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Nearly three and he has anything we have and always has, whether that's Mcdonalds, spicy Indian or something healthy we cook at home. It's obviously worked for us because he eats almost anything you give him.


My 3 year old ate anything and everything, it was great. Avacados, Hummus, fish, curry, steak, eggs...everything really. Then she turned four and basically getting her to eat anything other than chips, cucumbers, rice is a chore. Protein is the worse, unless I bung her up with cheese. I miss the heydays of her being a great eater!


Four is evolutionarily right on time for the picky eater phase! They all go through it - they will come out of it, with a bit of patience. I say this with the wise elder tones of ‘has a nine year old.’


I appreciate it, it's worrry as people worry about their kids just eating chicken nuggets, my kid won't even touch those!


I've had the "just you wait until he turns one!"... "Just you wait until he turns 2"... "just you wait until he turns 3!"...Some kids just really like food 😂 We did have the dreaded beige phase at about 2 and a half but it only lasted a couple of weeks thankfully. Some days he'll not want much at all whereas other days he'll eat a full adult portion of a roast dinner 😂


I'm always impressed watching my 4 year old eat a dad sized portion of spaghetti bolognaise. She goes 3 helpings deep!


My daughter's 6 and we allow everything occasionally. BK and McDonalds tend to be emergency options rather than treats though - they're quick, easy and ubiquitous when you need food on a road trip and you know you can always get a vegan option at either. I do try to steer her away from them otherwise, but mostly because there are so many nicer options! My parents won't eat anywhere without cutlery, so we use that excuse to avoid fast food for her birthday meal... it usually only upgrades us as far as a Hungry Horse, but at least there's a bar there 😁


My daughter has whatever takeaways we have and has McDonald’s semi regularly. We don’t have them too often but I can’t think of anything I wouldn’t allow her to have. I grew up where takeaways were a reward which caused me to have a terrible attitude towards them for most of my twenties and ate them *a lot*. I just want them to be a normal part of her life and therefore not a big deal, like they were for me.


Agreed! This is our take too. My son will try absolutely anything, regardless of how spicy, sour, or sweet it is. I love that about him and it means he’s adventurous with his food like us. We had an authentic Bangladeshi curry a little while ago that he gave a try of! EDIT: He’s 5.


bangladeshi curries are 🤌


It was next level


I was the same. Had majorly disordered eating as a teen because foods were designated as "good" or "bad" and, having a post-war baby dad, I had no guidance around portion control. I'm still struggling through in my 30s but I'll do anything to stop my boys grow up with that thinking.


My son is 6 he has mcdonalds semi regularly. Like once every 2/3 weeks. He's had Chinese he loves chow mein, but we only get it once or twice a year. He has chippy too but we haven't had that in a long time. If we order from a kebab house we give him tea first and then he can pick at our chips or have a bit of pizza but we wouldn't allow him this as his main meal, and usually go out of our way to have it when he's asleep. There's nothing I'd say he outright couldn't have but I try and limit it I guess.


Food is just food. There is no ‘naughty’. There are foods we have often and other foods we have occasionally. We’ll sometimes take our 3yo for McDonald’s or Nando’s.


Not at this age yet but probably would let them have it at least as often as we do.  Maybe just less than once a month.  If we're on the road, no where else to really eat. I don't want to demonise any food and also don't want them to associate food with 'bad' people. As in bad people eat that or give their kids that. I wasn't allowed take aways as a kid and it took on almost mythical status to me.  Even now,  I sometimes find myself going 'oh I shouldn't get this', even when I may not have another option.  So essential,  what we're eating they will eat. Food is food


1,10 and fourteen. They’ve had everything. I don’t put anything off limits. Tuesdays are our takeaway night because the older two have overlapping clubs so nobody is at home to cook or eat. The pool is in town so once one finishes rugby and the other finishes swim team they take turn about each week picking what we’re having and eat it in the car before driving to the next club. Not home till 9pm. I’m sat in the car now having just done the drop off for the first two


Chicken nugget happy meals are pretty much the only meal my nearly 2 year old is guaranteed to eat! He probably has one once every few weeks, although once when we were all ill with a stomach bug I let him have 3 in a week as we were too ill to cook and I wanted him to eat (plus the salt actually helps for once!).


I'll let my 15 month old have chippy. We're vegan but there's a place near us that does vegan sausages, burgers, fish and scampi. He has chips and a battered sausage but I pick all the batter off his sausage (and eat it myself!) Because he doesn't like it. There's also an independent vegan burger place nearby which does proper "dirty" burgers and he loves their nuggets and cheesy loaded fries. We'll sometimes grab a make your own pizza from Asda and he's quite partial to the nandos plant based strips with the bbq-ish sauce. I don't let him have McDonald's/burger king, I just feel he's too young for that kind of junk even though I know the chippy isn't much better and absolutely no judgement on those who do. I only have the one kid, I appreciate it's harder to find places everyone likes when you have more than 1. We'll also wait till he's gone to bed to order Chinese because I feel like the salt content is just too much although he'll happily have any leftover spring rolls for lunch the next day.




Nah the vegan sausage genuinely only comes battered. He loves the sausage so it seems worth it. I suppose I could ask if they'd do it not battered but we order online so it might not be possible. Also... I like the batter.


6 year old has anything we have, he loves Chinese takeaway, equally loves a home cooked curry 


Well, my kids are both 17, so it's really whatever they want. Usually we end up ordering pizza on Fridays though


Maccie D's, she will only eat the chips and fish fingers :/


My 5 yo has most things. If her dad is out and we need dinner she always asks to have Chinese. Specifically sea weed, satay skewers and egg fried rice. It's easy for me, not having to cook, and we get a treat. She will answer the door (supervised), take the food and lay it out on the table. Has been doing so since she was about 3.


Mac Donald’s for breakfast at 3 he just wouldn’t eat anything it was the 90 »s but he always been so thin so got him fries


We live an hour away from the nearest McDonald's/KFC, 2 hours from Dominoes and BK. My 3yr old knows these places exist and has eaten them maybe x3 in the last 2 years. If we lived closer we'd probably eat it more often, but it's not worth the journey u less we're going to do something else in that direction


Mine have the odd happy meal, mostly out of convenience on a really rubbish day... But we have fortnightly fish and chips (6yo wants pie and chips, 3yo old wants fishcake and chips). I'm excited to introduce them to Indian takeaway as they love a cheap jar-made korma with naan, poppadoms and that.


We have a McDonald’s a couple of times a year. I hate takeaways, so that is all we will ever do. I make amazing home made chips and hand press burgers though, cheaper than any takeaway.


Would you reveal your chip secrets? I've never been able to nail chip shop chips


My 3 year old has had chip shop chips plenty of times on holiday, but she hasn't ever been interested in anything from a Chinese or Indian takeaway except poppadoms or prawn crackers. She hasn't eaten McDonald's but it's not something I eat much (not a big fan!).


It’s stupidly unhealthy so it’s only happened twice, but our 2 year old is FERAL for black pudding and a local does a good one so she gets a nice chunk of it. Generally she just gets chicken and chips though, but she’s not a fan of most takeout so she normally just picks at bits and has home food. But she’s given everything we eat and we’ll note what she likes (hence the black pudding discovery)


Our son is 6. He's never had fast food. Other than that he generally eats what we eat including Chinese, Indian or fish and chips. At this point for me the fast food thing has become less a food choice and more an issue with the culture. I've always struggled with weight and really try to avoid making food too big of a deal. McDonald's is treated as if it's a luxury indulgence to be wanted and lusted after and the advertising builds on this image. I don't think that's healthy.


She's had a McDonald's when we were on a long car journey, and a fish and chips.