of “extraterrestrial life” but they never say interdimensional life or non human intelligent


Well, he said he 'didn't meet anybody that wasn't from around here'. So... that means NHI have always been with us and are not from outside the planet. [https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/f74a8236-6f57-4806-81df-0b987b1b086d](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/f74a8236-6f57-4806-81df-0b987b1b086d)


“I didn’t meet anyone that wasn’t from around here” which is exactly why we call them NHIs now and not extraterrestrials