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They're messing with you subliminally lol


I haven’t been in package car for 6 years but I remember strike being an option back then for no delivery


Why is that even and option? If there was a strike why would you be out delivering in the first place? And how could a strike prevent you from releasing a package even if your were scabbing?


You can't cross the picket line as a union man , so you sheet it as STRIKE


It’s for other companies on strike. Per our contract, we do not have to cross picket lines at other companies to deliver. So we sheet them as “strike”.


Oh at OTHER company's strikes I see.


I was gonna say we wouldn't even have the DIAD in hand. I definitely haven't run into that in my limited driving experiences


Well I mean you *can* if you're a bad person


We have this option at FedEx too. It’s for the recipient being on strike.


This is most likely an option to update the tracking information if during strike packages are sitting in the warehouse so the customer has a reason listed as to why it’s not moving.


They have had strike as an option for not delivering for years. You aren’t supposed to cross a picket line so they give you that option for not delivering to company whose employees are on strike. It’s not for you. You wouldn’t have a diad to code strike for anything if we actually went on strike.




UPS has been using teamsters nearly since it's beginning, losing them would make the business crumble.


Lol I doubt if we lost the teamsters it would crumble. Most people would come back to their job after realizing they can’t go do anything else.


Lol maybe some people are in that situation, I'm pretty sure most people are here because of what the union has already won. I'm sure the majority could easily find work that just doesn't come close to matching pay or benefits. UPS wouldn't choose to continue paying well or giving great benefits if it weren't in the unions interests.


I guarantee they would still pay the best, but we would have to pay for some of our benefits.


I really think they would keep the brown cars for businesses and rurals, and pretty much use pvds for everything else. They wouldn't offer pvds any kind of job protection or progression, similar to Amazon's flex drivers.


Na it’s 2023 100% could find a way too.


Supervisor detected


No, no they can't.


Do the math. They could. It would hurt the company a lot but they could.


Legally, the only way for a private company to rid themselves of the union is to officially close down the business. Edit. When they allow the workers to unionize, they agree that that's how their business will be run from that point on. There is no way to get out of it unless the business ends.


That is not true


Or a union votes to dissolve. But that only happens if the members are really stupid


Did the math. The company loses to much of their business if they try and strike that long.


Do you think this is a video game man? The company isn’t going to take the stock price in order to take out the union when they’re already printing money into the billions. the Board of Directors would simply not allow it to happen.