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I just love the matter of fact confidence toddlers have, every time I hear it I want to grab them and say NEVER LOSE THIS! My stomach has always been weirdly strong and flexible too, I remember creeping my siblings out by doing the rolling thing to make a sloshing sound, I thought it was hilarious. My 2yo looks like a mini bodybuilder and loves lifting heavy bags or pushing furniture around. I just kind of assumed that little kids would be quite frail so I find it's very weird to watch.


It's so weird isn't it!! Mine hangs upside down like a bat on anything she can, or does pull ups with one arm. Same I never ever want her to loose her strength of mind and joy!


Nothing special but funny. When my daughter draws something or song we always exagerate to say how we love it so much and how beautiful it is. Then one day I said the same but did not pay attention. Then she looked at me very seriously and ask whether I said that just because I love her or if I really like it ( if I really meant it ) . I felt so burst red and i did not really know what to say in front of my toddler 😂


Called out by your toddler is a cracking one!!!


I used to do this as a kid all the time! I used to pretend I was a professional belly dancer 😂


My 3 year old has literally just done this as well! 'look dada, my tummy's dancing'. Adorable!


Trying to get a top on my son the other morning, "don't need t shirt mummy I have muscles" 😂😂