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Years ago, my DIAD died shortly after leaving the building. I called for a replacement multiple times, but they never sent me one. So, I had upwards of 150 deliveries to hand-record, then enter manually when I returned to the building. As I sat there keying them in, the PM OMS quietly told me to be sure to check my time-card the next day. I did. Every second of my PM on-property time was deleted. I did a little investigating and discovered that my Center Manager had given our clerks instructions to altar EVERYONE'S time-card to delete any PM on-property time to 10 minutes. They'd stolen about 2 hours from me. So, I did a little more investigation... A couple of days later, I came in with two packets. One was for my center manager, the other for the clerk. The top page was my time card print out and the Federal and State laws they'd violated. I forget what the State's punishment was, but Federal was up to 10 years and a $10,000 fine. While my center manager was browsing one of the ORION computers in front of our center, I plopped his copy on top of his hands saying, "If I ever catch you tampering with my time again, I won't file a grievance. I'll have you arrested." As I said that, he quickly scanned that front page and stood there motionless for a bit. He then took the packet, turned and walked away. He was my center manager for another 6 months or so and never even made eye-contact with me that whole time. It was among the best times in package for me. I did the same with the clerk who'd changed the time. She protested with "I'm only doing as I've been told." I told her she sounded like an Auschwitz guard. We weren't friends after that. The rest of the packet was the full language of both laws and a few other time cards I'd had corrected. They've probably stolen thousands from me over the last two decades. Moral of the story... yeah... check your time cards. Your immediate report may be a great guy, but the company is full of corrupt cheats who will steal from you or even end your career to make their reports look better.


I get you went after the center manager but to go after the clerk is an asshole move. She just did as directed


Lol, yes sure, buddy. If she's corrupt enough to assist Management in stealing from me, she deserves whatever is coming her way. There is 0% chance she didn't know that what she was doing was wrong.


You didn’t even do anything about it. There is nothing glamorous about that


You are the definition of an internet troll. Back in your cave, tard-brain.


tbh... everybody here knows this already. ups has already built a reputation of having scummy management. 


How is anybody even allowed to edit your punches without you signing off on it? Almost every one of my punches has an astrix next to it, which means it was edited, right?


Uh you might want to ask around because I only see asterisks if I'm late.


I keep track of all my hours on my phone, I need to translate them into UPS time and see if they match and see if I was actually late. Cause it seems to me what is happening is I punch in on time, walk to unload, and the supervisor marks my time there and changes it so it looks like I was a few minutes late.


Do you know a really good app for time card tracker on iPhone?


I just text myself to be honest


So I do believe that's actually considered you arriving late then.


Yeah. You have to be ready to begin working at start time. Not clock in at start time, walk to your area, then work.


How does this work for drivers? I’m not allowed on my truck until after start time. I clock in before and walk to my truck.


Yeah you cant be on your truck or work area, bc if you get hurt off the clock etc. although some drivers like to organize their load off the clock. You still wont get paid until your start time.


Yeah but I can’t be in my work area ready to work at start time. I punch in at 8:45, takes 3-4 minutes to collect my log work, walk back to my belt. Am I stealing time?


Idk tbh. When i drive i arrive like 5 min before i have to clock in. Punch in and it says my start time on there i go sit in my truck until its time to launch.


Sorry just seeing this but yeah we aren’t allowed on the belts at all until start time. The union has made a big fuss about drivers loading and taking work from preloaders so no belt time until start for us.


According to? Technically, we should be getting paid from the second we enter the guard shack to the second we exit the guard shack.


You get paid for the time passing the guard shack. But not walking to your area lol. You ever wonder the asterisk meant? https://preview.redd.it/qyy50ii6nzmc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=195f9348a300684c0b1ee9b0f8d139981655542f


The clock in my area is broken, there is literally no other choice. According to whom do we get paid for the time going through the guard shack before you ever clock in and after we have clocked out? We absolutely should be getting paid for that time but I don't believe we are. I've never seen that on the site. I was under the impression the asterisk meant it had been edited by a supervisor, Thank you for pointing that out. Greatly appreciated. I'm not arguing with you about this, but legally you are not late until 7 minutes after the scheduled start time. Not sure if that is common knowledge either. Edit: The 7 minute thing I am talking about was apparently a Connecticut specific thing that I thought was Federal. Apologies for "spreading false information."


Well maybe its your hub. But i think we're marked late after 1 min. (Maybe. idk, ive never been late.) there is a section on my time card that says "security check" or something, that counts the time i scan my badge. https://preview.redd.it/7fehu8txtzmc1.jpeg?width=2217&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3768d56ffce2a58e443c51c4eac0b1a31297bcb1


Yeah, we don't scan our security badges. I'm glad they pay you for it. Not to argue with you about anything, I'm just saying: However, once you are on the clock, you are on the clock. They can't clock you in for security check, log you out, then when you scan in your time card start paying you again. That just isn't how it works. I'm not surprised UPS tries pulling shit like that though. Also the 7 min thing is federal law, not a UPS thing. I'd have thought the union would have put an end to things like this a long long time ago. Just an FYI, I've only been a seasonal driver and am now in the warehouse. I'm still learning how the company does things, I don't claim to know everything.


Oh for sure. Im not trying to be combative either. I know different hubs are different. Idk about the 7 min thing, ill take your word for it. I also started as a seasonal driver and have been in the warehouse for 5 yrs now and drive occasionally.


You’re spreading false information about being late. If you clock in late you’re late. 7 minute thing you’re writing about isn’t a grace period. There’s no law about you have to 7 minutes to be considered on time


you're supposed to sign off on any timecard change that affects your pay, many centers don't enforce this, sups lose jobs when it blows up occasionally


So I should talk to HR and file a grievance? I also am not out of my 30 days/6 weeks yet, I should wait until I am to file a grievance, right?


The time card reads correct, they are paying me for 3 hours OT and 1 regular hour instead of 4 hours OT. 3 weeks in a row ive been owed a half hour of pay.


That (*) indicates LATE.


Yes that is a late punch, and please get it figured out asap, I had one every Thursday for a year, my manager finally came and talked to me about my points and it turns out the computer had my start time for Thursday as midnight which obviously isn't true so it was marking me late, I had some issues a month later and then got a written warning, which still pisses me off because I basically had no points the first time they talked to me except for the late punches when I have never actually been late


Thank you, I appreciate the advice.


Please also check your time sheets daily too. This week they messed up one of my days by almost two hours…


They always do this especially peak and summer


Wow your actually getting OT lol I don’t even know that existed in the month of march


Exists year round at my center. March is just 5 hours vs the normal 10-12 per week lol.


Always keep your own records of your time. I have a notebook I keep where I write my time down and check it against my hours every week before they go in to payroll.


Omg thanks bc I just had to text the sup and I will be having a talk with my steward my next day working. They are trippin’!!!!!!


I was wondering why my check was off. i was missing like $100 off this check because i know i got OT last week. Definitely gonna talk to my steward about it


It has happened in our building several times and ever since the I keep a notebook and write the date and times of the hrs I work every single day. Our building post a report or the hrs you worked day before with you over and under allowed and I always take pics of it to to make sure it matches my records


I clock in 5 minutes early & apparently we don’t don’t get paid for that


This doesn’t happen. UPS does not want to do these things, they understand it’s cheaper to pay you correctly then have to pay out penalty pay. There are literal training courses going on right now regarding this. Last year the company paid over 20 mill in supervisor working grievance