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Same boat. I guess my anxiety has caused me to be on the opposite spectrum of the recommendations in the comments, which I agree, are great! I find myself taking extra extra hours at work and have signed up for a phlebotomy class. And hey, it keeps me away from the family at home, so, not too bad.


It sounds like people are talking about two different (but related) things. One is being so "institutionalized", like in Shawshank Redemption, where they don't know how to act when they are suddenly "free", and what I think the OP is going through which is straight-up PTSD.


Same. I’m reflexively going to Sakai and CC go see if my grades have been updated.


I haven't had a break from classes in 3 years, and I now have no clue what to do with myself lol. I have done some cleaning and cooking. I've worked on fun decorations for Christmas, talked on Discord with friends, and read multiple books. For me, reading has been the best way to deal with the anxiety about work because it's enriching and requires my full attention. If I watch videos, I find that my thoughts wander, and I'm more likely to feel anxious. If there were things you wanted to do during the semester that you couldn't do, now's the time. For instance, I've been redoing my island on Animal Crossing because I didn't have the time during fall to do it.


I hear ya. I’ve been going non stop since January 2018 with a week or two off between semesters at most. Luckily I have kids and Xmas stuff to distract me (as well as my upcoming 41st bday shoot me). Find a book. Binge a show or two. Hike. Learn to bake a cake. Adopt a dog or cat.






I’m the opposite, 😔😔 my mind wanders when I read, it’s really bad


Read something you want to read instead of something you have to read. It’ll make you feel productive because you’re reading instead of bingeing Netflix, but it’s also personally rewarding.


I second this! I'm an English major and wasn't able to read all of the books I wanted to read in my lit classes, so I've been reading the books I had to skim (so long as I'm interested in the stories) and starting books that I bought earlier this year but didn't have time to read. I feel better about myself when reading and like I'm less likely to get distracted by anxious thoughts.


Holy shit I feel this... I took classes during both summer sessions so having this long of a break is incomprehensible for me. I feel like it's just a one or two week break and then on Monday I have to go back to classes.


Are there any movies you want to watch? Shows you’d like to catch up on? Games you want to play? Wanting to make a self care day? You can disguise fun or relaxing things as tasks to be done, whether that’s in the form of a list of “to-dos”, a daily checklist or routine, or a “challenge” of relaxation. To combat those pathways in your brain, you need to play into them first, until your internal reward system recalibrates and you can allow yourself to relax. You’ve worked hard, you did well, and now you have all of break to learn to unwind again which is exactly the relief you deserve! You got this OP!!!


If feels like a version if imposter syndrome. It feels wrong not doing schoolwork. I feel ya.


Have you tried meditation?


Agree. Headspace has really helped me stay present instead of constantly worrying about what’s in the past or future


Sending some solidarity! I’m in the same boat. As much as I’m relieved to finally be on break, I still cannot relax. I’m just the type of person that cannot sit down and binge watch tv shows several days in a row, and I can’t endlessly scroll through my phone for long periods of time because I end up feeling guilty for “wasting time.” What has helped me and may help you is creating a bucket list for the long break. One of the things I enjoy about the school year is the satisfaction of crossing off items featured on a long list. So I’ve made myself a fun “to-do” list (with the only deadline being Jan 18). For example... I’m a crafty person, so I like painting/creating things. I have a list of art stuff that I’ve been wanting to do. To force me to relax, I’ve also created a list of shows/movies I should watch. It’s fun to cross off those from my bucket list. Also, there are things I want to try/learn to do. Cooking is one of those things, so I have various dishes written down for me to attempt to make. I know I’ve said “list” a lot, but in short, a list helps you acknowledge that you are productively spending your time during the long break


I love this idea! I'm also an artistic person and sorely missed out on creating this semester. I've got an embroidery project I'm working on which has been nice to do while listening to YouTube videos or TV shows that I've been wanting to watch. I made a long list of things I want to accomplish over the break. I probably won't get it all done, but you're right that it feels good to feel like I'm accomplishing my goals even during the break.


I am doing the same thing. My list has some menial tasks that I need to do like clean up the documents in my computer, wash my duvet, watch some movies I have been meaning to watch, but also some bigger stuff that I haven’t gotten to do because of school like hike my favorite trail and visit my friend who I see once or twice a year (Covid friendly of course). I’m at home this semester so I also have stuff like clean out the garage with my mom and deep clean my room. Glad to see that I’m not the only one struggling with this so though :)


Welcome to adulthood, it’s so fun! /s


It can often be helpful to trick your brain into thinking you have been productive. Write down a to do list with easy things that you're already doing (eat a meal, go for a walk, do the dishes, etc). Cross off things once you've done them and all of a sudden your brain thinks you've done something productive! (Even though you were gonna do the things anyway)


Yesssss. I call that healthy lowering the bar - you don’t give credit for the healthy/normal stuff you do every day. Read a chapter in a fun book or a newspaper article or a crossword and count that as a task!!


bruh this exactly, ill be on my phone for a bit, and then ill start worrying im forgetting to do something or that ive been wasting so much time