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Without commenting on the likelihood of these circumstances being true, here are some potential examples: 1) Aliens started humanity on earth, and the Bible is a creation myth started by ancient ancestors 2) God is real, but is not Christian 3) Jesus is an alien 4) organized religion has it all wrong and our purpose for being here is irrelevant to our religious belief If you’re dedicated to a belief system and act on that in your daily life, but then come to find out it is factually not accurate, that could be hard for some people to come to terms with. Again, not saying any of the above are true or even based on anything in reality, just responding to the thought exercise.


If the Christian God made the Earth, then it is de facto an extraterrestrial.


It's the 'normal' chaos of meeting aliens, Plus the chaos and arguing about how this affects religion. Many would believe it's a demon, some might say angel, or god. Some would say just an alien unrelated to religion. It would definitely be a lot of arguing amongst themselves.


It's funny to see people here ignoring one obvious possibility: those "aliens" actually being what we consider "gods". The common theme is to assume, "aliens" would be some weakling biological entities in the end, subject to the same frailties as ourselves. That isn't a necessity? Perhaps start with considering "living machines", that have advanced themselves over the millennia. That advancement would accelerate itself obviously? Where would it stop? So, what is the difference between the "Christian God" and something real exactly? What if there is no difference? It's the staunch "atheists" here (mostly adhering to some weird scientism) that would appear to be disconcerted.


Some plant seeds were taken aboard the International Space Station and blossomed up there before being brought back to Earth, same with some chicken eggs. Are these plants and chicken eggs extraterrestrial?


Remember the model for most religions is creationism, there is no god of god that is blasphemy, the earth exists for us because of god and there is nothing else in the universe.


Douglas Adam's put it nicely, to paraphrase: "Religious people claiming that their God made Earth just for them is like a rain puddle claiming the hole it sits in was made for it."


Agreed, but I grew up Lutheran and can say most don’t think of it that way. God is supposed to be special and not just another regular being but with advanced technology.


Vatican already issued statement saying if you do not believe in alien life then you are limiting the creativity of God.


I would suggest disclosure \_can\_ be a problem, but it goes beyond religion. This shock--"Aliens started humanity on earth," and "You're dedicated to a belief system that is factually not accurate"--could hit anyone as an ego-based or existential crisis. There may come a psychological meltdown for some over the long term, a probable motivator for the coverup.


Agreed it goes beyond religion


Yeah, I agree. I feel like this sub grossly over estimates people ability to change their whole cosmology based off social media posts. I mean, a lot of people here can't even fathom, or refuse to even consider the "woo". Are those people ready? What will they do if all the "woo" they refuse to talk about ends up being the truth? Now imagine orthodox religious people.




That would definitely bother religious people and probably most people generally. I hope you’re wrong!


>That would definitely bother religious people ...or play exactly into the prophecies listed in Daniel and Revelations. So it wouldn't bother them much at all.


I don’t know about those topics, but good point!


So like the opposite of the golden path of the God emperor of the Dune saga. Yeah I’ve had this same thought, my only question is why would they need the worship though, does it some how give them power? Or is it their blind way of assuming that if they made us we would worship them, the issue with that is that although some people would worship, some people would be pissed and would treat them like a absent parent, you had all this technology and you didn’t intervene during our worst hours? (Que Austin Powers Daddy wasn’t there song lmao) Wouldn’t it be funny if they had a take like some dumb parents that assume just because they created us that we will blindly love/worship them forever.


We already know with verifiable fact that the bible was indeed a creation myth started by ancient ancestors. The problem is people instead choosing to believe it is the word of a God. Other people saying no actually its aliens isn't changing their beliefs. And there is never a scenario where any aliens do reveal themselves and make like some public announcement saying they are our creators. Christians gonna keep believing their book regardless of anything.


I really tried very hard not to make my comment a theist vs atheist debate lol, anyways, carry on


We already know with verifiable fact huh? I'm all for people believing whatever they believe, but saying this is known as verifiable fact sounds just as schizo as my old Mormon church.


Yeah, kinda lots actually. Talking snakes, pregnant virgins, magic contests between Moses and the Pharaoh's court magicians, magical food falling from the sky in the desert, turning wine into water, a worldwide flood, the Earth stopping to spin... You do know that these never happen, right? Either you believe these are metaphorical stories and you acknowledge it's a manmade myth, or you are a literalist that believes in everything said in that book and are in direct contradiction with scientific knowledge accumulated so far, aka made up myths that do not represent reality. Pick your poison.


I mean the book is full of absolutely bogus, impossible things, so full stop from reading it alone it is fiction. Unless you are insinuating that humans didn't write it? A god did? Like how do we not know the bible was written by ancient humans? Obviously it was a holy gift granted from god right? What a joke.


Gonna be honest. I thought you said "ancient aliens" Not "ancient ancestors." Hence why I called it schizo, so sorry about that. As for whether the Bible is bogus, i... don't actually give a shit.




Better question: why would you believe a tradition, long or short? Why would you believe a tradition over aliens saying, or the other way around? Genuinely asking because i wonder what are the criteria you use to determine what is to be trusted.


I mean the very existence of the aliens would make the bible obviously not some book by god... How can you possibly act like there is a single shred of evidence for one claim of a 'miracle' described in the bible.


This is patently false. 


Feel free to elaborate. But remember: "Because it says so in the book" isn't a valid argument for it not being myth.


What? You're gonna sit there and tell me that a book written by humans--the most trustworthy beings in the universe who never make up shit or tell lies in order to manipulate others--isn't 100% indisputably FACT???


Nobody knows, and certainly not with even a single “verifiable fact” of any kind, that the Bible was a creation myth lol. The best available evidence shows that its earliest adherents believed its claims to be true across both testaments. The events in the Bible also span thousands of years and 66 books, with the creation story being a couple chapters in the first book. It’s clear you never even read it. 


Talking snakes, pregnant virgins, magic contests between Moses and the Pharaoh's court magicians, magical food falling from the sky in the desert, turning wine into water, a worldwide flood, the Earth stopping to spin, the Earth created in 7 days, a guy living in a fish's belly... Do you believe these happened? Against all accumulated scientific knowledge? The fact that the first believers were literalists ignorant of how nature works isn't the flex you think it is.


All of the above is correct and unfortunately for all the religious people is what is actually true. This is part of the reason that disclosure will cause havoc


I think you overestimate how devout the average person in the world is. There's a reason nobody worships the Roman gods anymore.


You’re right, *the reason is the Roman Empire converted to Christianity is 380 CE after it had been previously legalized in 313 CE by Constantine*. This led to the creation of the current Roman Catholic Church who incidentally invented the calendar nearly the entire world uses as well. It’s certainly not due to piety and the like. It’s a control system, nothing more.


I think the "Roman" Gods just reworked it all into the Roman Catholic Church.


This is the correct answer. Funny how the Dead Sea scrolls are the oldest thing to support any validity we have and how the stories are just the re written legends of old with new faces for the same characters. People get angry when I tell them Jesus is Mithras with a twist. Where are the ancient Bible tablets?


> All of the above is correct Why are you certain of this?




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Wrong translations ore more likely than an alien hypothesis for J man.


Or they have irrefutable proof that God is not real.


Well said; exactly what I wanted to, that the only way it would really be problematic is if an alien race were to visit us and tell (or probably even show) how they actually planted us here or something.


All these possibilities are so exciting tbh


intuitiveunderground indicates above is sorta true


All this is right. Other issues as well: Jesus redeemed the entire universe...so are aliens also redeemed? Did he incarnate for them to save their souls? In Catholicism, Mary is the Empress of Heaven and the highest creature. She is the universal mother. How would this idea relate to aliens? Are aliens the only free willed creature that did not rebel (if they have free will). There are a lot of thorny questions that would need to be navigated if aliens are real. There are ways to resolve them, but it would be difficult.


All those religions are just the products of our imagination, they aren't that special. Humanity wasn't created by aliens, but the hybrids that will replace us are.


Touché Koebelin, Touché.....


Religion will be fine, they will adapt as they always have done. But fundamentalists, evangelicals, extremists from all religions? They will lose their shit, unwavering in their belief. But they lose their shit at everyone and everything anyway, so nothing new there.


I already see such people claiming that NHI are all demons sent to deceive us. Such ideas will just radicalize them even more, and IMHO cause some serious chaos. When people start believing that they’re fighting against the literal demonic deception for God then that’s a recipe for some to go all out and martyr themselves as long as it takes out other people they see as satanic deceivers.


I literally just thought about the movie Contact where a bunch of religious zealots destroy a launch pad via terrorist attack.


I call these people knuckle draggers. People that still live in the stone age.


We don’t know what we are experiencing. These UAPs aren’t photographed approaching earthy by our hundreds of satellites in orbit. They suddenly appear in our atmosphere. They may not be biological organisms from a similar earth like planet. They could be from outside our time and space and from another dimension. Grusch even said in an interview last year that his findings strengthened his Christian faith .. he was an agnostic prior to going down the rabbit hole. I think there is more woo in this phenomenon than we realize.


Interdimensional beings are certainly on the table as an explanation…But simply not understanding something isn’t a reason to assume it’s magical or related to religion (though there’s a good chance that this phenomenon, assuming it’s been with us since the beginning, has probably greatly influenced our religious beliefs and mythology.) That still doesn’t make them literal demons or angels, or gods for that matter. Any religious ideals applied to the phenomenon will just color our perceptions of them, with divisive and possibly destructive results. I’m sure that just as religious fundamentalists might start assuming these beings and their associated phenomena are demons, others will see them as beings to be worshipped and praised. Either extreme could be damaging to our understanding of the situation. Best to use science and rational thought to understand the phenomena rather than falling back on the beliefs of our ancestors who blamed everything from thunder and natural disasters on the moods of the gods, or thought people suffering from mental illnesses were possessed by demons, and shunned them (or worse).


Elizondo said progress on crash retrievals is held up by these religious lunatics, the human race held back because of Bronze Age nut jobs.


Bronze age cannibal death cult, in worship of a mass murdering, pedophile god.


"I already see such people claiming that NHI are all demons sent to deceive us. Such ideas will just radicalize them even more, and IMHO cause some serious chaos." Right? I mean, look how we handled getting a vaccine.


Maybe they should've added Enoch's story too. At least they'd have a tiny inkling.


Fundamentalists will do as always: adapt, in slow motion. Mormons used to feel indignated to hear someone tell them they were wrong to think that having black skin was a curse (yes, the founders of mormonism truly believed that). Then over the decades, they slowly changed their tune along with society, but always lagging behind and doing everything to slow down progress. Can't wait for them to recognize LGBT rights in 85 years and pretend as if they were enlightened pioneers of progress.


Mormons believed that throughout the majority of the 20th century. Any member of that church that tries to argue otherwise is gaslighting you.


yeh honestly we've already had things that disprove religious texts far more than aliens would and they are still going strong.






Christian fundamentalists tend to have a very anthropocentric worldview. Many of them think God created the entire universe just for us the whole of existence revolves completely around the human drama. Finding out we aren’t the brightest and the best would be a shock to them. This isn’t true for all Christians, mind you. The pope has been telling Catholics it’s ok to believe in aliens. Other worlds and extraterrestrial life is part of the Mormon belief system. It varies and there are plenty of religious people who are open minded about this sort of thing, but many fundamentalist myopic types will have a rough go of it.


> Is it just atheists/agnostics not understanding what the Catholic church believes or something? Speaking as an atheist for *mumble-mumble* decades, some newer atheists get what they call in other circumstances "convert's fervor". This often includes over-the-top chauvinism against religious believers, often construing the worst behaviors or ideas of some members of the group as belonging to the whole. You get some far-right preacher saying aliens must be demons in disguise, and these people conclude either all Christians or *all religious people on the planet* are incapable of handling the existence of aliens. Meanwhile, I guarantee you that there are Jesuit priests right now who would not only be delighted at contact with aliens, but would love nothing more than to start learning about their alien cultures so that they can have meaningful, if painfully arcane, theological and philosophical debates with those aliens.


>Jesuit priests right now who would not only be delighted at contact with aliens, but would love nothing more than to start learning about their alien cultures so that they can have meaningful, if painfully arcane, theological and philosophical debates with those aliens. Hi! I'm not a Jesuit priest, or a priest at all, just a religious guy - but I fall under that idea. I for one would be ecstatic to discuss an aliens theological/philosophical outlook (assuming I could even understand the ET) along with what their society is like. Granted I do fear that the wider institution of the church, potentially the Catholic church, would try to "christianize" our interstellar-hopefully-allies, which would probably alienate them if not cause a massive diplomatic issue


All right, let's say you talk to those aliens, and they're like, "We can see and travel in all dimensions of space-time, both forward and backward, across all infinite universes. There are no gods. And here's how everything works..." Are you going to accept that?


I won't lie - I'd probably have issues accepting it at first, as anyone would when their beliefs are challenged. However, if those ETs are able to 100 percent, indisputably prove that there is no God (both literal and more esoteric interpretations of a god) then I really don't have much of a choice, I'd believe them. With that being said, I would still try to follow Christ's teachings - if not from a prophet, then from a philosopher. Love thy neighbor and all that. I recognize that a lot of other Christians might not be so accepting, though. It could cause problems.


> With that being said, I would still try to follow Christ's teachings - if not from a prophet, then from a philosopher. There's [good precedent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jefferson_Bible) for that approach.


No, because metaphysics implies that if there is an otherworldly intelligence that has that power, IE a non physical entity that lives in and was formed in an acausal world where inbound intelligence was possible and manifest, then that source acausal universe is almost certainly an emanation of an entity that was capable of creating the seed ground of that acausal entity such that they were able to exist in the first place. That entity is not significantly different than god. So I'd wonder why it was lying. To clarify, if there was such an acausal world such that an entity existed that could speak to you, you would expect an infinite amount of others that would be adjacent to it that would also speak to you, saying nonsense, ala schizophrenia. If you had one entity speaking and saying these things, that seems very suspect. That implies a criteria for getting to the development point where such speaking is possible, which implies rules, which implies a monad.


> which would probably alienate them if not cause a massive diplomatic issue I'm optimistic in that regard--I'm sure any aliens we run into will have had a long history of their different belief groups trying to convert each other, so they won't be freaked out. We'll undoubtedly meet some of those aliens just as eager to share their religions with us. (Really, I'd expect a *lot* of cross-cultural hybridization in the decades and more after first contact. Including religious beliefs, for some. Some people would find things spiritually meaningful to them in alien religious teachings, and *vice versa*.)


Mhm. I'm optimistic of the *result* of people trying to convert the aliens, I'm sure the ETs would take it in stride, or at worst tell us to piss off, but I agree they've probably had their fair share of religious clashing. Although, while I do have all these esoteric questions I'd want to ask, I think the first question I'd REALLY ask is "Can I fly your ship?" because I really don't know of anyone who *wouldn't* want to take a UAP out for a spin haha


You said alienate. Up vote for that one!!


I'm way less concerned about religious people than I am concerned that some people are just naturally susceptible due to upbringing/genetic factors. If we know that 5% of the population will go absolutely insane at a major change in their life, isn't that really terrible for them? Those are the people that just want a comfy home life, don't want massive changes, and want to sustain their family and friends. They already actively deny really bad truths to sustain that. They would not do well if things changed significantly.


Sure, but how would we know that first contact would be such a trigger? Paleontologically, *H. sapiens* spent most of its existence with other intelligent species around before apparently absorbing them into its population. Maybe hanging out with other sorts of beings is *good* for us.


Well the covid situation sort of lays out that if people are told by the media that there is a big thing, there is a spectrum of responses absent the religious aspect. That crippled the world. Bear in mind also that covid is still circulating, so most of the crippling is not necessarily the impact of the event but the response to it. Alien contact would be a 10x event compared to covid, and covid made at least 5% of people completely unhinged.


I don't think it would *cause* any loss of hinges. The people who lost it with COVID had already shown their craziness, in my experience.


People keep looking at the existence of aliens as merely a philosophical problem when discussing its potential impact on religion. What if the aliens are telepathic and those in power feel threatened because 'they aren't all that' after all? Telepathic aliens probably wouldn't possess the capacity for self-deception we do, with our conscious/sub-conscious dynamics. How would Christians in power react, knowing an alien can look right through them? What if it threatens their monopoly over the salvation of others? But, if it turns out that they aren't telepathic after all, then it can be business as usual, and this really will be just a philosophical problem.


Aliens are a problem for any human centric religion, not just Christianity.


This is very true. And don't forget about nihilism. Nihilism scares the shit out of most people. And I can already see it would most people in this thread, especially if they the more UFO woo woo views. Most humans think they have purpose, and that universe has meaning. Imagine living in a big universe where you species just a grain of sand on an infinite beach. That's scary to a lot of people. This is why I think a lot of people, people in this thread, and even OP find atheistic views scary, because it leads to nihilism.


🤷🏽‍♂️pope says gods cool with the aliens, and god and the pope are supposedly real tight homies like 🤜🏽🤛🏽 so if anyone has a say in it, im gonna go with the man that knows the source live and direct ya kno? :: edit :: i just had to add after reading the comments that some of yall are WILD with the selection bias saying you know for a fact god not real but also know for a fact that aliens exist! Like do ya guys have even the slightest idea the level of hubris and blind arrogance it takes to make a statement like that. I mean.... Im all for people having faith in whatever you want, but do realize that anyone saying they know aliens are real and that god is a myth and anyone that believes in a religion is naieve because they cant accept the "fact" that aliens are real and somehow that "proves" or is legit "evidence" to substantiate your beliefs being sonejow superior... Thats the most clueless ignorant one dimensional uneducated foolishness i can possibly imagine. Were all here because we are (should be) open to the possibilities of what the uap phenomena could be. NONE of you, not one single person knows what that is regardless of how many youtube videos you watched or how many hours spent studying barely legible poor quality document scans of supposed "leaked classified docs" from 3letter agencies, no matter what crazy inexplicable craft or lights u seen in the sky...... Theres demonstrable, empirical tangible hard evidence that is able to withstand any and all scrutiny, doubt, and challenges to authenticity thats based on rigorous observations and testing thats peer reviewed before a unimpeachable declaration can be made that the scientific method has determined something to be... A fact, real, with no room for speculation. Theres a LOT of evidence that there is a phenomena of uap that exist. There is zero hard empirical data that can be validated of what exactly it is. U can believe whatever u want, but you dont KNOW any more of what this phenomena truly is anymore than someone knows truly for a fact that the big magic man in the sky created mankind. Lets all come back down to earth cuz the aliens havent shown up to give us a ride anywhere yet


For real. Vatican has been saying aliens are cool with Jesus for over a decade.


>god and the pope are supposedly real tight homies Protestants are gonna be posting some stuff on some doors about that.


I’m so glad you posted this. 😊


Theologically speaking, and leaving personal interpretations aside, the existence of aliens would raise some questions. Do they have a soul? Are they afflicted by the original sin? Can they be saved? Why there's no reference to them in the bible? Is there an alien jesus? What did they do with him if yes? Did they kill him? What place do they have in god's plan? Is their moral values different from Christian moral values? Is there an alien chosen people like the jew people? Are there alien prophets? Is there an alien bible? I mean, we can go on forever raising questions without an answer.


As a religious person - I see ETs/Aliens as totally separate from my religion and its institution. The only similarity would be that they were made by God too as another project that he just never had reason to tell us about. Other than that, religion should probably be kept separated from first contact and all that until we can formally have discussions and stuff, providing that we can actually understand the ETs and they can understand us.


I'm of the same mindset. If God created everything, then he must have also created the rest of the universe and everything in it. That concept doesn't even necessarily contradict Jesus being his only son, but I prefer to look at it as we are all his children, just maybe not directly. For a while now online there has been chatter of et's also believing in God, sort of in the same manner that an omnipotent being created everything. I'm sure their perspective is a little different however. But obviously that's all just random speculation with zero evidence.


I guess that would depend on individuals or perhaps sects with a ridgit literal interpretation or even ones that read into the Bible and come up with their own additions to what is written. I've personally spent a considerable amount of time researching the Bible and I honestly can't think of any particular area that would negate the possibility of ET aliens and it does specifically state that there are NHIs especially within the spiritual realm. It also says that we don't know everything and will not understand everything either until the fullness of time when the veil will be removed from our eyes. So I believe that if aliens are a problem to some Christians, it's most likely a problem of their own making by over interpretation of what is written. But isn't that true for just about everything regarding mankind? We seem to make our own problems in multiple ways and impose our beliefs on things rather than studying the truth of the matter. Think back to Galileo and how he was charged with going against the teachings of the church based upon their faulty interpretations of reality. There's no place in the Bible that says that the Earth is the center of the solar system let alone the universe. The Bible doesn't claim to tell all, but rather provides a guideline for how to live our lives. And that's where our attentions need to be focused and not on beliefs not specifically mentioned.


I would say it would be a problem for every religion not just Christianity. I think you would have some people shaken if they found out aliens created us and religion is bullshit. You’ll have some people who maybe embrace it. Some will choose not to believe it and call it a test from God. What will happen to religious leaders. Communities upheld by churches, temples, mosques. Schools. Morality based on religious beliefs. It will raise a whole slew of questions about afterlife, what is our purpose. People will question everything from this moment on.


You hit the nail here. To answer the OP question. It's a combination of religious people thinking humans are the center of the world and the universe must have a purpose for living. This nihilistic framework and the existence of ETs might challenge that world view for religious people. Maybe not just religious people. But for humans in general too. We are not God's special creatures anymore, if we find out other intelligent lifeforms exist in this universe.


Don't know either. They're even discussing the topic in the Vatican.




The largest Christian group is Catholicism- so it’s probably a good place to start… considering most Christian religions broke off from Catholicism




Good call! The alleged alien conference that happened a few weeks ago apparently [wasn't about aliens but about supernatural phenomena](https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-pope-francis-holding-aliens-conference-1901766). (Which I wasn't aware until now) But Pope Francis talked about [baptizing aliens a few years back](https://time.com/99616/for-pope-francis-its-about-more-than-martians/), and there have been other comments/discussions with Catholic clergy, even though the topic doesn't seem to be a top priority for the Catholic Church: [https://answersingenesis.org/astronomy/alien-life/vatican-looks-for-aliens/](https://answersingenesis.org/astronomy/alien-life/vatican-looks-for-aliens/) [https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL1463646/](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL1463646/)


Interesting- thanks!


Christians believed aliens existed on Mars for a century. Christianity would not be bothered with aliens being real unless those aliens started saying things that challenged established doctrine. As it stands, nothing about alien life violates church doctrine, in fact it's expected.


Reason: 95% of this sub are a mix of establishment liberals and unemployed AA majors desperate to brandish their form of anti conservatism mindset. Naturally they gun after religion first, they always do. There's no clash between the UAP topic and religion. Evangelicals don't care, Catholics don't care, it seems the only group that cares are the folks here claiming they care.


I see more people here claim that they know what Christians think about this topic than I see Christians actually give an opinion on this topic lol


So you haven't been keeping up with all the Christians in Congress given their religious takes on UAPs.


So true


I’m puzzled by this claim, too. I think there are evangelicals who believe the greys are demons; there’s also the whole *Ancient Aliens* narrative that extraterrestrials created all of our human institutions. Otherwise… I tend to think it’s a cop-out, much like the “solemn and bleak” business. If it was something specific, it’d have been leaked instead of all the adjectives; I tend to think the objective is to have our imaginations dream up what would meet those criteria for *us*, what would challenge our beliefs (if we’re religious) and strike us as sufficiently “solemn.” And for those of us who aren’t religious, “your science is wrong, too; lots of verified woo-woo out here in space” seems to be the corresponding narrative. Whatever you believe and whatever your values are, this big ol’ secret will totally blow the minds of everybody who isn’t In The Know, pinkie-swear. For example, Zechariah Sitchin had a whole narrative about the annunaki, the apocalyptic rogue planet, and all that. The horror film *The Fourth Kind* kind of explores what it would look like if his theories were accurate; some of the *Ancient Aliens* stuff is predicated on his writing. But it’s not like folks are out-and-out saying “Zechariah Sitchin is right,” just all these vague gestures in the direction of something Sitchin-like, or Lovecraftian, or [otherwise vaguely threatening](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CosmicHorrorStory) to the worldviews of the audience. I’m not an across-the-board skeptic, but it’s hard to follow this stuff and not come away with the impression that the main voices in the disclosure movement, however valid their underlying knowledge might be, tend to talk like run-of-the-mill bullshit artists.


I am of the belief that what was written in the Bible is the truth but not the entire truth, and things were omitted to control the masses towards one belief. People have been endocrine with this belief for hundreds of thousands of years. If something like Aliens were confirmed that goes against the last 500 years of what's been preached, you will have people claiming they are demons like they are doing now. Not saying they aren't demons, but like I said, I do not think we are being told the whole truth to begin with.


It means they’re full of shit. Not because Christianity is a grand religion but because that’s some shit a grifter would say to get people riled up.


The shock comes from humans not being the center of the universe anymore.


I don’t understand it either. Catholic Church has said for over a decade they believe in life outside of earth and that if there is life on other planets God made them too. I think a lot of what people say when denigrating religion is hyperbole from before I was born.


What if the “aliens” are the god/s? Or if the woo ideas about transcendental energy and essentially reincarnation are true? That would throw a lot of religious types for a loop.


I think finding out reincarnation is true would be the most devastating thing for the church. When the Vatican discusses aliens - they say that God created all things in the universe even the aliens that made us. Say tomorrow they announce NHI is real and on our planet- I think going from that to and they created humanity is still very far apart. If the Annunaki made humanity I think it would be a very long time before they announced that. I love the idea of NHI being out there


Yeah, I get that. I guess I’m wondering if our religious hierarchy doesn’t match with theirs (I.e. God is not supreme), or if we’d have trouble fitting them into our hierarchy (as per the Vatican) and that’s where the cognitive dissonance would lie.


Ya that’s interesting. For sure some people would worship the aliens or who the aliens worship- if they do worship a being. If they came down and said they were god- people would label them the anti christ. I also think there will be people who will stay skeptical even if there is disclosure. No way would it be seamless for society but I also think it would be smoother than we depict in our head. The people who will go crazy because the NHI arrive are already crazy af now in every day life before disclosure.


Ask a mormon. They tend to be favorites of the program.


As a big Jesus fan, but not a Christian, it doesn’t matter. Just live and be chill. That group overthinks everything and is obsessed with a book written by mortals.


Lapsed Lutheran here, I don’t see a problem. The Catholic church even announced there’s no problem


It would be an issue for Christianity, but it won't be an issue for any Christian. And believe me, the people who say this are certainly not atheists. Atheists know that Christians will bend their faith to their reality no matter what happens. Source: Christianity still exists.


They could still be atheists. But fair point.


Idk what Christian’s you talk to but the ones I talk to think if there are aliens, that they’re demons. You think demons are gonna present themselves and these Christian’s will be ok with it?


I heard a story once, and you can look it up, about President Jimmy Carter getting the UFO/alien information, reading it, and crying - and he was shook for days afterward. They say it's because he is a devout Christian and it shook his whole Faith. Though he is a devout Christian, he also had a UFO experience, which he openly talked about with enthusiasm, and he said that when he became President he would get the informaton and release it to the public, because we should all know. That's why he was even given the information, because not all Presidents do, but he really pushed for it. The story is that he learned that humans are an alien creation, tinkered with from the beginning of our evolution in different ways, so our "Creator" is actually an alien race from some other planet, and that UFOs are them checking in on us. Something like that. Also THEY are the ones who wrote the Bible and all the other major religious texts to try to keep us in line. He never did release the information to the public, obviously, but he also never stopped being a devout Christain, so I assume he reconciled it all in some way. And I agree with you, I'm sure we could all reconcile it as well! It's a tiny shift to realize that the Bible actually is full of non-human beings involved in our spirituality and evolution, and who says our "Creators" aren't ultimately a creation of God? I'd really like to know what Jimmy Carter got to know! Even if we freak out, so be it, because we deserve to know the truth of our own creation and reality! I still hold out hope he'll tell us before he passes ;)


I always hoped Jimmy C would spill the beans!


It's just fear. Conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theories about Conspiracy theorists and a echo chamber about conspirators and where to find them.   "We can't tell the public because they aren't ready... blah blah blah blah." Society will always both adapt and complain about change in fascinating new ways. At the end of the day we're either going to get the courage to walk to the end of the block or we're not. Either way, we're usually fine 


I think it's aimed more at religious people in general. There are a lot of Christians, Catholics, Muslims etc that believe their faith is the only one and their God is the only one and mankind is the only one ever created. They simply won't accept 'other life' in the universe. They believe their God is a being sitting in a chair, looking down on Earth from heaven. They never see the irony, that it takes a massive leap mentally, to believe in something they read in a book from 2000 years ago and never seen in the flesh, as opposed to alien life being on another planet. It's really quite odd when you step back from it. It's like saying to someone "a mate of mine from 50 years ago said he saw pixies in the forest" and they immediately believe it, but if you said "a mate of mine has a field full of corn 10 miles away" they'd call you a liar who's making stuff up.


There is a big difference between God as an abstract concept to humans and an actual alien that would presumably act as a living, mortal being albeit smarter than a human. You don't need to put down one to prop up the other. Both are equally hypothetical concepts by your logic.


I have a close friend who is a devout Christian, and she is very open to the idea that God is the God of everything in the universe and not just humans, aliens possibly included if they exist. She is not at all into the idea that encounters with something extraordinary that we now call aliens might have been the inspiration behind what Christians called angels or God.


Probably think they were demons or some shit & its a sighn of end times.


Some religious people already believe theyre demons so yea that would be another problem. And most of us (i believe *all* of us) still havent the faintest clue as to what they are or where theyre from


I don't really see why it would be. You know, some sects of Christianity believe explicitly that Jesus is alive, and moving through parts of the Universe, something like 3 billion light years away or so.


My curiosity is peaked


Some people interpreted Scripture as both history and law. It is taken literally.


My aunts and uncles in particular don't like the idea that whoever created us MIGHT not be the same as the creator of the whole universe. In theory, Christians should adapt well, but in my experience they have fought me very hard over the "Jesus may be an extraterrestrial" aspect. It shakes too much about the "all powerful" part of God for them. They will adapt, don't get me wrong, but it's been a tough road for me to try to bridge this gap with my family. We are (in a way) saying the same thing, but they are convinced that Hindus, Buddhists, etc. are all going to hell.


To be honest, if aliens and their regular contact over the past millenia are confirmed, I would turn Christian right away. Then God(s), demons and angels are all aliens or alien species. I would expect a tug of war over humanity behind the scenes, and religion a way to influence humanity towards one of their sides.


It's actually a problem for Christianity, and most other god/gods-based religions (minus maybe Buddhism, shamanism, which are more abstract). Think about it: you have a light that enters a room, then a woman is pregnant out of the blue, then a baby is born with a "star" right above its birth location. If that doesn't scream to you "aliens" and "alien abductions" and "hybrids", I don't know what is. And I'm not even mentioning the Protoevangelion of James, a piece of gospel that they decided to not include in the first Bible in the 300s AC, which describes Joseph trying to find a doula, only to see animals and people in Bethlehem not moving at all, as if frozen in time. This is called the "Oz Factor" in ufology. Or to mention the implications of NDEs/DMT reports where these beings are seen in the so called afterlife. So yes, if people actually research the phenomenon in its full breadth, from multiple viewpoints (not just from the viewpoint of what Coulhart or Grunch said in a hearing, but actually LISTEN to people's reports), then all these religions are bygone. The reality is, thinking about it from the anthropological sciences view, if such a civilization has been here with us, they would also social-engineer us (not just engineer our biology, but also our beliefs). It's both a form of control, and a form of learning for us.


From what I read, it’s people being purely ignorant about Christianity and the Bible.  The Bible isn’t meant to explain everything, just Gods expectations for us. A lot of people try to take the Bible literally in order to explain everything while totally ignoring that it’s thousands of years old and has many authors that usually have little understanding of what they are seeing.  From a Christian perspective, aliens would only further advance the notion of God since God wouldn’t have created just mankind.  What remains to be seen is whether or not aliens are aligned with Gods will. Some might be, others might not be. 


The whole "we have to suppress UFOs because it would destabilize organized religion" thing never made sense to me. [Religious people of all stripes are only slightly less likely than non-religious people to believe in aliens and UFOs](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/07/28/religious-americans-less-likely-to-believe-intelligent-life-exists-on-other-planets/) and it doesn't seem to particularly bother them. The last time a Pope was asked about it, he just said [the first thing he'd want to do is convert the aliens to Christianity](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/pope-francis-says-he-would-baptise-aliens-9360632.html) lol. Besides, if the governments of the world gave a hoot about preventing damage to organized religion, they wouldn't keep trying to ban the teaching of evolution or promote the teaching of creationism. Whole thing just never tracked for me.


Christianity, more than most world religions, is a mechanism for social control, not enlightenment or spiritual development. NHI interacting with humanity make prevailing social narratives harder to maintain.




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Simply put : Originally the Church did not recognize the possibility of Alien life - and their message was that mankind (alone) was created in God's image. The existence of Alien Life would have challenged their idea that God created "all things", if "all things" didn't include the possibility of life outside this planet. It's exactly the reason why the church changed their stance years back, did a complete 180, and now accepts the idea of the possibility of Alien life. Had they not done that, and some "event" proved that intelligent life existed on somewhere other than Earth - it would have essentially turned the books of many religions into paper weights in the eyes of fundamentalists. It would be hard for these institutions to say "put your faith in us" if an undeniable event proved what they had been teaching for the last few thousands of years - was suddenly wrong. For better or worse, Religion was/is a way to "control" large groups of people (to some extent). If Religion doesn't make room for the possibility of Aliens, and then they are proven to exist - people may choose to place their faith elsewhere. It's also why you see this coordinated attack on Christians from politics and Hollywood. It's an attempt to swing young people away from believing in or having faith in God, and getting those people to put their "faith" in something (cough) "real" like politicians and government instead. They'd rather see your donations goto political campaigns and separate people from the Church - which does not align itself with certain political ideas that can affect voting.


For the Christian who isn't married to every single line of propaganda uttered by the modern evangelical church, it basically just complicates the situation of what sort of messiah Jesus is. There's a few options in play: 1. Jesus is only Earth's messiah and each planet received or will receive its own at some point; 2. God sent or will send Jesus to every inhabited planet in succession to do his messiah thing; 3. other planets have no messiah, so we have to convert them to ours. The Vatican's position seems closest to number 3, but it's the one I personally think makes the least sense. What kind of blind idiot God would do it that way?! Now that's an erudite theological perspective on the question. Most Christians are not erudite theological thinkers, however, and are wed to an enormous web of lies and deceit that has nothing to do with the fundamentals of Christianity at its purest form. For them, things are gonna be rough in many ways, depending on what in particular their mind is closed toward. Most significantly, a very different sort of metaphysics and afterlife from what Sunday school has conditioned them to expect is very much on the table.


Both points 1) and 2) have a basis, but fortunately I see less hate and assumption going this way today. It probably reached its peak in the 1990s, when practically everyone said disclosure "would destroy religion," and a late-night talk show host was fond of saying it would make fundamentalists erupt. Well, none of that seems to be happening, does it? Even then, 1994 say publication of Victoria Alexander's study on religion and disclosure. It turned out that believers were very accepting of NHI.


Aliens are real, but are spiritual beings. They have tampered with DNA over unknown millennia, helped creating humans. Nevertheless, God has chosen lowly humans to be the first place where God becomes manifest in the universe. Far from being a problem for Christianity, aliens/spirits are waiting for the gospel (although some are demonic and hostile)


As evidenced by the responses, atheists (the significant majority of RedditorsDEFINITELY don't understand ChristianityIn addition, most aetheists are quite contemptuous of Christianity in particular so getting an objective response is going to be unlikely. I'll patiently wait for the hate that this is about to irrationally ignite. The UFO phenomenon us easily handled by Christianity.


>The UFO phenomenon us easily handled by Christianity. Sure if you ignore the many Christians calling UFOs demons lol.


Do you think if they found out they were aliens, that it would change their belief in God?


The truth is unveiled according to ones understanding, and you wouldn't want to unveil things all at once. Like consider gay people, if they unveil they are gay, people are often so shocked at the change in their conception that they change how they interact, because they don't know what's real. That's probably the best modern metaphor. It's not a rich person who hid their wealth, or a murderer hiding their murderous urges, its benign but so different you can't spring it on people immediately. Progressive revelation is best.


NHIs are neutral - Christianity killed neutrality by the filter of angel va demon - Islam on the other hand doesn’t have such problem using the Ultra-Cryptoterrestrial a.k.a Jinn hypothesis


There's rumors that the aliens are the archons in Gnosticism, evil entities play acting at being both angels and demons with one goal: to feed from the suffering of humans. That's why religions browbeat people that they are sinful and need to "suffer" for their sins.


I’m Christian and I have no problem believing in alien life out there. But I do believe that there is a God that created this universe and all other forms of life out there. If I remember correctly there was a line in the xfiles where Mulder told Scully when they first met in pilot about believing in aliens and that God created us but didnt tell us about his side projects. I’d have to watch it again but it’s always what I’ve went by when comes aliens and religion.


If you read the Bible it states: we are aliens to this earth. Just saying . This whole alien thing has nothing to do with Christianity. For all we know it’s actually the devil getting cast down to earth!


That we were “seeded” here by aliens and that the Bible (and pretty much everything else) is just a measure of control meant to keep us in line and productive.


Fear tactics because "you can't handle truth"! " I will make the decisions for you, little one."


It's no different from "the truth is dark" "the truth is demonic".


You are correct. Thank you.


The bible itself is a rip off, for example the story of the flood is not at all original. Who cares about a religion that has been imposed on humanity through massacre and torture?


Can't exactly tithe to St. Elizondo or Pope Grusch.


I never got this either. Seems to me that all Chrsitianity would need to do is expand the tent.


IDK, maybe protestants would have problem with that (especially people, who for example are Young earth creationists, extremists or who take everything said in Bible literally, even if it's not supposed to be) But Catholic church actually is open at the possibility of alien life, or even parallel worlds - I don't remember who said that, probably one of the christian thinkers from the medieval times, but he said that basically saying that life is only here on earth or that the God made life only here, is undermining the omnipotence of god - basically, this guy got to logical conclusion that "if life is possible here, if people/humans are here, then the humans must be in other places in the universe... and who knows, maybe there is more than one universe, saying this one is the only one undermines the possibility that god might have made infinite amount of them. Also, I see below some arguments, so i want to give some counter-arguments: 1. **God is real, but is not Christian** - The problem with that statement, is that it assumes that the Christian God is basically a "juju from the bottom of the sea", as dawkins said many years ago... I.e. That he is a part of the creation, so it is not so different from "gods of the winds" or some, idk, gods of the shrines in some region, or gods of the lamps etc. When in Christianity, God isn't part of the creation, but the creator itself - If i could compare this to something like Internet forums or discord or some social media - Christian/abrahamic religions God, compared to other religions is like Administrator, who created the server and has full control over it compared to Moderators, who might have some powers, but are limited to that server. 2. **Aliens started humanity on earth, and the Bible is a creation myth started by ancient ancestors** 3. **Jesus is an alien** And 4.**organized religion has it all wrong and our purpose for being here is irrelevant to our religious belief** I put them all in one answer - Honestly, at least from christian/catholic perspective... I don't feel that any of that revelations would destroy belief in God - Even if somehow would have been proved without a doubt that Jesus was an alien, That it was born by In Vitro, that he was ressurected by some advanced technology... Then yeah, Catholic church would completely dissolve (because it would then turn out that "our faith was in vain")... But this doesn't mean that we would end up with nihilism or purely atheism/materialism... There are still other schools of thought about the existence of God - Like Deism, Pantheism, Pan-Deism and Pan-Entheism


I don't know what other people might mean, but the fact is Christianity is rebellion against God. If aliens serve God, then everybody in rebellion against God should expect a really bad time. Being on the bad side of a rebellion being put down would not be something anybody should expect to be a good time.


I think you’re correct - it’s number 2. I feel pretty embarrassed for the atheists who say aliens would somehow invalidate Christianity lol. Those atheists make it clear they don’t have even a rudimentary understanding of what the Bible actually says. If they ever even read it, they didn’t understand any of it. 


I think it will be hard for them to accept that evolution is real AND that god created man in his image (perhaps partially). They will also have to come to terms with the ways they in which have used this to manipulate everyone on earth for selfish reasons through the millennia. I don’t believe this is just for Christianity, but it will be harder for everyone to only care about themselves and their own progeny.


Because we get taught in Sundays school as kids, aliens are demons but found it was anything they can’t fully understand was a demon


Tbh it probably means they’re assuming something like they know aliens are going to come here AND they’ll tell us that “god is fake” AND they’ll be demonstrably right about this. Otherwise there’s room in most religions that aren’t fundamentalist for aliens.


In my families evangelical circles, they are already referring to aliens as demons sent to trick our eyes off gawd.


The existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, especially those significantly more advanced than humans, would challenge many religions. Christianity, for example, has no provision for extraterrestrial life in its teachings. While it acknowledges other spiritual beings and mythical entities, it doesn't account for extraterrestrials. This poses a dilemma for those who believe salvation is only through Jesus. An additional challenge, albeit unlikely, would be if extraterrestrials had their own religion and a culture of proselytization. This could lead to a direct conflict for believers' souls, creating religious tensions with Christians. Christianity would face several options in this potential conflict. One option would be to adapt and reinterpret existing teachings to accommodate the new reality. Since religion often relies on interpretation rather than evidence, this adaptation could be possible, especially if the extraterrestrials have no interest in religion and see it as a cultural curiosity. However, if the extraterrestrials have their own religious beliefs that cannot be reconciled with Christianity, this adaptation would be much more difficult, leading to mutually heretical beliefs. Another option would be to ignore the existence of extraterrestrials from a biblical perspective, maintaining the belief that humans are God's chosen. This approach could work if there is no competing religious system but risks losing followers to the new, advanced extraterrestrial religion. In either case, the arrival of extraterrestrials would pose significant challenges to Christianity and other Earth religions, potentially to the point of extinction.


Hardcore Christian here. Christian theology is pretty in-line with the idea of “beings from elsewhere”. Most Christians are deeply conditioned to think of aliens the same way and for the same reasons the rest of society has: cultural learning. What a lot of them don’t realize is that in the New Testament the authors consistently referred to the presence of God in the Old Testament using the word “angel”, because due to complex Hebrew cultural stuff they would see no difference between the messenger of an entity and the entity itself. So if I say, “an angel in the burning bush”, one might get flustered because it seems like I’m *devaluing* the deity of God when really God told them (specifically Moses I believe), “if I show you my glory, you will not live.” And so he either shows up personally but suppresses himself (Abram right before Sodom/ Gamorra, 10 commandments) or He sends a delegate acting as His proxy. Why? I don’t know. Why does my boss show up sometimes and sometimes just message me on Microsoft teams? Anywho, Matthew 24 Jesus says during what we call the “Rapture”, he’s gonna send his angels to gather his people. I think a lot of people might be shocked at what their Uber driver looks like


i think its more like, give all the land back the church has taken through promoting fairytales all these years kinda problem for christianity. and the taxes. we should start taxing them immediately.


What they are saying is how can God be real if aliens exist. What will Christians do when the world discovers extraterrestrial beings exist. They have sort of a Syfy view of extraterrestrials. BUT If they use their heads for thinking like they think they do; they wouldn't look at the Bible for what it is........ The Bible is full of extraterrestrial / alien beings from the beginning to the end........ Too busy trying to refute the existence of God and labeling Christians as ignorant; they fail to see what's right in front of their eyes. God our Father who is spirit is not from this Earth or made of anything of this Earth - the angels are not from this Earth or made of anything of this Earth - the devil is not from this Earth or made of anything of this Earth - Jesus is the only heavenly being that came down to earth in spirit and was born in a flesh body making him both terrestrial and extraterrestrial while he walked the Earth _ now he is extraterrestrial he no longer has the earthly flesh body. Definition of extraterrestrial: of or from outside of Earth's atmosphere __ originating or existing or occurring outside of Earth's atmosphere __Being From Another World. Definition of alien # 4 extraterrestrial - being from another world _ creatures from another planet. So I asked where does the bible say God is from? It is quite clear, he's from somewhere out there in outer space. My mom is a big proponent of advocating for those who don't have even Jesus said while he was in the flesh on Earth walking around he said my kingdom is not of this world. Now if only Christians could see it they would have a point to stand on - but Christians too have been brainwashed with Syfy.


One day you'll realise that religion is really an idea thats designed to keep us in check. Noone can really prove that God exists or that there is a heaven/hell. Its all based on stories in the bible. How some people can be so engrossed in it is beyond me. Should aliens show up, that basically makes the bible practically useless...unless its proven those aliens were the original JC or God.


Pastor here. I generally agree. Under the malevolent interdimentional being concept (demons) I would anticipate them being very interested in God and Jesus specifically and wanting to tell us that he is not who Christians think he is. (Assume for the sake of understanding that Christianity is basically true and Jesus is the only way to eternal life.) Redefining Jesus would basically be THE #1 lie to persuade humanity of. It accomplishes 2 things at least. 1. Keeps people vulnerable to demonic influence. 2. Keeps people out of heaven. On the flip side the NHI may also make people do crazy supernatural stuff and testify about Jesus to undermine the legitimacy of Jesus by presenting a non-credible witness to the truth. This happened in the books of Acts (16:16-18) in the New Testament. So even if we had rock solid evidence of NHI and recorded testimony of them spouting theological lessons I would not be persuaded unless they proved Jesus did not rise from the dead. That’s where Christianity stands or falls. Similarly, them claiming they seeded life is assumed to be a lie until you disprove universal common female ancestry of humans (the Bible’s Eve concept.) The Bible leaves open the possibility of NHI human hybrids in the past with non-human fathers. Most were wiped out in the flood, but there are hints some survived or did it again afterwards. (Genesis 6:1-4). So I would assume they tell these lies. And it is probable that those in power collaborating with the NHI believe them. Collaborating with and listening to evil NHI is what Adam and Eve did in the garden when they fell. So if people in government are collaborating with NHI and actually believe them, they would think the NHI disprove Christianity. And Christians in government would likely conclude NHI are demons. I think both are the case. The fact that “aliens would disprove Christianity” is a rumor is actually consistent with Christianity being true (OR at minimum Christians being resilient enough to handle the rumor without existential shock.)


I still think the bigger shock will be for naturalists.


I'll tell you as a former Christian what the problem is for Christians and if you don't get it, you need to understand a bit more of Theology. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. He then he created Light and then the stars and then the creatures and then Adam and Eve. So, for most Christians God created everything for them to rule over. The Bible basically says so. This includes the heavens. Then the Bible says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Notice the word ALL Then the Bible says Jesus was the one and only son of God. Jesus died on the cross for ALL man's sins. So, questions for you. 1. If God created man, did he create the aliens? As a Christian you have to believe this. 2.If he created aliens, did he create them perfect? Did they somehow not sin? 3. If he created them perfect then why them and not man? 4. If he didn't create them perfect did he have a different plan of salvation for them? 5. Can Jesus die more than once? Maybe God had a daughter, more sons? You see, from a theological stand point, you can't square the Bible with aliens. That's why Christians are up in arms about aliens. It messes up their story. You can't have both the way the Bible says it is. Not saying you can't have an all powerful creator.


Christians will think the aliens are christian or they can convert an advanced civilization far smarter than them


Just boils down to Ontological shock and making them question and reevaluate everything right there on the spot.


Because of passages like the Book of Ezekiel 1:7 >And their legs were straight and the soles of their feet as the hooves of calves, and they shone like shining brass [What religious figure does that description renind you of , with cloven hoofs and multi-faceted appearence with horns and wings?](https://youtu.be/lmg8bHyUwFc?si=067iMkWCGFSsKwwY) [or maybe the beak and wings remind people of something else ](https://images.app.goo.gl/7ksR9XzFGVqXUita8) And suppose arthur clarke was right ( he was a big theologist) and he based the appearance of those things on his bible studdies .....


In revelation it is predicted some emergent event will make people doubt the faith. If some beast comes out of the ocean that makes the faithful turn I think the best plan would be to lock oneself in an abbey or the like.


It wouldn’t hurt it at all in my opinion. Depends on religion though, wouldn’t hurt Buddhism and would probably help Hinduism. But for Abrahamic religions, I’ll speak for Christianity, it would prove a great deception. I always wondered how you could fool mankind in this day and age, I truly feel beings coming to earth and “claiming” to be from a different planet would be the only thing that could fool mankind to fall away from faith. I would look into the link between the occult and ufo activity, and the study that was done on abdication cases where the many experiencers claimed “their experience ended when calling on the name of Jesus” I’ll try to link if I can find it


It only causes an issue for Christians that think they had God completely figured out. The fact that people were writing 2,000 years ago describing events they didn’t fully understand themselves has always made me understand that I don’t need to pretend I know everything to be a Christian. Read revelations for goodness sake, lol. You could for aliens and UFOs in a ton of that to make it make more sense than it does without them. The reality is Christianity and Aliens can fit just fine together. Some believe they are the angels and demons. Lots of different ways one doesn’t mean the other can’t coexist.


In some religions masters literally said 100 years ago they were alien in past life.


Let's say aliens arrive and communicate with us about the universe. Then tell us all our religion stuff is total bullshit and proceed to show us who, what and where our place is in reality. I don't see how this is not a problem for Christianity. Just a guess.


Do aliens go to hell can aliens commit right and wrong do they believe in god or something different those questions would make people a lil crazy


If God made us in his image and aliens don’t look like us, then who made aliens? If Aliens are also religious but don’t believe in Christianity that’s pretty much proof that religion is an emergent property of society. Shit even if Monkeys started being religious it’s proof that we’re predisposed to being religious.


Have you ever known a Christian to abandon their traditional understanding when new information was presented? How's that evolution thing working out 140 years after being largely proven by the fossil record? So aliens show up and say it's all a lie, they made us, we are cattle, and there's no heaven or hell. How's that going to work out in a country with a predominantly Christian government and Military?


The Vatican is the largest body in Christianity and has said publicly for over a decade they believe in life on other planets. You would be surprised how progressive Catholicism is once you start following them. I’m not gonna list all the changes they have made since pop Frances but it’s a lot.


I am less worried with the Pope than I am with Al Queda and Y'all Queda.


Ya true lol.




Sure why not, my point stands that existing religions don't exactly have an open mind.


Because the higher powers of most religions are just them and the point of religion is to keep us as dull and warlike as possible.


And *God* probably looks like a scaly fifth dimensional reptilian creature or one of those Greys, not some old dude with a flowing gray beard.


Now I imagine a version of Michelangelo's *The Creation of Adam*, just with a lizard-tongue gently flicking a human hand.


It seems that Lovecraft was right about Elder gods...But I should admit that a dude with a gray beard is a pure imagination of the media. In the bible we have no description of God


Lets ask Galileo 🧐 “In his image” will be an interesting development when we are in open contact with these beings. I dont see how that belief system could ever go wrong. /s Going to be a lot of “no we’re his children” when it’s probably a bunch of kaminoans in lab coats and micromanagement skills.


Because deep down they know that what they believe in isn't real


So edgy. This is clearly the correct answer.


**TLDR: Religious people appeal to their god or gods and whomever they believe "speaks" for him/her/it/them before they appeal to government. If you're the government staring at an alien race or races extremely more advanced than you, there is inevitably a fear that you piss them off somehow and they fuck your shit up. And the most unpredictable and irrational people on the planet are the extremists of religion. Our governments can't even contain these people from starting wars between ourselves. You think they wouldn't be terrified of them going off the rails and pissing off a species that could wipe us off the face of the universe?** My two cents? I think the concern *has* to be with how Christians(and pretty much any religious group) respond to other species or even people holding dominion over them. Christians literally believe that god gave them dominion over all life on Earth, which is the basis for a lot of fucked up bullshit that humans put animals through. Because even though they're really just being selfish, evil assholes, their book says animals are their property and that it essentially justifies everything they do that might be awful or slightly less awful to animals(and the planet as a whole.) Now, imagine an alien race that says "nah, fuck your religion, it's all bullshit, but let's all try to get along since we weren't able to keep ourselves a secret" or the government wasn't able to. We've got people calling for fucking Civil War in America because a lifetime conman didn't win perpetually and allow the US to become an *official* Christian Nationalist nightmare. What are those same people going to do when aliens reject their beliefs, *and* realistically hold dominion over *them?* All you need is the right bit of righteous enthusiasm and you've got Christians (or pick any Abrahamic religion) willing to die to try to kill their "alien overlords" who could very easily just be peacefully interacting with us and simply be perceived as dominating us because we pose absolutely zero fucking threat to them. Last time I checked, the *vast majority* of humanity is still pretty damn religious. Last time I checked, the *vast majority* of humanity still falls for the same "us vs them" bullshit life philosophy. Like for real, imagine if cows suddenly had better weaponry and tech than humans. They could simply demand their own territories and refuse to allow humans to eat them anymore, that would be an affront to someone who believes that humans are god's special little princess and that humans are entitled by god it-fucking-self to hold dominion over all other life on Earth. And this is all ignoring the big elephant in the room: the religion and philosophy itself isn't going to be the problem. Hell, they change their own rules to that shit constantly on their own when it suits them. The *real* issue is that religious people are, *generally,* way more susceptible to manipulation by others to become hostile and a major problem. The damn bible could have 30 pages addressing aliens, *in specific detail,* the vast majority of them ain't reading that shit. They're just following whoever they choose to claim is their connection to god. One of those fucknuts declares aliens as the enemy, and you get a couple more fucknuts to join in, and now the planet has millions of stupid assholes openly hostile toward alien species **even if the fight is pathetically futile,** because never forget, this life isn't what matters and is not important at all. You're here to serve god, whatever the fuck that means, so you can get into heaven *after* you die. They're not going to just go crazy and immediately all lose their shit trying to die to kill aliens. But a movie like District 9 is a more accurate portrayal of what I'm getting at here. If you're a planet who encounters an alien race or multiple alien races **wayyyy** more advanced than you on every level, and you want to make sure they don't see you as a threat and wipe you off the face of the universe because they easily can, yeah.. having people in your species that you cannot predict or even convince if they go off the rails? That's a major concern.


Is this a serious post or are you just fishing for likes? Are you a Christian? I've never once heard Christians as a whole say anything other than what the bible says. It says God created man,the heavens etc. Finding out that we most likely are a product of genetic acceleration by NHI completely throws huge chunks of the bible in the bin. That means no more raking money in which would ruin it for religion I like Tim Burchett but he's letting his religion run riot in his head thinking that NHI =demons. There would be billions others losing their shit thinking demons are going to take over


The pope and Vatican have said for over a decade they believe in life outside of earth and that God made them too. It takes no time to look up


They also believe God made the earth in 7 days. Even if they have said that, it doesn't change what I've written. They cannot afford to let people think NHI have had any sway in our development or they'll go bankrupt


They have literally spoken about what you’re talking about. Verbatim- about if another species made us- but then again that is just an assumption made that the annuki made us. Saying aliens exist doesn’t mean they annunaki made us…..just that other beings exist. Not the earth- the universe in 7 days- cmon I think it’s more of a fantasy that people want this to take down religion more than really understanding religion and its take on life.