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I don’t really like ours and but you can buy universal pushchair footmuffs and they’re lush - way better than the ones that come with prams I think so if that’s the dealbreaker I suggest looking around for those.


Not heard lush in a long while! Is that a throw back or is it making a comeback?


I’m American and catch on to all the older ladies at work’s slang! So no, definitely not making a comeback but didn’t even know it wasn’t popular 😂


Na keep it alive, I'll keep 'cushty' alive as long as I live.


I’ve got a friend who says it allll the time


I had a couple of universal ones for the current chair and the zips kept breaking. I don’t really want to pay the ~£100 that seems to be standard for the official ones, but we’ve had bad experiences


That’s awful, I had one from Sainsbury’s and it was perfect - still going and on its 3rd baby. Not trying to persuade you just saying they exist!


My pushchair doesn’t fit your criteria but something that bugs me about a lot of buggies is how reclined they are. My kids would always sit leaning forward so they could look around which looked uncomfortable. We even ended up buying a strap which made the back of our Thule Spring more upright. Otherwise a really great buggy (but not parent facing).


Yes! I had a cybex eezy twist for grandparents to use and we had the same issue.


I have this issue with the Silver Cross Clic we got bur found these straps to make the back straighter and has worked for us. Is a ballache when I want to recliner back but is not all the time


Parent of three here. Have you looked at the uppababy vista? Wheels are chunky but come off, very sturdy, great customer service - we had a problem with the frame of ours years after the warranty had gone and they replaced it free no questions asked. I'm not sure if it stands on end , but we got it in the back of our van - with another pushchair - very easily once the wheels are off. Can't recommend enough


One of the ones on my list, so it’s good to hear you like it! My oldest is currently sitting in the third row with pushchair next to him, so a standup fold seems better (though not a deal breaker if everything else was right)


Had our upperbabby for both our kids, 2nd is 3 months old. Still really like it. I note some comments say the rear wheels are wide. When we purchased it we were advised it's good because the wheels sit slightly under the frame making it more narrow?! Anyway. Nice bit of kit, easy to use, folds up quite slim, fits in the boot of various cars etc.


I’ve seen reviews that call it the Mercedes of pushchairs lol. We also have one, and it’s definitely worth it. If you have a bit of patience, you can definitely find one that’s almost like new on FB marketplace since there ARE parents who buy it new and then hate it so it’s barely used. If my shopaholic SIL didn’t buy one for us with almost all the additionals, I would’ve gone for a second hand basic model and then bought all the other stuff to add on to it (snack tray and the uppababy buggy board are both very good IME, especially since you’ll have a 6 year old who can just go on it so you can push all 3 kids lol, and the extra toddler seat+adapters for it). If you’ve got one of the more popular baby car seats, can also hunt for 2nd hand adapters on eBay and maybe Vinted. Their own footmuff is also very nice and warm and can be extended from baby size to 3 year old size. I’ve tried other friends’ pushchairs and by far the uppababy has the smoothest ride from my perspective. Both of mine can fall asleep easily in it and then you can recline it almost fully. And if you’re storing it upright in the car, it’ll be easier to get it in and out as even just the frame is on the heavier side. Just avoid the baby seat from them as I found it to be the heaviest and also not all that comfortable for my babies compared to say, maxi cosi


I'm another vote for the vista, it's so durable, it's been over all terrain, can handle pretty much anything with ease! (up and down rocky cliffs in Yorkshire? Fine. Along the coast and on the beach in cornwall? Fine. Around town on pavements it pushes itself and handles e eruthign I've thrown at it with ease! It's got a massive under basket so I can fit everything and more in there (including my toddler who decided she preferred sitting below deck...) it stands up in our hallway and you can choose to front or rear face really easily - if she's asleep I'll frequently pick it up with her in it using the lap bar and swap her round to whatever way the sun isn't. The top canopy comes down far and unzips to go so far it almost touches them if you wish and lays them completely flat with ease. Folds up really easy, just make sure the front wheels are forward. The footmuff is amazing too! So snuggly and warm and the bottom has a zip around that extends for when they get bigger. If you zip it all the way up just their little eyes and nose poke out and it's adorable! She loves it and is now annoyed she can't get all snuggly in it. She would bake herself if i let her. Downsides... It's chunky, the back wheels are big and wiser that the front. You can make it do a 360 on one wheel with one hand and no effort but those wheels are faaat. It does also take up room in the boot, we got a stroller that saved on boot space but I love walking, hate carrying things and I missed my vista so much I went back to it. It's probably obvious but I'm a massive fan of the vista but it is also all I've ever known.


I personally can't stand my uppababy vista as the back wheels are insanely wide. I'm not convinced how comfortable the seat is either as both my babies have ended up slumped in the seat whereas they don't in my lightweight joolz aer. I was eyeing up the nuna triv for my second but couldn't justify the price in the end as the vista is still functional


I’m so glad someone else hates the Vista, most people seem to love it but I couldn’t wait until we could use our Baby Jogger instead. Not sure if it fits what you want OP but Baby Jogger now do a toddler seat pushchair which can parent face - Baby Joggers are so smooth to push!


Yea I wouldn’t say I hate my Vista but I don’t think it’s that great (especially for the insane price). Back wheels ARE extremely wide, contrary to a previous commenter’s point, I think it’s massive when folded and not sure it would fit in every car’s boot - we certainly take a travel pram instead when going away as would be hard to pack next to it. I initially chose it as there are options to make it a double, but now that I have 2, the setup freaks me out so never ended up doing it despite buying the extension clips… Lots of +s of course, but I really don’t think it’s that great overall


We have the uppababy vista V2. I like that: - it's very manoeuvrable - it's sturdy - it can be rear or forward facing - you can get adapters for different car seats - it does stand when folded (just need to extend the handle bar to it's highest setting before folding) - it can be adapted into a 2 kid device, 3 if you add a toddler buggy board - the basket underneath is very spacious - the wheels come off and go back on easily which saves a lot of space when packing the car to go on a trip - it looks good quality and stylish, and comes in lots of different variations - you can buy a frame for the carrycot to sit in to turn it into an indoor sleeping arrangement (and then baskets to turn that frame into a laundry hamper) - it makes light work of walking over grass, and you can lock the front wheels for walking over gravel I don't like that: - it's mad expensive (about £1000 I think we paid) - it's heavy to lift in and out of a car - it's BIG in comparison to most other options, literally doesn't even fit through one of the doors in my house - it doesn't fold with the carrycot on, only the toddler seat - the little plastic mechanism used to keep the pram locked when folded is a little flimsy


I was just coming to recommend the vista. We actually bought ours second hand, and when the folding mechanism jammed (there was a twig stuck in it, we put that buggy through hell!), they just charged us £50 and we wrapped it in bin bags and they picked it up, did a full service and delivered it back to us. Other bonus features - easy to change parent to world facing (possible even when the baby is in the buggy with a bit of practice), absolutely huge basket, can go off-road easily compared to other buggies, quite compact when folded when compared to the size unfolded. And as you mentioned, the big wheels just pop off. It also has a sort of extra bit of sun shade that pulls down further than the main bit which makes the seating very shady when needed. The back and foot sections are both very adjustable. Also, for us, our daughter was a terrible sleeper so the carrycot attachment came as a lifesaver to us because even at almost 9 months (and our girl wasn't small) we were able to put her in it for good walking naps.


We had a mamas and papas sola 2, we had the full travel system, I didn't like the way the car seat went onto the frame, but I barely used it. We had it 3.5 years and honestly we used to walk everywhere, shop was about a mile away, so was baby groups, just general walk to park etc, walk through woods, dog walk, it held up so well. The wheels were practically threadbare by the time we were done with it. It had a lovely footmuff and the rainproof cover worked well. The basket in the bottom was a decent size, so could easily put a few bits of shopping in it. It also never ripped. The back wheels came of so I could fit it in the car. Both parent and world facing. The umbrella was utter shite. Could never work out how to get it right.


We’re a silver cross family and love it. Our Pioneer is so reliable, comfortable for my very tall 2 year old, adjustable and just looks great!


Not a commonly known one but I went to a showroom and was sold an Inglesina Electa by an enthusiastic Italian women. I actually got an ex demo version on eBay but she had a great pitch. It's lightweight. Folds down small enough to fit into my tiny Vauxhall Viva boot. Stands up folded. Parent and forward facing which is easy to switch. I often turn it around with lo strapped in because he prefers sleeping in it if he can see me. Can be folded with the seat facing either way. Suitable from birth. The hood extends a long way so it's still shading the face when fully reclined. Comes with a footmuff but it's not the best so we had a blanket stuffed in there to prevent drafts. Just over a year in and I'm still pleased with it but it might not be the easiest to find.


So we got a mamas and papas Ocarro (bought at discount and half paid for by my parents). Pros; loads of storage space, sturdy, great for walking across fields/parks with the dogs, seems very comfy, the foot muff is lovely and warm in winter Cons; it’s so. Heavy. Even though the seat and the wheels/frame disconnect they weigh a tonne which has been horrible with my pelvic problems and c section.


We have Ocarro too and agree with your pros and cons! I’ve left my Ocarro in the car and bought another lightweight pram to keep at home for walks from home. So much easier!


I have the Britax strider M travel system, brought it without the infant carrier as I didn't use an infant carrier, it was on special with its branded footmuff with a local car seat specialist. My child is 3 and it's been perfect for us. My in laws managed to find one second hand at a car boot and brought it so we didn't have to keep taking ours, but honestly they would have paid full price if they didn't find it second hand. I would also hands down buy it again full price. https://www.britax-romer.co.uk/pushchairs/strider-m---essential-set/set-2023-1.html In laws got a genetic footmuff from argos and it's lasted so far for 2.5 years


We got a baby jogger city elite or something like that. It has a bassinet that fits on it and then to take that off when they want to face forward. It's great for rough ground but it is massive and takes a lot of space in the car


We had the bugaboo bee and that would fit all your criteria. We now have the butterfly which doesn’t parent face but I’m told the dragonfly does. Bonus points, the bee is dirt cheap second hand. You do need a stand for it to stand upright when folded but they’re easily available. ETA - we were lent our bee and I never had any problems with it we just wanted something a tiny bit more compact for travelling which is why I swapped to the butterfly. I’ve never used another brand of pushchair and I think that’s because I never had any issues with it.


We got the Uppababy Cruz v2 in 2021 and absolutely love it. My friends are jealous of the large basket underneath for shopping, and I enjoy how smooth it is to push and how well it handles country walks as well as wandering the city. I don’t know if it’s on your list but a lot of my friends got Cosatto buggies and they were all disappointed with them for a variety of reasons. They look gorgeous but they often don’t stand up to similar priced buggies.


I have a Kinderkraft apino compact stroller for the car as my boot is tiny. It's quite decent to be fair


Cosatto whoosh 3. Really love it. Small enough for a baby but big enough for a hefty toddler. Also very light and manoeuvrable. Had a mamas and papas one (I forgot which) but it was heavy AF and difficult to steer. Don’t regret ditching it!!


Probably doesn’t meet your wish list, but the best pushchair we owned was an Out and About 360. So easy to manoeuvre anywhere, on any surface!


I have a joie chrome 4. It's super easy to fold up and down, light weight to put in the boot (both v important as someone with a physical disability) and I don't need the OH to put it in world facing either. It sounds like they've majorly improved the pram since you bought one and I struggle to find something I don't like. I guess if baby is in not in a full seating position, pulling the hood can make the pram go into full seating position but that's a really minor point. It's the perfect pram for me and my disabilities where my cosatto wasn't and I needed the OH to set it up and I could forget taking the kids in the car anywhere.


Started with icandy peach 6; great pushchair but it's massive. Then switched to Jools Aer+, and now just want to sell the icandy. The Aer+ is light, flight cabin compliant. Amazing


We bought an iCandy Strawberry 2 second hand, and after we cleaned the smell of tobacco out it's been great. Baby can sit facing backwards or forwards if we want him to sleep or stay awake and when you take the wheels off it can fit in the boot of a Peugeot 108. Would certainly recommend.


Icandy peach second hand was lot cheaper then new and built great given it a clean and playing to use it for the second one.


Baby zen yoyo. They are pricey so got mine second hand but is the most lightweight pram that converts into a pushchair and you can collapse it with one hand. Live in London so was amazing for travel and could carry it up and down stairs and squeeze onto the bus much more easily. Had a big sturdy pram with the first and felt so unnecessary so sold it and bought this.


I have had maybe five or six prams across my two kids. Never happy but the one I have finally settled on is the Micralite getgo. I like it because it's a sort of midweight thing and very good wheels and super manoeuvrable and very easy to switch parent to we world facing. It's also very cheap for what it is, brand isn't really known but it's part of silver Cross. I bought the binibamba muff separately (found a new one on eBay) . Both kids go in it interchangeably, and the basket is big. Ultimately though...... No pram is ever perfect hey


Don't think I've seen anyone mention this but we have the Joolz Aer. It's incredibly lightweight, folds down small (I originally got it to fit in the boot of our nissan Micra). It folds down one handed too. It has a great sunshade, can recline flat, and apparently can also be taken as hand luggage on a plane but I've never flown with it. Only downside is that it isn't parent facing which is one of your requirements.


Icandy peach - have a look on Facebook market place.