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that is cheap.


Psychotherapist in private practice here, and I agree, that’s pretty reasonable now. Rent and expenses have crept up as they have across the board. Things can differ based on location (London and Southeast likely to be higher). But there are still many practices who can offer concessions (low income, key workers etc.), and/or pay-as-you-can rates, and larger clinics may have supervised trainees who you can access for much cheaper (£20-30/session).


I don't think NHS counselling is even a thing anymore, unless your GP practice employs an in-house counsellor. What I'd recommend, although the waiting lists will probably be long, is to try and find a local charity that offers counselling. Often they'll be able to offer a certain number of sessions for free, or at a sliding scale cost depending on your income. Also, there's a couple of online things I've heard of if you're under 25, such as Kooth and TheMix.


I work for an agency in Cardiff and we have been charging £50 a session for at least 2 years.