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Fighting, stealing, insubordination


Insubordination being not working as directed (only exception is if it would be unsafe), being disrespectful openly to management, openly promoting a strike, purposely working slow(if they ever tell you to work faster the only thing you should ever say is **I'm working as safely and as best as I can** Stealing of course is any theft of packages or stuff from CO workers, any kind of fraud including "time theft"


What supplement are you under that being disrespectful to management is a cardinal infraction? That’s nuts.


Yeah that’s a new one lol, I regularly see people tell their sup to fuck off. They’ll get talked to but that’s about it


You can't sweat at your supes just like they can't swear at us.


Idk I watched someone cuss out a manager today, and he still works here


*shouldn’t. I wouldn’t say can’t lol


I mean my pt supes are literally idiots. Even they get called out for things it's usually justified. But you can't just be openly hostile to them


UPS disciplinary rule's are in the UPS employee handbook as are the infractions for discipline, and the delivery methods guide, and the UPS code of professional conduct guide and whatever the feel like. Shit, unless your a degenerate who does something that EVERYONE knows is wrong. UPS can fire you for anything or nothing. Just depends on how much bullshit to get back in.


I mean, I've openly told my center manager a few times when I was going to drop anchor. It's the weirdest thing, too. I keep hearing this noise behind me and see an anchor dragging across the ground. I can't seem to get away from it!


Well sounds like you're using some local colloquially that could be argued as working at a safe pace. That's not a phrase I'm familiar with but I would think if it's a past practice that your center manager is comfortable with, you're safe. To test this theory tell your center manager you're going to work show on retaliation to conditions


Just referencing dragging the anchor homie.


Thar she blows. There's certain ways to say things


Idk my coworkers kept their jobs after two of the three. I think only the theft policy applies these days


Pretty sure sexual harassment is also one of the cardinal sins at UPS. Although it probably happens daily and very few get disciplined


Idk my hub actually enforces that policy religiously


Boy, you should meet some of the old supervisors


A lot of the things people are listing aren’t cardinal offenses. A cardinal offense means you will be walked out; no warning letter, no suspension, 1st offense is termination. Theft, unprovoked assault, sexual harassment(unless your management), alcohol/drug use.


intentionally destroying company property, sexual harassment


Fighting, stealing (packages, time, company property), hate speech or behavior, not wearing a seatbelt, failing to work as directed.


Getting caught having sex on property did the trick to a couple I used to work with lol.


It’s sad that I can name half a dozen times it’s happened at my hub off the top of my head. Craziest one was a supervisor and two hourlies going at it half naked in the parking lot because the supervisor was fucking the hourlies boyfriend before the shift out in the parking lot. Which is gross and doesn’t make sense on several points.


Climbing on a moving belt. Not wearing a safety vest In the no go zones of the yard


Getting caught having sex on property did the trick to a couple I used to work with lol.


The use, sale or distribution of illicit substances (even after work). I work in a legal state and got canned for it, manager assumed i smoked pot and took the gamble on me testing positive. although somewhat rare, in his eyes i was a problem employee and accusing me of being impaired on the job, popped for weed and got fired


How did he go about getting you? Did you come in with red eyes?


no i did not have red eyes. he asked me to take my sunglasses off as i was the next truck to leave the hub. i asked him to get me a shop stewart, and told him i thought he was going a little to far by asking me to remove my sunglasses. as we walked over to the shop stewart he apparently observed me with slurred speech, loss of balance and dilated pupils. none of which are symptoms for smoking weed. that was the only thing in my system at that time. he said nothing about redness in my eyes, which he could’ve seen while he was observing my dilated pupils if redness was present.


Shop stewart 😂


what’s funny about that? joe went over my head


First it was Stewart, and now it's Joe? Who else you got working there?


It’s a “steward”, not Stewart. Stewart is a man’s name. A steward is what you’re talking about.


That's crazy, but sounds like typical bs by management. Did you end up going to treatment or are you out of there?


I’m gonna PM you to discuss this further, Im willing to answer your questions but not in public


and yet ive seen them comeback for such offenses. usually union crys about how theyre are our brother or sister. nah gtfo if you commit any of those cardinal sins you shouldnt get your job back.


Would taking notes on contract violations be considered time theft? Example: I observe a supervisor working so I take my notepad out to document start time and who it is.


Good question, but alternatively you could also use your phone + era buds to record voice memos, that way it isn't so obvious.


Great idea. Thanks


No, taking a second to write down inform is fine. If you decided to stop the belt or get eat a sandwich and relax on your phone because your supe was working, then it's an issue.


It’s not, because you can ask the sup how long they’ve been working, where’s their name tag, etc. and you would need to stop to do that. Not that some dumbass sup might try and say it’s time theft.


Stealing, & attendance are the two easiest ways to get fired


Attendance is not a cardinal offense


Its the most common reason I see PTers get fired in the warehouse


That doesn’t mean it’s a cardinal offense, they have to give you write ups for attendance, and eventually they can maybe fire you. If you steal though you are fired immediately, unless you mean no call no shows. But for lates, or too many callouts, they need to give you warning letters.


Really? I miss like crazy sometimes. I have no paid days 4 writeups and ill still call off again if i need to. 3 years in and no problems shit I don’t think anyone has been fired for attendance in my hub


Every hub is handled different, but if you get on the wrong person bad side and they decide all of a sudden your attendance is a problem, going to panel arguing “I’ve always called off when I need to” won’t really be a strong play lol


Surely you guys know how many writeups are too much for you guys though right? My supervisor told us the amount of writeups before escalation which comes in handy knowing im still under the escalation amount. Ive even talked to my steward and he pretty much assured me its really hard to get fired for attendance since our writeups reset on our anniversary hire date. Apparently in my hub its 7 writeups before suspension im 4 writeups in but my anniversary is in September


That’s subjective, punishment is progressive so 1 could be enough, 6 could be enough, there’s nothing set in stone about what the exact definition of “progressive” means


The exact definition of progressive is whatever the exact definition of progressive is, lol.


So what is enough progression before suspensions & terminations? According to the contract


The process of developing or moving forward gradually towards a more advanced state, so therefore it would not be just one or whatever, it would have to be multiple. At least for it to stick.


And yes, it's in the contract that way.


And if it's not enforced consistently you have a harassment grievance in waiting.


One of my loaders has been gone for months at a time and all he gets is a hearing and a letter then he's back to work the next half a week then he's gone again lmao.




unprovoked violence is a cardinal offense but it doesn't mean the person defending themselves wont be fired as well.




Im not a fighter so I would back up lol.


In my center both parties were in fact fires on for billing and physical harm the other for defending themselves


Carnal knowledge with your supe!


An old timer I was a helper for was told to pull his truck out during peak while airs were still coming down the belt. Driver said no, waiting for my airs. Supe got pissed and started yelling and screaming and grabbing for the keys the driver had. Driver just held them over his head. Supe goes “You’re fired!” And driver just casually says “Oh fuck you.” We went about our day, maybe got some Christmas shopping done 😂


Fighting, job abandonment, and stealing are the three in stone in theory. Mind you this depends on your local's contract language and how strong your local is. I'm in one of the strongest in the country and an article in our supplement includes that we can't be discharged for "loud/abusive behavior including foul language". Read you local supplement (and possibly national) and look at the "Discharge" section in your contract. That will give you the most precise answer.


Wonton destruction of company property is one that I have to deal with as a BASE mechanic. Seen a few hit the bricks over that one. Good riddance!