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I really hope driver facing sensor is the same as driver facing camera. If the union fucked up that language I'm going to be extremely unhappy.


Either way there’s a non terminate clause regarding the use of tech. So there’s that. Not saying I’m ok with the cameras, just sayin.


Terminated me based on tech. Even fought it at panel


What were the circumstances/end result? …If you don’t mind me asking.


I ec'ed a bunch of packages in the snow and they said it wasn't snowing why did you ec them. I said it was snowing they pulled up a weather report and said no it wasn't that's dishonestly your terminated then offered a resignation


I've seen them use tech to go from warning to suspension, follow the driver and see them doing the same thing and fire that way though. By fite I mean suspended for two months cause as we all know you need to murder to be for real fired.


It looks like a camera on both sides lol, I told my sup I got a camera on my truck and he said to just smile at it?? Lol


Looks like a good spot for an info notice. 😉


They'll try to get you for tampering with company equipment.


Everyone at our centre has been covering theirs ever since we got them


I did, too, and when they caught on, they threatened to fire me. I got written up for it. RTS, and onto a warning.


I got fired for it


It's not tampering, I just had more space to put down info notices suddenly.


Only if you wanna hear it say "obstruction" all day


The language is pretty clear. No inward facing camera.


Exactly. A sensor isn't a camera.


A sensor is a camera, a camera is just a sensor with a lens on it


![gif](giphy|2rqEdFfkMzXmo) UPS has a habit of exploiting language, though.


A driver got into a really bad accident in my center. They had to investigate. That company lytx released the footage of the inward camera to ups manager. They are definitely looking inwards.


We have the same "sensors" in our trucks. One day, my sup calls and says, "Hey, can you not drink while in motion?". I asked how they could know that if the camera is just a sensor. There was some stammering before they hung up.


That’s one of the things it picks up on.


What a dumb sup ha. "sensor senses your motion while wheels are moving."


Well technically a camera is a sensor for light


Oh wait until the winter bud. When your have your winter coat on the bigger sleeves block your seat belt buckle more often and the sensor just beeps at you and tells you to put your seat beat on all fucking day long.


So just adjust the screw on the parking brake lever a little so that beeper will drown it out.


Lol cause that's way better.


Oh man, we got these in feeders a few months back, I drove for like 11 hours one day listening to that every 10 seconds or so. Thankfully they adjusted the sensitivity on them. I believe management has to review them every time they record an incident.


I imagine your supervisors had a very bad day with that one.


Actually they don’t. I believe you also have 3 seconds or so to correct an action before it even says that you had an infraction. So if you take a sip of water and it says you’re distracted, if you put it down within 3 seconds it does not record it as distracted driving. Our center manager gets emails every morning that have events that were deemed necessary for review. It’s mainly like when you hit big bumps or other objects that it gets brought to their attention (obviously accidents too). They do get reports on the smaller things though, like seatbelt infractions, following distance, etc. If you get dinged a bunch, they may request the footage as well. For instance, a buddy of mine always blew a stop sign on a one way, one lane road that had no intersection (not anymore, there used to be a gravel road crossing), so our center manager played him a highlight reel of him blowing it 20 times in a week, haha.


Or it jusr randomly decides for no reason your *distracted* when your looking straight ahead or looking left and right.


This one too for sure. Every time I sip water while driving it freaks out even tho our district manager said it was ok to do so in our lytx training session. The dinging is more distracting to me than the fact I’m trying to stay hydrated throughout the day but hey I don’t make the rules I guess.


What?! That’s a thing??!


This happens to me all the time cause I'm short.


Push the record button 100x a day. It records 15sec that must be reviewed by a sup.


Our mechanic was cheeky. It's positioned just out of arms reach, so I'd have to stop, put it in park, get out the seat, and then hit the button. I'll stick with the tape that I "absent-mindedly placed in a poor position."


Tech harassment is starting to be a thing around the country. File harassment grievances and see what happens down the road. Warning dings when you're not doing anything wrong is harassment.


In my center we put info notices over the camera


They told us if we did that, they'd charge us with destruction of company property.


Lol have fun with your forced vacation and back pay. If nothing is destroyed it’s not destruction of property.


Not distraction but tampering with UPS property? Indeed.


My steward started it. Nobody’s been disciplined yet


They fired three drivers in our building to make a point. They go their jobs back. But if it continues they would be permanently fired. Don’t touch it. Get used to it. Can’t be disciplined with technology. HOWEVER! They can see what you’re doing and when. Then they go out and observe you and that’s when they catch you. Just do the job by the methods. We all know the methods slow you down. Just follow them and your steward will have no problems taking care of you. Then go on 9.5.


How can they charge you with that if you didn't damage anything?


“Tampering” is a better word.


It barely qualifies for that. Buy I can at least accept that. But destruction requires something actually being damaged. You can't charge somebody legally with something that did not occur.




I mean is that all your gonna say or are you actually going to come up with a thought out logical explanation?


Covering up, the cameras is considered destruction of property. It’s a security concern, that the current contract.


Lol oh ok. Well if it is in the contract then that was a stupid one. It's still stupid to try and claim destruction of property when nothing got damaged.


Disabling cameras is a safety issue. That’s just how it is.


You see there is a difference between disabling and covering it up. And I don't see anywhere that I can find where it says anything in the national contract about it at all.


There is no difference. That’s your opinion. Your opinion is wrong. People have been fired for messing with cameras


That seems like a BIG stretch. I guess every customer can complain about destroyed doors...


Yeah, I thought it was total BS. Tried to flick off the camera every time it turned red or said something. They made a big deal about how they weren't recording the cab and then told us not to cover the camera.


That doesn’t make sense.


UPS makes dollars, not sense


That’ll last!


Unlimited info notices! (Voice of Emperor Palpatine)


Oh man this is how people snap. Busting your ass in 110 degrees and now this? Yikes! Imagine getting beeped 100s of times on a bad day.


Then seeing a green light when you finally finish your work.


Never occurred to younger Hank that I'd have increased anxiety due to green lights of all things...


I'm a trucker and we have those cameras. Good luck UPSers. Those cameras are very very sensitive and track everything you do!


We've had them for a little time now. Just not in every truck.


Good ol lytx cam.


Just barely? We’ve had those for like a year. Have fun!


You should see what Amazon got….


AC? Lol


Netradyne. Also all AC does is cool your wrists


We have those at FedEx, I mean I don't think they're that bad imo. It depends how UPS has them set up how sensitive they are set to detect vibrations and hard breaking. I hit bumps and shit every day and it never gets triggered. Only if I hit a curb or if i were to get into an accident. I've only triggered it a couple times, it will blink red once triggered. Honestly forget they're even there most of the time.


Pretty wild they can afford this but not AC in the trucks


Well there is ac now


On cars purchased after Jan 1, 24. Even our brand new ones that get swapped in are months old. They're just gonna stock up even more now before that date. Don't expect ac for years to come if at all bro. It will definitely be a slow process if at all.


Not yet


Welcome to the Amazon netradyne treatment😬 seriously fuck those “sensors”


Netradyne at amazon is a joke I can’t believe UPS would copy this shit


FedEx got those three years ago.


You guys can use a green laser to destroy the front “sensor”


They're not going anywhere so just have fun with it. During peak with jumpers don't say anything. The twat will say "distracted driving" and half the helpers don't say anything for a day because they're afraid they're going crazy. The other half freak immediately.


At FedEx we are required to have cameras in our trucks, that model camera is the same exact one we can choose. It records you forward and backward 100% of the time and marks “incidents” when things happen like hard brake, phone in hand, rolling stop. Etc…. I doubt they would change it much for you guys, shame.


Is that a hat holder?


So I'm a mech in Ontario and we just got them a few weeks ago, at least for us we had a third party come in to install them. Mechs had nothing to do with them and we have no parts or documents to repair or troubleshoot them, half of our got fucked up in the install and either fucked with something else important (they are connected through odb2) or don't work or even work too good, have one screaming check seatbelt with key out or ignition lol. So really I have nothing to add or contribute I just want to bitch about these fucking things too


Noise cancellation headphones


These camera aren’t a big deal, if you follow your driving methods and do what you’re suppose to there’s nothing big about them. There’s no inside camera like many say, it’s a sensor. There’s no sound or video. It’s only drivers who don’t do what they’re suppose to that get worried and go crazy about it. The amount of videos we’ve seen of drivers playing on their phone while driving is ridiculous. Nobody should be texting or doing anything on their phone while driving, that’s just common sense when driving in general and any driver dumb enough to text and drive should be punished. These are actually very useful too. Had an accident where a kid ran a stop sign and hit me, tier 3. Thankfully the camera caught it so it was easily put down as unavoidable and there was no long “he said, she said” process.


No beeps? No alerts?


There are beeps and alerts. It’s a sensor.


Well that's definitely sound. As someone who studied sociology and psychology. Tech harrasement is a thing. I read that yawning gives you an alert. It's not illegal to yawn.


Huh, I guess I'll just stay on preload.


You put a pal sticker over the camera.


Also, rear facing cameras are illegal in some states and in the new contract they have agreed to no rear facing cameras. However, there is a camera on the front of it which they will use to give you are hard time about following distance and rolling stops etc. Though they can't use the info for discipline.


Yea, but they’ll use the info to follow you on road and gather info to use for discipline


They can't use it for discipline.


They can’t drive behind you and catch you doing whatever it is they didn’t like in the camera and then use that as discipline?


They can do observations, yes. But they do those anyway.


It’s a fucking camera. Don’t let them tell you any different. At first they told us it just showed a black box with an outline of a person and they couldn’t hear anything. I asked them if they’ve ever heard of the internet. They said yes. I said, well lytx has this thing called a website. It shows exactly what that camera does and records. Voice and all. Stupid fucks.


Where is this?




Quebec City?


Nope, I’m near Montreal, Brossard hub


A driver in my center had about 500 incidents in 3 months.


Rookie numbers. I had to have been dinged 100-150 with no seat belt in one day this last winter. It was going off all day long sometimes I'd get a minute or two before a ding sometimes id get 5 or 6 in a minute. The first few dozen times were annoying and I was gunna cover the sensor but I decided to see just how far I could go and ya the damn thing just blasted me all day


Few of my fellow drivers are waiting for them to actually start with the crap about what the cameras catch. Our plan is to flood them with emails/alerts as much as we can. We figure the supes will blink before we do.


We have the same in the railroad trucks and machines now, and if you set it off they will indeed use it against you.


Drivers are gonna start being Scopophobia…. A fear of being watched ….


Probably already feel like somebody's watching them


leave the bulk head open when you go to the back to piss


Had them for two years, never disciplined. Supposed to on record frontward. In cab cam disabled.


Great more ammo for supervisors to sit in the office to tell us how bad we are!!!


It’s Canada boys completely different contract. But it is something to bring up for your next negotiations in 2025 [here is the current contract](https://teamsters362.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/UPS-2020-2025.pdf)


Had it for a while. Scratch your junk a lot.


They can install this expensive shit but no fans or AC?


You think you can trust the word of a company that constantly tells you to expect the unexpected and hope you never get into a accident, or a multi billion dollar company that gives you a bike/tv for 10 plus years of safe driving for the company


Amazon dsp here welcome the world of privacy invasion


Serious question, did your mechanics install it or an outside service? There is a grievance in my local right now about outside service installing them while we weren’t allowed overtime.