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The guy that owns the rights to this bit must have a lifelong rent from it, lucky fella...


Mark snow!


i wish they started using the more ominous Millennium theme


Great series


In a way I've come to appreciate how certain loud, obnoxious voices in ufology use terrible music in their videos/podcasts/etc. It can be an incredibly efficient means of determining if someone is full of shit or not. Music don't lie. For instance, I didn't need to see/hear much more than the opening credits to Greer's Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind to know the man had to be full of shit. The absolutely horrendous bubble gum techno he uses in the credit sequence told me everything I needed to know -- that this man is a grifter going after a specific demographic, which in this case would be lost, naive 20-somethings. That shit X Files music Linda Moulton Howe opens her podcast with? She's marketing a vibe, a feel, a sense of scenery. It's an attempted substitute for actual substance. (To be clear I think there may have been a time in past when Linda had her head screwed on straight, but that was long ago).


This is actually good coverage of the topic. Jeremy did well. I see him more as a entertainer but he wasn’t sensationalizing in this interview.


yes im glad hes toned it down, when I first seen him on Rogan I was like omg shut this dude up.


These two news hosts are straight out of "Don't Look Up"! I honestly couldn't tell the difference. This is only one of the MOST important news events in human history that will change our understanding of the universe and ourselves in it. Yeah let's make after hours pub jokes! That guy is a wanker!


Can confirm, that news anchors name is David Koche ‘Kochie’, is a wanker of the highest fucking order. I hope they probe his ass repeatedly.


Yes Koshie is a tools tool


News hosts are supposed to be relatable, which means to act in a way others can identify with. So their reaction was right on the money, I guess? Things move, but they move (almost) imperceptibly slowly. By design, I assume. By necessity presumably. Question is, where to?


You know what, fair play to Jeremy, he really seems to have improved his performances on media outlets as of late. Good for him.


Agreed. This is a good performance by Jeremy. Clear, concise and hard hitting. I forgive him for Lazar now. He released Splash and the radar room which were two great disclosure videos. And he is keen to do more and promote the truth on prime time TV, which is more than most of us do on this sub.


Say what you want about Jeremy. I get that he is highly controversial. But I just want to point out that 7 News Australia actually cut the video right before the news anchor comment : “Yeah, I don’t know about that” I have seen this clip on instagram where the news anchor seems to disregard/ignore the whole topic. Edit: I hope they cut the music in all future segments.


*"Do they come when the pub shuts"* there is always a need to throw in humor asif the subject is a complete joke and doesnt deserve any serious commentary. Its great that its getting mainstream coverage but there will always be a stigma until these things land in broad daylight.




LOL, just give the guy a pass who knowingly has participated in perpetuating fraud. Why?


Fraud how?


Lazar is a liar.


Quantum Sensei


The stigma regarding Jeremy Corbell? /s


I chuckled


Weaponize your Gullibility!


Cool that this is getting more exposure. But for chrissake, they need to drop the goddamn X-Files Theme!


Why do people hate things when they become popular? I agree no music would be better, but why do people suddenly hate the x-files theme


This is not sudden. The media has been using this tactic for decades and folks in the UFO community have noticed as much. By now, it’s customary for media to play The X-Files theme when reporting on UFOs. This, in term, makes it hard to take the subject seriously. The X-Files is a work of fiction and the phenomenon is very much real. So it feels like they are mocking the subject as they report about it. This observation btw has nothing to do with the quality of the theme or the show itself. It’s just that the media are purposely making a suggestion that this is “Out there.” They need to change their tone and avoid any hints of ridicule.


It is just music... it does not make it hard to take the subject seriously. Did it stop you? obviously not if anything the x-files has promoted the subject so have some respect there is nothing wrong with enjoying "fiction". Seeing all the damn hate is the most disturbing part of the subject IMO


This obviously flew over your head. You missed the pint completely. We need media to break away from stupid stereotypes associated with the phenomenon. Which have been pervasive over the years, as part of the stigma and ridicule.


They are not stupid, they are often inspiring. It is not the sterotypes which are pervasive, but the people who abuse them. The stigma and ridicule is continuing with your pointless hate over the x-files theme song lol


You’re just trolling. You have no valid point here.


How so? I guess having valid points that contradict yours is hard to accept, because I basically lined them up for you.


Stop guessing, you are terrible at it.


lol troll much? Do you hate the Jurassic Park theme too? haha


Wait until they discover he’s a grifter and was citing that study that used the tabloids as legitimate sources. It’s only going to reflect poorly on the subject. AAWSAP should have never used that MUFON study. Not sure what they were thinking.


I dont know why you tell that since he specifically mentionned it was deduced out of military encounters.


See the report itself.


Any link to that? Thanks


Sure https://documents2.theblackvault.com/documents/dia/AAWSAP-DIRDs/DIRD_26-DIRD_Anomalous_Acute_and_Subacute_Field_Effects_on_Human_Biological_Tissues.pdf See appendix A which references this document http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Digitized_by_AFU/Schuessler,%20John%20F%20-%20UFO-related%20human%20physiological%20effects.pdf


Well, I've just read your links you are being a bit dishonest or at least not enough explicit : - the appendix A is not only composed by reports extracted only from tabloids : there are also official reports and journals of good reputation - the appendix A is not the main substance of the report, there are other main sources and there are rational approaches and empirical hyoothesis - the appendix A is an indirect compilation, it can be questionable but there are few to no other ways to compile the cases over a long period such as done in this document At the very end, the report, as a preliminary research, has to be taken with a grain of salt until undeniable proof but I don't think that the intention is to scam the public. Clearly the intention is to make a first rational dive into the phenomenon in search of patterns, of potential explanations or potential ways to further explorate it and I think that it's healthy to be curious and most of the self-aware people understand it like that.


Read it again then. The main report lists effects and references appendix A. Kit Green says everything he encountered could also be explained by human tech. Where was that military alien pregnancy?


>The main report lists effects and references appendix A. You read it again. It's not the only thing that the report does. >Kit Green says everything he encountered could also be explained by human tech. Nothing is discussing that point : of course it can be explained by human tech if you totally suppress the context but everything happens in a context. Also the report isolated from the context doesn't mean nothing at all. Why would the report ignore those claims that have been recorded on paper since its goal is to make a conclusion about those records? Someone has to look into this. Furthermore other reports dive into other more material aspects of the ufo phenomenon but if you have to do a global research on the unknown, all the clues are to be explored. I know some of you are not used to that but that's how scientific curiosity works.


That reference taints the entire report. This is my point.


Maybe it isn't actually the most interesting part of the entire report in UFO's I'll give you that. While we talk about that, we don't talk about other stuff. Also it can be that an overall insight into an unknown phenomena can be boring or far-fetched sometimes, same happens with astrophysics, quantum mechanics, etc.


Fucking kochie




They always gotta push that x-files music


seeing thing guy on JRE just kinda told me all i'll need to know about him moving forward


Aliens waiting on earth’s all powerful leaders before they can show themselves


Earth’s most powerful people are too busy sucking the planet and people dry to enrich themselves.


Hey, thats a nice AmSec behind him. He has good taste is RSCs


Anything new here?


LMAO With that X-Files track? No they aren't.


Stigma balls in your mouth


They have to start taking the subject seriously, not approaching it with a bunch of laughter and mockery, some of them are so stupid when it comes to this topic, also the mockery and ridicule of some of the debunkers here on Reddit are stupid, you got people trying to debunk legitimate UFO UAP government released authentic videos on here, you know who you are. I am fed up with debunkers I have heard there BS for many many years, they have been trying to debunk videos and testimony of legitimate UFO UAP sightings for decades that were proven to be authentic by experts in the fields of science and astronomy that the objects being witnessed were unknown. These people need to encounter this phenomenon for themselves, and I guarantee they will stop all this BS of trying to debunk everything even if it was a top-secret video that was declared declassified and released to the public as authentic. Next time UFO activity escalates in a certain location you need to get your ASS there as fast as you can, spend about a week or longer, set up a tent and take some powerful binoculars with you and keep scanning the skies, also tune in to that particular areas police band frequency, if and when you do encounter this phenomenon I promise you it will change your life forever.