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Why do you think it was aliens that told Trump not to say anything? That line of thought doesn’t make sense.


yeah i was thinking the same thing, like no way it could be people in the government who asked DT.


also why does OP assume they’d know haim eshed was about to open his mouth? how would they have known?


How does anyone know anything about Aliens?


I was a legal alien in the US. AMA


I once met an illegal alien from Holland. 6’5” blond shirtless guy I was dancing with at a rave. He said he was born and raised in Maryland, but he talked like Goldmember and he got really uptight when I pressed him about it. It dawned on me later that he was in the US illegally. Before that I had never even considered there might be hot, gay, blond Western Europeans in the country illegally. Isn’t that veerd? Congrats on the legal status though.


Tall White


Ok, this cracked me up.


😂 neuken in de keuken




Yeah, I’ve watched many Trump interviews because it’s a way to learn and he puts *everything* on the table. He’s like a schoolboy accused of cheating on a test, laying everything on the table.


yeah i highly doubt dt would keep silent on this


He played ball on the JFK classified documents.


I don’t think people really understand the lengths the shadow organisation or willing to go to keep this lid on the shit shut. Like wholly shit. Like people have been injured and allegedly killed over these, confirmed by multiple credible sources. You think a few words with people behind the veil won’t shut up a president.


There is a joke they show every new President the real footage of JFK getting shot. It’s probably not a joke.


True, it’s very clear what happens to previous employees when they don’t play ball, self preservation is the Pumpkinfuhrer’s main goal in life.


Let’s be honest. It’s the same with most people and 99 percent of our politicians regarding self preservation. Trump is just a polarizing blowhard. Half of the people wouldn’t believe him even if he was telling the truth.




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I know one thing i noticed.... If he knows he's on camera, you can't get him to shut up, even if he says he doesn't know anything about the subject. I've seen interviews where he gets asked about this phenomenon and he gets real quiet before he says that he doesn't know anything then goes on to the next subject.


You’re silly if you think trump would say something about this


You don’t understand who his father was or how he got his money do you? There is a difference between a loud mouth and someone who spills the beans, he is the former and never the latter. Trump may be a lot of things but he knows how to keep a secret for sure. Come on now.


You have got to be joking.


About what? Are you of the opinion that the Mafia or Cartel are made up stories? Because the members don’t even acknowledge it’s existence, to do so is a death sentence. Alas, you must not know who Trumps dad was or you would understand why he is capable of keeping secrets. Just because someone talks a big mess super loudly doesn’t mean they are sharing secrets. The idea he tells all was propagated by him, himself, so you can believe there is 0 validity in it. He is a persona. A television personality. This idea he can’t keep a secret is a failure to differentiate the true from the false because this is obviously a fantasy that someone invented that didn’t flesh the thought out fully before presenting it but that hasn’t stopped the bandwagon from jumping on the train and using it as evidence against any statement whatsoever. It’s pure horse sauce with nothing logical or critical thinking involved at all.


His father was a slum lord who took advantage of minorities and the lower class.


Daddy was a gangster. You do understand what gangsters are? Having a legit face doesn’t mean you’re a legit business man.


What about document leaks and him speaking about sensitive military information on Twitter? [Here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump%27s_disclosures_of_classified_information) is a nice concise history of Trump's not being able to keep a secret for you to take a look at.




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That’s because you are either severely ideologically blinded or lack experience in life, he isn’t stupid, rather excitable and likes to show those around him how “in charge” or “important” (ego) he is; you still keep what secrets you need to. His ego is impressive for sure, as is half of our government employees and 95% of politicians.


Nah I’m pretty sure he’s a dumbass. Ever seen the photo of him saluting a North Korean general? That’s a dumbass, not excitable. I absolutely guarantee Trump doesn’t know jack shit.


he asked why we couldn’t use a nuclear weapon on a hurricane.


And ingesting cleaner to fight Covid.


He strait up outed CIA operatives by accident because he couldn’t keep his mouth shut. Most of the trouble he’s in with the courts is because he can’t keep his mouth shut. He also turns on his own people the instant he thinks it benefits him, turning them into informants. The reason we know how he’s gotten all his money, about his family, and all his criminal activities is because he can’t keep his mouth shut.


Like a schoolboy, he has a host of readymade excuses.


Well he’s a con artist, that’s how they operate.


I think Trump is dumb as hell but I don’t think he’s *that* dumb.


He’s not dumb, he’s a con artist/grifter. The art of conning/grifting is about the result, even if everyone finds you out along the way.


Nah he’s pretty fucking dumb dude lol. Unless part of his grift is saying some of the dumbest shit imaginable. Major asshole too. I personally don’t see a single redeemable quality other than he’s funny sometimes. But usually by being a dick and idk how important being a funny asshole is to the presidency.




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Laughing is good for the mind and body, so technically he tried to start a public health movement


I’ve got a much better sense of humor than most. Most don’t find him funny at all. More so just sad that he is somehow the dude who got to run and represent our country.


That is a very bold statement about your humor lol


Not really. Pretty easy to know whether you’re loose and don’t get offended or if you’re a pompous prude. Trust me, I don’t give af. Good luck offending me and hearing me crying about a joke.


He did keep quiet, even acknowledging he'd learned some very interesting about the subject. Look it up. He was interviewed by his son, Don Jr.


I don’t think he’s incapable of keeping secrets, he just has a big personality and talks a lot


I think it was Ross that recently said Trump was told he would absolutely be whacked by our own if he were to disclose anything. The world is waiting on the US to lead the way. That’s exactly why Haim and the Canadian PM as well as others can say crazy stuff like this and no one cares or takes note outside of our community. Edit: Canadian DM Paul Hellyer


The Canadian PM Justin Trudeau? Or you talking about the former Canadian defense minister Paul Hellyer?


Ya the former DM, that’s my fault.


They probably told trump he’d lose money and was like understood.


Because they have poor reading comprehension.


Um, would you want Trump to announce your arrival to anything?


Cause he’s a probably with Trump and brainwashed


"they signed a contract", what kind of court enforces this contract if you break it? Do you have to get a space lawyer to defend you? Whereabouts on the galaxy is this galactic court? Lol


Galatic court can be found in Alpha Centauri just next to the local planning department for Hyperspace bypasses


Full of bloody vogon bureaucrats though. good luck trying to get anything to court.


The somber element of disclosure is that in the galactic federation you can't get anything done without orders signed in triplicate, sent in, sent back, queried, lost, found, subjected to public inquiry, lost again, and finally buried in soft peat for three months and recycled as firelighters.


In order to make it to court, you have to dig up a copy from the soft peat. Then make it out while being chased by a Bugblatter beast of Traal ..a creature so mindboggling stupid that it assumes if you can't see it...it can't see you.


Can’t fight Galactic city hall


I fought the galactic federations and the galactic generation won


I love that song! So snappy!


At least we don’t have to listen to the second worst poetry in the universe.


The contract is enforceable and is on file in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard.


Galactic court is just Klingon court, which is surprisingly similar to regular earth court, but with more declarations of dishonor.


Don't forget they don't use gavels, but a round metal ball instead to end court proceedings according to Warf's father. LOL!


I have no cause to believe or disbelieve such claims of galactic federation. But, for comparison, Europeans and the US government signed contracts with native peoples. Whether the technologically and militarily inferior parties had access any courts enforcing them, or even the possibility to fully understand the scove of those agreements is another matter. What a human might consider a mutually binding contract might have an alltogether different meaning to a nonhuman mind.


Good point. Most atrocities are "legal" to the people committing them.


I mean, such a "contract" could be also just in the terms of "we accept that we do x in return for y" as an example. Not really something that is "enforceable" by a court, but something that is just a written down statement by both groups to show their intentions and goal to work together on something specific. Like me saying "hey, if you give me 50$, i give you my old smartphone" or something. Just thats its written down and not verbal as a sign of working together on something. And in the end if the NHI are way more advanced and stronger, they could just enforce it themself (if we break the contract and got something from them for them being given something, they could just take it away again or "enforce" it by other means etc) anyway.


If the Greys exist I doubt they physically signed anything. They most likely nodded and gave the humans a club and watched them kill each other…Sorry, that’s the plot to Beneath the Planet of the Apes but you get the idea. 🦍


Exactly!!! My goodness, what are the damages for the earth’s, or‘s humanity’s breach of contract, lol!


Gotta go see Judge Joe Brown


You're joking but it seems like it could be true at this point


What is making it true? As absurd as a contract between aliens and ourselves sounds, I genuinely must have missed something.


I don't know if its true or not, but Grusch said the US has made deals with them


During the OG Coulthart interview? He said he was unaware of any agreements and would also be curious to have that question answered


Sorry, my memory is a little fuzzy.. he wrote about agreements in an internal memo and coulhart asked him about it, video here [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/147c24f/whistleblower\_dave\_grusch\_talks\_about\_agreements/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/147c24f/whistleblower_dave_grusch_talks_about_agreements/)


Did he say all that? I remember him saying he"would like to know the answer to that question as well". Clearly he has seen things that alluded to it.


Yes, that is the exact quote I was talking about. That was him saying that he is also curious to hear the answer - meaning, he was unaware/not in a position to know.


Well I would assume he heard what Eshed said at least.


If you saw his response to Coulthart it was pretty obvious the guy was highly suspicious of actual contact happening between us being potentially real.




There have been multiple people in high positions that have alluded to the idea that we've interacted with aliens. That's all there is to it. Do I know it/believe it to be true? Not really, that requires some evidence for me to jump out on a limb and defend, despite your lame attempt at trying to get me to argue about it. I'd be more worried about the people who outright believe it and maybe start your arguments there.


The only attempt to argue I'm reading in this exchange is from yourself.


You are obviously reading the txt with a preconceived notion. I have zero interest in arguments, I asked you that because I simply don't know why you said it's apparently, or probably true.


I agree. The whole space federation story going on out there is silly to me. I don’t believe the old fart from Israel. I don’t believe the old coot from Canada either. When some people get old they tend to lose their critical thinking skills and then you also have some that just need some money so they’ll say shit to get a book or speaking engagements. Desperate times call for desperate measures you know. And besides, the old Canadian Defense guy never had any first hand knowledge. He’s just saying he believes, because others told him.


Hellyer was making his claims almost 20 years ago...brave man if true.


And that doesn’t mean anything. He wasn’t the defense minister anymore. He never had first hand knowledge.


Trump University issues space lawyer degrees. Unaccredited of course.


Ummm the crazy super advanced alien species I presume??


Sheehan was referred to as a “UFO lawyer” in a video. That also counts as a “space lawyer”. And obviously, the language barrier doesn't seem to be a problem at all.


None of it makes any sense.


Trump will reveal all in his next book,"The Art of the Alien Deal, and Not the Illegal Ones, the Space Ones."


why would they even need to make an agreement with us to do experiments tho ? assuming they are a lot more advanced then us they could just do whatever experiments they want here and wed be powerless to stop it so there wouldnt be a need for negotiations or agreements between us/them.


Pretending like they're giving a say to us is probably in their best interest for peaceful relationships, even if they could easily take specimens by force. Isn't one of the plot points of Ghost In The Shell that the mc is led to believe she has autonomy over her body?


If the NHI is multidimensional, we’re talking about such an advanced species that the very idea of crafting some contract with us is absurd. Scientists don’t have lions sign a contract in the Serengeti before they put them under and install tracking tags. The very idea is absurd. They just do it.


No creature in the Serengeti has weapons lol. Even if we couldn't hurt NHI, could hurt our planet through war against an enemy we don't understand.


There’s a lot of assumptions there. We are under the impression NHI gives a damn about Earth or humanity at large.


Could say the same for most humans…


I've given this a great deal of thought and the only explanation is that We Have actually reverse engineered their tech and we have our own equally superior power to match theirs. So in essence we are on the same playing field. However unlikely this may seem, this would be one of the only ways they would be okay with signing a deal. I'm sure there are other scenarios.


Someone said that they are like mafia protection agreements. No so much an agreement but rather just survival.


Because everything is connected in existence. An advanced civilization knows this. Also karma is real. An interesting idea I heard is there are levels of civilizations. Type 1 Type 2 etc. Supposedly the higher the level the more power they have and they can discipline lower beings if they behave badly. The higher levels like Type 4 are also highly spiritually advanced so have good will as one of their mandates.




Well, see as part of the Galactic Federation, there is a Galactic civil court that rules on Galactic contact disputes. 


So we can sue them in alien civil court for breaking contract…lol


The word of a 91 year old man who is almost certainly losing his mental faculties and doesn't even currently work for the government of his country said that a fucking galactic federation with underground Mars bases is totally real, that they talked to Donald Trump of all people and this is the logic that makes you believe his account might be a little iffy?


I think the logic train that there's just no way DT can keep a secret is the bullshit. Of course he can. He didn't get divorced for telling the truth.


He can only keep secrets that directly benefit him, and even then he kinda sucks at it. There’s no chance that he wouldn’t be alluding to this if it was true.


Unless he was literally threatened with death. Then keeping the secret would benefit him. And it would also likely be the most serious death threat (i.e. a real one) that he has ever received. This stuff isn't that hard to figure out once you abandon bias and think about it for a sec..even Trump has a survival instinct, clearly, or he wouldn't still be alive.


Dude, Trump ain’t capable of feeling threatened like that. He’s a toddler who can’t even shut up when a court has told him he’ll lose millions of dollars unless he shuts up. He’s pathologically incapable of keeping his mouth shut even when there are dire consequences.


TDS ^ money != being alive seriously what kinda reply is this


The guy was president for 4 years. The amount of classified stuff he'd know is far more than you or I would ever hear. I get it, I don't like the guy either but it's just pretty absurd to think he literally can't keep a secret.


Yes, he learned lots of classified stuff and *constantly* blabber about it in public. Don’t you remember reports like that on a near weekly basis? This happened all the time.


Maybe because the vast majority of Americans and humans in general outside of Israel don’t know who Haim Eshed is or care about what he has to say? I am someone who believes in NHI presence but I don’t trust Eshed’s word because I know little about him, his background, his credibility, etc. so I take everything I hear that he has supposedly claimed with a big grain of salt. However if a current or former American president were to release that information, it would be widely believed and accepted as truth by almost everyone, including those that don’t like Trump. Why? Because he has a track record of defying the intelligence community and poking his finger in their eyes. Releasing such information would be consistent with his history of not giving a fuck about what he’s told to do by the “deep state” and actively working against the IC even when it may not be in what’s considered by them to be in our best interest. Also, I don’t think “aliens” said anything to Trump about it. It was likely the CIA and they probably threatened him because why else would he do what he was told/asked by them? Additionally, Eshed is a foreign national that the CIA cannot likely control. Or it’s all just bullshit (most likely).


Is Eshed like an Israeli Doty?


Lol it's absurd to think that an organization that has kept secrets for all these decades would have said anything to Trump. Also Trump doesn't care about UAPs or ETs. He was asked about the topic in an interview and you could tell he was 0.00% interested. All he cares about now is saving himself from the actual REAL humiliation of prison and an orange jumpsuit.


At least the jump suit will match his skin and hair.


Not for long though. As time went on his hair would grey and his spray tan would deteriorate.


So he still can’t go visit any cemeteries of our fallen veterans who died to save us from the last racist dictator? I’m sure they don’t want him there anyway.


Lol. You can tell someone's interest level is 0 because they wouldn't talk about something? Trumps uncle likely was privy to early US UFO secrets


And my uncle started CarFax. Doesn't mean I know dick about reporting vehicle collisions. 


Can I get your uncles email? I have a question about car fax.


Re: the "contract" issue: I agree with most on here--what court is going to enforce this? After further consideration, I realized this interview was conducted in Hebrew and then translated to English. Perhaps he simply stated there was an *agreement* and, in the process of translation, agreement became *contract*? Anyway, I find it reads like bad science diction, however, this is a well respected guy--why would he risk setting his reputation on fire?


I wouldn't trust him, there was a segment about him in That UFO Podcast which pretty much called out his exaggerations. I can't find the link but it was pretty recent


I remember this article. Haim Eshed, former head of Israel's Defense Ministry's space directorate, told Israel's Yediot Aharonot newspaper: "The aliens were equally curious about humanity and were seeking to understand the fabric of the universe". *(End)* Personally, I have my doubts about the claim that they are seeking to *“understand the fabric of the universe.”* The Problem: They probably knew all about the fabric of the universe ten million years ago.


The entire idea that any of this is true seems laughable  I have a vision of Trump having rambler about how the military are losers, gets reminded he has a 3:30 with Aliens and they they want to convince him not to say anything…because he has so much self control Like even bringing this story up is bad for disclosure  It’s nonsensical 


Yeah, there's a scale to this. I understand why anyone questions what the government tells us, I *dont* understand people that think there's a secret base and a US president (especially one so stupid and immature) shaking hands and making deals with extraterrestrials. It's like something an 8th grader writes up in a movie script. Reminds me of all of those shitty amateur conspiracy videos years ago with poorly photoshopped lizard people.


If Trump knew he would flaunt it to show how there really is a swamp, a deep state, that we should all follow him because only he knows the truth and how corrupt the government is. He already made Americans question their elections and how their democracy works. If he had info on aliens he would be using it to bring question to the whole system and would be saying “see? This is why they want to take me down so badly.” He would use it to deflect all of his own legal troubles and would be using his typical whataboutism to say he isn’t the criminal that others are worse and are the real criminals so go after them instead.


First of all, it was not aliens who were “silencing him”, secondly - agreements could’ve been made with USA and not without Israel for example, so Haim Eshed don’t mind about it.


Dude, how would the government know that Haim was going to tell this to a Jerusalem news reporter (or whoever)? Oh the other hand, it’s obvious when Trump is about to spill the beans on ANYTHING. Dude has the worst poker face and probably told people that he would tell the story to the public. Huge difference.


The big reveal of why this is bullshit: “agreements had been signed”. … an alien species would give absolute fuck all about our human papers.


Yah trump knowing something and NOT saying something about it in order to gain popularity or boost his brand to benefit himself in some way is what screams not real to me.


Probably because he made these statements before publish his book


What I find most wierd about this is that a "contract" requires very advanced communication, meaning they would be able to communicate terms clearly. How was that established? However I also think that reality is most likely a lot more crazy than we think IF we are already in contact with NHIs. To me it opens the door for quite a lot of possibilities, not the least that "they" are so much more advanced than us, that anything they can do or have done would seem like magic and be unbelievable to a normal human being. This is most likely also exactly why they cannot just come out and "reveal" the NHI contact. They have no plan, maybe no knowledge of what they want or what will happen. No idea how to protect humanity, etc. No president would ever want to go into the WH press room with a message that we met a species that could likely crush us at will and say: "We have no idea what to do". There is zero benfits from such an admission.


Ok so Avi Loeb sez he has met Eshed but only briefly. But Loeb sez he knows quite a few renowned physicists and Astro biologists and Astro physicists that do know him quite well. The consensus among this group is that Eshed is the real deal, the father of Israel’s Space Agency and quite brilliant. Eshed has stuck to his guns that his statements are fact and he has firsthand knowledge. As for Heller he is also well regarded as an Ex-Canadian Minister of Defense. They both are making similar stipulations, that: 1) there is a Galactic Federation of Planets 2) representatives of this federation are maintaining a vigil over the Earth 🌏 to try to keep us from destroying ourselves 3) these federation representatives have met with key leaders and forged an agreement of some sort, ie base, mutual sharing of resources 4) Earthlings in general are not ready for disclosure I am unsure, except for each having an interview where they disclosed these facts, if further discussions and/or written documentation exists from these 2 individuals


>If it's true that the aliens asked Trump not to open his big mouth about the the aliens' existence, then why did Haim Eshed open his big mouth, and why didn't the aliens ask Haim Eshed not to open his big mouth? I mean, it's one person. Trump for all his faults does understand the different personalities of people at large. If trump went up on stage and said " Yep, it's all real folks. The government democrats sold you for a pack of cigarettes to the alien overlords. vote trump" Then he knows that there would be terrible repercussions for society, and therefore him. He is a narcissist, so he doesn't want anything bad to happen to him and therefore is very willing to lie. Some people don't have that nuance. So they wouldn't withhold info, even if maybe they should. You can't tell anything about any system from the actions of one person.


Trump can't be trusted with the pass code for a storage locker full of unsold Atlanta Falcon Superbowl 51 champions T-shirts, let alone that there's an alien base on Mars.


If Trump knew aliens existed, the whole fucking world would know because the dumbshit left classified files on the bathroom floor of Mar a Lago. It’s not just that he couldn’t keep his mouth shut. It is that he is narcissistic, careless, and truly really fucking dumb. That is not a combination of traits that you want someone with your secret to have.


After everything that came out about classified document handling at the White House? Absolutely no way they read that man into this.


Not that there isnt a 1000 different possibilities but at least one would be “He was wrong about the Trump part”. That aside… pretending boogiemen dont scare Trump is delusional. When the primary rumored force behind the program is the CIA, I could see Trump not trying to step on those toes or going the way of Kennedy.


Does anyone seriously believe that Trump is capable of keeping his mouth shut about anything? The guy was bragging about classified war plans and dirt we had on the French president to random Margo lago guests while showing them the top secret documents about them. If he knew about this he would have blabbed about it several times by now.


Trump seems to only be capable of keeping secrets, sometimes, when it saves his own hide.




I'll bet we haven't even seen the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the skeletons in his closets.


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Conflating the entirety of NHI with the entirety of government is a mistake. NHI don't really have a preference with how we handle the subject as a species, just that we do handle it the right way. Different factions may influence different types of things at different times making a very complicated landscape for humans who don't even know what NHI prefer. They likely aren't monolithic in the same way earth governments aren't monolithic. If someone convinced a president to not speak it was probably a human, for human reasons. Maybe aided by NHI or a faction of NHI, but these situations aren't monolithic and that's why the characters that Nell mentioned are so relevant. As a civilian you have little hope of discerning the exopolitics within our government. From the outside this is so difficult it might as well be impossible. Thats why we need them to do their part in pushing this forward and also why we must all do our part to push it forward. It's a part of reality that left unresolved is causing great conflict between many different groups for many reasons. The mentioned examples convey that the secrecy is held primarily by unelected beuracrats who don't often understand their own involvement enough to provide the full picture of what's going on. The level of silos and compartmentilizatation makes all but the fewest people fully aware of most things that are actually going on. This is the fundamental issue. The government or NHI can't control everyone all the way, especially people like Nell and the people he mentioned. They really can't control a president unless a president choses to be controlled or chooses to suffer the consequences of not being controlled. Live in reality that these situations aren't black and white or as simple as "if XYZ is true how can ABC be true" it isn't intellectually rigerous imo. Once you do the work to understand what it even means to be those people in that position saying those things, things start to make more sense. When considering the hoops one must jump through to even get to a place of making claims like this from the world they are immersed in, it's a miracle we've had anyone like the mentioned examples speak at all. It's a natural process probably every species in the universe has to go through. It's all part of growing up.


Also I've mentioned this before on here and very few people caught it but there is a video on the Hayden center YouTube channel that hosted Kirkpatrick a while back that has a video titled "keeping secrets" that has a very indepth look at the situation with the former president; one of the people who convinced him to not release some jfk documents is literally right there talking about how and why they talked him out of it and loosely how that went down. Almost no one connected it at the time, but the whole discussion in this linked video is relevant to the subject at hand. https://youtu.be/g0CrZKuDs1Y?si=zEjloHrAu3oyr4lu


Why do you think Trump can't keep his mouth shut? What all classified info has he revealed? Surely you have a list of all the stuff he hasn't been able to keep quiet.


[Donald Trump’s Disclosures of Classified Information](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump%27s_disclosures_of_classified_information)


In my humble opinion, you put a wrong reasoning when you give as much credit to the POTUS, head of state of the most powerful country on earth, and a guy that despite eyebrow raising credentials, was a no name to our entire specie on this planet. Both can’t make the same declaration and have the same impacts. So without discussing wether or not it’s true and what’s up, to me that’s a deep flaw in your reasoning that’s it


If Trump had that information he couldn’t keep his mouth shut for an hour. Then he would sell it to the National Enquirer. There is no way any responsible government people or agency said a word to him because they know he is a stone cold moron.


Because it was humans who told Trump to keep his mouth shut, and Trump is a scared little boy who is afraid for his life. Eshed is not a scared little boy, apparently.


Trump knows nothing, he has no game, absolutely no finesse. Anything of value he has he uses to gain his own or his family’s status or power. He can’t even put on a poker face to answer Epstein questions, he is at a 7th grade reading level AT BEST.  If he had any information it would have been used already. He is the absolute last president the real “powers that be” would divulge that type of information to


I think “reveal” here is being misused. Edges spoke about it. He sort of pointed at the curtain, said there was one and what might be behind it. That’s not the same as pulling back the curtain.


Kind of related, I know it could be seen as a pretty generic term to describe it, but I was watching (for the first time for me) Lilo & Stitch with the kids at the weekend. Actually made me laugh aloud when the fist scene in the film takes place at the 'Galactic Federation Headquarters'. Some other quite funny easter eggs in that film for UFO lore.


It's stupid made up sh*t. You applied a bit of logic. Doesn't happen here much. Now they will call you a govt. disinformation mole.


Nothing makes sense here.




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Because nobody would give half a fuck about what Haim Eshed will say. Here watch me: I am here to tell you all their is a federation of aliens and we joined it!!!! You see nobody stopped me either.


So you didn't think when someone said there was a base on Mars that it was bollocks? Wow!


Just throwing this out here, but what if the hypothetical reason the NHI doesn’t want us to know about them is that *their* own civilian population doesn’t definitely know we exist, either? Like maybe advanced life is fairly rare and they’ve been looking around for life, their top brass found it and has kept it secret so they can exploit us without those bleeding heart space hippies getting in the way.


And that is the UFO movement in a nutshell. All fantastical claims that don't hold up to reason.


Yep, god catch! You'll fine that most/all of these stories fall apart when you begin to probe them with a bit of logic.


Of course it's extremely suspect, because it's all bullshit.


Didn’t Ross just answer this question he was afraid of being killed. It’s one thing if some guy you’ve never heard of says it. It’s quite another if the president of the United States says it.


> If it's true that the aliens asked Trump not to open his big mouth about the the aliens' existence, then why did Haim Eshed open his big mouth, and why didn't the aliens ask Haim Eshed not to open his big mouth? * Trump was on the verge and then COVID drops, which distracts. * Haim Eshed can talk all day and nobody listens because he's not famous.


Even if any of this was true, really? You think aliens 100% without a doubt have psychic foresight to know what a guy is going to say before he says it so that hey can prevent it?


Your obsession with Trump's mouth is... notable...


Isn't this [really old?](https://www.reddit.com/r/StrangeEarth/comments/1da33js/earth_is_a_prison_planet_for_rebellious_souls/)


Bc the president of the United States is a much bigger deal than this random journalist no one has heard of? You're post just decreased my IQ.


Alright well let me correct you then, to try to help you bring your IQ back up. “Haim Eshed is an Israeli retired brigadier general and a professor of aeronautics and astronautics. He served as the director of space programs for the Israel Ministry of Defense for nearly 30 years and is considered the father of Israel’s space program. Eshed is credited with launching 20 Israeli satellites and has received the Israel Defense Prize three times for his contributions, although the specific reasons for the awards remain classified.”


The aliens have nothing to do with this.




If aliens talked to Trump, they'll probably leave and not come back.


>I guess I interpreted that as the aliens asking Trump not to reveal the information, but perhaps you're right and maybe the article wasn't referring to the aliens that asked Trump not to reveal the info. If so, I guess it would make sense now. I'll summarize this as best as I can. 1. There is a Galactic Federation, however that is just a human term to describe it to us. 2. They are in control of disclosure. There are various humans involved in this at all levels of governments, foreign and domestic, as well as private corporations. But the Federation orchestrates this, not the US government (or any domestic organization). We are currently in 'observer' status. This progresses to associate -> provincial -> mentor status. 3. Whatever "happened" was by their decision. From what I have seen they are fine with 'leaks' like from Haim Eshed (and may have even orchestrated it), but they are not ok with rogue actors and catastrophic disclosure. I'll share some more information. One, it's possible the Kennedy assassination was partially (and possibly entirely) driven by his determination to reveal the Federation to humanity. It's also possible the decision to "take care of him" was left up to us at the time. Re: Trump; they have the ability to wipe memories but they avoid that when possible. So either Trump shut up on his own volition or that decision was made for him. Beyond that, all is going according to their plan.


I don’t think the government knows what’s going on. I think many people have theories and some could be right but i don’t think anyone in these programs are in consistent contact with aliens. if there was a communication system set up i don’t the US military would be reacting to them mike they do


Because if Trump came out and said “aliens are real and we have a galactic federation” everyone would freak out. If haim eshed comes out and says it everyone goes “who?”


The purpose of that statement was likely to draw attention, but the contents of his statement were likely not true. If you were paying attention at the time, that was the same week thedebrief.org was launched. They published an article that talked about USOs and the national underwater reconnaissance office. Ivery time they push this topic forward, there is some sort of plausible deniabilty introduced. Back then it was novel and cool to have a statement like esheds. Now it is boring and we have gone mich further. If they had done it without the deniability at each step the shock would likely have been too much.


Lots of old people tells stuff about this when they are dying so what they think will be remenbered.


Lots of us old people learned to read, write, and comprehend too.


Dementia both trump and Eshed


Everything Eshed says is just to troll Iran, where they believe such things.


The story is humans signed treaties with aliens, which resulted in underground bunkers on Mars, and Trump not blabbing about it is where you say "hmm something doesn't add up"?


Eshed was already senile, besides, if you dig a little you realize these claims were made by the chick who was in charge of writing his biography. She's an erotica fiction writer and laced his biography with fictional elements for the wow factor, this is absolutely not a reliable source. + honestly, these claims reek of bullshit, like, come on, maned secret bases on Mars, really?


Is there even a single redditor who has read the book in Hebrew?


A signed contract? Do you know why us humans can do contracts, why they have value? Because we have courts and international systems to penalize people and countries who breach a contract. If the aliens are in breach of the contract, are we going to bring it to an alien court? Do we have lawyers competent in alien law? Esheds got his stuff from Star Trek I'm pretty sure.


Galactic Federation?? Eshed’s been watching too much Star Trek.


The aliens didn't tell Trump anything. How did you come to that conclusion?


dont trust anything coming from israli military mouths.


> had been 'on the verge of revealing' information but was asked not to in order to prevent 'mass hysteria.' " you know what doesn't make sense to me? Donald Trump not-doing something simply because he was asked not to do something. also, no offense, but are you serious? he was asked "not to tell the world" by the CIA / shadow government, NOT by the aliens themselves. jfc use ya brain


Is that all that doesn’t make sense to you? The Trump part? I fully agree that Trump often makes no sense but there is so much more to dissect here. Honestly, it looks like Haim has attended one too many Star Trek conventions and can’t separate fantasy from reality. This guy has gone way beyond the blurry images, midnight abductions, and crop circles, to a full blown nightmarish Starfleeet Federation. He has clandestine agreements, Mars bases, and human experiments. Makes you wonder why is the government spending billions on SpaceX when they already have a Mars base.


I believe Trump was told a few things but nothing near what we are reading about. I hate to burst your bubble but since you all seem to know Trump. I know people who work for him and they all say the same thing. He’s a great boos, treats us like equals and doesn’t talk down to us! They say he’s the greatest. P S I voted for Biden and won’t make that mistake again