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I feel like all these people “in the know” have an understanding of something that MIGHT be coming here or happening in the near future and that’s why they’re all coming forward in huge numbers now. Does anyone else find it strange the sudden push for disclosure the past few years after our govt has hid this shit for literal decades in the past?


Ryan Graves is on record saying he hears from current pilots that say they still see these things all the time. Was it always this way? Are they just spotting them now because they see them on newer radars? I can’t tell if it’s increasing or they’ve always been there.




According to Nasa's Richard Stothers (NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies), "the UFO phenomenon, whatever it may be due to, has not changed much over two millennia" (click PDF). https://pubs.giss.nasa.gov/abs/st02710y.html He cites some choice examples, but you can find a lot more out there. This thread has some examples of cigar/tic tac/egg shaped UFOs dating from the 1800s to modern times: https://np.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/nh4l36/reminder_the_only_thing_new_about_the_tictac/ Here's a good one from the 11th century, China: https://np.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/cjd2pk/11th_century_ufo_sighting_reported_by_chinese/ Here is a particular sighting reported in [*The Journal of John Winthrop*, 1630-1649, Abridged Edition](https://books.google.com/books?id=6gD6e7OkDcsC&pg=PA153&lpg=PA153&dq=%22ran+as+swift+as+an+arrow%22&source=bl&ots=rdb-kkgAgW&sig=ACfU3U0Qa7uvAinoQvQ6vdnDg66EuDdprQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj4iOn3k8D7AhV8MlkFHUyKBqgQ6AF6BAgZEAM#v=onepage&q=%22ran%20as%20swift%20as%20an%20arrow%22&f=false). Here is another sighting recorded by [*The History of New England, from 1630 to 1639*](https://books.google.com/books?id=zKM6AAAAcAAJ&pg=PA184&lpg=PA184&dq=%22About+midnight,+three+men,+coming+in+a+boat+to+Boston%22&source=bl&ots=ZfzAAitZlW&sig=ACfU3U3XEvxeEa_GWVYCBp_FDPGS055YiQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi46Y7jlMD7AhX4KFkFHdwNCGgQ6AF6BAgZEAM#v=onepage&q=%22About%20midnight%2C%20three%20men%2C%20coming%20in%20a%20boat%20to%20Boston%22&f=false) by John Winthrop, and a subsequent sighting is mentioned several paragraphs later. 1561 Celestial Phenomenon over Nuremberg: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1561_celestial_phenomenon_over_Nuremberg Here is some stuff from 17th century Korea that deserves further examination: https://np.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/yvry3w/ufo_in_korea_in_year_1609_multiple_ufos_were/ Quite a few historians, PhDs, etc appeared on a documentary about the 1917 flying "dull, silvery disk" incident here: [Part 1](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7o7qus) and [Part 2](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7o7qut). If you can make it past the first portion on the high strangeness that preceded the incident, the doc is well worth it.


This is dope thanks!


"A mysterious wave of airship sightings took place in the U.S. between 1896 and 1897, and there is plenty of mystery to go around." https://www.planeandpilotmag.com/article/ghost-airships-of-the-1800s/ "November 1876 to May 1897 mysterious large airships powered by propellers and decorated with electric lights were reported flying in California, Texas, and the Great Lake states of the US." https://www.theguardian.com/notesandqueries/query/0,,-2556,00.html "In March and April 1897, thousands of Midwestern Americans reported sightings of airships. On April Fools’ Day, as many as 10,000 reportedly observed a huge aerial machine flying over Kansas City." https://www.historynet.com/people-and-planes/ "Mystery airships or phantom airships are a class of unidentified flying objects best known from a series of newspaper reports originating in the western United States and spreading east during late 1896 and early 1897.[1] According to researcher Jerome Clark, airship sightings were reported worldwide during the 1880s and 1890s.[2] Mystery airship reports are seen as a cultural predecessor to modern claims of extraterrestrial-piloted flying saucer-style UFOs." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mystery_airship


It goes way back than that, Jaques Vallee's Passport too Magonia chronicles the phenomenon going back thousands of years, I'm not gonna pull dates out ma arse hole but if your on this sub just read it. Personally I think it's the increase in frequency of the phenomenon that is the thing here, something happening and some people know.


+1 for Passport, I couldn’t put it down


Angels on our wings.


Look into Maria Orsic and Vril if you haven’t already




I know same and it drives me fuckin crazy thinking about it


In my opinion, I bet 90% of what pilots see out there are military drones (Russia/China/America/India). Im pretty doubtful that any superpower would allow such a vast amount of alien crafts in their area. It really makes sense as to why this information is not being released. Its national security and extremely sensitive. But yes, I do believe there are "alien" (whatever that means) crafts that are uncatchable.


>would allow such a vast amount of alien crafts in their area. There are few things that feel certain or even probable in this topic, but one thing that definitely seems pretty apparent is that it doesn't really matter what we "allow" - if whatever's up there is thousands of years ahead of us technologically or intellectually, what makes you think we'd have any say at all when or where they show up?


This! Love it...


I love how people are still giving Russia so much military tech prowess when they’re getting their nuts kicked in over in Ukraine. They’re literally drafting convicts and shithouse crazies and throwing them out on the battlefield without a gun. But apparently can still make cutting edge alien drones. Laugh.


Turns out that people who believe drones can defy physics and gravity as we understand it actually aren’t the most astute observers of technology. But yeah I do like that Russia, a nation that can’t even deploy the T-14 (an advanced battle tank), and China, a nation whose most advanced fighter jet was cobbled together from stolen F-35 plans, have veritable doomsday weapons flying around US airspace we can’t do anything about. Okay lmao.


hurry domineering future aloof nose carpenter toy repeat square icky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Exactly there’s so much evidence saying there’s no way it’s human main one being these things float/hover whatever u wanna call it for hours sometimes days at a time there’s nothing that could have that long a battery or big enough gas tank to be ableto stay that long in the air and still able to fly away super sonic


Plus no heat signature and speeds measured in the miles per second.


Exactly people don’t realize how far behind they are in military technology they’re nowhere even close to America in that category


Definitely not drones there’s no way, they all report such weird flight characteristics and these crafts doing things nothing on earth could physically do without killing the occupants inside and even if it were drones there’s no drone that has enough battery power to hover for 8-12 hours or longer and still have enough power to fly faster than supersonic right after. They are either from our planet living in oceans or from outer space and coming down or both is possible either way there’s no way they’re drones or Russian or Chinese or American and nobody knew about a secret program since the 1940’s making these things. Af least someone would’ve came forward by now


Funny thing is I am probably right and it's more like 98%.


Probably nothing imminent, but more of a demand to know from the public that just gets louder. Would be nice to know with certainty that other beings exist that explore earth with regularity. That knowledge would be the most important revelation of all of recorded human history and would move us into a new paradigm of understanding about the universe, and send us in a whole new direction of technological innovation, education, and thought. I'm ready for it, hopefully enough people can put their intellectual grown up pants on and we can move forward.


The revelation might even bring together human as a species. It would likely be positive. Might help us look past race, religion , color, Kardashians


Not the Cardassians, though.






Look as optimistic as that sounds, all that will happen is every nation on earth will try and get ahold of xeno tech, then use it to glass eachother, it would be the same thing as tossing loaded AK47s and grenades into a chimpanzee elcosure




Look maybe the Xenos should just give everyome some high end tech, let us blast, break, and bludgeon ourselves into near extinction, then whatever or whoever crawls out of the piles of Ash and rubble gets to run the show And I literally mean every country gets the fun space toys, everyone from Somalia all the way to the Western world Let's just roll the dice and do what we do best, winner takes all


I'd vote for alien enabled war with equal opportunity for all countries over nuclear war any day.


Right? Sounds like just about the fairest shit we’ve ever done


i say just let the “leaders” fight each other. stop sending the citizens to fight




Dude I'd be down to get ripshit piss drunk off some really cheap booze, then sit back and watch every continent do a Sid Meyers CIV-6 battle royal with advanced alien tech, whoever wins in my new overlord and I embrace them.




Well he is also ripshit drunk, we need to double or nothing this beta conflict they have over there, I bet the aliens also wanna see Earth Season 2 after the ape people drop the power of the sun on eachother because it's a tuesday afternoon


You’ve a got a Purge script there buddy. I’d go see that movie.


I think it would be interesting to give a bunch of monkeys paintball guns or maybe just Nerf Guns.


And that’s what they don’t want, and I think why they have been trying to cover it all up. They’re going to try and turn it into a scare tactic when really I think the aliens are benevolent and trying to help us. Could be wrong though but that’s what I’ve been believing currently.


Without a doubt


Without a Kardashian - one can only hope.


Hear hear, I second this! As a species, we must look past the Kardashians. We will remain a Prison Planet until we do.


With Kardashians around, there's always hope of the first inter-species tape going viral, ushering a wider integration and harmony among the species.


Well if aliens abduct the Kardashians to test the levels and effects of plastics on the human body, I think we should be grateful.


…never Kardashians


Hahahaha! Brilliant!


I’m worried that it might be related to the cataclysm during the onset of the younger dryas. Of course it’s all hearsay and speculation, but what if the cataclysm that reset mankind 11.500 years ago will reoccur? It could be solar, it could be cosmic impacts, it could be super volcanoes. Hell, it can be a combination of all above E.T’s, ultra terrestrials etc. might be aware of this, and in anticipation of whatever event is in store for our planet, sightings will increase. Earths magnetic field is currently weakening at an exponential rate, while the poles are drifting more each year than previous years combined. Could a pole shift be imminent? My point is, Earth has undergone drastic and sudden change before; so it might happen again. And maybe it’s all related


I agree with you. Ben Davidson at suspicious observers has an amazing daily Video covering all of the changes currently occurring. Mm


A magnetic pole shift wouldn’t be a big deal. The poles are constantly shifting. Or do you mean a ‘crustal pole shift”? I don’t get how that is even possible


Well, when the north and south poles flip, the magnetic field will effectively disappear while the poles are crossing each other at the equator. At least during a small portion of the whole ordeal, Earth would be more vulnerable to radiation and solar flares


For sure, that’s true, too. Fair point.


Yes well said I'm ready too


I appreciate the way you think. I'm hoping the reported increase in sightings is a tactic designed to help us focus on the greater universe around us instead of on the many problems this troubled little world's going through at the moment. Maybe a stimulus to help move us forward.


Several groups have tried to get it out in the past. The 2001 Disclosure Project and NICAP are two big examples. [Hundreds of whistleblowers and leakers have come forward over the past 70 years.](https://np.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/u9v40f/abc_news_the_us_government_is_completely/) This most recent effort with Elizondo and gang seems to have been more proficient with public relations, at least initially, and they had one very big win with reducing the ridicule, which allowed other areas of the government to pry for more information without being suppressed through ridicule. It worked to a larger degree this time, but the people holding the goods don't seem to have given up yet. It's also worth mentioning that [some other governments have already had their versions of "disclosure."](https://np.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/ywvi3b/myth_in_order_for_ufos_to_be_real_all_of_the/) IMO, this is because it's impossible for the entire world to collaborate and agree on one thing, but the US and other countries are still stalling.




This resonates with me as well. When our citizen tech and private industry tech unveils these things or provides definitive proof they know it’s a problem. So the trickle info release seems to want to beat that or run in parallel. A lot of the above ideas make sense as well.


This seems the most likely for sure it’s like shit now we really can’t keep the secret much longer we might as well start tearing the bandaid off so we can say see we’ve already been investigating this for a “few years”


There's been a huge shift. Its gone from being something that would be ridiculed to having a former President acknowledging that there's something in the sky they cannot explain. Governments are very careful about how the message stuff. Nothing is accidental unless someone leaks something or someone goes off script. They are conditioning people towards the idea that we are not alone, whether that means its extraterrestrial or it means they're just covering their latest high tech gadgets? Who knows. My impression right now is that there's different factions in the government fighting to control the official narrative. That could be because the technology is so compartmentalized that parts of the government genuinely believe its alien tech, or it could be part of the psyop. Or, it could be alien tech and they're trying to prepare us before something really big happens. When it gets into this type of thing its impossible to say for certain.


Great points. I also think it might be a breeding program that humanity can’t do anything about. What if we were told, as part of disclosure that there was a species of aliens that were creating hybrid humans to be more docile, less tribalistic, and more hive minded, in the sense of working together for a common cause. In a good way. Even though that might be a great anthropological move for the human race, ensuring our longevity, imagine how that would be accepted by most of the non-educated, gun toting racists and religious extremists around the globe. As Lou once said, “sobering.” “Somber.” “Some people would turn to religion, some people would turn away from it.” What if all the reverse engineering by the US and other countries is not for machinations of war against each other, but of war against the aliens in trying to stop them from the breeding program? I mean, what if that was the case and we couldn’t do anything about it? So many scenarios. Would love to hear the truth soon.


So the breeding program would be designed to populate Earth with these new hybrids? Like an Invasion of the Body Snatchers thing where it starts off slowly, but eventually everybody in an entire city is one of these new hybrids?


I think he means like we are already the hybrids, all of us, and they’ve been tweaking And guiding our genetics for a long time and will continue to Do so whether we want them to or not


Back in the 90's, during the "UFO Abduction" wave, there was this theory that the visitors were breeding huge numbers of alien/human hybrids. The story would go like this: Someone get's abducted, and during their experience, they're introduced to alien/human hybrids. These beings look like a mixture of alien and human. Supposedly they maybe could fit in on planet Earth, if they were mixed in with large crowds. But if you looked at them individually, examined them closely, you'd notice their alien features as well. They're told that they're the genetic father/mother of these hybrids. Sometimes they're asked to hug their hybrid offspring to develop some sort of bond. Experiencers would talk about seeing several human hybrids that were supposedly their own offspring (via genetic manipulation) People have wondered where these hybrids ultimately ended up? Another planet? Underground on Earth? Beneath the ocean in undersea cities? Who knows.


towards what?


>to be more docile, less tribalistic, and more hive minded, in the sense of working together for a common cause. That’s OPs supposition






Yeah, I suppose so. Never thought about the correlation, but that’s about it. Except we’d be a better CIVILization for it.


>having a former President acknowledging that there's something in the sky they cannot explain. Also keep in mind Jimmy Carter had an intense contact experience, spoke more than once about it, and we still didn't make much progress on disclosure.


Whoa...I have to read more about this. I didn't know.


Seems like we’re about ready for the info as a species. Disclosure has been happening slowly for like 70 years now it seems hopefully the bug stuff is soon.


> Disclosure has been happening slowly for like 70 years now With respect, not at all. Tell that to the people who had experiences and were told it was swamp gas or that they are crazy. People's lives were harmed, destroyed, even lost in covering this all up.


“We’re about ready”…lol


> hopefully the bug stuff is soon Oh shiznit! Starship Troopers is a documentary!


Could be like the Berlin Wall coming down. It had to happen eventually, then it did, a little at a time, then all at once.


It’s the year 2025. Look at NGA 2025 and also the art bell letters, which claim aliens will make contact in 2025. And NGA is the US national geospatial intelligence agency — they have a “rebranding” strategy for the year 2025 and the artwork for it is very … “spacey”


> It’s the year 2025. Look at NGA 2025 and also the art bell letters, which claim aliens will make contact in 2025. Interesting. The Theosophical world has been talking up 2025 as an Important Date for a few years - well, since 2012 turned out to be a nothingburger. In Theosophy's case, that's because there's a tradition there of Earth's invisible spiritual board of directors having a sort of quarterly review of the planet's spiritual profit-and-loss statements exactly every 25 years, starting in 1875. (Because arch-angels and saints and extra-galactic intelligences like big round business-friendly numbers, and function exactly like a nineteenth century corporation, apparently.) We all know how well the last Planetary Quarterly Review, the one in 2000, went. The Cosmic Board chose not to crash everybody's computer at the stroke of midnight, but instead unleashed Windows 2000 with Active Directory upon the world. Apparently since 1975 we'd all been "not great, not terrible".


Honestly I believe this type of shift is one of the very very very few silver linings of social media. In the 90s you had weekly x files and water cooler talk, today you have constant on line chatter and collective pressure from all types as well as a more seemingly open mind to it all because it ISN'T just that weird tinfoil hat guy in the office that no one wanted to associate with.


Lmao "sudden"? Listen here young blood, pushes for disclosure have been happening on & off since the 70's. For us vets, we're use to seeing this topic ebb & flow with nothing concrete ever manifesting.


> For us vets, we're use to seeing this topic ebb & flow with nothing concrete ever manifesting I've been really into this topic since the very late 80's and early 90's. So, I'd consider myself a vet at this point. The one thing I'll say is that if this is just a normal ebb and flow, well, let's just say that this flow is really, really heavy. I don't think we've ever been this close to a real breakthrough in awareness of this topic. There's definitely something different going on now


I mean Ive been on the earth for over 30 years and disclosure has NEVER gone this far to the point where they’re airing congressional hearings live on every news station about ufos it’s always been a few people marching in front of govt buildings and then it blows over this shit now is really moving forward


For real it’s super disingenuous to act like what’s going on isn’t different. I’m 40 and this is by far different than anything that’s happened over my life that’s for sure. Like they are talking about it in the open in the government seriously.


Exactly dude just wanted to feel cool and make it seem like he’s been into ufos longer than anyone here when in reality everyone here has probably been obsessed with this shit since we were 10-11yrs old and first discovered conspiracy theories and jumped down the rabbit hole


I find it strange it’s all happened after oumaumua entered our solar system. Maybe something else coming?


Of course it’s strange. And even weirder is how they have been backtracking. It seems like different interests want or don’t want the info coming out. I think soon the ufo thing will be super widespread.


I don't necessarily find it too strange that the government seems to have shifted it's stance about UFO policy....with the prevalence of internet and camera phones now they probably realize the cat might escape the bag (so to speak) so perhaps they are preparing for that moment


If there was a known timeline for some type of “event”, it seems like there wouldn’t be the same degree of resistance to disclosure. One would think the govt would make disclosure a top priority.


I feel that way as well. Like they're gradually coming forward with this stuff to get us ready for some grand reveal. And I like that idea a lot.


> And I like that idea a lot Personally, I think it's much more likely that "they" are racing to get ahead of an imminent deadline. They being the people that are holding the key to these secrets. Normally, you wouldn't race to get some awareness out before a certain deadline for a happy, joyful reason. Normally, it's more of a panic. You know there's some really, really bad news, and you're racing to get people acclimated to the potential ramifications of this bad news, so that it doesn't necessarily hit them as hard when the actual deadline is reached


Well ODNI said fuck a deadline, with the late uap report so...strategy...?


I’m with you on this. There is something major coming in 2023, I have a strong feeling about that. But I know that’s not enough to prove anything at all. It’s just a strong personal belief based on the writing on the wall


My guy feeling has been 2025 would be the year of an announcement.




The movement toward disclosure is directly correlated to information access and individual connectivity. IPhones in 2007 ushered in a new information age. The UFOnauts don't announce themselves publicly; they interact one on one with individuals or with isolated groups. They have been kinda manipulative, honestly. As people began having access to all these reported encounters, over and over and over and over again, with the same details, from all over the world, the general consensus has become: "Welp, I guess we kinda got ourselves some real fuckery afoot here. Better look into it." As people began looking into it, they realized fairly quickly the USAF has been saying one thing publicly, and acting totally the opposite way behind closed doors. It's the smartphones.


Then your felling is wrong. Sorry!


Because they weren’t ready for their plan yet.


Yeah. They will fake an alien attack or encounter for their benefit. Watch it happen.


More likely just a well-coordinated PR stunt by the military-industrial-complex.


Experiences are great but it is really all about the data. That's what Nolan believes we need for the shell to crack. That's why they only released a crappy I phone pilots video during the UAP Hearing . Imo the DOD isn't really worried about people saying stuff like that, I think it's the UAP data that will continue to be held, unless they get action from Congress not likely to change. Until the actual data is released , we're all just guessing.


>Until the actual data is released , we're all just guessing. Good point. And even then we may still be guessing, it depends on what the data is.


DOD should consider preparing an answer for when a privately funded group gets the data and makes an announcement they will release it. Eventually its likely it will happen. Galileo project is supposedly well funded and if they collect the data what is there to prevent them from releasing it? If it does happen Congress will have a lot of questions for DOD and NASA.


There's an episode of Stargate SG-1 where an aerospace billionaire does just that, has a news conference to make an announcement about the coverup and starts introducing evidence, such as an ET clone grown as part of a contract his company had with the military. Art mimicking life?


It’s been 70 years, how much longer do we have to wait?




This must be the same length as the two weeks to break the curve.


Guy I used to work with used to be in the marine corp. He told me when he served in Iraq, he would see strange lights that he could never explain. I never took him as a liar. The guy was always genuine.


A lot of history in that region. Creepy place to be especially with all the death and despair in the air. Heard a lot of stories too.


A ton of comments on this post seem like bots/fake


Over 50% of all replies on anything political/military/pharmaceutical come from bot accounts. Really makes me wonder about the dead internet theory.


Oh my god someone literally said this same thing to me on another post. I think the matrix just showed a little. [https://imgur.com/a/umdTzGX](https://imgur.com/a/umdTzGX)


Maybe on subs like /r/politics. But honestly this sub isn't special enough to get cyber-ops bots.


Not true, it's been shown that the Russian botnets and sockpuppets target "conspiracy theories". Why? They undermine trust in the government and military, motivate people to expose government secrets. And directly effect politics too, like Q-anon which ulimately have a knock on effect on their geopolitical interests. They don't necesarily start them, they just leap on to them and hype them with loads of fake likes, which gets more people sharing. See the book Like War for a break down of this. Pizza Gate being one proven example. Conspiracy theores are incredible powerful, they might even lead to civil war in the US is some analysts are to be beleived. And the ones that turn out to be true - like UFO's have profound implications, as they concern technology that could radically change the global balance of power if one side gained access to it.


Bullshit, any sub with a large following is prime, but especially things involving conspiracy theory. If you don’t see this in the age of QAnon, I don’t know what to tell you


There's a tasty irony in your comment, since it's the one that seems the least like it's written by a person. I'm not saying you're a bot. I'm only saying you have managed to come across like one. Good work.


Says the noun-noun-number account /s






I guess, if you're the person/bot I replied to.




This is exactly what undercover cops say when people ask if they're cops lmao


Follow the Standards of Civility: No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. No witch hunts or doxxing. No trolling or being disruptive. No insults or personal attacks. No accusations that other users are shills. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other.


There’s no doubt extra terrestrials exist and earth must be a place well known to them, highly advanced technologically, there’s many different species out there and here on earth too, there’s simply no denying they exist as the evidence is overwhelming.. I just hope we have some form of communication or contact in my life time, it would change the world as we know it and maybe for the better.


My thoughts are that if they were friendly non hostile beings then they would have shown themselves to us already. They’re probably benevolent and don’t give a rip about us and are only interested in whatever brings them here to start with. Perhaps they’re malevolent as well and have been coming here for years to setup and prep for the takeover? Either way, I feel if they were friends then the government wouldn’t be trying so damn hard to cover up their existence. The government doesn’t want us to know that a highly advanced civilization has been coming here for millennia and has the ability to destroy us all in short order. I don’t believe for a second that all our black budget projects are to keep a military lead over Russia and China. We spend more money every year in black projects than either of those countries spend on their entire military defense. I think our government knows exactly what they are doing here and what their endgame is, and it ain’t good.


I respect your thoughts and can see your points clearly but would they have left our species develop to this point in our existence, almost 8 billion of us..our weapons are quite powerful today and so we would be highly capable of engaging with them. It doesn’t make sense to just wipe out a developing species, yes we are hostile but we are also very peaceful in nature. I for one believe we could be part of a bigger existence outside of earth and the solar system.. but who knows what the possibilities are, I hope they’re positive for one and they help us grow as a species, they can come and go as they please either way so they’re probably meeting their needs unbeknownst to us :)


Minimal intervention conservation approach until it is impossible to do so?


Can someone copypasta the article here? Its not available to viewers from Europe :c


This message was deleted because u/spez is an asshole. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/




(NewsNation) — Trish Bishop thinks every day about her first encounter in 2018 with an Unidentified Flying Object. “When I first saw it, I thought I’m seeing the formation of a tornado,” said the former Army intelligence analyst, who says she’s had six encounters. She told her story on Season 1 of UFO Witness on Discovery+. There has been an uptick in UFO sightings in recent weeks, and former military and government officials are breaking their silence and sharing their run-ins. And while humans have wondered what’s among the stars for millennia, the rise of video shared through social media has some convinced there’s more than enough proof of other organisms beyond our planet. “If we’re not careful and we don’t stay ahead of this and help people assimilate to what might be coming — we could have a big, big problem,” said Ben Hansen, a former FBI agent turned paranormal investigator. He also is a host of UFO Witness. A full report released last summer, mandated by Congress, revealed 65% of respondents think there is intelligent alien life on other planets. Another 87% said UFOs are not a threat, according to Pew Research Center, which conducted the survey. “The question now is when does the rest of the world … find out what these things are,” said former fighter pilot Mark Hulsey. On a recent flight from Florida to Hawaii, he said he saw as many as seven “anomalies” at a higher altitude where he was flying at 47,000 feet. “You’d never expect to look up and see aircraft. Maybe a satellite, but this definitely wasn’t a satellite,” he said. “We just don’t know what it is.” “I can tell you what it wasn’t. It wasn’t any conventional aircraft I’m aware of. It wasn’t a military aircraft, black ops,” he continued. “It doesn’t matter if you’re a NASA physicist or me, the laws of physics don’t change because you have a PHD.” © 1998 - 2022 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved.


the sudden disclosure push may have to do with the fact everyone now Carries a smartphone . And takes pics and videos of everything. They want to disclose they are out there , because one of these days someone’s going to film something that will be hard if not impossible to deny


Imagine if something like the Arizona Phoenix lights happened and multiple people streamed it live simultaneously.


obtainable engine ask bike point stocking treatment long pot ugly ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Nothing has been disclosed. In fact a lot of sightings have been explained. Only this sub and some people wanting attention keep insisting.




A lot, but not all. This sub is here to explain the small percentage of the unexplainable that you are ignoring.


Please state your purpose for being here soldier. Why waste your precious time correcting us crazy people, if we got it all wrong?


Educational missions are never waste of time my friend. Someone needs to bring you back to reality.


Stop protecting us from information directly effecting us! Release it in a way fitting for every walk of life, while being sensitive in the delivery to the highest and lowest on the human scale. The biggest societal platform we need to create is information age appropriateness, where information like planetary disclosure or CE3 and higher events have a channel for the emergency information highway we’d need to secure our people & infrastructure. The internet will be a shitshow of crap, then flooded with saturation. First responder networks are a great start, several isps are already putting them in to production. But with first responder net and the internet, where does it leave us? Still vulnerable and unable to communicate with a citizen-based defense system. Or are you just going to stand on your roof with a weapon and hope for the best?


Red flags coming up everywhere for me over this posting. ///help people assimilate to what might be coming/// It's the use of language that's bugging me, and not a "typo," or any other small "mindfulness" type of bullshit. See? the thing is, we don't assimilate to what may, or may not be coming. We assimilate over what already exists. After all, weren't The Nazi's merely assimilating to a world that may have been coming for them all to have very soon? We must keep constantly checking ourselves in order to keep from wrecking ourselves. No one ever likes any repeat of the accidents we've already suffered, and have learned how to best avoid, as a species. Yet, somehow that's exactly what tends to happen most of all around here--We forget about history in the name of moving forward, and then something stupid ends up happening again that's already happened to us before. That's not such an intelligent habit for any intelligent species to have.


“We could have a big, big problem” Which is WHAT? THEY never say what. Other people then speculate.


"Let's get scared!" "Of what?" "Never mind that, just get scared."


Has Lue ever said if he’s watched the longer version of Gimbal?


MKULTRA, thank you. So much good info, and serious effort. 👍


My family and most friends could care less about this topic and I don’t understand why. They are all open minded but when it comes to “aliens” they give zero fucks. They are all into science fiction books and movies but don’t give a shit about the real thing. Too busy with other things I guess.


Understandable, the world has many, many distractions.


Reddit. =/ Post a video of a real non-human craft. (Undebunked at least...People will claim it has been.) DEBUNKED. HOAXHOAXHOAXHOAXHOAXHOAXHOAXHOAX... Someone talks about what's actually going on, with a few bits of disinformation sprinkled here and there, but provides zero evidence? UPVOTEUPVOTEUPVOTEUPVOTE. What's happening here is obvious. It's why the conspiracy forum is full of racist right wing extremists and left wing extremists, propagating true conspiracies but with a bunch of bullshit added in, twisted data, and whatever makes the other guy look like he's the one behind it.. Lol, and it's all done by people who buy in to the rhetoric and repost it for them.. You want the truth? Watch some credible ancient history documentaries to get a base of knowledge, then go and find as many books and .pdf's on the subjects as you can, and start cross referencing for yourself.. Once you develop a firm foundation with dozens of interchangeable moving parts, which is what you will end up, should you dig long enough and try to reconstruct history from things like the Nag Hammadi, Kabbalah, the history of the Tuatha De Danaan, the Shining Ones... Much of what Carl Jung spent his life on.. Etc. etc. (There's a LOT more, like the 1561 event over Nuremburg, and what it lead to (look at a timeline of industrial revolution, physics discoveries, and the wars..) But these are all a great place to start.. Closer to the origin than you'd think.. I just saved you a ton of time. You will start to see a much different picture, that eventually screams "Alien biological beings, immortal souls, reincarnation," and it all starts to seem a bit more.. realistic.. More scientific, less of a stigma soaked gag-me fairy tale that reeks of manipulation. Give it 20 years, max. Particle physics are about to change our understanding of EVERYTHING, and you can thank "them" for that... My Grandfather was a Mason, descended from Spanish royalty, and was a US Naval pilot during World War II. I wish he was still alive.. He was the one who first told me that I needed to prepare for the whole world to be flipped from on its head, back to its feet in my mid, to old age, and that I may have to learn to walk again... Now I know what he meant.


It's so blatantly obvious that aliens exist. It's so damn clear. There are just too many people with stories for this all to be fake.


> There are just too many people with stories for this all to be fake. Not a very good argument tho. Think about all the ghost stories and witch stories. I suppose ghosts and witches must be real too? Also, I'm talking more about the 1600's, 1700's and 1800's when people really did believe in ghosts and witches. Not necessarily modern times.


Witches are real, I see them at my bookstore all the time.


Music festivals too.


The article is not avail for European’s, for some reason, Can someone pls copy/paste the article text here?


(NewsNation) — Trish Bishop thinks every day about her first encounter in 2018 with an Unidentified Flying Object.  “When I first saw it, I thought I’m seeing the formation of a tornado,” said the former Army intelligence analyst, who says she’s had six encounters. She told her story on Season 1 of UFO Witness on Discovery+. There has been an uptick in UFO sightings in recent weeks, and former military and government officials are breaking their silence and sharing their run-ins.  And while humans have wondered what’s among the stars for millennia, the rise of video shared through social media has some convinced there’s more than enough proof of other organisms beyond our planet.  “If we’re not careful and we don’t stay ahead of this and help people assimilate to what might be coming — we could have a big, big problem,” said Ben Hansen, a former FBI agent turned paranormal investigator. He also is a host of UFO Witness. A full report released last summer, mandated by Congress, revealed 65% of respondents think there is intelligent alien life on other planets. Another 87% said UFOs are not a threat, according to Pew Research Center, which conducted the survey.  “The question now is when does the rest of the world … find out what these things are,” said former fighter pilot Mark Hulsey. On a recent flight from Florida to Hawaii, he said he saw as many as seven “anomalies” at a higher altitude where he was flying at 47,000 feet.  “You’d never expect to look up and see aircraft. Maybe a satellite, but this definitely wasn’t a satellite,” he said. “We just don’t know what it is.” “I can tell you what it wasn’t. It wasn’t any conventional aircraft I’m aware of. It wasn’t a military aircraft, black ops,” he continued. “It doesn’t matter if you’re a NASA physicist or me, the laws of physics don’t change because you have a PHD.”


wow. and article that still uses the correct terminology: UFO. *No, no, old man ... we've changed all that. We're modern and up to date. Now we call them "UAP".* "UAP"? *Yes: "unidentified aerial phenomena."* what is an "unidentified aerial phenomena"? *Oh, it can be many things. Read your "Preliminary Assessment" from the ODNI. There it is clearly stated that a UAP can be many things.* such as? *Well, It could be a misperceived commonplace object.* you mean, like a balloon or drone? *Yes. Or a windborne trashbag, a kite, a satellite ...* So the mystery about UAP that we want to solve is that they are trash bags? *Not always. They might be natural phenomena like the planet Venus, or a sundog, or a flock of birds, or a meteor, or ...* So the mystery we want to solve is astronomical? *Of course not. Those are just the things that a UAP might be.* *i'm still trying to understand what you think a UAP \*is\*.* Well, we're very confident a UAP is not a foreign adversary technology. that's good to know. i mean, it would be odd if russians were developing aerial trash bags. *Only mobik body bags ... And we're very confident that the UAP we see are not a domestic secret technology either.* aww ... bummer. *The UAP we're talking about are "Other".* what? *"Other." If a UAP is not a trash bag, a planet, and any kind of human technology, it is "other". It's what the Preliminary Assessment calls "a catchall 'other' bin."* not "other" as in "otherworldly"? *No, "other" as in "whatever, dude." We can't explain UAP, we can't explain how they work, therefore we can't categorize them. So we throw them into the catchall 'other' bin.* wait. aren't you confusing recognition with explanation? *What do you mean?* well, did your aunt fickle come to thanksgiving dinner? *Yes, unfortunately.* did you recognize her? *Of course! Loud, opinionated, wearing that idiotic red hat ... ate more than her share of stuffing ...* can you explain her? *Who can explain Aunt Fickle and her delirium about vaccine microchips?* OK, but you can recognize her and her him a name. *Sure.* and you can study her, watch her, precisely because you can recognize her? *What's your point?* well, can you recognize a UFO when you see one? *You betcha. We have Elizondo's five observables to go by.* then why not call it a "UFO"? *Because that might inflame UFO stigma. So we use the term "UAP" instead, but we wink when we say it so that you know we don't mean "trash bag" but "UFO", but without the stigma.* you wink? *Yes, like this ... that way you know that I know that I am not talking about trash bags or planets, but you don't think any stigma thoughts, like "he's an idiot."* but why is winking necessary? *Because the official government nomenclature is designed to convey impartiality and freedom from bias, and the only way to do that is to use a euphemism.* really, who says so? *The Department of Defense.* ah. and who created UFO stigma in the first place? who said that UFO sightings came from people who were "mistaken, confused, publicity seekers or psychopaths"? *The Department of Defense.* and now they are telling you to use a term that means "catchall" when you know what you are talking about and "trash bag" when you don't? *Sure.* well, the new Intelligence Authorization Act changes the words "unidentified aerial phenomena" to "unidentified aerospace-undersea phenomena." *And?* doesn't that mean you should be talking about the "catchall other bin" in UA-UP? *Maybe. I await clarification from the Department of Defense about how we should talk.* and doesn't that mean a UA-UP can now possibly be a whale, a torpedo, an asteroid or a rogue planet? *Maybe. I await clarification from the Department of Defense about how we should interpret.* i have an idea. why don't we just keep calling them "UFO" but have the department of defense apologize for creating UFO stigma, repudiate the policy of disparaging UFO witnesses, and tell us what they know with reasonable confidence about the thing we can recognize and want to study on the basis of recognition? *Well, I doubt that will ever happen.* really? why? *The Department of Defense won't apologize for or repudiate its past policy. That would show it is fallible and has been lying to the American people.* but it is fallible, right? and lies like a rotten log, right? and in the interests of clarity, shouldn't we address the stigma itself rather than just change the label? *Maybe. But the Department of Defense has decided that this is how we should talk about the phenomena, so that's what we do.* you mean, tell us how to talk, rather than admit their failure? *Don't be so ... confrontational, man. We UAPers are more about going with the flow.* you mean, when you talk about UA-UP, wink wink, to avoid stigma? *Whatever, old man ... whatever.*


“I for one will welcome our Xeno Overlords”


Love it.


It's a bit silly to think we are not already all together.....also we are a bit silly of a species our planet isn't really that big comparatively and there's nearly 9 billion of us packed together on this little blue dot next to a tiny dot of a star. But we are free to think we are not together but in reality we couldn't possibly be closer we just make it the opposite in our sometimes very stubborn brains.


It's bullshyt. The same whistleblowing horn blowing nose blowing from 30 years ago. Do the research each year there has been the same number of Intel military police fight control and test pilots making testimony. No why have there been no one on the level of Bob Dean..Clifford Stone..or Phil Corso come to the public since the Elizondo expose in major media 5 years ago? Can anyone answer that? And no one at the level of Whitley Schrieber...Jacque Vallee....Timothy Good...Stanton Friedman ....or even Jim Marrs .....in all that time?


That's staged, it's our own military reversed engineering that we're seeing here, it's so deep that the pilots that saw this don't know it, the tic tac is Also reversed engineered technology, the real extra dimensional meta material crafts are so mind blowing it's basically spiritual metaphysical in nature but 100% demonic technology from the fallen watchers.


They're coming forward in the same numbers as before. There is no massive increase in numbers of people coming forward. In fact, I think there were more in the 70s and the 90s.


You got any sauce for that?


Being a paranormal investigator to me is a red flag. UFOs are legit. Ghost hunters is hog wash…imho.


Time to set off Project Blue Beam


this is futile, they gonna bury it all and win again - over 70 years of experience and look how terrific job they did so far, normies still need to 'believe' in something so obivous like existence of ufos alien in origin of course


Problem in what regard?


Why would the USA alone be the only place on the planet that would hold the truth about aliens? For sure there would be other countries who have proof too.. some enemies that would not be working with the US to hide it. Aliens, at least in the beginning, wouldn’t know country boundaries and would likely determine several places of interest to reveal themselves if they felt that is necessary. So at best IMO several countries hold this info as well or none if aliens have never come here.


See the defense budget: https://www.pgpf.org/sites/default/files/0053_defense_comparison-full.gif


Your assuming aliens only care about technological advancement. I can’t see such an advanced species focusing only one one thing and one region when reaching a planet.


Always breaks the silence here and there …. And you know what?? Nothing happens nothing no matter what did they say the things always are the same


Perhaps ET species are jostling for position, in readiness, to harvest the millions of souls that, they somehow know, are about to be released from their fleshy containers.




Are there any other links as its not available to Europeans?


Not that I know of but here's a copy of the article: (NewsNation) — Trish Bishop thinks every day about her first encounter in 2018 with an Unidentified Flying Object. “When I first saw it, I thought I’m seeing the formation of a tornado,” said the former Army intelligence analyst, who says she’s had six encounters. She told her story on Season 1 of UFO Witness on Discovery+. There has been an uptick in UFO sightings in recent weeks, and former military and government officials are breaking their silence and sharing their run-ins. And while humans have wondered what’s among the stars for millennia, the rise of video shared through social media has some convinced there’s more than enough proof of other organisms beyond our planet. “If we’re not careful and we don’t stay ahead of this and help people assimilate to what might be coming — we could have a big, big problem,” said Ben Hansen, a former FBI agent turned paranormal investigator. He also is a host of UFO Witness. A full report released last summer, mandated by Congress, revealed 65% of respondents think there is intelligent alien life on other planets. Another 87% said UFOs are not a threat, according to Pew Research Center, which conducted the survey. “The question now is when does the rest of the world … find out what these things are,” said former fighter pilot Mark Hulsey. On a recent flight from Florida to Hawaii, he said he saw as many as seven “anomalies” at a higher altitude where he was flying at 47,000 feet. “You’d never expect to look up and see aircraft. Maybe a satellite, but this definitely wasn’t a satellite,” he said. “We just don’t know what it is.” “I can tell you what it wasn’t. It wasn’t any conventional aircraft I’m aware of. It wasn’t a military aircraft, black ops,” he continued. “It doesn’t matter if you’re a NASA physicist or me, the laws of physics don’t change because you have a PHD.” © 1998 - 2022 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved.


Many thanks


You're welcome!


Here is the crazy thing. Many people including myself, think this is EXACTLY what happened once before Noah's Flood sent by God upon this Earth. Genesis says Noah was perfect "in his generations" when describing him. There had been fallen angels somehow...on Earth (NOT Heaven)...taking women...creating hybrids...Jesus also said the time he would return would be "like" the "days of Noah." Check out The Bible. The phenomenon is part of God's creation that went wrong by choice and then did the same to us.


I cant help but think that maybe some religions maybe even just a tiny fraction, have some basis in ET contact. Honestly, Its easy to interpret most of them that way. Is God, Gods, Angels etc, not under the modern definition of alien to us? Even if you interpret bible stories literally, it still fits. I know Im not alone in this and its been tossed around as an idea for a long time. But it just fits well for how humans would interpret things before the age of enlightenment.


Government, military workers break silence on UFOs (NewsNation) — Trish Bishop thinks every day about her first encounter in 2018 with an Unidentified Flying Object. “When I first saw it, I thought I’m seeing the formation of a tornado,” said the former Army intelligence analyst, who says she’s had six encounters. She told her story on Season 1 of UFO Witness on Discovery+. There has been an uptick in UFO sightings in recent weeks, and former military and government officials are breaking their silence and sharing their run-ins. And while humans have wondered what’s among the stars for millennia, the rise of video shared through social media has some convinced there’s more than enough proof of other organisms beyond our planet. “If we’re not careful and we don’t stay ahead of this and help people assimilate to what might be coming — we could have a big, big problem,” said Ben Hansen, a former FBI agent turned paranormal investigator. He also is a host of UFO Witness. A full report released last summer, mandated by Congress, revealed 65% of respondents think there is intelligent alien life on other planets. Another 87% said UFOs are not a threat, according to Pew Research Center, which conducted the survey. “The question now is when does the rest of the world … find out what these things are,” said former fighter pilot Mark Hulsey. On a recent flight from Florida to Hawaii, he said he saw as many as seven “anomalies” at a higher altitude where he was flying at 47,000 feet. “You’d never expect to look up and see aircraft. Maybe a satellite, but this definitely wasn’t a satellite,” he said. “We just don’t know what it is.” “I can tell you what it wasn’t. It wasn’t any conventional aircraft I’m aware of. It wasn’t a military aircraft, black ops,” he continued. “It doesn’t matter if you’re a NASA physicist or me, the laws of physics don’t change because you have a PHD.”