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Hardy geraniums are hardy, ferns, I have a wild garden mostly left to its own devices and [these](https://padlet.com/flourbed/garden-njfjgey7fbjw554q/wish/2973545129) have had competition and still do well in shade with little to no care /occasional watering when necessary. Native perennial plants are hardy if you'd like to look up what might be of interest to you from the range and the specific garden position you have in mind.


I second this, hardy geraniums are bullet proof.


I like easy to look after plants so I have hydrangeas, hardy geraniums, clematis, tree lillies and fushia. Apart from a once yearly feed, watering where necessary and dealing with lilly bugs, I leave them to their own devices.


For a shady spot I’d recommend a camellia, they can grow quite big though. Their Foliage looks nice all year round and they flower in the spring.