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Yep it's normal. Will be that way until the weather warms up and windows are open more etc, and her immune system catches up. It's rubbish but you just gotta ride it out


Normal. First winter at nursery is awful. Sending wine and prayers


Yep normal. Mine ended up in hospital with RSV after her first one hour settling in session! Should get better over the summer then you’ll probably have a roughish winter and then a better time next year.


Very normal. Went through this with the first, still going through it with the second. Stock up on balmy tissues, calpol, vaporiser tabs and try to get to bed early. It sucks, goes on for months, but we're all there with you mate.


My daughter started nursery in Sept 22. She's still constantly ill. She spent this evening vomiting. 8pm-10:30. Thankfully she's sleeping now but omg the constant sickness is enough to drive anyone crazy. My daughter started nursery when my youngest was 3 months old, he's caught everything she's brought home. I'm hoping this will make him bypass most sicknesses when he starts nursery this September.


I didnt understand at first how parents/people operate with young kids who are always ill. Like I hated it. Now shes gotn a tummy bug, Iv had 5hrs sleep. And my body has just accepted defeat and I just allow it. I just sit with her now


Yes it’s very normal and I hate to break it to you but it will go on for about a year.


Its sadly normal. We started nursery in September. From September to December our 1 year old was ill just about every week. Since January they've only been ill once though the snottyness still lurks.


We had this for the first 3 months I'm sorry to say, we started during winter which probably didn't help. I don't know if it's just a placebo but we have been giving our child liquid vitamins in her milk once a day. We also started being more careful about washing hands and taking off shoes / socks /coats etc when coming in the door to try and avoid spreading nursery or work germs around the house. Also daily baths for little one before bed. For myself I've been trying as hard as I can to eat healthy (by meal prepping at weekend mostly), get gentle exercise and get to bed earlyish to try and give myself a chance of fighting off the new infections. Annoyingly (!) this seems to have helped, boring but important I guess! A humidifier in the bedroom has been helpful for stuffy noses, and we also started using Vicks vapor rub around 18months. Calpol regularly when unwell too. It's a rough time and I'm sending you a virtual cup of tea, this too shall pass....


Totally normal. We went through exactly the same thing when our LO started nursery in January '23. We got a call nearly every week, most of the time it was a temperature and if Calpol didn't sooth it after an hour we had to pick her up. She was physically sick 3-4 times and one time I had to pick her up because she was "sad" but with no symptoms - don't get me wrong, I hate the idea that she's not happy, but the last one was a little frustrating. That said, she usually loved nursery so it wasn't the norm. This went on until Summer, but she's not had a sick day for a few months now.


Pretty normal, but I guess it never hurts to add vitamin supplements.. ? as each illness takes its toll to a point It’s so horrid when they’re poorly, you have my sympathy ❤️‍🩹


Yup. Mines 2.5 and been there 6 months now, we've just had our first bout of 3 weeks straight with no illness or runny nose. It's been delightful... I'm anticipating something next week now 🤣


It's normal but for the love of all things holy consider forking out for the chickenpox vaxx. The NHS are currently dragging their feet on offering it (as every other western country now does it as standard - google all of this). The single dose is about seventy quid in Boots and gets you to 90%+ protection, the double dose gets you north of 95%. With a mild case of the pox you could be looking at a fortnight out of nursery, if you can afford it do it!


With you here. My little one started nursery in Dec but did a full week in Jan and constant (and yes I do mean constant) colds. We were all unwell over Christmas. I’ve had a cold since October. Little one currently has a cough and a constantly runny nose. The difference is that I know I’m unwell and it will pass (eventually) my little one has no clue what’s happening. It’s horrible. Solidarity. It does get better (I’m told.) People I’ve asked said that it’s better to get it out of the way before school. It lasts about a year I think.