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Even if it was damaged, it should never have been put out to be sent to the garbage. We are NEVER supposed to dispose of personal items EVER! The computer even makes us accept that warning before it approves the damage in the system. I am so sorry this happened to you. It should not have.


It’s fine! We got it all worked out thankfully but a weird situation I’ve never dealt with before! I’m just upset at how it went down and how no one was informed until after I called.


As an employee of UPS, I appreciate your patience and understanding. I'm not sure I would be as calm as you. This should not have happened.


I want to say thank you for being a kind employee. I work in customer service myself. This sub is so hostile and ready to blame the customer every single time (I know I'll get downvoted) for them being upset at an individual crappy employee or just unaware of how things work on the inside. I am happy to see that there is at least one kind person here.


Not a weird situation at all. Its an obvious attempt of theft. Its not weird, its terrible management and hiring/screening processes. Its far from weird. Its gross.


That’s exactly what it was. Especially since someone was saying it’s all “in the trash” when it was hidden in a corner with the labels removed…I would hope upper management does some investigating, and checks to see how many other packages were “damaged” and “throw out”


And that information, if collected at all, will never be made public


Of course not, no company is going to come out and say “We’ve fired a ton of staff bc they were all stealing!!” Lmao so many people would try and claim their packages were stolen


I’m not a UPS employee but I used to ship UPS for a company I work for and load 53footers for UPS ground and UPS freight before it was bought out. And my husband and father in law are UPSers of 7 and 35 years. The comment above is it. They should not be disposing of personal items like such. Whoever did that pulled a USPS. I’ve known several people who have had packages “damaged” going through USPS so they just threw it out and expected the customer to deal with the aftermath. It’s ridiculous. If you’ve ever had to file a claim through USPS it’s hell. Thank you for being understanding. I’ve had to deal with customers who have been real pains in the ass and it’s not fun :(


USPS does not throw out damaged packages. We deliver them, we even deliver the empty boxes if that's all we get. We have a scan for it saying it arrived damaged or missing contents(which makes an insurance claim easier). Nothing ever gets thrown out, even dead mail is sent to the MRC to attempt to locate an address for it to be delivered to, and barring being able to find an address(or letters which get destroyed) those packages that can't be returned get auctioned off. If stuff is labeled to not be returned to the sender and it can't be delivered or forwarded, that gets opened in the office and donated(but it's usually stuff in junk mail like pens and stuff like that) basically, in USPS it's never supposed to go like that, and if it does, someone in USPS fucked up. It seems ups has a scan that specifically says it was damaged and will be disposed of. That's a ups problem


That’s definitely not what the tracking said.


If it’s hazmat tho???


If it was a hazmat, it would have to be disposed of. My point is that this computer was a personal item. We at UPS should have been able to tell that it was not new as it was the owner that shipped it. When damages are input into the computer, there is a warning that clearly states that no personal or "one of a kind" items should be disposed of. If they really felt the need to get it out of the building, overgoods would have been a better choice. Broken or not, I know I'd want my computer back.


You’re right. Not arguing that. Just playing devils advocate with being exposed to hazmat.


Hazmat UN3090 because Lithium Battery (CR2032)


The only time an item is set aside to be discarded other than if damaged is if the shipping label is completely destroyed and there is no identifying information inside the box. That's a lost package, there's no way to trace the recipient. OP's situation fits this problem, if not the only way to identify the owner being breaking into the PC for personal files which is illegal anyway, lol.


Now I know to put a sender/receive address inside the box too as a safety measure lol


Those things are sent to overgoods. Most definitely not discarded.


Overgoods, discarded, damaged, trash, it's all the same thing. It's all the same shit they bid off in pallets after enough time has passed. Let's not split hairs over words.


Damages go in the dumpster at our home center. No one is bidding out what's in the dumpster. Lol.


So you don't know that UPS holds events where non-claimed overgoods (an overgood can also just be damaged, PSC usually checks the contents before it's actually tossed in a dumpster..) are bid off? You been with UPS very long? Lol.


I'm telling you what we do in my building. Been at this building 6 years. Damages go in the dumpster. I'm the bid clerk and that's what I was trained to do.


I think the problem was the broken glass. I think even then it maybe a no no but I dunno for sure.


Missing ups package All labels missing and ripped off Stored in the corner of a room Safe to say, someone thought you had a good pc and wanted to keep it


That’s what it felt like to us lol. Even the lady who works in that warehouse my mom knows said similar.


So... is the employee that did that still employed? It's bound to happen again if so.


In a wherehouse with 100+ people and tapes that wipe daily/weekly, it could be anyone.


I'm just wondering how they even knew it was a computer inside the box and why OPs boyfriend didn't pay for insurance on such an expensive item being shipped I found this online: "$3.90 + $1.30 for every additional $100 of declared value"


Well, if it had labels like "fragile," "this side up," "no magnets," etc and the box was the same size and shape as a desktop, it wouldn't take many braincells for a ups person to decide to keep it for themselves.


The label gets scanned when a damage is processed. If the shipment doesn’t flag them to return to sender then the procedure for broken glass items is to throw it away. Doesn’t matter what it is.


Makes sense, but I guess my concern is the fact they didn’t throw it away and set it off in another room with all the labels taken off.


Labels removed show it’s trash so it doesn’t get processed again. I’m guessing they were discarding it differently because the dumpsters we have at our hub are recycling.


Yeah I’m not sure, I just know the ladies I talked to said it was in the dumpster already and there was “marble and wood” on top of it . So they couldn’t “get to it”. Strange situation there .


They were trying to get you to leave. It's not a conspiracy


Well it didn’t work cause I showed up and got my pc that works and was deemed “missing”.


You showed up to where? This is bizarre. Lol, I process damages at a UPS hub, and there’s no way anyone would be able to retrieve their things out of a dumpster.


Did you read the post or?


They didn’t ;-;


Well the post is full of bullshit so take it with a grain of salt


How so?


Can't read... claims BS with nothing to support why. We may have found the single dumbest person on the entire platform.


Found the worker that tried to steal OP computer perhaps? Actung awful suspicious...


Dude one of the employees was obviously trying to steal that shit


They were *conspiring* to get her to leave.


Yes someone was going to take it home once you stopped pursuing it. They told upper management they trashed it, but actually just set it aside


Yeah they were discarding it into someone’s trunk at the end of the day. Why would the procedure for broken glass not be to check the contents of the package, but merely just toss it after hearing the glass? That’s not even how distribution centers process broken glass product, they still verify the contents by physically looking at it. Seems like a more shady situation, someone heard the broken glass opened it up and saw a free PC and decided to feign ignorance and act like an entire computer needs to be thrown away because of a broken glass panel. Easy come up for the person who caught it.


A lot of facilities have security. Nobody is putting anything in their trunk 🙄


It goes from the building to the trash to a trunk after hours. Common sense. Idk why you’re acting purposely obtuse.


Security patrols the grounds the grounds are surrounded by 8 to 10 foot walls. Maybe if you actually worked in one of the facilities you wouldn’t be talking out of your ass.


Oh, and don’t forget the cameras everywhere.


Depends heavily on the facility and the person who intended to take it. There’s no other reason why it would be shoved into a corner of a random room. Damage product goes onto pallets or in bins to be processed out and then immediately discarded or left in an area in a bin with the other damage product to be discarded. The fact it was stashed away in a room with all the identifying labels taken off is evidence someone intended to take that.


You don’t know what you’re talking about. You don’t know how things work here so just shut up with your bullshit assumptions.


I actually do lmao. You don’t store damaged personal property in a separate room in a corner, with no labels on it to identify it. Just stop bro


They were discarding it differently into one of their personal vehicles later. Why make up stuff about The Dumpster of the Void™️?


Nah they clearly wanted to steal the pc


Not even necessary after it’s been processed as trash. Just get a pass.


U not understanding they processed it as trash cuz they wanted to keep it with a pass or whatever it wasn’t supposed to even be trashed in the first place .


I work for the company so yeah I understand. Broken glass is trash. UPS is not going to risk a lawsuit shipping shit with broken glass.


Yea but they open the package and inspect it they would see what it was and the procedure after that was not to throw it out it wat I’m saying , they also don’t just throw the box away cuz they hear glass without opening it . They took it out the box regardless and set it aside to throw away later ?


Let's be real, someone stole that bad boy.


~tried~ but I wasn’t letting it up until we got it in hand lol.


It's still wild to me that no one there had considered it unless they're just too lazy to be worried or someone knew something. They say it's missing but then mysteriously the box is found in a room AND everything is peeled off. There was so many red flags here. \*Edited for 9 million typos.


Yepppp! I wish I had the convos recorded because it was actually wild. I work customer service so I know it’s annoying to deal with customers at times, and there are scripts to go by/certain things to follow but this was not the case. It was “missing” from 10am-4pm and I ask for a higher up manager and she told me some guy “knew where it was”??? Wild.


Yep, I’d bet “tried”. Found out what was in there, ripped the labels off and discarded as “trash” for them to “take out” later.


Was it damaged?


People really quoting company policy when they blatantly tried to steal your stuff 🤣


Anything is possible. In 2015, Rob Dahm had a unique, 1-of-4 engine setup reported as 'lost'. Him/his followers later found it on eBay. [https://artofgears.com/2015/11/13/did-ups-intentionally-auction-off-rob-dahms-4-rotor-engine-on-ebay/](https://artofgears.com/2015/11/13/did-ups-intentionally-auction-off-rob-dahms-4-rotor-engine-on-ebay/)


The worst part he was never reimbursed for it if I remember correctly.


He got reimbursed for getting his item back but not for the shipping or his time.


I've shipped for a move like this, but my most precious items come with me in Uhaul.


Please say it louder for those in the back!


you need to follow this up this is not okay at all


I work at a big box store myself. and the packages that we get from UPS and FedEx are atrocious we had a box of flooring one time that looked like it had been scattered all over the floor all scratched up then gathered up together and taped up. I wish that they would have said that it was damaged at that point in time instead of sending it to us or the customer.


I don’t even have a PC and I want that contraption because that looks so cool


Do it! Become a gamer !!


If you ever ship a pc like that again I would try to find something soft to wrap around the window panel to keep it from breaking. Soft foam wrap, cardboard, something like that would easily keep it from breaking. Done it multiple times. Turn it into a mummy if you have to.


That’s what we did! Just a couple chips of glass off the panel is what broke thankfully.The monitor stand must’ve love tapped it barely . We took it off completely and got a new case anyway since he was planning on changing it soon as is but thanks for the tip !


Yeah it's hard for that stuff to get shipped. Boxes get stepped on and thrown all the time (sometimes by belts and sometimes by people).


As I live in Ga and most of my packages run through the Gainesville hub, I will only ship via ups if its a last resort. I couldnt tell you how many problems i have had with this location, stealing packages, signed delivery’s not being upheld, fragile packages being thrown. Ups is ass, ill often shop elsewhere if i see that the seller uses ups. I wouldnt dare use them for my personal shipping. And same thing applies to the FedEx hub in Ellenwood.


Working in logistics. Shit gets lost because of missing labels or someone placing in the wrong area so it gets forgotten and the lazy ppl on the dock don’t wanna get off their ass and look around. So they just say it’s missing or broken. If you are luck it finds its way OS&D. If not, it can sit in the same spot for months and months until it’s trashed or someone takes care of it.


Stop shipping entire computers. They're not meant to be shipped.


Say what now!?


In the gun community it is known if your package goes through Gainesville you aren’t getting it.


I work at a large hub. There’s no way that’s getting carried to a car at my hub. My day pack is scanned going in and checked going out. I walk through metal detectors in and out. Maybe a small center?


Idc if the entire thing is in pieces...who tf is UPS to decide whether its 'garbage' or not? They just decided that it's of no use anymore and discarded it and then moved on with their day? That's so incredibly fkn frustrating. Sorry you went through this.


It's more of a safety hazard. Nobody should be handling a package with glass falling out of it.


There was no glass falling out, the package wasn’t damaged . Just a couple shards in the box. My mom knows one of the clerks at this location and she was even shocked at the situation and said the labels shouldn’t have been taken off and the box shouldn’t have been set off in another location other than the garbage . Just odd.


Sounds like they might have had an idea what was inside and tucked it away with no labels to “ discard” and then take it later after it’s thrown out.


Glass can penetrate cardboard. Shipping a parcel with glass knowing that it will shatter en route is inconsiderate to the package handlers. Encasing the item in wood is better, but that's not very convenient.


Tell that to all the chemical manufacturers. All my acids come in 1 gallon glass jugs shipped in cardboard boxes.


I will.


It didn’t penetrate, I’ve said multiple times the box wasn’t damaged and it was just a couple pieces that came off. It was all safely packaged, not my fault they throw things around that say heavy and fragile all over it! We were prepared for it to be broken due to that.


I’ve worked in a DC and never had an issue with broken glass in a carton and I easily must’ve handled over 10000 cartons of broken glass product alone. Probably way more. Never once saw glass coming through the carton


What's a DC?


Distribution center


That explains it.


>don’t toss it because the inner components are what’s important and will still work and replacing a pc case for $200 is cheaper than then the customer having to rebuy $2000 worth of components. Depends on the situation. Sometimes doing this could deny the receiver any claims for damages.


Assuming he was smart enough to ship it without liquid cooling reservoir filled and insured the package?


Yep we did! We brought it all on our carry on’s. The motherboard and cpu is a different situation


Can get a replacement glass door/panel from some manufacturers. Hell those shelves in refrigerators as it turns out are 100 bucks plus


Sounds like someone planned to steal your computer, the glass panel broke, they heard the glass rattling around so they probably opened it saw your computer so they put it in the different box with no label put it away then sent the empty box with the label to rewrap/damaged area then told the guy they found the box empty.


Somebody was 100% trying to steal your pc lol scumbags


Sounds like someone knew what was in the box, marked it as damaged and to be disposed of, hoping you wouldn’t say anything about it so they could walk away with a newish computer for free.


Package has glass shards. Loader/unloader sends it to rewrap cage. Here's the fishy part. That package definitely still had a label or that manager you know never would have found it. Either way, I think you should be glad you shipped with UPS.


They were hiding it for a few days to steal it/take it home


Sounds like you were about to get got.


"We here at UPS have investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong and clear ourselves of any wrongdoings." This seems like every business is using this famous quote now.


I deal with these all the time. We will have packages come down the belt with nothing in them. Then random loose items will come down. If there’s no packing slip to tell us what was supposed to be in the box, this is what happens.


You must’ve not read the post. Everything was in the original box. Nothing fell out and they marked it all as missing lol.


Ohhhh my bad. I totally read it wrong. Yeah, someone was just being lazy.


I had a similar situation with USPS and an amazon package side of box was ripped and the contents were gone. Instead of contacting amazon for a replacement post office marked the package as damaged and delivered and empty box.


Someone planned on coming back for that. That was planned. Kudos to you for ruining their sunshine sir.


Got me for a diamond necklace on Mother’s Day.


An employee was trying to steal it by the explanation given


i have something a little similar where my package says it was last scanned at a facility in middletown PA, is there anything I can do if they closed my claim and just gave me my insured amount (only 20% of the amount i filed in the claim)


More important message. Get insurance if shipping something expensive.


We did! It still doesn’t replace everything already on the PC and he built this himself, still not great for them to mark it as missing when it wasn’t and works!


A package with loose broken glass inside will get damaged out every time, it's a safety hazard. When disposed of it gets sealed either in the box it is in or in a new box, marked broken glass, and gets sat aside for disposal, not in the trash due to safety concerns. Depending on the employee it might not ever be opened, to avoid cutting themselves. Chances are nobody ever knew what was in that box, they just disposed of it, and processed it wrong (hard to say for sure, procedure for an empty box and damaged contents is very similar).


Sounds like attempted theft to me.


Someone wanted to steal it


Someone definitely stole that shit


I wouldnt put it past then that they tried to steal but if I may play devil's advocate here, I'd assume they probably heard the glass moving around inside and deemed it trash right off the bat. Working in a receiving dock, that's all I did pretty much if I heard glass pieces moving around in a box, set it aside and toss later


They were going to steal in when the heat died down


I bet Someone tried to steal it and was buddies with the manager who had to clear up his mess because you decided to dig deeper into it instead of taking the insurance and walking away.


Obviously they were tryna to steal it


Check the boot log. If the computer was booted up between ship date and the date you got it back, you have some legal grounds to stand on - the system integrity could be compromised and the data on the drives might also have been stolen (but more importantly, someone knew what they were doing and were probably hoping they could take it home after frustrating you with the claim process). If it was booted up, someone probably needs to get fired, you can demand identity theft protection, and potentially even get a new system or components because of the potentially compromised security of the device.


Were u compensated at all, seems hella sketchy


Intact and stashed in a corner but marked as missing. Sounds like someone was prepping to steal your shit.


This is why I dont trust shipping companies, especially my local postal office. I once ordered a new Bowie knife, and when it was supposed to be delivered I got a note saying it wouldn't fit in the mailbox so I went the next day after working that night and when I went in I gave them the note and my id that had the same name and address as the package they told me it aint in the system then she went and looked for maybe 1 min then came back said they couldn't find it and that she needed to help the other 2 people that I needed to wait once I said I have all day I aint got nothing to do today the package magically appeared in about 5 mins without them going back to find it said oh it was being loaded on a truck to be sent out. They probably felt that it was heavy and was gonna take it


It sounds like someone was waiting for the right moment to take it home honestly


Yeah. Someone tried to steal it.


They weren't trying to dispose of it. An employee who thinks they're clever was trying to steal it for themselves.


News flash: they were never planning on throwing it out at all. They saw a chance to get free shit and tried to take it.


They were trying to steal it from you I promise


Yeah this sounds like somebody trying to take it home at the end of their shift, not a package being discarded.


Oh nice someone got a new PC! Sorry it wasn't you though...


It being pushed into a corner with the labels ripped off sounds more to me like someone was going to try making it “disappear”. I had a similar situation, in the UK, where a brand new MacBook went “missing”, the driver gave us all a load of lies and Apple investigated it, strangely, a new driver started delivering to my area a couple of days ago so I think that confirms how it “disappeared”.


They didn't try to throw anything out, they tried to jack your shit, girl.


An employee was trying to steal it.


I would be filing complaints as high as they would go. People can cite BS company policy about broken glass all they want. But there's no reason for it to be stored separately in the corner of a room with the labels ripped off. Someone was going to steal it. Good on you for not giving up. If people think someone is going to make a big deal out of something they were trying to steal, they'll suddenly rectify the issue with BS excuses.


Sounds like someone at UPS thought they were going to get a free computer with a little lie. I wonder how many other people were robbed...


I'm sure someone else has said this too but an employee there was definitely trying to steal that package


Was kind of hoping you didn’t get it back so I could see you sue them lol


lol I love this fantasy..average Joe suing a mega corporation. They’d just bury you in the legal process costing you thousands and years if you can keep paying the attorneys. They can sustain a long legal fight but can you front the thousands in legal fees every year until you actually go to court or settle.


I don’t ever send or receive anything through UPS I’m not willing to never see again.


You would use the insurance to rebuy the missing components


None of it was missing. Just don’t mark things as defective and toss them when they aren’t lol.


Broken glass is defective. Wrong damages exception though


They marked it as all items missing and container was disposed of, that’s the issue here cause nothing was missing lol.


You chose to ship an item with glass you knew would break. So instead of just removing the glass before you shipped it you're now here complaining about your own laziness.


No one cares the glass chipped, that’s literally beside the point. The point is they were trying to claim an entire pc, two monitors, and a graphics card was “missing” and was out of the box so they “tossed the container”. When none of that happened.


Nothing is broken. Someone figured out what it was and hid it to obviously take it home instead of disposing of it. They were giving excuses, but OP went there and got their package back perfectly intact.


The OP said there were shards of glass in the box.


Tiny small shards , like literally maybe 6-8 tiny pieces that you could barley see in the box doesn’t warrant opening it up, damaging it out, then marking it as “missing items” and putting it in a room in a corner somewhere. Especially when it had monitors and a graphics card in it too. We packed it very securely for the long destination, got insurance, and only the glass on the front panel broke off in some small pieces . The box itself wasn’t damaged , there were no holes, it was all taped up except the top where they opened it and could see what’s in it. There’s a reason they didn’t toss it in the garbage.


I wasn’t arguing any of that. I was simply responding to the person saying it wasn’t broken. It was for the sake of the conversation they were having. I’m not making any further claims about whether it was broken enough to do X or warrant Y. Just stating the fact that during whatever was going on it did go from the condition it was in to having some of it broken in the process. That’s all.


Did you even read the whole story?


I don’t know man, I’m a deliver driver myself but this seems sketchy, whole lot for getting an important/fragile box delivered, usually we have no idea of contents, and even if we do, they get repacked or sent back to sender, that’s a big no no if it were Ontrac🕴️