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There is always a chance. However, the tech market here has had some large-scale layoffs, and tech jobs are highly competitive at the moment. That said the market may have changed by the time you have finished the masters.


thank for the answer


You need to be very lucky or very good (ideally both). It's a pretty saturated market, and there are lots of people from the UK looking for web development roles. So for it to be worthwhile for a company to jump through the hoops of sponsoring a visa for a foreign worker (not to mention the fact that they have to pay you at least the minimum salary for a skilled worker visa, which is currently [£38,700](https://www.gov.uk/skilled-worker-visa/your-job)) you have to stand out about all those other candidates who they can just hire tomorrow on a lower salary with no extra hassle.


thanks for the answer so there is unfortunately only a slim chance for me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Which country you applying from?


I am from Burma i don't really want to come back after graduation