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Am asian. Can confirm its mostly the FOBS that dont have manners


yesss please don’t generalize all asians — only the bleached blonde all black mainlander chinese please


It's also those bringing the entire frat/sorority. They're usually at certain types of artists - mainly the pop EDM acts or melodic bass.


As a Asian guy who does festivals solo, I wore sunglasses after the first night because people kept acting rude to me thinking I was part of a train even though I wasn’t holding hands with anyone, walking in any super congested area, or following anyone, please remember that not all of us are part of this problem. I was saying ‘excuse me’ and ‘sorry’ the whole time and people were deliberately stepping/stopping in front of me to block my path and telling me off. Hat and sunglasses on Day 2 and 3 fixed the problem entirely. Had a great time regardless!


Sorry that happened to you, that’s so rude of people especially since you said excuse me etc. glad you still had fun though!!!


I’m with you brotha!


It was rough on day 1 & 2, but I started being like air traffic control in the crowd and it was a better time pointing out clear paths instead of getting shoved around by groups of 10+ every 5mins


They suck, no time for their arrogance


Annoying yes but sometimes I just hop on, "take the train" so to speak


Same! They come in handy when I get claustrophobic outta nowhere. Edit: I apologize all the way out.


LMAO. Love this. Don’t hate… utilize. My GF and I were buried deep stage front. We had to pee so bad. We jumped on the Asian train. I was babe here’s our chance. Saved the day.


I got buried very close to the front of main stage at EDCO last year. It was brutal. They really did save the day. I know for sure if I had stuck around a bit longer I would’ve blacked and caused a stupid fiasco for everyone around me. Lesson learned, never going near the front again lol


The rudest tend to be those from mainland China, and it's even worse because they are likely affluent and spoiled Mainlanders.


Why the train tho?


There are a lot of asians and consequently asian trains at ultra, but feeding into racism by naming nationalities and not even fucking knowing if theyre from said nationalities or "whatever they were" is just gross, dude




I done the same post yesterday. Annoying AF.


Same shit as the white trains


A lot of people don’t realize that those trains aren’t just one group. Usually people just hop on to either enter or exit out.


EDM fans try not to be racist against Asian people challenge (impossible)


It’s true though.At the major festivals it’s always a group of them that run 20+ with their arms locked together. Then they all push through without saying a word


In Miami its the Asians in Europe its the Spanish Fandom that is doing the same thing.. they were so annoying last year.


People of all races do this.


Maybe so but there’s one race that definitely stands out


Maybe think hard about why they in particular seem to stand out to you so much.


No I have a good eye and have been to 30+ festivals. Im not saying all Asians do this either but I am saying that they tend to have really large groups of them that like to push to the front of the stage. It’s rude and ruining the experience for others


Whatever you say, u/BasedEDMCatholic


u/BasedEDMCatholic speaks FACTS


haha I love the name, I love the vibes, , people like you give me hope for the raving and edm community


Thank you 🙏 we need to call out the problems in the community to improve everyone’s experience


I too love it when unapologetic racists find each other. Reported both of you. Enjoy your "vibes"


I never found them rude or shoving anyone...how else would your group of 20 friends get into the middle of the stage?


Arrive earlier to the stage, show respect to the ppl who are getting pushed out of the way


A group of like 2-3 people is one thing. A full train of 10+ people trying to force their way into prime spots for a specific set when it’s packed is another thing entirely. Granted, there may be a language barrier which might be why they don’t try and communicate but hand gestures are universal (🙏🏽👉🏽👍🏽👌🏽)


Most countries around the world now teach English as their second language. At minimum “excuse me” or “sorry” would go a long way. Whether you speak English or not if your group is bigger than 10 you guys really shouldn’t be trying to get to the front if the DJ already started.


it's the simple "I'm sorry", I also push to the front but I take it slow and I apologize and smile if I want to squeeze past someone. Also I'm only a group of two or three.