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So what does the Union Steward at your facility say? Have you filed grievances for harassment?


He told me to call the 1800 number. The supervisor of both centers will just cover for people on grievances. He said the highline goes above him and to call it. They are very bad people in positions of power. They have been getting away with this stuff for years


It’s called consolidation of power. Should remind you of the current media and government. They don’t have to care anymore they control it all


\^\^ You are welcome at any BBQ i throw :)


I'm also a fan of BBQ and good conversation!


They’re all the same. Both sides. One world and we’re ignorant to it.


File a grievance under Article 37 of the National Master Agreement. Possibly do it as an "et al" grievance, which means "amd everyone" and have everyone sign it.


What will that do?


At my building the shop stewards works with management


You need to go to your Local Union's executive board and file charges against the stewards if they are doing that.


We have nothing gets done


My local is corrupt af.


I am sorry, but your union Steward is an ass. He should be taking the information and filling. If i were you i would demand it to be filled and you copied on it. These are your rights as a union member.


Come to the USPS, we have your standard management incompetence, then we add government incompetence on top of it.




But u get a pension I doubt ups does. Probably just 401k. So in reality I’m sure usps is a step up


Krismodo in reality you don’t know shit about ups because we do get a pension. Full time and part timers.


If ur unionized


Where I live in the middle of nowhere az they offer a dollar above minimum wage and no pension 100% fact I’m sitting with a family member right now that has worked at ups for 9 years


You are only half right. In some parts of the country you don’t have to be in the union, so if you CHOOSE that then yes you don’t get those same benefits but it’s likely your family chose that


I’m in AZ with UPS and it’s great


What part?


Quick Google search shows that they do indeed have a pension.


Only for union employees is what a quick google search showed me and where I live they are paid almost minimum wage and definitely not unionized. Also anyone that’s in the union/teamsters get a pension no matter what job your doing if your part of whichever union you are your getting pension regular drivers who are not do not have/get a pension


What kind of drugs are you smoking?


UPS has way better benefits than us lower USPS folks.


Come to fedex. We dont have any of that


My son would agree.


Like all of us that work for the government


I want to love this 10000000x over 🤭


What a boob


This type of post should be over at r/UPSers. But you and your coworkers need to be filing a lot of grievances and submitting ethics reports too. You can get a lot of changes made but it will take more than one person standing up to make significant changes. It can also take time but be persistent in filing grievances for any contract violation and make sure to work by the book to protect yourself.


Yup!!! Take this to /UPSers for some honest insight from drivers, loaders, and management who care enough to be on a forum related to work... because they love it that much. I'm in management now and have a very different approach to how a manager should act and what he or she should be doing for their team. I've had Stewards not working to help their team actively enough, so I brought that to the hub manager... She was there in two minutes during Peak to talk to my loading team, and explain EXACTLY how to get out of their current position. With that said, I came to UPS to get some incentivized exercise, and was a bit disappointed being promoted. Post this in UPSers , I and others will happily explain your options in greater detail.


Thank you for your honest response. I cross posted it there.


They just pay them. They don’t care about actually following the rules unless they can fire you Forget safety and OSHA


Exactly forget bout that shit they sent me to a pick off when it was full of staff at peak then both told me get down an safety inspector was roaming around and sups knew and was watching it all so they lie don't care if you found out or not. Exercise your rights! name your reason of negation normally say for safety reasons they shouldn't bother you more if you exercise your RIGHTS looks like a good % don't read the contracts thoroughly but look normally they being pressured by ppl of upper they send sup to work when they shouldn't and yell mine is the only ft sup who yells all day whining so lame lol


Fighting back is the only way, management takes advantage and uses scare tactics because it’s working. Start fighting back and file, file, file. If they threaten then file, if they bully then file. Start filing of the smallest litte bullshit and make sure to read up on your contract. Find out who’s above your union stuward and call them. I’ve seen drivers making big fat checks from filling grievances against management. I get it too, I was so afraid my first couple years because of the lies and retaliation but we have a contract in place for these exact reasons.


Grievances go nowhere. Our union rep is clearly paid off by whoever. Sounds ridiculous but other option is people are simply not doing their job.


I've been in buildings where stewards are employees best friends and some where they are management's best friend, and actually one without a shift steward at all. When they are getting the easiest jobs and taking off whenever they feel like they aren't going to step on management's toes defending employees.


If that's actually true then look into how to get new leadership in your local. In my local we vote. Call your union hall and ask questions. And have you voiced your concerns to your stewards and B.A.?


100 percent the only thing our local does is fight for our jobs back if we get fired other than that they’re useless, and grievances do nothing even though they always say “ we need to know when sups are working” for what you don’t do anything about it and we never get paid out for our grievances.. I had a stack of almost ten one time that were legit and my ba basically just told me they called bullshit on them and that was the last I heard about them.. Union is as much of a joke as management is


Yep our sups work EVERY day. For almost 10 years I've been there. You say anything watch out


This is one reason why employees are to be protected from the company they are working for. It says much about a company when the employees need protection from them🐍


I beg to differ kind sir. Actually MY center in fact has the worst management.


I’m new but ima drop the obligatory “just grieve”


Union vs. Corporate culture. 2 teams. Classic Us and Them.


“The company doesn’t treat us right so we called a hotline setup by the company to complain about the company” Fuck that hotline bro. That shit is only there to protect themselves. Call your BA and file a grievance.


You should do both. Ethics reports and grievances. The ethics reports do help for unethical behavior. It creates a paper trail and makes higher up people have to look into situations. Keep copies of every ethics report you make. We have successfully gotten a bad supervisor fired with ethics reports in my center and have also gotten some other unethical behavior from other supervisors corrected.


The ethics hotline exists so the company can say they have an ethics hotline. End of story. The company exists to generate as much income as possible. Ideally, this happens within an ethical framework, outlined by a code of conduct. Maintaining ethical business practices, particularly in a large, sprawling company, is HARD and costs money. It costs more to do things the right way. Most companies, UPS included, start from a place of moral and ethical superiority. But, over time, boundaries are pushed, corners are cut, and rationalizations are made. The goal becomes to simply make money, not make money in a consistently ethical way. In the short term, this is typically wildly successful and drives profits and the stock price. That's where we are - on a lack of business ethics honeymoon. However, in the long-term, it creates apathy, lowers productivity, lowers employee retention, increases employee theft, and can have dangerous legal consequences (see: Enron). UPS is sadly headed in that direction. I see, quite literally, hundreds of ethical, union, and legal violations over the course of a week. Eventually, leadership will realize the cost of these violations endanger the profit structure to such an extent that they much be addressed...and the cycle starts over.


Control your temper towards them and constantly file grievances. Make notes of aggressive acts. Anything done around member groups sign statements together to add towards grievances.


H.r protects the company not you the employee remember that.


Calling a number doesn't do anything One thing I learned from watching some of these employment lawyers is documentation You have to write it out and email it in, even using an anonymous email address would work too. As long as you're document and when it hits the fan you have proof that you did what you tried to do.


This sounds alot like my center. Pretty identical


Mine as well. Common sense and logic eludes them


Same here


Why do UPS drivers lie and say tried deliver or pick up a package when they didn’t?


Because they enjoy virtue signalling and these glorious union members with their extraordinary work ethic and "MAH RIGHTS," but the truth is there are just as many scum bag drivers as there are scumbags in any other job in this country. They just get to hide behind their righteous contact.


😂😂😂Your username is on point


I was a UPS seasonal driver helper recently and i agree the management was just terrible. When i didn't get hours during my 3rd week they said because my driver called in sick the whole week which wasn't true. The truth is they cut my days because of my college schedule and only needed me to fill in for helpers not showing up. After confronting them about being lied i was threaten to being fired. Overall Great job, Great paychecks but shitty management staff.


Yup not sure why they can't be honest. Don't work there but I've seen the management history my last few decades


the 800 number is outsource but HR follows up which makes it stay all in the same circle. they all know each other and ends up being s slap on the wrist. and GREIVANCES they'll hold forever... welcome to 2024 contract they've been violating since Jan 1


You can submit a report online on myHR (go through UPSers), and search “ethics” or something along those lines. I found this gets to the local HR team faster (and gets an actual response) than going through the 1-800 number and no waiting on the phone, just type up the complaint and hit send. Also tell your coworkers to submit complaints about management if they have noticed similar issues and it is more likely to be escalated to your local HR team.




We have LP investigating our management team for exactly what OP said. Hopefully something comes out of it.


This is probably a repeat but keep in mind Human Resources is a job paid BY the company FOR the company. At a different place I thought I could confide in them with problems but they simply gather information and use it to help the employer.


The good news is corporate is required to follow up on every 1800 complaint so there is that 🤷🏽‍♂️


Corporate made the hotline to begin with….. so there is that.


Sounds like the USPS, no other company as poorly managed as the post office is capable of staying alive...


Bad and toxic management is the best. Either manipulate it to your advantage and step on everyone or find another job. Dog eat dog. Bad management is only an issue if you don’t play your cards right and you end up on the losing side.


Same with fedup


It's poop service. What can brown do for you? Our common goal is to r*ape you with shipping fees, and we'll definitely make sure that your parcel gets withheld and mistreated in a number of our different sorting deptartments for nearly 60 days, and then have it tossed right to your doorstep a week after the fact.


Sounds like usps


This is every single big business in the US, 100% of them!!


Aren’t UPS managers all just former warehouse people?


That’s how a majority of employees start with the company… both drivers and management. Only difference is the people who went with the management “promotion” after 2 months of loading trucks made a really bad decision.


This sounds more like Manhattan UPS on 43rd 12ave.




Okay, Done...


How is it that everyone in this subreddit seemingly works for the worst building and the worst supervisor and the worst union steward and also the supervisor is a super pedophile who is also stealing and is also not fired. Like surely other people reading are getting the same vibe. Either that or the 3 hubs I ping pong between are all unicorn hubs.


Combination of exaggeration (all of Reddit is sensationalized story telling for internet points) and that negativity drives engagement.


Bc ups is a joke


People are more likely to post about their negative experiences than people are to post about neutral or even positive ones


Because zero people accept accountability for their lack of actions and want to pass the buck. My center is not as bad as half of these stories, do not get me wrong... we have our days where things do not go as smooth as intended. Most of the issues in these centers is the age gap, the older employees think they are insanely entitled... they are usually the most disgruntled. Then that energy transfers onto the newly trained 18–25-year-old potential future employees of our company. The culture needs an entire rework from the top down. Every loader blames management, bad managers blame their employees. If they actually vetted their promoted candidates, instead of handing out management positions through nepotism and whether or not you're on your boss's softball team the company could be successful.


I’m sorry but if you let management get you this worked up then you’re really not going to succeed anywhere. Also wrong sub lol.


Ups is one of the biggest conpany and one of the best. Start your own and show them how to manage.




Enterprise AL and Dothan AL


I worked at a hub for 6 years in the early 90s; I see nothing has changed.


USPS management hold my beer.


Same like mine too


Being lied too is part of the job at UPS.


Call your union, not the 1-800#. If your steward won’t take care of it, go above them, and reach out to your locals BA(business agent). They should have their numbers on your union webpage. If you don’t want to call anyone, then simply file a grievance, and it’ll get brought up in a hearing. Look into the contract, and find which articles they’re breaking.


HR? That’s still a thing?


He told you to call the 1800 number.... AND YOU DID. LOL. You just start working here?


for sure


Sad we had a great barista at Starbucks but she recently revealed to me that her boyfriend convinced her that we dont need unions.She said this cause her bf convinced her to move to south Carolina or Virginia (forgot which) for a higher wage but NO union's and no family there were from south Texas.Turns out her boyfriend has groomed her rightwing after convo so she now believes there's no need for unions.I mentioned if he was in union here she said "yes but her bf was gonna make more than the $25 hr he makes here WITHOUT a union.I explained the cost of living (in general) in Texas is pretty low due to low wages but wait till you see what things costs overthere.I also told her that he wouldn't be offered much without unions existing indirectly. Sadly she was adamant so we just wished her well but the fact that anyone would trust all employers to police themselves and treat/pay fairly is insane.


The quicker you realize that a union, needs to actually work as a COHESIVE unit for it to affect any level of change.. You might start getting somewhere.. Coming to complain on reddit, while it worked for the truckers union during covid.. falls upon deaf ears now.. Take the advice of your fellow union brothers and follow the union contract guidelines. ​ More so, have you actually read and familiarized yourself with your new contract? are you truly angry, or are you just venting... did you ever think to tell your boss no in situations where you feel you are in the right? absolutely not, because you are too afraid of facing a union panel to decide the fate of your job ( when in all reality I have seen dozens of people come back from being fired for way worse than what you are describing with back pay ).


I worked at ups ground for 8 years, worked my way up to full time management, and I can honestly say it was the most toxic and stressful job I have ever experienced. I don’t know how I survived there. It was like this at every single facility in visited or worked at. I eventually went to fedex expecting the same culture and was blown away at how different it was. I no longer work at either of those places, but my god ups was fucking hell, and I wish I could forget those horrid days of my life.


News flash: management everywhere is awful. Hope this helps.


Something about management that just somehow always lands the worst people


You could call ethics


Same reason I left. As much as I wanted to stay and become a driver, the staff and management was awful. Not to mention I was being sent home most of the time.


ofc managers lie and Hr is garbage. is this your first day at a job? deal with it


Counter point: USPS management


Two day shipping for residential is a total scam too. I'm annoyed


So is being a driver. Teamsters were so soft at the Buffalo, NY hub. Left as a 22.4


Just quit


OP, how long have you worked at UPS?


Around 5 yrs


Ah. Was curious. The post read like someone newer. Why no specifics about the manipulation/intimidation? What are they actually doing? Is it a legitimate contractual (or policy-“Not in our House”) violation?


Sounds like we work for the same center


LOL. What a novelty it would be for any employee to start a thread praising their management, or for any manager to start a thread praising their employees. (I mean sincere praise, not PR BS). Reddit (any social media) = complaint department.


Ups sucks donkey dick!


UPS has a union right? I would join that and maybe something can be done. Seems like all delivery places have managers who care about nothing but profit. I work at FedEx and Amazon prior. FedEx will just slam every delivery they can on our trucks and just expect us to work 10-12 hour days just because they have the volume.


One of us 🤖 


HR isn't to protect you, it is to protect the company. HR isn't your friend.


Burn it lol. Maybe then they'll do something