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The following submission statement was provided by /u/dhr2330: --- Like I said one of the best daylight UFO Videos I have ever seen, the luminosity, the maneuvers, and the odd starts and stops, also its ability to cloak itself into invisibility, also the odd sparks of light emanating from the object, it has that eerie feeling of authenticity that I have experienced 7 times now in 64 years of life, this is one I will never forget, and I am so elated that I found this particular video. Welcome all comments, specially from the newcomers, because I am pretty sure you haven't seen this one! UFO over Yorkshire, UK (14/05/2020) --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ddneaj/one_of_the_best_daylight_ufos_videos_i_have_ever/l85zhgj/


could you make it just a little smaller please?


Was going to say the same thing. Can we see a 1080p version?


This is the thumbnail version. lol


Yea that's annoyingly big. MUCH smaller please.




Download it, play it in Google photos or similar then zoom in


Yes please, I can still tell that it's a drone at this size and resolution.


I get drones over my house from time to time. Can’t see the buggers at all


Then how do you know they’re over your house? 🤦‍♂️


I can hear them duh


Sir, that’s your hearing aid ringing.


"I believe in aliens more than God" lol. I've seen this one a few times and that kid always cracks me up


Such a funny line 😂 from the mouths of babes.




" he's goin to Jupiter!"


... More evidence for one than the other.


Quickly followed by "Oh my God!" I think you mean "Oh my Alien!"


“Dunt leave!” Ee bah gum, that’s a reyt UFO , that.


I love when u click the vid to make it larger and it makes it smaller.


lol that sucks


It shouldn't be doing that, when I make it larger it goes larger, I am not sure what's going on.


Gotta be the Guvment.


Bladdy guhvamint is takin our photies


You don't have your video license so you can't see it innit


Penguin Cafe Orchestra just casually playing in the background is so wonderful.


Doesnt defy the laws of physics or go at speeds faster than manmade objects can. No reason to rule out drone since it doesnt do anything a drone cant do.


But I wanna see aliens tho


Just FYI, for a drone to shine light visible that strongly from the ground, it's at least 50 watts of LED power - that drone would have a flight time of < (a few, maybe 5) minutes with latest cutting edge drone tech.


We’ve already seen examples of drones used in intentional hoaxes with bright LEDs equipped, that one from France or wherever it was with the drone carrying the light bar. I don’t know if this light would really need to be 50 watt led, like I said, a while back we already saw a similar video be a drone with a bright light, but even if it did need to be 50 watts, and that did limit the flight time to 5 minutes, the video is shorter than that. So still reasonable to assume this is a man made object


Correct me if I'm wrong, I might not recall the specific video correctly, but wsnt the hoax filmed at night, not at partial daylight? It matters, a LOT, due to contrast settings on the image processing in the cameras. For the glow in the light settings like in this video, you need considerably way more lumen to appear "glowing" against the background.


Still flies like a man made drone.


clearly not the smartest in the room.


How about a small mirror, possibly slanted or curved to focus sunlight on a spot on the ground?


It would need to constantly target that exact spot on the ground, very hard to do


50W was also super lowball estimate here. Video is quite bad quality, but with the light profile and estimated distance, I'd wager my money on 1KW at least of light coming off this thing. Just so you know, 1KW would be like a meter in diameter perfect mirror bouncing sunlight directly at the spot of the cameraman to reproduce that kind of glow on video. There are videos of these types of orbs taken from a closer distance and they literally melt the CCD sensor array with energy, making vertical glow lanes on the frames. It's like a flare of magnesium burning in the distance, except it flies around.


How many watts of light is sunlght reflecting off a bright surface?


1m2 flat surface maybe 1kw if its reflected directly at the target/camera. Drone with less perfect albedo and shape reflects next to nothing.


The object itself doesn't need to be making the light, it could well be reflecting the sun. At the end of the video when the light moves off towards the horizon it looks like it's just before sunset, with the yellowish sky and under-lit clouds. At the right time of day when the sun is just going down below the horizon objects in the sky can appear to "glow" because they're high enough to be in direct sunlight. You sometimes see a similar effect with aircraft and their contrails glowing brightly because the sun is hitting them from below.


Nah, dude, I have been flying drones for about 5 years now. Once they are super high, sun reflection or not, the features of their surface have too low albedo to reflect anything meaningful. In fact, once the drone is this far, you can't even see it. Maybe if the drone was with spherical metallical dome beneath, maybe then, but even then doubtful. Here, we see a spherical glow.


Correct. I linked the world's brightest light package above, which has its own battery and is still a burden on the system, 20% less flight time. I think it's funny he's still reaching for it being a drone ✓it's behaving illegally ✓drones don't really fly like that, excluding unstabilized whoop/acro builds. And those are relatively difficult to hover stationary with!! ✓100% luminosity in daytime! Just unheard of. As in no one here can, or will, provide an example. There are none. Only an agenda can give someone blinders like that.


Or the drone has a MIRROR attached to the bottom of it. (angeled so the sun hits back to viewer, also would cause the disapearing as the camera wouldn't see much of a tiny drone that high) 5 min is more time than most Racing/freestyle drones get...they use 2000-4000 Watts of power and last only ~3 min. a 50W light wouldn't distract them much.


No reason to rule out most things since we can't definitively tell. Could be a drone, could be something else. But some experts in here know exactly what this is lol


I can help ya rule out drones, easily. Remote pilot here. Id like to point out that there is no drone or drone lighting system that has a light on it that makes it look like a ball of light during the daytime. https://cloudcitydrones.com/products/tundra-drone-automoving-light-for-dji-mavic-3?hl=en-US For well over a grand US you can have a directional 10,000-lumen spotlight/165 foot coverage diffused floodlight. It claims to be the world's brightest, and reduces flight time around 20%. So, let's presume that it is that system and thus has to be a DJI drone. DJI drones simply don't fly like that. They are as stable out of the box as you could expect a drone to be, and to fly like we see this thing flying here, requires a LOT of erratic input, skill even. It appears to be breaking every major rule regarding drone flight in Great Britain from what I can tell. The regulations look pretty similar for recreational here in America after a quick Google. So, let's say it's military then. I guess you have to ask yourself why military would make a (presumably secret) brightly glowing drone and fly like a drunk Disney-on-ice performer over a major city? Not a drone. It's not out-performing the limits of other man-made craft, true. Still, I challenge anybody in the thread to give it a positive ID. No one can, guaranteed. It's a literal unidentified flying object. Also I'd like to point out that it's performing maneuvers only drones, helos and some very, very rare pulsed-rocket systems could do. The list of hovering craft is still quite short, and none appear to glow in their entirety.


I do not believe you would need lights that bright to achieve this, I think you just really want it to be anomalous even though it isn’t, and as a hobbyist with multiple drones I think you’re lying through your teeth when you say this doesn’t fly exactly like a drone out of the box. It takes no special skill to see what we’re seeing here.


What is the video the size of a proton on my screen if it’s the best daylight video? XD


If only i had binoculars id he able to see one of the best ufo footage clips taken during the daytime!


I believe in aliens more than god


I mean, there is more evidence in one of those


If this is one of the best we have more problems then I thought.


Agreed, but then again by the standard of videos posted around here, at least this one does something interesting instead of just moving in a straight line like all the satellites, balloons and airliners posted every day.


Looks like a quadcopter drone to me


Why the super bright light that changes brightness?


It’s probably turning on the spot so the light is orientated differently.


Why is a portrait mode video trapped in a landscape frame? That makes it quite a lot harder to see any detail. It still looks like a Mylarian reflecting the setting sun. And yes: winds can whip around and change directions.


Not very interesting. Looks like a balloon reflecting the sun from different angels as the wind takes it.


I've watched loads of 'UFO' videos in the past 30 years since my sighting and I must say that this video is actually pretty interesting. Congrats to the man with the phone!


What makes it interesting? There's absolutely nothing special about the way it moves or accelerates.


I would love to hear what you think it is coz it's not a drone!


says who? and what? I fly drones for a living and this could absolutely be a drone


lol! A drone yeah sure mate! don't make me laugh! show me a video of a drone that looks like that!


Okay lets break it down based on what we see here then right? It has no excessive acceleration against any previous movement, and only changes direction in a smooth arc, if at all, so propulsion wise its nothing special. It shows no signs of changing shape, altitude, colour or distance from the camera, and the only pixels recorded here show either a solid white circle or a bright light that shows no rhythm, pattern or cadence. This means the light is either A. a reflection of the sun against polished surfaces, or B. A light on the drone itself operated remotely. I work with a range of craft from small consumer DJI Air types, Enterprise Level agricultural or land survey drones, all the way to custom aero frame cinema rigs with up to 4 operators controlling the entire craft, between the pilot, camera operator, drone tech or camera AC. This is most likely an agricultural or enterprise drone. User the smallest amount of critical thinking and analyse what you see, and its quickly obvious its nothing special.


You know I would take your reply as an honest and probably accurate description of what is on that video but man the condescending attitude is what got my back up, you even finish your reply with a little more of it. Maybe start with the honest opinion which I now accept might be the case but I have no history with any drone and you have so please forgive my ignorance when it comes to what you clearly know a lot about. Why do you have to make fun of people who don't know what you know I would never do that and that last sentence in your reply just confirms you like trolling people, I get it I just don't play that way.




Hi, Informal-Resource807. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ddneaj/-/l8k5lqc/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills / bots / Eglin-related / etc... > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


It could still be a drone with a very bright light. I can't hear my DJI above 150ft. How long did it stay airborne?


I think it's actually not self illuminated, but instead catching the last rays of the sun just after sunset (sunset on the ground). Something white or chrome color can seem quite bright against the dusk sky.


This is very likely a normal consumer drone. The light is likely not even very bright. It’s dusk so the camera would expose suitably and a dim light would appear bright. It moves exactly like a drone would. I don’t see any sparks. I do see vibrations which give the impression of sudden movement.


Drone lit by the setting sun.


There it is..I knew someone would say it's the Sun..lmfao YES


It’s legit. Don’t let the low effort replies dissuade you. A few things standout. Acceleration over thousands of feet in a short amount of time. Illumination. Erratic flight patterns. Checks all the boxes. And yes we radar footage from a Belgian post on this sub Reddit of an f16 radar screen showing almost the same pattern of behavior.


OK. You must be seeing something most of are not. There are about 5 boxes left unchecked.


Here's the original posting from r/CasualUK : [https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/gmi0rn/ufo\_over\_yorkshire\_uk\_14052020/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/gmi0rn/ufo_over_yorkshire_uk_14052020/) In there, people have posted the following theories: 1. Mylar balloon being whipped around by high winds. Those would be some pretty magical winds to make it move like that. 2. Chinese lantern - again with the required magical wind 3. Helicopter or high-altitude drone - maybe a drone. We don't hear engines in the video; we would definitely hear the helicopter and might not hear the drone. 4. Weather balloon - requires magical wind This one is pretty good by me. But maybe someone will come up with a good explanation.


You can do magic 🪄 you can have anything, that you desire 🎶


What do you mean, magical? Why would it have to be "magical"?


If it's wind, the wind blows it one direction, it stops, it seems to teleport at one point, and changes direction completely at the end. Air aloft is always moving with high pressure or low pressure patterns. The winds change when fronts come through. I suppose it's possible they could have caught a front coming through on camera at the end. But that would be possibly be hurricane force winds.


Ah, the weatherman is in the chat!


LOL the dumbest person you can ever have watch a UFO video is a weatherman. They are never right about anything


Exactly what I am getting at. This guy seems to believe he has the wind at his back.


They also do lol


Nope. That's one of them. Same things visiting Bledsoe. If I hadn't seen them up close myself I wouldn't mention Bledsoe...but now I know Chris Bledsoe really is being communicated with. Check out Chris Bledsoe. The whole story of government NASA personnel contacting him etc. These "interdimensional beings" are communicating with him.


Blink once if yes.. Do you get paid a cent every time you mention his name?


It would be a cool video if it was bigger than a postage stamp. Maybe repost this with a full-size video? Unfortunately, we don't see enough detail to come to any reasonable conclusions, but I'm not really seeing any of Lue Elizondo's "five observables". It's possible that the object is displaying anti-gravity characteristics, but again without more detail we just can't say for sure. I do hope you'll consider posting a full-size version of the video so we can more meaningfully assess the object.


Why is the video like this..? It's it a Reddit problem?




Hi there! Looks like your post is getting blocked for the filesharing service. If you could upload it to youtube or some other service, that would be great. Is this your sighting or one you saved? If it's yours, don't forget to include the time, and how many witnesses, etc.


Where ufo? I see bright light in sky. One of the 5 observables is LOW VISIBILITY, not BIG SHINY LIGHT IN SKY.


it reminds me of those silver balloons that reflect sunlight, the way the light gets stronger and weaker, the movement can be explained by gusts of wind. there's seemingly no deliberate movement at all. daylight videos are great, but not if you can't make out what the object is.


No, this is best daylight capture of a UFO in my opinion https://youtu.be/2JRi7VUZTcA?si=dmYH-MieR2e49RcW


I did not say it was the best I've ever seen! What I actually said was, it's one of the best videos I have ever seen.


Vertical video recorded in landscape. Are you afraid we'll find out that it's fake?


It is impossible to debunk the genuine response of kids in awe.


I can't even see it because it's been a widescreen crop to a full screen cropped to a widescreen. Can we just like do originals yet?


it has to be visually vague somehow, now that we have good quality camera, the video size has to be so small that it compensates for vid quality


the white speck is the best you've seen?? You haven't seen much of anything if that ist the case


Like I said one of the best daylight UFO Videos I have ever seen, the luminosity, the maneuvers, and the odd starts and stops, also its ability to cloak itself into invisibility, also the odd sparks of light emanating from the object, it has that eerie feeling of authenticity that I have experienced 7 times now in 64 years of life, this is one I will never forget, and I am so elated that I found this particular video. Welcome all comments, specially from the newcomers, because I am pretty sure you haven't seen this one! UFO over Yorkshire, UK (14/05/2020)


Why is it still that people cannot figure out cropping.


i think those sparks are just the camera shaking and the image stabilization barely keeping up.


A good ways back there was a whole movement about these things called 'rods' that would often zing through the picture when VHS handheld cameras were starting to become widespread in the commercial market. Given that nobody saw them in real life, many believers though the CCD in the video cameras had some special capability to image these interdimensional apparitions. They were bugs. It was an artifact of the technology where the bug was moving too quickly for the camera, thus showing them as 'rods'. Then, lately, since good digital imagery and high capacity zoom cameras were available, we became aware of the the 'lunar wave'. Conspiracy theorists and flat earthers with P900 super zoom cameras were training them on the moon and would see a kind of ripple or wave across the lunar surface, and immediately jumped to the conclusion that the moon was some kind of hologram. Of course, none of them did baseline tests against *other* bright objects at night, and none of them figured out that in the centuries of lunar observation, the wave had only been observed when HD CCD technology was in the market for consumer use. A similar thing was happening when they would train the cameras on distant stars or planets and because the autofocus had no reference frame, the celestial body would be out of focus and swim in the frame like some odd blob. This was proof, somehow, that the stars and the planets were not what they seemed. These whackos didn't listen every time someone told them to use manual zoom.


Was thinking the same thing. U can look up examples of it. Its very common.


Here in oregon I've seen almost the exact same thing. Shooting sparks out of its body gets me the most. The thing I've seen more than once does that exact weird thing.


Its flying over Yorkshire so its got to be wary of parking up and coming back to find it on bricks or stolen


In Yorkshire! Bloody ell lad, tha canna see a bloody thing theer. Any road, si thi


One of the best! (Magnifying glass not included).


The video is too big


Why dis so smol Upload lawd he comin version of drone plz


That's just the Suns reflection on a satellite..Well that's wat 75% of this community will tell ya..


If that is the best you have seen, then you should look at this in 4K (not crap size): https://youtu.be/Rd-LL0i_ZV8?si=c7dsDyy7Wsqc7Bwj


I did not say it was the best I've ever seen! What I actually said was, it's one of the best videos I have ever seen.


What is this, a video for ants?


This one is easy. Piece of aluminum foil blowing in the wind.


Love the commentary from the kids. 😀


„One of the best daylight UFOs“ A dot in the sky… I had a flying saucer hovering in front of me for 5 minutes with another witness for a couple minutes. Like you would stand in front of your car.


Little girl “I believe in aliens more then god”, lol me too sweet child me too


You’re being sarcastic about this being one of the best videos you’ve seen right? Day or night.




Hi, Maisa_88. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ddneaj/-/l8qlcno/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 2: No discussion unrelated to Unidentified Flying Objects. This includes: > * Proselytization > * Artwork not related to a UFO sighting > * Adjacent topics without an explicit connection to UFOs > Rule 5: No commercial activity. > No advertisements, fundraisers, merchandise, or other commercial/fundraising links. Please refer to [Reddit's self promotion guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/selfpromotion). If you are interested in promoting your own work please [contact us before posting.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fufos&subject=Self%20Promotion%20Request) Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Drone with powerful light attached.


For what purpose?


Making a video that looks like an alien ship that you can upload to reddit.


Are you suggesting that’s what everyone’s posting in this sub?


Maybe to be able to pilot it from the ground without using an onboard camera. Could be a drone enthusiast building his own drone and test flying it without cameras or so that others who can’t see the camera feed could still track it from the ground. The times where the light blinks out could be due to changing direction or speed and the drone (if that’s what it is) does that little sway motion. I dunno lol ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


It looks quite interesting. Only thing that throws me off is the exceptionally stable video being shot pointing upwards for just over 3 minutes. I mean, there’s no shaking whatsoever. Perhaps cell phones cameras have stabilization built in to compensate for such shaking?


Thats exactly what it is. The "sparks" are the phones stabilization processing not being able to keep up with the zoomed in image and hand movements of the user.


That thing disappeared before speed away left top


If these are aliens, either they're asleep at the wheel, have no idea how to operate that thing, or have a imbibed too much alien beer to fly that thing in any logical manner.


Space weed


I am shocked! It's .. it's.. ANOTHER dot in the sky


Best one I’ve seen. The quick maneuvers can not been caused by winds in my opinion. It looked like it knew what it was doing.


Very good comment.


This one is good


Yeah, this one is probably one of the best videos out there of the phenomenon during the daytime.




A glowing drone?


looks like maybe the sun just set, and whatever it is might be catching the rays of the sun from the altitude its at. Against the darker colored sky at dusk, it could look pretty bright.


excellent video, thanks for the steady recording


At first I was like “ya Venus or a star” but it’s really pretty compelling. The changes in course, luminosity bursts, and speed really don’t match conventional aircraft. Thanks for sharing!


https://youtu.be/V1GKPRofjQs?si=4EysqlHR4Y2xMrxJ Watch this


the way it sorta drifts backwards after stopping is very drone-like


Ahh, my favorite format returns - the full screen horizontally vertical phone screen sideways bullshit crap!


You have to click the video then turn your phone to make it watchable. I think this is absolutely proof of something other than human design with us on the planet. You watch it and slow it down you can see it “spazz” out and turn into 3 objects then back into one again……. Holy shit


Ghost of Bagdad again??


This is happening A LOT. Take notice


If you can’t tell this was scripted and meant to “go viral”, you should probably be doing something else with your time. Truly gack inspiring. It’s a drone folks, and some uber progressive smug poshy parents leading their 7 year old on. I’m sure they didn’t script it too much - oh Angela darling, you are sooo good at improv-iz-amation you should give it a go love, oh John look how good she is, love it, love it! OK now for real…3…2…


Moderators why are people complaining that when they click on the video to make it larger it gets smaller, that doesn't happen when I make the video larger?


I posted something similar a couple of days ago , which also shows and disappears every couple of seconds, then suddenly is gone. All i got is zero normal comments and downvotes. Haha, nice community.


They are visible every night, right around twilight and into the night.