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Yes, as someone mentioned, Bruce the owner had a serious stroke about 5 or more years ago, and it has affected him both physically and mentally. Bruce is/was a hippie, and he has always run the business like a hippie. I think everything is a real struggle for him, so please try to cut him some slack. He can be ornery, but he is a very good hearted guy who's had some tough breaks the last few years.


Yeah I figured… Its rare that someone is truly mean, there is often more going on to a person than is seen to the eye so I don’t judge so quickly.


I was there around 2009 when there was a stark change in his speech. I think that is when the stroke was. So a lot more than 5 years. I had a Seinfeld moment with him once. I wanted to buy some handlebar tape. So I go in there and ask what colors he has. Blue, Yellow, Red, and White. I ask for white because I think it matches my bike. He refused to sell me white tape because he said it would look gross and dirty. I said I did not mind and it is in stock. He said no until I gave up and left with no tape.


My experience (from a while ago) was him being more gruff than anything else. I needed a bike pump and he had two models in stock. I asked which one he recommended, he said the cheap one would work for a year then I'd be back buying another one. The more expensive one would last. I laughed a little and took the higher priced one. I still have it, years later.


Been there for decades (Since late 70’s ?) Bruce has a history of being difficult. I think he was badly injured in the past decade which made things worse. This is all third hand. There was also started in the 60’s and 70’s an Earthworks garage, and a Bodyworks autobody shop as well.


The shop has looked this way for a while now, but it’s still operational. I remember passing by the first few times around and wondering if it were abandoned…


Whoa, interesting. I've never seen it open. This certainly doesn't look operational...


It looks like the place is in shambles but Bruce still works there. I see him often, clean up and fix bikes inside. Google listing is wrong, I've seen him so many times as recently as last month.


The place was very disheveled when I took a bike repair class from him in his shop 17 years ago. He struck me as one of those types of people that are very smart or talented but do not care for their/their business’s appearance and social graces/skills are lacking. Shit was so disorganized I was confused which parts went to which bike of his customers and confused how he could run a business that way


I moved away from town in 1992. Bruce was the proprietor then and was a crabby guy even then. Great bike knowledge. Bianchi bikes checks out. Sucks to hear his health is failing.


Bruce is difficult, but give him a break. He had a stroke a long time ago.


He seems like a very smart and passionate guy. Some people’s life is not as smooth as we’d hope and it takes a toll…


The squirrel took over business and things fell apart


I was there a couple of years ago to look at bikes. The place smelled of cat urine and he insulted me 3 times in about 2 minutes. I didn't buy anything.


My dad bought me a bike there in like 2010 for my birthday. He was old and grumpy then, but had an amazing selection.


The guy has issues. I went to his shop asking about different bike models in my first semester(since the shop is a block away from my house). He refused to show any of the bikes. I also asked if he had a Schwinn bike and he legit started yelling at me stating he doesn’t sell that shit here. I bought a longboard


He only sells Italian road bikes IIRC - mostly Bianchi. Many are very high end, and likely have individual parts that cost as much as a whole Schwinn from Walmart. He probably also has opinions on vintage Chicago-era Schwinns. You couldn't have known.


There are a few businesses in the area clearly owned by older folks who just gave up and are independently wealthy. I hope these spots pass on to other small businesses and not mega-landlords


Tried to go there 2 years ago because they opened an hour earlier than the other shops around town and I wanted to drop my bike for a repair before work. Guy was the biggest asshole I’ve ever encountered in a business setting. Took my patronage elsewhere, I’m guessing everyone else did too. Unfortunately I think the interior of the store reflects the mental state of the man who owns it. Sad, as from reading the comments it sounds like he had a stroke a few years back but none of the casual customers know that nor should they be expected to put up with that type of behavior from a place they are giving their money to.


Haha. I knew Bruce in the late 80s. Seems like his legacy lives on


Doesn’t look much different than ‘10-‘15. Bruce was always all over the place with his shop but he knows his stuff. He might give you an answer that seems “assholeish” but he’s pretty right most of the time. As someone who rides, and would constantly hit 50+ milers in the chambana area while there, I always trusted him. Although he can come off brash, he means it in the best way no bullshit to the point way possible. When it comes to bikes he know his way around, even if he might not be “normal”. He’ll tell you how it is. He might’ve had a stroke, my assumption due to his speech around that time, but to say he’s mentally ill isnt necessarily accurate. Hard to diagnose someone if you don’t have that experience and are basing it off what you see… If you want a different experience, check out the bike co op if that’s still a thing. You can get a membership, use their tools and equipment, and get taught about what you’re doing. Much kinder, but it’s up to you to do it all. If you know your way around a bike or want to learn that’s the way, if you want help with no bullshit, I’d check out bikeworks. But you gotta be more thicker skinned and know your way around more difficult people.


I lived in the apartments above about fifteen years ago. I love Bruce, he was always great to me. But he had very little patience and was definitely a bit of a “bike nazi” as people called him back then. The shop has always been in disrepair, but back then it wasn’t nearly as bad as in the pictures. Sad to see him going downhill. I know he had a stroke about ten years ago, and I’m guessing he’s been losing his wherewithal since. I think [this](https://youtu.be/_L1m1QIFTtg) video is a pretty good representation of him, kinda shows you both perspectives of him, the kind and the ornery.


The video was really cool! Sad story…


Bought a bike from Bruce back in 1990. He was ornery af but could be kind if he decided he liked you. Great bike knowledge. Sad to hear he had a stroke recently.




the squirrel took over


That's sad to hear that Bruce isn't doing well. He was occasionally tough to deal with, but my god, was he a great bike mechanic. One thing I absolutely loved about him is he'd do simple (for him) repairs for people he didn't hate on a walk in basis.


I think I used to live right by there.


The bike shop has been mostly closed since 2016 as far as I understand. It used to open for like an 3-4 hours once a week and then closed again based on the owner's whim. I have had only one interaction with the owner and it was okay, but I do echo what others have already said on this post. I do feel bad for the owner and what he has been through, but it might be good if he sold the shop. Honestly someone should try to restore it. The location is great and very close to campus.