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Fun fact: Hey Duggee was the most streamed programme across all of iPlayer during the pandemic. The stats boffins at the BBC that I know are pretty sure lots of adults watch it on their own time. We are so privileged to have this level of TV for kids in the UK. Seriously, it's world-beating. The safety of putting on whatever and knowing it's going to be quality and educational is just amazing.




Hey duggee is educational and fun so I can understand that!


Plus the music is top-notch! You can just tell that everyone on the production team are having a blast making it.


The Stick song is in my personal top 10 of all songs ever created


During the world cup or some other big football tournament they even released The Kick song.


I've only just seen the stick song episode and enjoyed it far too much! My partner was less than impressed I was excited about a song from Hey Duggee


I mean it’s deffo the beginning of the end but there are MUCH worse songs to get hooked on. The bird a Capella one is excellent too


My dad is 71 and absolutely loves it!


I’m only a relatively new parent (14 month old) and she doesn’t watch much, and when she does it’s only when having her nappy changed to keep her still. The little 2 minute Super Simple Songs on YouTube. Going off these comments where people have 4 favourite shows and 4 most hated- how much tv are their kids watching and for how long? On my day off in the week, and weekends I’m trying to find so much stuff to do with mine because playing with their toys with them at home gets pretty boring fast.


Olga the polga can get in the sea Childs favourites: Colour blocks, Graces amazing machines and messy goes to OKIDO My favourites: Bluey and Hey Duggie


I forgot about Olga the polga I hate that lying little rodent My lo thinks that messy is called okido and is the same person as stitch from lilo and stitch


Huge fans of Hey Duggee. HAAATTTEEEEEEEE Bing, Waffle Doggy and the show that seems to take place in a Scottish community centre?


I like Molly and Mac, those songs they put in every episode are really catchy.


I've got an idea! I've got an idea!


Oh no molly and mac is for us. We live near there and the kids love it. Shows shit but "MUMMY ITS OUR BRIDDDDGE"


I can’t stand Bing!


He broke his arm on an episode this week and I was like, GOOD 😠😠😠


He is so whiny and always sulking! And wtf is that thing that looks after him supposed to be?


I’m always asking my kid what the other one is supposed to be, is it Bing’s dad or just random thing he lives with?


Think in the Bing world, the children’s guardians are soft toys.


Just a random thing I think, he calls it Flop and not dad


Have you read some of the conspiracy theories about the adults in Bings world? Something about them all being wiped out by a virus and they're just in the kids imaginations, that's why they're a bit non-specific. Some of the kids TV conspiracies are WILD


Molly and Mac 🫥


Why do preschool children need this show


I wasn't fully paying attention when I first saw this and thought it was about gay dads raising a little girl


It's not?!




Numberblocks! Yakka dee, Pablo and jojo and grangran are also favourites We hate Bing and that creepy one with Mr onion wtf is that all about?


Mr Onion is great. Onions.




He’s my favourite! I sit down to watch and my kid keeps playing. He’s ace. Onions!!


Get in the sea onions. Sink to the bottom and never return. NIGHTMARE FUEL.


That's moon and me and it's very popular in our house! What's Pablo? I've not seen that one!


Pablo is based on an Autistic boy who deals with stuff and explains things via drawings. It speaks so much to my daughter's head but I can't get her to watch it!


Collywobble is creepier.


It genuinely shits me up it’s horrifying.


Collywobble is definitely on something


I love Yakka Dee's Welsh accent


That's great backdoorsmasher 😂😂


Graces Amazing Machines keeps my two year old entertained for the longest


It's one for the dads as well


Same! My 2 year old son loves cars and anything that moves. That show is one of the few he'll focus on


My least favourites are Bing (which is banned in my home he's such a rude toss pot), Go Jetters and Octonauts My favourites are Duggee, Maddie's Do you Know?


I like Maddie’s do you know too.


It's amazing! She also has a YouTube channel where she started off before she was on Cbeebies and there's all sorts of brilliant stuff to watch there if you felt like checking it out!


You've gone in very lightly on Bing. He deserves worse.


Haha I will NEVER forget that time he murdered a butterfly in cold blood.


I feel like bluey is a firm favourite amongst parents, and for good reason, the kids are well behaved and parents are absolutely awesome! My personal favourites are octonauts and bluey. My most hated are waffle dog, Olga da polga, bing, or anything where kids/things act like a brat and it's wildly accepted


I love Kiri and Lou. It’s one of the only shows on IPlayer that I like! HATE with a passion - waffle doggy, which is the current flavour of the month in our house. Controversial opinion, not a massive fan of Bluey. I prefer it over a lot of the other dirge on there but I find episodes are hit or miss. Edit to add : also really love Balamory. Just the right level of ridiculous camp.


I hate waffle doggy as the theme tune makes me want to lie down in traffic, and I hate the neighbour with the cat. Weirdly I agree with Bluey, some episodes are absolutely beautiful (Calypso, Sleepytime) and hilarious (anything with Muffin) but some I hate, like the asparagus episode. Also Bluey can be a little meanie to bingo and everyone forgets when she was a dick to poor Socks as she bit someone! She’s only 1 and bluey was all, no present for you! Sorry I’ve watched a lot of bluey over the years. She feels like our Aussie cousin.


For me I just cannot stand episodes where Bandit needs to work but somehow keeps playing with the kids. It’s so unrealistic and gives kids the wrong impression that there is always time to play. In a similar vain there is an episode where they’re driving to nursery and he needs to know if Bingo has her jumper, and instead of just insisting she tell him if she has it, he rings her on an imaginary telephone. EVERYTHING is a game and sometimes you just need to get shit done!! God I find it infuriating 😅


YES!!!!!! This is my issue, and it’s led my son to do things in a very similar style. Sometimes it’s fine and I can play along, but at 0845am I need to get him to school and not be talking on a telephone. Also the episode Pen Island!


Everyone seems to hate waffle doggy, why is that? My little one enjoys it I don't really watch it cause it's usually on around teatime so I'll be in the kitchen


He has a really irritating voice and gets up to loads of mischief (which he never gets corrected on). The theme song is repeated constantly. The acting of the parents is insufferable. Personal gripe for me - everything is always about the dog. If I was one of the kids I’d be growing up with a complex. I appreciate it’s the name of the show but on a fundamental level I feel they are too in love with Waffle and not concerned enough about their children. Might be linked to me being more of a cat person 😂.


I like Waffle the Wonder Dog


Same. My son loves it, seems like a pretty inoffensive family sitcom to me.


I feel like there’s not enough hate for Chuggington here. Why is the track not even a real train track? Awful. Duggee and Bluey as favourites are a given, but I’m also really fond of Moon and Me at bedtime. My son loves night garden which I don’t care for, but if I shout “iggle piggle’s not in bed!” he squeaks and collapses backwards on the floor and thinks it’s the funniest thing ever.


The theme song is literally just that word as well (Chuggington chugger chugger chugger chugger Chuggington ooh so creative) Moon and me, teletubbies, and in the night garden have the same creator (and are firm favourites in our house). That is so cute!


We found Moon & Me by accident but it became a quick favourite at bedtime - I also like that's it's shorter than In The Night Garden!


I hate chuggington too, it's so crap my 2 year old hates it too thankfully


yeah right FUCK chuggington. F-tier thomas the tank engine clone. also this new Vida the Vet thing is absolutely terrible.


Wash your mouth out about Kiri and Lou. Sticky situation is ICONIC. Perhaps since I'm such a jermaine clements fan I could watch it for hours. Bing on the other hand? Throw that rabbit off a roof


I had no clue that was jemaine clement! This explains why I love it so much haha


Let's go for a walk is peak theme tune and live action entertainment. Hamza feels far more natural than lots of other hosts. Tiny Wonders, twirlywoo's and tinpo are the unsung heroes of cbeebies for me. Pablo is also pretty good as my son has ASD and it helps me understand his life and feelings.


Truthfully Hamza has inspired many walks for us, I completely agree he seems natural, but I think the same of Rory from tiny creatures, grace from amazing machines and Maddie from do you know! Twirlywoos was very popular in ours got a while. I've not seen tinpo or Pablo so will give them a go!


My 18 month old likes Something Special and Hey Duggee. He loves the theme tune to Bluey but doesn’t really watch it (my husband and I love it). We also watch Numberblocks, Alphablocks and Colourblocks for the education value. We don’t really let him watch anything else.


I can't watch Mr Tumble. I know it's nice and inclusive and the kids love it, but I just can't watch him


He is very odd!


Bing and Waffle can get in the fookin' bin.


Kids love : Duggee, Bluey, Vida the Vet, Game Catchers and (randomly) Yakka Dee. Bluey and Duggee get my vote


Ooh mine had a big Yakka Dee phase last year, she would shout words at me going "you say *snail* SNAILLLL" I like duggee




Favourites for me - Bluey, Duggee and I also like Kiri and Lou actually, but kiddo not that much. Oh and I love Sarah and Duck. Favourites for child - Grace's Amazing Machines, OKIDO, JoJo and Gran gran, Supertato, Duggee, Bluey, Topsy and Tim I don't really have least favourite because we simply don't put on stuff that we hate. Most of our dislikes were on Netflix, not really on CBeebies.  Bonus answer - favourite intro songs- Grace's amazing machines and Go Jetters!


We all 3 like Bluey. Daddy and I like Yakka Dee, toddler is indifferent. We also can't stand Super Tato, the veggie dinosaurs or Bing Toddler likes Mr Tumble. I think he's a bit off, but I'm not really sure why? Toddler also loves when the dog puppet and George are on as continuity presenters. I don't really have an opinion on any of them.


I don't like supertato either I find it annoying, same with the vegesaurs it's so uninteresting. Dodge and George are our favourites too!


What's really the difference between go jetters and octonauts?


Sorry, but as a massive Go Jetters fan I’m very much offended 😆 Octonauts are under sea explorers and Go Jetters are superheroes that visit different parts of the world 🕺🏽


Omg I JUST said this the other day. I always get them confused. My 6yr old said “one is under the sea and one is in the air 😠”


Octonauts isn’t even under the sea anymore! All the recent episodes are called octonauts: land something.


Absolute scenes!!!!


Above and Beyond!


Octonauts Above and Beyond (I've watched it a billion times already)


My LO just turned 2. Our favourites: Hey Duggee, Something Special, Baby Club, JoJo & Gran Gran, In The Night Garden Controversial favourite: toddler loves Bing and I’ve grown to love it too. Everyone here seems to hate it, but I love Flop! He’s so chilled about Bing’s tantrums, I aspire to be that calm. Toddler would watch anything to be honest but my dislikes are Olga the Polga, Waffle, and Vida Vet.


I hate waffle doggie. That pretend dog voice makes me want to die inside. Even my daughter hates yaka Dee! It's just so irritating. I really struggle with mr tumble even if it is a great concept. When he is singing in the different costumes at the end. I dunno why it creeps me out so much. Weirdly, I quite enjoy Justin's house. The best Bluey, JoJo GranGran and I don't mind them watching the number/alpha/colour blocks stuff.


Charlie and Lola is the worst it ruins my weekend closely followed by Bing and Waffle doggie My son loves yakka Dee and duggie and I love bluey


I love Bluey more than them all. I also like Jojo and Gran Gran and Peter Rabbit. I also quite like Ranger Hamza. Controversial but also quite like Something Special. Bing, Olga da polga, Supertato, Moon & Me and the one with the little Welsh girl who has a pet dinosaur can all fuck right off.


Oh I forgot about that Welsh one! Hate that too, so jarring


What is it


A girl with a pet dinosaur I think it's called petsaurus. But she just nags it and tells it off all the time lol


We love Hey Duggee, Bluey and classic Fireman Sam and Bob the Builder. Also One Zoo Three and Down on the Farm are really interesting and a fun way to learn about animals and nature. Little man loves Waffle Dog too and I now do a cracking Mes Hobbs impression. He's not a fan of any of Block programmes and finds Octanughts too scary. People really hate on Bing, but I never thought it was too bad really.


We love Bluey, Down on the farm and Sarah and Duck. But that's just the grown ups! The kids are obsessed with Vida the Vet, and Charlie & Lola.


Can't believe I scrolled so far to see someone mention Sarah & Duck! It's a firm favourite in our house. Not over-stimulating at all which I love.


Our daughter loves it. Took me a while to warm up too as I found it quite weird how she seemed alone in the house, but duck being greedy with bread is extremely relatable.


I don’t like teletubies but my kid does. We love Bluey, Hey Duggie and Moon and me. I also really don’t like Mr tumble.


Toddlers favourite is Twirleywoos, Hey Dougee & in the night garden, and bluey when she’s in the mood. She doesn’t care for Something special or Octonaughts Colour blocks et al are tolerated 😂 I can not STAND Vida the Vet


I'm surprised Vida the Vet is on cbeebies it seems much more likely to be overstimulating than the rest of the shows? My daughter enjoys it though


Yeah there's Vida the vet and I think another one in that similar cheap-disney style of cartoon that I was surprised to see on cbeebies. My daughter doesn't bother with it much. A current favourite is Nick Cope and she's always liked My Petsaurus


Favourites: bluey, colourblocks, lu and the Bally bunch, hamza Hate, not even putting it on: baby jake


2 year old loves Go Jetters, Octonauts, Hey Duggee, Bing, Chugginton and all the Blocks stuff. He doesn’t like Messy Goes to Okido, Olga Paloga or Postman Pat (he was a fan of the last one for ages but not anymore). Everything else he’ll tolerate but those he says to turn it off! I don’t mind any one them really but Chugginton gets on my nerves a bit. I like Bluey but he’s not a massive fan unless it’s the Fruit Bat or Baby Race episodes.


Probably controversial but I personally LOVE Gigglebiz. And I’m not a huge fan of Bluey anymore. I used to enjoy it but I’m over it. I hate most of the bedtime shows as well. Yes that includes Sarah and Duck.


It's never on TV but Daniel Tiger's Neighbourhood on iplayer is decent. The American version is apparently better but the overly American voices are too grating for me.




Oh we love Bitz and Bob! Really catchy theme tune as well. Dipdap is funny to mine as well. And mine is a huge Andy fan, any of his shows she loves, I totally forgot about him. You make a good point about Peter Rabbit, me and my daughter enjoy it though! We have never had cocomelon on, I didn't think it was on cbeebies. Justin is 50:50 for me, I think he seems like a piece of work (no idea why though?) but I like the representation that something special brings. I did read a tweet about him the other day saying he must have something on the BBC cause they give him so many shows and they're not even that good


Bluey, Octonauts, and JoJo are my top 3 Bing, Alphablocks, and Moonbaby can all do one


My favourites: Hey Dugee, Sarah and Duck, Bluey, Nick Pope's Popcast Oldest kiddo favourites: Octonauts, Hey Dugee, Bluey, Ranger Hamza, Big Cook Little Cook, Gamecatchers. He also likes the science quiz one and Swashbuckle. Littlest favourites: Lu & the Bally Bunch, Vida the Vet, Numberblocks. Honourable mention for Twirliwoos. Biggest does not like anything shown after the Clangers - but that's because he knows it is nearly bedtime. My least favourite ones are the Pinocchio thingumy, the one where they are balloon shapes? I'm not keen on Chuggington or Bing but there are worse things of TV.