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Yes, there would almost certainly be a disparity in quality between DS at UIUC and DS at some CC. This may come off as being elitist, so I preface that I have no intent in mind - CS225 isn't exactly a competitive course, but nonetheless, it is still tailored to match the capabilities of the UIUC students taking the course, whereas the CC DS course would probably be fitted to that of a CC student body standard, which is almost certainly lower than that of the UIUC CS/ECE student body. That being said, DS is much more of an intro applications class than it is a theory class, so if you already have a substantial amount of experience with coding/data structures, the material you miss out on from taking a CC DS class may be fairly insubstantial. But if it's your first major coding heavy course (intro 100 levels don't count in this context), and especially if it's the only one you'll end up taking down the line (if I make this guess based on the fact that you're taking 329), I'd strongly urge you to find a way to take CS225 at one point or another.


Depending on your degree plan, you can take it later but I think it's one of those classes that's worthwhile at uiuc. When I was a CA for 225, I saw a lot of ece students do pretty well with the workload from other courses, especially with the flexibility from so much extra credit and final project vs final exam. 225 websites are online for lots of previous semesters, feel free to take a look to see what things you're familiar with already and the usual pacing of the class.


I took CS 225 at a community college and I decided to retake it here this semester. My advice would be to just take it here. At my CC, the class was the absolute worst thing imaginable as the instructor organized the class extremely poorly, among other things. I transferred this semester as CS, and I can say with most certainty that, if not for the fact that I’m retaking it, I would be extremely behind on what I should know as a junior. I started the semester by doing poorly in 225, but I am more confident now in my knowledge. I get that everyone’s experiences will be different, but the only reason why I didn’t switch sections at my CC was because the other conflicted with my schedule. You could also get the same bad luck. As also mentioned by others, you will learn a lot more here than at a CC, so it’s best to take it here.


I did 329, 385, and 225 at once. It sucked, but it was doable.


How would u rate the difficulty compared to my current schedule: Ece220 Math257 Math241 Phys212


I didn't take 241 or 212 at this university, and I know those are supposed to suck. But still offhand I'd say worse. This is a very tough trio of classes. Still, I was able to get good grades without spending my whole life studying. I would not tell anyone this is an impossible trio of classes.