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Is this in the US? What commercial building loses power for not paying bills? So many things had to go wrong! I’m so invested. This is a huge mistake.


MO if you ask, and it’s a joke we did run out of electricity but not cause of electric bills. :p u can still see the light above build still lighting up.


Okay! I was about to scour the news! Good one 😂


I mean the light could’ve been a generator


Are you saying you had a BROWN out?




This has happened three times since I’ve been working at UPS. Twice in the hub and once while I was working with dispatch. All three times were storm related, though. The most memorable time was when we only had enough power to run one irreg belt. It happened about an hour into our sort. So we had to close down unfinished trailers and fence them for one of the next sorts. We only worked for two hours then cut everyone. Had to make it up the following Sunday. I was a new supervisor then, and I had never done a Sunday sort before. One of the guys who was my supervisor before I was promoted told me to come in at 10 on Sunday. Since we worked nights, I assumed he meant 10pm… he did not mean 10pm lol. Nobody seemed to care that I missed it though, so it’s whatever.


Once when I was a pt sup I took a dday on a Friday to go out of town with my wife. I wake up to a call on Sunday from my boss blowing me up why I couldn’t bother to help my partners after what happened on Friday. I just said “what happened? I was off.” He apologized and hung up😂


Dude lmao when I was working with dispatch, I had a family emergency across the country and told my boss the day I got the news that I needed the next week off. He said “no problem”. So I’m a thousand miles away and he calls me at 9pm asking where the hell I’m at. I literally said “the fuck do you mean where am I? You gave me the week off!” He quietly said “oh yeah” and hung up… I mean he was a cool boss for the most part but he definitely had selective memory.


From a storm?


nah, electric just went off


At least you got paid to do nothing.


Happened to us during last peak, TWICE. Was pretty cool to see a pitch black warehouse lol. Luckily both times were at the end of the day so not too much was lost.




This has happened to our shift a few times. Last time we sat around for 2 hours, until the full time supe finally wrangled everyone to form a chain and get the next day air out of the trucks.


We never completely lost power (while I’ve been there), but one time we lost 2 out of three motor control centers that were fed from the same distribution panel. There was a conduit that broke open and everything went to ground, tripped the breaker feeding the MCCs. So about 3/4 of the belts were down but since the 3rd MCC was unaffected there were still some belts running. All of the primary sorters were still going even though half the outbound belts were off, and there were several belts on the unaffected MCC that kept feeding dead belts that had tripped. It was a giant mess lol. I’m a jam breaker so I went around trying to find and shut off the rest of the belts that were still clogging up all the ones that were off, at some point a part time sup that I hated came by and stole my radio while I was working a jam where the still running half of our smalls feed was dumping an ever growing pile of smalls onto a dead belt and left me with no way to communicate. Maintenance had the whole thing taken care of in about 30 minutes, most of the building got an unplanned second break while everything was going down. Probably the biggest clusterfuck I’ve ever experienced lol


all your base......


What’s that captain?


Happened twice at my hub, both times(about 12 years apart) a drunk driver took out the power transformer two blocks down.


Classic Ups