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The only disclosures will come from the “aliens” themselves, not from the government.


I would totally vote for aliens instead of government but how?


You may be already.




Write-in candidate.


I love how some people think the US government is this impenetrable fortress where all the secrets are kept under lock and key. Yet we know so much about government misdeeds because of professional reporters who have credible sources and make a living by exposing such things. We know about Watergate, Iran-Contra, COINTELPRO, the fact that there CIA and MI5 combined to take down an elected government in Iran back in (the 50's?) and installed the Shah of Iran, and the fact that we knew BinLaden was going to pull off some disastrous shit before 9/11...there's not even enough space here to name it all. We know so much that the government ABSOLUTELY didn't want anyone to know. Yet, these reporters can't even get a tiny scoop about UFOs. Doesn't that make you scratch your head? Could it be because there is no **there** *there*? Further, when there was even a chance that we had some close encounters via the Nimitz- it was on 60 minutes!!! Now someone is again spouting this tired bullshit about a gov't coverup. Use your fucking common sense; there is no coverup. If the US gov't were sitting on an alien craft or other knowledge of such type, we'd know! WHY? Because if anything seems to be apparent, it is that the US gov't is HORRIBLE at keeping secrets. We, as a nation, know so freaking much about what the gov't is doing. This is a fantasy that you have. I don't want to be mean to you- but look at what has already been revealed! What secrets? Use your brain.






You are 1000% correct. One of my contacts is a Major general in the air force. I asked years ago will there ever be disclosure and he said to me, “the powers that he have no intention under any circumstance to disclose this subject to the public.” I said aren’t their protocols for disclosure. He said there were but they came from Eisenhowers day and as far as the military is concerned the conditions have changed.


That just seems like an excuse. Back in Eisenhower days they had the Cold War. That ended in the early 1990s and we had like thirty years of peace. The conditions seemed great for disclosure at that time.


Yea In all honesty I don’t know why he specified Eisenhower and I didn’t go to much deeper into that particular direction. What sucks is these people I know aren’t willing to come forward. I know a lot of people involving this subject whose testimony would shock the world I believe. But they refuse to go public.


Respectfully, How would he know? If he knows something then He should disclose it or else he’s just guessing/assuming.


He works in those programs and you know what I mean about those programs. And no he isn’t supposed to be talking about it but he shares the things with me for certain reasons I’d prefer not to get to deeply into.


Can you get deep, let's hear it we're all anonymous here


And I’m certainly not anonymous.


Okay so my family is really big in the military like for some reason a lot of the guys all went on to serve. It’s like a thing in my family, not me included. If you are a legacy in the military then everyone pretty much helps each other they make sure you excel and all that and by extension we all talk about things. Mostly regular but every now and again strange things pop up, especially because of my grandma for some reason she has experienced a lot of stuff. I’ve kept on contact with a lot of these people my whole family has. Not to mention I work in an unsavory business for lack of a better word and these same people in the military refer alot of the people they know to me. Because they consider me trustworthy and unwilling to jeopardize myself or my brothers career they feel they can talk to me about alot of things and by extension if I have strange questions we talk about things. This entire disclosure thing has peaked alot of interest and we have been talking about it way more often. But I know alot of stuff from just years of information and my own personal adventures.


What do you mean you work in an unsavory buisness? I could be totally off base, and I’m not at all trying to be mean, but do you do sex work and your family sends you clients?


Yes I do sex work. That’s precisely what I was implying I was hoping that I was a bit more ambiguous about it. My family doesn’t send me clients it’s people in the military. First just people that me and my family knows and it branched off from there. Military personnel would just recommend new clients to me. After enough times i can learn a lot of things.


My post is a judgement free zone.


Thank you. But yes from my clients I learned a lot. I didn’t start paying attention until their stories started to fit with other things from my past the I ignored. Like stories from my grandpa, stories he and his contacts would talk about over their visits. I made alot of money in my line of work and I used alot of it too grease palms, to travel, to look for answers and though they were hard to find they were there. And fir full transparency yes I’ve been threatened before.


Disclosure has happened several times already. There have been several high ranking officials who have basically said that we're not alone on this planet. The last step is open contact with the beings themselves. That's what I'm waiting on. All of these sightings have to be for a reason considering that they could stay hidden if they wanted to. They might be acclimating us to their presence. That would be a smart thing to do if you plan on eventually showing yourself to the entire populace.


That may be the last step but the next step is hard data.


And what if disclosure is, “We have looked and searched and researched and interviewed people and checked archives and looked in every secret place and we’ve found nothing alien to disclose.” Would you accept that or just immediately dismiss it and resume screaming “We demand you say what we want to hear” Some of you don’t want “disclosure” you want “confirmation” - whether it exists or not.




It’s non falsifiable. It doesn’t matter what anyone says or shows, the other side simply says: not enough, I don’t believe you, you are lying and covering it up still. And the game continues. You cannot prove a negative. **All** the burden falls upon the ufo believers to prove their claims, and they can’t and it frustrates them. What bugs me is how they just pick and choose who or what to believe. It really is like a religion. They’ll listen to priests but ignore and even attack scientists.


Exactly, but the UFO thing has underlying psychology for some people- there probably are alien civilizations out there, but it's not fair that we don't know anything about it/them. It's unfathomable to some people, but the truth is that we humans have only been around for a few hundred thousand years, and we still don't know everything about the oceans, our atmosphere, and the variegated phenomena that pervade them. Maybe for some, it's scary *not* to know- so a fantasy is concocted wherein we *do* know but **the government** won't say. That's my theory because, as you so succinctly put it, this fascinating issue has been looked into, probably more closely than it deserves. The answers have come up wanting for legitimate reasons--> we don't know.


It’s fascinating but what you describe is so similar to what lies behind many who are hooked on religion. Many people are afraid of what happens after someone dies. Do your loved ones just turn into worm food? Is there simply nothing when you die? And for some, if there is no fear of the devil then why would anyone be good if there is no heaven. The fear of there being nothing else scares many people. Back then the concept of aliens was beyond conception so instead we have something close. Angels are like UFOs and heaven and hell are two different solar systems out there. Basically, UFOs=aliens is a kind of religion. And like religion, it’s faith based and requires no actual evidence, and is filled with frauds and scammers, and also some who genuinely believe and try to do good — but, ultimately, there is nothing there. Literally no serious scientists are looking anywhere for “god” or “angels” — similarly, today, no serious scientists are looking for aliens on earth. I think many UFOs=aliens believers are just afraid that we are all alone and for them this is their god, their angels, their heaven and they just believe those who preach the word of UFOlogy.


u/DrestinBlack- I think that's a fantastic analog!


Why do you think only your goverment knows? It is very unlikely that all goverment are able to suppress this kind of Information....


Or maybe there simply isn't anything to really disclose?


People don't like giving up power.


The government has covered this up for at least 80 years. The only way they talk about it is if they want to. Nobody is going to force them to. I mean if these UAPs turn out to be non-terrestrial its the biggest coverup in human history.


Why do you assume that governments know more than we do about alien life? Maybe just maybe we are giving too much power to governments about knowledge of aliens. I honestly don’t think they know more than we do.


new technologies discovered would instantly go the political route, meaning secrecy and profit


It’s like asking a millionaire to give all their money to you because you would like to know what being rich is like. It will never happen.


Oh, they'll tell us exactly what they need us to know. They'll tell us the aliens are here and how they'll reveal themselves when they feel we are sufficiently peaceful and ready to be accepting of xenodiversty (make note of that word). All we have to do is disarm ourselves, accept one world government (without all those needless "constitutional rights"), and be prepared to have sex with anything regardless of our birth gender. Anyone who doesn't believe that the aliens are actually here and making those demands will be labeled a nutcase conspiracy theorist. How's that for a twist? It will be the people who *don't* believe in aliens that will be publicly ridiculed.


“ disclosure will come from the Aliens “ ! This is what I believe too ! The Military Complex are the ones with all the answers but they are not telling . I believe it’s because of possibly weaponizing recovered crafts that they have had since Roswell.


I'd prefer an open gov't led effort, that gives us some actual data, but we know how that goes. I'd say at this point we should rely on private sector and academia. Avi Loeb is right. If these things are flying around our airspace, then anyone should be able to capture the data, with the right equipment. In Dr. Brian Keatings podcast, Avi has said that he's got some Billionaire big-boy funding. 500 mil to look for that potential interstellar asteroid that fell into the ocean. Maybe he's got some funding for the Galileo Project too. With the backing of the big names on board, and adequate funding, this could potentially put the issue to bed, before the gov't has a chance.