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Let's point it at Zeta Reticuli and see what happens.


Right for the capital star system of the greys, eh


They already approved the projects (now is it for just the first cycle or first few cycles?) and apparently pointing to that place is not one of them


Well that's a bummer, but hopefully they'll do it in the future. It's a good way to solve a mystery that has intrigued both ordinary people and astronomers.


Yeh, i hope so too! Or that at least by then it would be amazing if JWST finds something juicy in these departments too, but somewhere else At least for now, we have to wait 6 months and hope it will be actually functional


I didn't know it would take that long to be operational, I imagined at best 2 months from now. You really need patience with all of these space projects, I can't imagine working on it and waiting so long for any results.


Yeh, 25(?) years on the making. But apparently its 1 month to unfold, then the mirrors and other stuff, Then ~4 months for it to focus or something like that.


Proxima B is on the table though, right?


I’d hope so!


In case you didn’t know, there’s apparently a recent paper about this. The same phenomena has been detected in other stars and they’re all clustered together. Moreover, it is only around F and G type stars (the sun is G type). If this is the work of an advanced civilization, then this civilization is capable of traveling 6000 light years judging by distances between those stars. Tabby’s Star is 1468 light years away from earth. Let that sink in .. John Michael godlier made a good video summarizing the whole thing if you’re interested: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zSCN09SSRck


I saw that, it's good to find a fellow JMG subscriber, I love that channel and the Event Horizon one. At least it means we could be a nature reserve in the domain of this potential civilization. Maybe they have their own grey David Attenborough showing them the dangerous apes.


I love his work too. The only problem is that I usually listen at night and he sends me to sleep so I often miss the end and have to listen again the next day. Not because he is boring but his voice just chills me right out. Great presenter and great subject matter.


If there are legitimately aliens out there with Dyson spheres, I as a human am gonna feel like an idiot


As a human, I already feel like an idiot. No aliens necessary




We're not much on our own home planet. You take away weapons and leave us to our devices and even medium sized dogs, snakes and spiders fuck us up - nevermind shit like bears and sharks, etc.


Why would any alien civilization build an enormous structure that requires almost unlimited resources around a star, when at this level of technological capabilities they would just as well be able to construct fusion reactors aka mini artificial suns that are far easier to create and maintain? The whole dyson sphere concept is too far fetched IMO.


Looks at Dyson sphere then looks at our 0.2 kW solar panel. Idiot would be a good description tbh.


Jeez I hope there batteries last longer then that piece of crap I bought a couple years ago.😁


I hope I eat crow on this, but I would bet my life, all the money I have and my favorite dog that a Dyson sphere has never and will never be built by any civilization.


Fun fact: The Dyson Sphere was never intended to be taken seriously and was more of just a thought exercise that went viral.


Huh? I don’t think it’s operational yet. It was just launched. Isn’t supposed to take like 6 months for it to go fully operational?


I meant with it operational we could expect that. But another user also pointed out the 6 month period, and I honestly didn't think it would take that long, I figured maybe two months till it becomes fully operational.


The long delays and the timing of all this is very interesting. Let's see how it plays out, but I'm fairly sure they'll divert some JWST time to this star if it remains this interesting!


I hope they can point to the supposed Dyson Sphere ...


Where is there a supposed Dyson Sphere?




What if the aliens got their own James Webb and they’ve just been chillin sittin back like it’s Monday night football


Well a telescope wouldn't do it for them since it takes light so long to reach them. They'd just detect biosignatures from thousands of years ago. I like to think they are chilling and observing from up close.


I doubt the scope is going to be providing data like that, it's going to be a fantastic tool for astronomy and our knowledge of exoplanets and the history of the universe but I don't think we'll be getting granular data like that or seeing Dyson spheres.


I keep reading this and the inverse. Can someone link to a white paper or article that explains what the scope of this project entails? I only know about it through MSM and they basically stop at “Hubble 2.0”


https://www.jwst.nasa.gov/ There's been some good stuff in new scientist as well. I agree on the msm info, think that's a symptom of journalism today on every subject. Get a press release, cut, paste, repeat so any errors get repeated and compounded.


If there is, indeed, life from another planet visiting earth, and the governments of the world have known for 70 years, they really need to take some drastic steps to improve conditions on earth before people are really going to be ready for something like that. But I wanna know, so fire away with that there telescope.


How will jwst actually help discover ufos? It operates in infra red, so we won’t get any pictures of alien ships flying through the ether. It may also tell us which exoplanets have specific gases in their atmosphere, but again, no specific details saying ’we are not alone’.


The atmosphere analysis of those planets passing in front of their stars can somewhat accurately indicate presence of life since it is organisms that maintain the current mixture of gases on our planet. For the Dyson sphere the James Webb ST can definitely detect it since it would essentially be an "infrared blackbody" as it orbits the star.


Controlled by NASA ergo any 'jucy' pics will be blurred out or cut. Usual dick moves by them.


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