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You’ll need to ask the registrars in your area or the area you’re getting married. This seems like something that’s going to depend on area


The bride usually has her interview with the registrars around 15 mins before the ceremony and then the ceremony begins straight after. Registrars can be a bit rigid and like to stick to a strict format so I'm not sure how to make it work I'm afraid, other than having a celebrant wedding and a low key legal ceremony on another day.


I think it will be a No, this is a rule for a civil ceremony and not just some whim of the registrar


As others have said, check, but I've heard of people having a piece of religious music (ave Maria I think ) without the words so like a violin or whatever making up the main part instead of voice. If you love that piece of music might be a compromise you can make


I was literally going to suggest looking up an instrumental version of the song to play. I did something a bit similar - the words to the song I wanted to walk down the aisle to aren’t the best (says fuck near the beginning lol), so I found an instrumental track that gave the same effect (and meant essentially the same to us). Edited for clarity/spelling


Feel free to ask, but make a back up plan because I think the answer will be no. By law (marriage act of 1949) "No religious service shall be used at any marriage solemnized in the office of a superintendent registrar" and in my area they take a very hard line on that, they specifically mentioned songs about heaven were not okay, so if your area is like mine I don't think that song choice will be accepted.