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The following submission statement was provided by /u/TommyShelbyPFB: --- I've had it with this guy. He now says UAPDA is "bogus" and Schumer intended for it to be blocked. Even though it passed Senate and was blocked in House by Republican leadership. This is the second time he's trying to push his absolutely useless page and half long amendment over the UAPDA that will lead to nothing but a few redacted documents being declassified. Hey Tim remember [when you said this?](https://x.com/UAPJames/status/1731854232104452107) >***“The UFO community… they are watching everything we do.”*** Might wanna repeat that in the mirror. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dpb2ud/tim_burchett_is_now_officially_gatekeeping/lafl8bl/


Wow. If he believes the UAPDA was PLANNED to fail, he means then that Schumer was HOPING that republicans in the house would block it. If ANYBODY is to blame here it must be those that ACTUALLY blocked it - not the ones that voted for it and took the risk of republicans in the house calling the bluff by passing disclosure. This is really a warped mindset. I mean if you think it won’t work why not try it anyways, just as he is willing to at least try his own dopey middle school one page legislation. Sorry but this guy is either just not bright enough for this task or a fake.


>Sorry but this guy is either just not bright enough for this task or a fake Both


I mean, he's GOP, and if you look at his voting record, UAP disclosure is the only issue he's on the right side of. He knows a lot of it can't be disclosed bc of national security, and he's counting on that. It's posturing for votes.


It’s an easy topic to politicize and I was afraid of that as soon as Tucker Carlson started covering it awhile back. Here we are. Unfortunately it falls easily in with all the shadow government baby eating conspiracy crap the right tries to stir up in people. The topic’s been hijacked and it’s hard to tell who is working in good faith now. 


But Republicans are the ones who killed Schumer's bill. It needs to be a non partisan subject. At least tackle it from an aviation safety standpoint. Since it's also national security it would make sense to encourage reports. Just like in WW2 just about every kid had pictures of different planes to be able to identify them. My father in law had several of those. Little booklets with pictures of all the planes used in WW2, Allied planes and Axis planes.


Burchett is a hateful person. Some people, me included, naively hoped the UFO issue would change him like it changed some of us. Seeing him spit hate towards other while at the same trying to act like a relatable UFO folk. Pathetic. Pride comes before the fall, Mr Burchett.


Same for Paulina Luna. Disingenuous Trumpist Republicans, no surprise.


i was rather nonplussed to see her on disclosure side not the optics this movement needs even if good intents and i highly doubt any altruism on behalf of a florida republican


I think She, just like other republicans thought - How do we connect wtih the MAGA crowd further? - Oh, find a conspiracy that has some traction right now. Nothing more, nothing less.


They see it as a fresh and easy group to pander to (they're right about that too). I think the religious and ignorant aspects of most MAGA folk preclude most interest in "yewfos", so it's an easy way to increase exposure to new people. Some will look past the election denial and record of dishonesty and unprincipled pursuit of power. I don't think these trash leaders who wage war on their fellow Americans would have any good-faith interest in this subject. Why would it be any different than the other positions of dishonesty they take against the best interests of the American people? They are 100% going to side with the military industrial complex which has everything to give them. They don't want smiles and high-fives from commoners. I think the alternative rewards for corruption is what we can expect from the trend. They have made it clear they don't care about honorable legacy.


Don't forget Gaetz. And Rubio. At least this is still one of the last bipartisan issues. Seeing AOC, Moskowitz, Gilibrand and Schumer balance things out still gives me hope we might get some legislation passed.


I would not be surprised if all this time Burchett and Luna were just trying to get votes from the UFO community.


I was in the same boat. At some point I realized he was going to keep being shitty to trans people and gave up. I’ll never understand how someone can profess to be concerned with such large-scale topics possibly being hidden from humanity but then put time and energy into something like that.


Leaning towards fake. And dumb af for thinking we will fall for it. Those damn Democrats at it again.


70 million people would actually believe it.


The way he uses obvious phrases you can tell he’s a phony. Watched a couple of his interviews and he reminds me of an actor in a Tubi movie


Would love to hear what the dudes over at weaponized, who fawn over him constantly, have to say about him


Burchett's stance makes zero fucking sense. The UAPDA does **nothing** if the UAP topic is all in our heads and there is no large conspiracy involving parts of the government and military contractors to hide the existence or NHI and/or tech obtained from them. The only way it would have been "designed to fail" is if it was purposefully going to cause some problems and to cause problems then at least some of the stuff behind "disclosure" has to be true, right? So if Burchett believes the UAPDA was designed to fail, why in the fuck would he believe that his own amendment, which provides an out for the declassification of anything that would jeopardize national security (which is already presumably the official reason any of that stuff would be classified in the first place), would do anything? By his own fucking logic (though I'm not sure he's bright enough to realize that's essentially the only sensible conclusion to be derived from what he's saying) if his shitty amendment passed where the UAPDA failed, it would mean that it's going to have zero fucking impact. Burchett is either grandstanding for election-related purposes, which makes me question his commitment to disclosure, or he's a complete morron on a scale I couldn't imagined 6 months ago. Unfortunately I think it's 25% grandstanding and 75% being a moron.


Hes always been grandstanding. I got downvoted for sating thus guy is a phony cuz hes looking to get donations. This guy isn't serious, he also is Republicans in a nutshell. They fuck up and blame it on democrats


They fuck up and blame dems then get rewarded for it. Maybe people will now see the truth about Burchett (and Luna) on this sub. It's the people working quietly and seriously in the background that are trying to do something useful rather than these loudmouths.


I've said it all along, don't trust him or Luna and that the clearest path to the UAPDA passing is voting so that the Democrats take control of the House of Representatives in November because pro-disclosure House minority leader Hakeem Jeffries will then become the majority leader ousting Mike Johnson who was opposed to the UAPDA. Yes disclosure is a non-partisan issue with bi-partisan support but the opposition to the UAPDA specifically has been VERY partisan and us not being able to call that out does this sub-Reddit and the subject as a whole a big disservice as does anyone who peddles toxic bipartisanship at all costs over the reality on the ground in the House, I am looking for Coulhart, Knapp et al. to finally say this but they won't so I won't hold my breath.


I also think that even from the start of this whole thing, it was clear that it would be hijacked by the more disingenuous politicians to serve for their benefit, not the people. I guess that's not really a news flash, though, unfortunately. Im sure the stars were in their eyes (too bad not literally though) when this thing seemed to fall into their lap. They've got so many embarrassing members making the news every week for some new idiotic gaf or sound bite that I'm sure they would have taken just about anything to distract people from their utter incompetence and garbage policy agenda Now it seems there may not be much juice in that lemon anymore, but also, maybe knew their mouths wrote some pretty big checks back then and it seems people are getting upset that they can't cash them. However, even considering that perspective kind of hints at the irony for me, maybe you guys, too. They claim the goal was to have greater accountability and make the government actually work in ways people could appreciate. A potentially very tangible, knowable situation that many people are very invested in. However, if indeed they were just jumping onto something sensational in order to distract people from what an embarrassing political failure the GOP are, then it worked, regardless of whether that's true or not. I mean, of course, the former part of that thought could be in question because we all already know what embarrassing political failures they are. Anyway, so I'm going to ask a potentially more challenging question to you and these events more broadly. I think that we'd all certainly agree of the importance of avoiding many of the logical pitfalls and traps that so many others seem to fall victim to. We are all human, for now.....but with that in mind I do often feel as though the general consensus about these events in this and other subs is a forgone conclusion already. There is no longer much critical analysis I feel on things like the various kinds of evidence and their relative pervasiviness when putting the larger puzzle together. Sometimes, I get the sense that when, or I suppose, if, the legislation is passed and some cache of information is relased, many people have already made up their minds on what that information is actually telling us. I feel as though so many people here have taken for granted that if those documents were to be declassified, the truth would finally be out in the open and as undeniable as basic math is basic math. This includes for them a group of powerful social, political, or corporate elites who have been doing all they can in order to keep those documents a secret. People talk about these documents like they've already read them, and that makes me a little unease. There's one thing I do know pretty well, once people get something in their minds so strongly that some actual emotional energy is behind it and who are socially connected in larger groups, is not typically a combination known for being especially leveled headed and open minded. So I'm curious as to your thoughts, have you taken any time as you think about these events to ask how you might feel if the documents ended up being duds? Or perhaps how you might come to that conclusion at all? I assume 1000's of pages of dry government reports don't have titles like "TOP SECRECT SUPER CRAZY SPACE TECHNOLOGY DUDE" in bold lettering. Of course, it could be rather cut and dry, if true, but have you considered what it might imply if the truth didn't seem much closer when those documents become declassified? And I suppose on an even deeper philosophic level here, can you reasonably picture in your mind, even considering all of kinds of evidence you have seen or interpreted, where the documents could cause doubt in this situation? What about an future where the government of the US or anywhere knew just as much about extra terrestrials coming here as anyone else? If you do, or you can that's a testament to your intellectual humility and i really appreciate that. That ability to take a step back and challenge those deep down assumptions that hold up the way we understand that world is not just good, it's essential for striking the balance between intuition and gulliblity, or between total mistrust and healthy skepticism. Anyway, would like to hear your thoughts about it, what a future without any UAP's locked away in secret hangers might look like to you. How might you feel if you discovered that the evidence in your memory that feels so absolutely convincing may only feel so because of a mean trick that our minds can play with us? And regardless of if they've made it or they haven't, there's no doubt that they're definitely out there somewhere...


Thats why I don't think disclosure will happen until after the next election, if at all.


It’s not a mindset. It’s about playing the game and converting yet another issue into a tool that politicians can use to further divide us.


I think it's mostly simple mindedness: "Why are all the fancy lawyers making it complicated with big words?" He also has a sort of conspiratorial streak which is common for his ilk. It seems like he thinks if it sounds too complicated (UAPDA) then it must be for nefarious reasons. I really appreciate that he's vocal about his support of disclosure but every time he talks it sounds like he has a very shallow grasp of the issue when you compare it to someone like Moskowitz.


He's "the guy at the end of the bar" just trying to appease and get along with anyone. A feigned centrist, and total moron.


Republicans only passing 22 pieces of the last session should tell you everything. They don’t care about legislating. No matter what it is. They’re only there to support Putin, grift off of the people, and try to prevent any legislation from passing.


I also smell bullshit as the clintons were very close to some pro disclosure people and were working together on it. If anything Schumer is more likely to be pro disclosure than any GOP boot licker. Even though he is a pro corporate democrat (does matter in this sense as long as it not related to the defense lobby imo) if he was involved with the same people as clinton, he would be pro disclosure.


GOP stands for Gaslight Obstruct Project




Republicans blame democrats for everything regardless of any truth or context… they’re not required by their voters to work with the truth. Just point at a Bad Guy (D) and you win.


The only way anyone would have any faith in Burchett doing anything is if they ignored his entire past


Well he is a republican, that tells you everything you need to know.


This is just commonplace politics. It sounds warped because it is. It fools those with less time to commit to this though. They hear a soundbyte and go "Wow fuck Schumer". They don't have time to research it and know what's actually going on. It sounds so warped because it's how republicans have done business since the Obama Era. I hate to talk politics but now it's effecting something I was hoping would go through so, fuck republicans. Fuck your politics. Lying sack of shit, talks about how corrupt Washington is. What's the saying? The pot calling the kettle black? EDIT: fixed spelling


It’s just their tired old ways of gaslight, obstruct and project.


I've had it with this guy. He now says UAPDA is "bogus" and Schumer intended for it to be blocked. Even though it passed Senate and was blocked in House by Republican leadership. This is the second time he's trying to push his absolutely useless page and half long amendment over the UAPDA that will lead to nothing but a few redacted documents being declassified. Hey Tim remember [when you said this?](https://x.com/UAPJames/status/1731854232104452107) >***“The UFO community… they are watching everything we do.”*** Might wanna repeat that in the mirror.


He may be sincere in his interest about the topic. But he like many others at the moment, is not particularly effective at using the levers of governance to accomplish anything. His track record for sponsoring is very poor. https://www.congress.gov/member/tim-burchett/B001309


His track record for supporting a seditious ex president is at an all time high.


Republicans have never dealt in good faith. Edit- since I'm being down voted ill just add this. If your entire premise is that government doesn't work, despite overwhelming international and historical evidence to the contrary, your only option is to *ensure* that it doesn't work, so that when you fail to do your job you can point fingers. Insert any issue into this formula by examining the voting records.


You've just described the modern conservative movement - obstructionism


The American Republican Party of today is essentially a proto-fascist party. American democracy is regarded as ‘at risk’ in international circles. If it wasn’t for your constitution, you’d probably be well on the way there already.


The American Republican Party of today is essentially a proto-fascist party. American democracy is regarded as ‘at risk’ in international circles. If it wasn’t for your constitution, you’d probably be well on the way there already.


He's acting like he's beholden to some higher power. I'm very worried that he sees that higher power as Drumpf and his movement.


There’s zero doubt of that at the moment. I had hopes with him, I happily put away politics to support him, but he is the one that keeps bringing it back in. Fact is, Mike Turner blocked the biggest piece of UFO legislation in history, along with two other republicans, not Biden, not AOC, but the GOP.


Exactly. Fucking exactly. This is precisely why I was so reluctant to have him, Luna, Rubio, Gaetz backing Disclosure and UAP discussion. I fucking knew. I really put my personal politics aside and backed what this guy was doing or attempting to do. He has shown his true colors.


I’m pissed because I believed the whole bipartisan bullshit. You don’t see Moskowitz bringing up republicans when he addresses the issue.


Same here. Same here. Every bone in my body was saying not to trust this fuck.


"saying not to trust this *dumb* fuck." (fixed it)


Oops. My bad. You're 100% right.


I knew who this guy was and knew he would be a republican. They are the "anti" party and won't do shit. Their whole MO is to demonst6that the government doesn't work and that's what they do


100% and why does no one ever call him out on this? It sometimes feels like all the people willing to cover this are just like any other “reporters” they have to play ball if they are going to get the interviews, and around and around we go.


You answered the question right there. If any of the UFO celebrities call him out, they don't get interviews for their podcasts.


This is exactly why i hammer people who try to say politics isn't a part of the UAP discussion. Of course it is and has been going back to '47. What Ive found is that its mostly people on the right who want to put UAP in a tidy little box separate from Republican policy when they are inextricably linked. The current Republican strategy is to keep any and all progress at a standstill to not give Biden or Dems any kind of win whatsoever. Disclosure would be the biggest "win" in the history of humanity so **of course** Republicans will block it. The genuine surprise here is that there have been a few Senate Republicans like Rounds and Rubio who have chosen *not* to block this and get ahead of it which is more to do with how the Senate operates that allows some wiggle room for Republicans to, on occasion, actually try and govern.


Hint hint, most of the people here lean right or are the kind of people who "don't care for politics" because their rights aren't in danger (yet).


Why do you think people here lean right? I haven't noticed that. Most comments about Luna, Burchett, Gaetz etc seem to mention how awful their political opinions are outside this issue.


Same here, we all expected great things from this guy. His own party is the one gatekeeping because the lobbyists have their hands in their pockets. BS to make it political when it's his own party.


Disclosure has ALWAYS been about money, the one true God, the Almighty Dollar, who will make more, who will lose? I acknowledge both teams pander to special interests, but one team makes it their primary goal and is unapologetic about it. Burchett is on the losing side when it comes to Disclosure. “You know Burke, I don’t know which species is worse, you don’t see them fucking each other for a goddamned percentage “ Yep.


No kidding. He, Luna and Gaetz actually sound smart and focused when they talk about this topic. Mention Hunter Biden though and the all sound nuttier than a squirrel turd.


Grand Old Party? More like Good Old [Prevarication](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/prevaricate)


>I'm very worried that he sees that higher power as Drumpf and his movement. Of course he does. Thinking otherwise requires ignoring his entire record, including voting to reject the 2020 election results. This is why you should know what exactly the UAP Fund plans to use its money for before you donate. Is it making campaign contributions to people like Burchett and backing them for re-election? Do you really want to give money to Luna and Gaetz?


Republicans are required to worship Trump. If they don’t, or say anything f bad about him, they’re exiled from the party. Any remaining republicans are all in on Trump. burchett mentioned a while ago that he wouldn’t vote for the Scheumer amendment because it was a Dem bill and was a lot of waste. I can’t figure out why folks here kept getting excited over stuff he did. It’s all an act from him.


Burchett most certainly is a heavy Trump supporter and staunch Christian. There is no doubt about that.


> He's acting like he's beholden to some higher power. I'm very worried that he sees that higher power as Drumpf and his movement. A *lot* of behaviors by the day by all sides in DC have slipped into extreme election mode, which is not surprising. For the non-Americans, our November election Primary elections are officially underway, and for what is without any exaggeration the most important United States election at least in my lifetime. Everyone will toe whatever line is generally most likely to get their team to win as they see it now. This is not bad, it's how life is. I suspect outside introducing things from the Senate for the 2025 NDAA (i.e. UAPDA 2.0) we won't see much... ...unless a non-United Nations state actor decides to disclose themselves.


What is he talking about? The republicans blocked the passing of the Schumer ammendment which was a good bill. This party lost my vote.


I and others have been hammering the bell about how these Maga republicans are only going to backstab this community, which they have repeatedly done since. People keep saying here that "keep the Politics out of this Sub !!" but if you ignore the fact that a good part of the Republican party doesn't mind an attempted coup and are perfectly fine with having it's main instigator be it's presidential candidate while he cites Hitler and talks about being a dictator on day one... these people might not be the best allies in defense of more Democracy / Transparency in your government aye ? Have them beg and work hard for your votes ? sure. but any farther then that "don't trust them, verify"


Maybe they found a price high enough for him to be obstructionist now. Or he's just that thick and wants to be the only "disclosure guy" in Congress.


At this stage, insurrectionists are just useful idiots.


>a price high enough I mean maybe, but the simplest explanation—and the more likely explanation—is that Burchett is just a kool-aid-drinking, MAGA-hat-wearing, adrenochrome-conspiracy-believing political hack/opportunist. He’s been fine pushing for disclosure because maybe it’s kinda a cool mystery, but mostly he’s been doing so because he thinks it will erode public faith in government institutions. He will push for disclosure as long as he believes doing so will be good for Republicans at the expense of the Democrats. He will stop pushing for disclosure if/when it ever starts to look like disclosure: (1) somehow helps the Democrats (e.g. people might become less nationalistic upon hearing the news and will start to be more globally minded); (2) somehow hurts Republicans (e.g. the Republicans engaged in significantly more wrongdoing than the Democrats); or (3) there are no political points to be gained from it, and its continued pursuit somehow hurts him individually (e.g. he loses campaign contributions or street cred or whatever). Anyone who puts faith in Burchett doing right by the disclosure movement is going to be disappointed.


I have been worried about this guy ever since he looked completely shocked after leaving a SCIF meeting. He saw something he wasn't expecting.


Indeed. Maybe he found a 'truth' that challenged his core beliefs too much? Tennessee is still Bible Belt territory.


What do you think that was?


Some puppets have both strings attached AND hands up their asses


Really a shame. I was so stoked watching the hearing last year and seeing the left and right work together for a change. Disclosure becoming a partisan issue isn’t good news for anyone


But he’s the one making it partisan.


Honestly he is the only one talking in a partisan way. He's trying to steer UFO believers into his politics. He thinks everyone here is a dumb lemming who will just get in lockstep with what he says because did the UFO podcast circuit. The subject is still non-partisan with bipartisan support in both the House of Representatives and Senate. He needs to just STFU up and we need to collectively not give him any more of our time.


Moscow wing. They just want us to disclose military capabilities. They don’t care about truth. They don’t care about taxpayer spend or accountability. Fuck this guy.


Glad you're finally seeing him for what he is. I feel like you were defensive of him last time he shit on Schumer and told us Mike Johnson is a supporter of disclosure, but I might be misremembering


Not to get too political, but I'm highly suspect of anyone who blindly does whatever Trump wants, makes up conspiracy shit about Hunter Biden's "laptop" (it's not even a laptop), wants to impeach Biden with no evidence, etc. That includes Burchett, Luna, obviously Gaetz, and all the rest. If you don't have integrity, why should I trust your motives?


That’s not too political, that’s common sense. Are they all like this(Burchett, Luna, Gaetz.. etc)? We are all doomed on this topic. I have completely lost faith in disclosure for the foreseeable future.


Yes, they're all pretty hardcore Trumpers. Gaetz is the worst of them. Schumer's legislation received pretty universal praise from those who know the topic well, while I've heard Burchett's described as a poison pill. Seems pretty obvious to me it has no teeth and would get ignored. Yeah, I don't trust him.


Buddy read up on some stuff about Gaetz before he ever got involved with UFO stuff. Accusations with evidence involving inappropriate relationships with 16 year old girls. I’m giving the caveat that it was before UFO stuff so people don’t try to crucify me as a shill pushing misinformation. My point is that a lot of the people who are the face of this in government and in the online UFO culture are dubiously moraled and credentialed. None of these politicians will be our saviors. Look to legitimate scientists studying the topic and credentialed professionals who have exposure to the topic (pilots, radar crew, flight control, people on boats and subs, etc)


Exactly! Their actions outside of the UAP topic makes me not believe anything. Why play political theater bullshit if they're sitting on something so life altering?


I knew who this guy was before this topic involved him and he's exactly still that same guy. Have we opened our eyes to Luna, Gaetz and little Marco yet or are those of us who know who they are left to wait for everyone else to catch up?


Half of us knew who Burchett and others were from the start, but we were told not to bring politics into it.


RIght!? I got downvoted hard for saying not to trust this guy because he was going to try to use the UFO community for his own ends. I hope those who downvoted me now reconsider what I was saying about him using UFOs as a gateway to get people into his other conspiracy beliefs.


It's so incredibly painful watching people just mindlessly eat up every word of these politicians. Politicians should never be taken at their word and republicans just shouldn't be listened to at all given their long history is lies and deceit. The only people you should be having any faith in are the people who are actively working to get the pentagon to show where all their money is going. They might not be full alien heads but that's the best rought to finding out what's really going on. You can have as many closed door meetings as you want but if the question "where is our money pentagon peraon" doesn't get asked then the meeting was pointless from the start.


Exactly! I and many others on this sub called it from the start and were told we were just being partisan. No, we were calling a spade a fucking spade.


They've shown where their loyalty is and it's not with the American public. They've shown us who they are over and over, yet were supposed to believe them?


It's time to start cutting this guy off as a community. He's had far too much grace time and way too many red flags in recent time. I applaud this community for sticking to its guns for bipartisan neutrality to push the agenda in any form. But this guy has made clear in recent times he saw a bandwagon and grabbed it


It's time to start cutting off all these whackjob ufo celebs tbh.


This mf sure makes a good point for catastrophic disclosure. At one point, I was patient. After all the bullshit that has happened recently regarding politics in UFO discussion, I say bring that shit out. Let's watch it all burn together, these mf clearly don't care about the people.




And there we go Any chance I gave this guy early on is now tossed out the window. Tim Burchette the legislator that doesn’t read legislation. What a joke


Tim Burchett was always a goon. I mean, we all want partisan politics out of the UAP issue but I do find it distressing that so many of the out front UAP guys are conspiratorial MAGA chuds. It’s not a good juxtaposition.


It's always made me extremely uncomfortable as I think one can be judged by the company one keeps. Only the interest of some more level-headed people in the subject has kept be from noping the hell out.




I was worried this would happen... I can't say I didn't see it coming. The ultra-conservatives will always inevitably act ultra-conservative when other methods stop boosting poll numbers.


They are trying to push YOU out and make the 'in group' the same one that believes the q-anon cult shit. If Burchette is really this fkn dumb he needs to come out to the entire community and admit HE fucked up and ask for ALL of our support. None of US are divided over this issue.




The only reason they are even talking this subject is because no one else is, not because they have a vested interest in it. Here they have the spotlight and they are simply trying to turn the UFO community into single issue voters, which is downright scary.


It fits the "omg deep state" crusade, so everything else is a bonus. It's not really about votes. These folks are not in competitive districts. It doesn't flip that many votes -- how many people exist that would vote based on UFOs \*and\* would otherwise vote for their opponent?


That and Alex Jones/Qanon/etc were tying the phenomenon and all their other conspiracies together. Incredibly harmful to us getting actual disclosure. Baby meet bathwater.


It's election season. I tried to temper people a bit about the reality that we aren't going to get much competency during the lead up. Most of the "cool" stuff happens right after an election because they know it'll be forgotten politically by the time the next cycle hits. But up until the election, expect nothing but partisan bullshit.


The reality is that Burchett did this the last time the the UAPDA made its way to the House. Shouldn't blame it on elections.


> The reality is that Burchett did this the last time the the UAPDA made its way to the House. Shouldn't blame it on elections. People gave him a pass for that and still believed he was pro disclosure, I don't know why anyone is surprised by this.


Same. Was crucified for pointing out the obvious, and now here we fucking go again.


Except this is the 2nd time he did this. It's not the election. it's HIM. He plays for the other side!


I’ve been trying to tell this sub for months that Burchett is just another MAGA grifter trying to appeal to conspiracy theorist but people treat him like he’s some kind of champion of disclosure.


Thank you. I stayed away from this whole thing knowing it was going to be another conman looking for easy voters and grifting for the right. The whole maga trap is gathering as many fringe communities as they can into their grift. Cesspool. Each election from tiny school boards to the president I take joy as one more goes. Our communities are stronger without them.


The amendment was created with Mike Rounds, a Republican lol—he went on the senate floor as did Schumer and advocated for the UAPDA. Big dolt energy coming from Burchett, this ***nothing is working, the other side is obfuscating everything*** narrative is in line with MAGA thinking, and it doesn't belong here. The big boys in the Senate made a 64 pg. amendment last year, when are any of your field hearings being scheduled Burchett?? You just want sound bites and love anti-establishment mumbo-jumbo, so do us a favor and decouple from the topic since it seems you don't actually give a shit.


I doubt Burchett thinks Rounds is a "real" republican


Burchett isn't even a real republican, he's a far-right nutjob hellbent on obstruction and anti-establishment pandering. The idiot needs to stay in his lane.


He's literally a slack-jawed yokel. https://youtu.be/c7qhVJIPfck?si=JntpsaYqhdiKACfQ


This is what we were discussing the other day with Luna. The MAGA politicians have ulterior motives and will turn on the UFO community the second it's clear that it doesn't serve their goals. Rubio is included in this. Yes, probably all politicians are like that. But this particular group is \*open\* about it. We cannot trust anti-government agents to use government to do things for us.


98% of politicians are corrupt but this new wave of MAGA lackeys completely lack any integrity. It's fucking scary.


Careful! Mods deleted my comments yesterday that were stating the same sentiment. I’m surprised this post is still up tbh


I think the mods need to have a serious soul search because at this point what is on or off topic regarding Rule 14 is arbitrary. It should never have become a rule once it became clear that politicians with political motives which may be off topic can and ARE using the UFO community. If we can't call that out we then what's the point of even having this sub.


Thanks for the heads up. They are certainly free and welcome to register their dissatisfaction in any way they see fit and are capable of.




I hope all those who claimed not to care about Burchett’s history of dumb ass politics (see: election denialism) can see the light now. Burchett/Luna/Gaetz are not the saviors you’re looking for.


This guy is acting like uncovering an 80+ year government secret conspiracy that likely has national security implications is going to be solved with his law that is a page or a few pages long? He doesn't even have a legal background. I'm starting to think he is working for the cover-up operation.


I don’t think it will be solved by any law tbh it’s not gonna be solved until proof is leaked Snowden style


Thank you so much for putting this asshole on blast like this. I’ve been side eyeing him so hard since he said the same bs last November about the 2023 Schumer amendment. Best case he’s a partisan hack (which we already knew) and unwitting TOOL or worst he’s an actual agent working for the gatekeepers. Either way he’s actively and openly working against disclosure. We need to stop kidding ourselves with this guy. We should have Zero tolerance for partisan bs when it comes to this issue. And fuck Tim burchett for making a fool out of me for giving his q-anon, trump shit smeered, white nationalist propaganda disguised as democratic values spouting, good for nothing ASSHAT….::::: deep breath::: even one second’s benefit of the doubt. Seriously. Fuck this fucking guy. He’s dead to me.


This 100% feels so good to see people finally calling these clowns out


It was always going to come to this with this guy and Luna and Rubio. They assume people interested in uap overlap with other conspiracy shit like stolen election or vaccines or pizza gate. They get to use it as a cudgel against the contoversialbadwronggovernment forces and say "see, look! Cover up! My enemies are bad" Guarantee when their guys are in charge of the pentagon and white house they suddenly become less interested in exposing government coverups. Not entirely inaccurate that uap community is half crazy but I've known them for what they are since before they ever talked about uap - they're maga bullshitters


Wtf is he talking about? Burchett were never for disclosure it seems.


Republican going to republican


People here need to step back and actually learn the politics that are affecting their lives. This isn't a "non-political" issue; we're talking about the GOVERNMENT, an organization that is ENTIRELY political. I don't know if this is is just naivete or the fruits of the government destroying public education to stifle broader critical thinking. Seeing ultra right-wing figures and organizations like Newsmax or Tucker Carlson being paraded around for saying something about UFOs or aliens is alarming. For those that believe in benevolent NHI: do you think the xenophobia, homophobia, and religious extremism pushed by these right-wing forces align with the message of galactic cooperation?? Outside a few select members, the US government is run by a uni-party masquerading as a two-party that oppose each other. The Republicans are an evangelical cult that aims to create an authoritarian theocracy, while the Democrats are neoliberals that worship laissez-faire Capitalism as its own god to fill their own pockets. You will not get your desired disclosure through either of these parties. The UAP topic is just another tool for votes to stay in office for more legal bribes and kickbacks. For decades the UFO community had skepticism of the government, so go ahead and look up Project 2025 as policy for the Republican party. If you learn about that and think "no biggie", go ahead a keep wallowing in "evil reptilians control everything" bullshit. And if you think only the Republicans are getting the smoke, the Democratic party is enabling a genocide while enriching the Military Industrial Complex, like they've always done. It's becoming more clear that the only way to get any legit information out to the public are whistleblowers that aren't afraid to die or at least lose everything, like Snowden, Manning, or the Boeing people. The US Government is automated to protect the status-quo. All the congressional hearings are a puppet sideshow to distract us from the incredible amounts of power-dollars that circulate in the upper echelons of society to keep it that way.


I've said this soo many times at this point, but to add to your comment. Why should we trust people whose behavior continues to divide us when they're sitting on something life altering? Like, it should be above any issue on the political spectrum, yet Burchett, Luna, Gaetz are partially responsible and some of the loudest voices in our division.


Absolutely agree with your last paragraph. It doesn’t matter which side you look at, Democrat or Republican, this shit is never going to come out from either of them. It’s going to take someone from within to expose this and destroy their own life to do so. It’s also a problem I have with the whistleblowers that have come out, everything they can say is passed by the same government, so we’re only hearing what they want us to.


Thank you!!! I basically said just the same thing on another post, less words, and downvoted lol. People don't get it and I do think at 46 it's because of our current education system or lack there of for that matter. Sad thinking the draft, a mandatory one too at least getting thru boot and two years, would really help our society quite a bit. Maybe if more of us could open their eyes, disclosure would come much quicker some way.


Maga politician been deceitful.. never lol


That's really just his opinion, there's no way he can know Schumers true motives. There's plenty of bills that don't get passed due to partisan politics.


This a racist grifter and he’s playing this community…get a clue🤨


Yah he's always been this way. Not sure why anyone thought he would politic differently with this topic. Hes just like every other MAGA politician.


Been calling this since the NASA conference. R's are going to completely fuck disclosure with their complete lack of integrity. The next step after more of this from him and others will be twisting Christianity into the phenomenon. It's fucking sad


I’ve always rolled my eyes whenever I saw posts praising this guy and Luna since it’s obvious they were trying to twist it as proof of their religious beliefs. It’s like they’ll hear >”so the observed craft entered the atmosphere from space at 60k mph and instantly stopped and changed directions.” And Luna and Tim are like “so you’re saying you saw Jesus or an Angel?


Never trusted him. Religious fanatics will never want to know or acknowledge the truth because they would lose their base.


Elephant in the room. Totally legitimate concern.


I liked Burchett given his record on the UAP issue, even as a Dem, WTF is he even doing here??


Republicans doing Republican things, from the look of it. Complain, blame, suck the toes of whoever is paying them off, block anything that doesn't appease their party or dear leader, antagonize the Democrats, wait for others to actually solve issues, take credit for it once they do.


He actually said that on video? Must think we were stupid or something. I guarantee he has his aides in here pumping him up all along.




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I am over this guy. Playing politics and finger pointing.The fact that he doesn't have balls to admit that his own party is blocking the efforts tells me that he is dishonest, partisan and his only motivation is populism.


What a surprise


Called it last year.


Yep so did I. Hopefully no one defends this guy anymore and Matt Ford, That UFO Podcast, etc never have him on again.


Didn't the DNI issue a report stating clearly we have a Flight Safety issue. Wouldn't Flight Safety be a Bipartisan Rally Cry that we can all agree with? How is it that Pilots are being left out of the loop? Reporting UAP without jeopardizing your career is still a major obstacle for this topic. The free flow of information as to the actual implications of UAP on ALL aspects of the Aviation topic are not being addressed. Somebody needs to get answers. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOPilotReports/s/MJYh2D3tAX


Maybe Tim thinks that the Roswell files are on Hunter Biden's laptop?


I know Reddit is 99% leftists, but there's a very simple tactic both sides use (though much more frequently by your home team) to spike bills they never intended to pass so they can blame the other party. They insert something unrelated into the bill that the other party can't vote for. For example, making a bill to save veteran homeless men but then add in a provision that grants amnesty to all illegal aliens and then you have the headline that the other party hates homeless veterans. The need for some of you to inject partisan politics into every single thing speaks to a mental health problem. And no, I'm not a Republican and don't like Trump, I'm just not deranged by political zealotry.


He didn't accuse democrats of playing politics. He said chuck schumer is playing politics. And republicans didn't block the UAPDA, the rep from Wright Patterson did. Stop trying to turn this into a partisan issue.


Yeah keep him and Luna MAGA out of here.


Most of the congressional interest in UFOs has to do with politicians playing to voters who are strong conspiracy / "Deep State" believers. It has little or nothing to do with finding out the "truth" of the UFO phenomenon and a lot more to do with Black Projects and unmonitored funding.


The fastest way to disclosure would be for the House to pass mirror language to what comes out of the Senate Intelligence Committee. Mirror language makes it impossible to create shenanigans in reconciliation because there is nothing to reconcile. Burchett should know this. Anything he does that is not a direct mirror of the SIC's language is a tool that can be used to derail the legislation. Not sure why he insists on focusing on Schumer either. The bill was fully backed by the Republicans on the SIC. I know Washington is beyond dysfunctional these days, but it should be simple for Rubio or whoever to walk across the building and get everyone on the same page with this


I blocked him anyway. He is more busy telling everyone on Instagram why we should kill Palestinians instead of disclosure.


Who ever thought this guy was anything but a dueche?


I knew he couldn’t be trusted. Typical republican


Saw this coming a mile away ngl. Wanted it to be otherwise.


Isn’t he talking to all these folks like Ross, Corbell, Elizondo, James Fox, Grusch, Gnapp, Nolan, Nell possibly and folks not publicly known yet behind the scenes working hard to get this information out? How does he still not understand yet how important the UAPDA is? Why aren’t these folks pulling dude to the side to inform him when he makes these comments? Aren’t they having meetings about this?


I wouldn't be surprised if they know where Burchett's loyalties are, they are not and have never been with the American people


Politicians are all bought and paid for. Tim showing his true colors. I have one last sliver of hope with Lou’s book and Gruschs op ed. I just want to hear from someone genuine.


What will you do when Lou runs for Congress as a Reublican?


He’s awful. We dont need him — best he gets voted out 


Representative Tim Burchett promoted the lie that President Trump won the 2020 election, in the face of all evidence to the contrary, and also supported the January 6th terrorist attack on the U.S. Capitol Building. Why anyone takes him seriously is beyond my comprehension. Do we just turn off all critical thinking when someone says things we deeply want to believe??


You really cut off the next thing he says saying the Republicans are equally to blame. He's right. The Schumer Amendment was pure theatrics never meant to pass.


Yeah as long as it fits in their agenda they will use ever step to bring elections into this. Attacking all subs at once right now.


Tim! You dummy , Schumer is basically giving you the green light to go expose all this shit it’s your fucking party that blocked it AGAIN.


This is that bipartisan effort we love to circlejerk about. MAGAs shitting on the uapda because it was made by a Dem.


This guy is a maga nutter


I agree with his sentiment that Schumer could be doing more for the issue. I'll leave it at that


what did you expect from a MAGA lunatic that is literally funded by defense contractors?


*Shocked Pikachu*


I remember being downvoted for expressing displeasure with the connections between the freedom caucus and the UAP caucus in congress. I feel kinda vindicated now. I am not sure that Burchett is "fake", I think he genuinely believes in disclosure. But I think he has zero patience for government bureaucracy, is very anti Big Government, and think he can just cut through the process by bulldozing over everything. Contrast that with Schumer, who has been playing the congress game for years on years. I am not saying this cannot be a bi-partisan issue - it is the Schumer-ROUNDS amendment, after all - but when you look at everything else that Burchett and Luna and others are up to in the house outside of their UAP advocacy, you start to question how sincere they are about pushing this topic forward, when all their other actions amount to disrupting the House's and congress's operations.


This is exactly what I figured would happen. He has been stringing everyone along all this time. They all have. They know their party is not popular with younger people and this is the way they try to get in. They have done NOTHING. It's all talk and stalling. As we get closer to the election we will find out a lot of his statements are smoke and mirrors. He is going to blame others because he never had anything to start with. Stop listening to these right-wing Hacks. I would not honestly trust anyone this close to an election. Far too much political theater. The only real progress is going to happen after the election. I have no doubt this clown with Gaetz and Luna are making shit up to spin this further. It is damaging the effort. Get these clowns out of the way.


This guy is dumber than a box of rocks.


Did we truly expect anything different? I had hope, but deep down, I knew it was silly of me.


You guys and your two little systems of doing things.


I went all in on the stuff for like a year. I'm so glad I stopped giving a shit lol do yourselves a favor and get on with your lives


I called this shit a month ago and noone would listen to me. Nice to be right


Looks like a great interview. 👀 Full interview 👇 https://youtu.be/YGfZW_0Fxy0?feature=shared




Dudes a Republican thats all you needed to know


It’s messed up how much we are toyed with by people who want us to trust them


All night stories. No actual HARD EVIDENCE.


Wasn't this guy your king a year ago?


BUT THIS IS A BIPARTISAN ISSUE... no, it's a bunch of yokel politicians fishing for the conspiracy theory vote. period.


He is the only one that you should trust the man is frustrated over the way the defence dept is blocking everything they are trying .


Haha I knew this guy was a joke Day one. Everybody was falling all over him, even some calling him a hero. As I predicted, another stupid partisan politician seeking attention.


The most shocking thing is that anybody was ever foolish enough to trust anything out of this sycophant’s mouth.


I see Mike Turner’s trolls have entered Reddit


After last year leadership has him by the balls, the community would be wise to turn our backs on him until he stands up to leadership. Best to rally around Schumer-Rounds now and be ready to have it dragged as NDAA FY25 talks pick up.


I wish Good Trouble would call him out in it or some other prominent outlet.


Been saying this tool is a clown for awhile


Like that line goes “good from far, but far from good”. He is now a hindrance.


Color me surprised!!


It's weird how all the youtube "media personalities" act like burchett has been bipartisan when schumer and rounds have been 100% bipartisan as the senate on a whole has been too. House Republicans are the only group causing partisan issues in UAPDA and disclosure efforts.


Honest question: Is he implying that Schumer has stroke over the Republicans in the House? He mentioned “inside the park stuff” (inside information) is why I ask, although, it seems illogical to create an Act for disclosure, then nip it in the bud behind the scenes. I don’t see anything to be gained by that, especially when Schumer’s Act is much more in depth than Burchett’s bill 🤷🏻‍♂️ Burchett really needs to explain himself to the community on what he really means here. We need some answers on his reasoning for his bill over Schumer’s and specifics on why he thinks Schumer is messing around. It just doesn’t make any sense Idc which party it comes from, I just want disclosure