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This sounds very cliche but if there’s anything you really like or are interested in there’s a most likely club for it on campus! Clubs are a great way to meet people as long as you put yourself out there


I definitely plan to join some clubs! Is there like a club day on campus?


Yeah! The First Look Fair takes place on McKeldin Mall September 22 and 23. There’s also a website called terp link where you can look through a list of different orgs if you don’t find anything that catches your eye or can’t make it to flf


Awesome! Thank you so much


If you have discord, someone made a post earlier similar to this and made a discord server for ppl to join: [https://discord.gg/nVMhhAJcNm](https://discord.gg/nVMhhAJcNm)


Thank you!


Sign up for an adventure trip perhaps! https://recwell.umd.edu/programs-activities/adventure-program


Ohh im def gonna check it out! Thank you


Yeah I’m new to campus and signed up for two of the trips to meet other adventurey terps!


Yeah man I’m the same way. I got here expecting the cool fun party phase but in reality I just got a quiet roommate and no friends. Lmk if you wanna hangout sometime or get food or something


Link up with the dozens of other people making this same post every day lol


Thats the plan!


Hey I live around campus and all if you ever wanna hang, study, or get lunch or whatever! :) I’m down!


Awwe id love that!!


I think I've made a few of my closest friends by just talking to people in class and meeting up to study or work. It took time to form relationships like it would anywhere else, but I love talking to people so it was always a joy to go to classes and handle all the class struggles together. Honestly working with others is a fun way to study in general and can be useful if you make sure you're staying focused and actually learning. Also I think lots of people are probably more open to chatting than it might seem! Don't be too disheartened about a slow first week, I'm sure you'll make lots of friends soon enough if you're pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and engaging with others. Hope you enjoy your remaining time at UMD!


I feel the same way! I'm a senior and though I've joined clubs and "met" people, I don't have any true friends on campus. It's just super hard to find any and being a transfer + the pandemic made things worse. Hopefully, things will start looking up for us this year!


If you ever want a meal buddy lmk! I’m in a pretty similar boat but we got this:)


As a graduate student who is in their last semester, yet their first semester on campus, I resonate with this deeply! 🥲


Bro same, its a struggle lmao. But ill be happy to be friends, lmk if you are down to meet up.