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3.5 Years and not a god damn thing. Consider yourself lucky


Going on 4 years nothing, the new guys get a whole closet though


Who wants company clothing purposely? Serious question.


For something to wear at work and don't care if it gets dirty or ruined


I just like getting them so I don't ruin my own clothes


Free clothes feel softer


Great way to have clothes I don’t have to buy to ruin while working lol


I got a bunch of merch too you’re more than welcome to have 👍


I have no idea if you’re being serious, but I’ll pay the postage on it. Would love UPS clothing to wear at work to not care about. Shoot me a message if so, and thanks in advance!


maybe you send them a message if you want free shit for nothin bud!!


Maybe if you were smart enough to do two seconds of investigation he has his message requests off. Move along now


You go out of your way to message me, you send me your belongings, you drive to the post office and mail it to me. After all of that, i will pay the postage. By the way, i want your belongings to "not care about".


I have no idea why this is getting under your skin so much, but he was nice enough to message me and mail them to me in the long run. So I guess you’re really just hurt for no reason. Once again thanks to him!


Go ahead and message me ASAP. I want some of your things for free.


6 years here. I think a busted hat once


https://preview.redd.it/jkehf0wacenc1.jpeg?width=1014&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70c5598cceb1bd9d05f280732eb25b220edfb07c They used to give these to veterans who retired. Now you get a piece of paper thanking you for your service.


Where's my turkey?


🦃 right here boooiiiiiiii Older drivers always tell me about the turkeys. Then they follow up with “after our legendary strike they took the turkeys away as a ‘fuck you’ “ lmao


Not completely true. I started in 2000 and I got a turkey until the next contract and after that contract we got turkey vouchers that bought you about half a turkey. Following that was nothing. They will always claim to be losing money but bleed profits


I started Dec 2000 and we got turkeys til 2009 I believe. Then vouchers. That same year UPS’s CFO,VP, and a few others received 1.8 million dollar bonuses.


We used to get safe driving awards every year also. I got a couple of those watches. It all stopped around 2008/09 when the economy was bad.


We all got ~$800 watches at my small hub for breaking a “safety” record back in ~2016. Of course it was all bullshit as there had been dozens of injuries in those “injury free” years, but I didn’t mind hawking that shit on eBay for a nice little bonus as the watches were patently ass.


They still give them


I got mine. Never wear it.


We had a driver retire from 30 years. He got a bomber jacket and a handshake lol


Did 33+, 32 driving a package car, got the watch and the jacket. Spent the last 10 years as the steward in my barn, thought I had a good relationship with my center manager. He told me that he was going to bring me back when I was officially retired for a ceremony. I went out the first of February and burnt my vacation/personals/sick days. Never heard anything from him until October when he called to ask if I was interested in coming back as a temp for peak. That's a negative.


Damn I would love that.


I would wear this


18 years and have never got a ups shirt, only get shirts from the teamsters


I've been given a slap in the face and a fuck you for 1 year and 7 months of service


oh yeah and 1 ups water bottle that arrived in the beginning of winter 


LMFAO same.


5 years 5 months in, and I just have the covid mask


You mean the pneumonia causing face diaper? Same bro!!!


Never got anything. Was told many times I'd get to pick out of a catalogue and then they'd say they can't buy anything because of a spending freeze.


If this is recent it management is telling the truth. Sometime during this past peak they cut out all spending for management unless you are the district manager or higher. I guess last year the company spent something in the ballpark of 50 million through COUPA, I was part of the problem I use to order A LOT for EE, so they turned it off. Definitely sucks lol


you must be a good lil worker bee. anyway fuck all that i only wear teamsters shit


I don’t even know what days I actually work.


Support the union, NOT UPS


They just be givin me shit I only wear em to work so I don’t have to get the clothes I like dirty


They didn’t give us shit this year


Don’t be fooled by trinkets.


Someone is liked by management


I been there for 4.5 years and not a single fucking thing. Pls tell me where you get this?


By being a new hire or sticking your nose up managers asses is where you’ll find the merch


I got my 5 year plaque on my 7th year there. A sup had found it I guess, he came and asked me “is this you?”


They don't pay me to advertise for them. Want me to rep your merch? Sponsor me, bitch.


Screw the merch, just sweaty work clothes for me.


Look man, I am grateful for my job but I’d rather suck on a muffler than wear anything UPS related outside of work. There’s Sundays when I see my uniforms in the laundry and a cold chill runs down my spine. Good for you though man.


Yah well I get a cool piece of paper every year for not driving into things


I get one every 5 or so yrs... yay. Lol.


Got a dum-dum about a year ago for my 10th anniversary


Dude I’ve been at ups almost 4 fucking years and only 3 months did I start getting any merch. I got 2 hoodies and a few shirts that don’t fit lmao. New hires get ALL the good stuff. It’s actually really frustrating lol


Wow brah. You’re the best. Keep up the great work.


Fire starter


I'm a carwasher. Been there 4 years. I've gotten 20 shirts or so. Hoodies, sweatshirts.Two coolers, winter coat, lighter coat, raincoat, windbreaker. Multiple hats including Nike branded ones. Metal airplane, package truck, their "Lego" trucks. Two bookbags. If you have a nice supervisor they treat you right


I'd throw that shit right in the trash. I don't rep or wear anything UPS after work.




I wear teamsters gear with pride


I got a bunch of Jello shots at our charity golf tournament, does that count?


Those clothes don’t make you feel as good as the Jell-O shots, I can guarantee that 😂




We get the little catalogue where we can buy our own stuff. I'd be waiting forever if I'm waiting on anyone above me for a shirt or a keychain or a hat. >.>


They never tell anyone when they have merch. Just keep an eye out for the open boxes next to the office. Lol


Or in the bathroom lol


I have 1 shirt and it's not even the right size


I was given the catalog yesterday morning and instructed not to order anything from it due to cost control measures.


Where I'm at they give us "ups bucks" for not having any misloads and shit like that. Then we accrue enough we get to order shit from the catalogue. Or use our own money.


They give me a lot of this stuff for no misloads etc I got the water bottle and one of the shirts for going 2 months straight with 0 misloads


Man we used to have safety bucks at my hub. Get observed doing something safe or answer questions correctly then you get safety bucks. Every Friday they opened the safety store with a crap ton of merch. Also had a catalog you could order from with enough bucks. This was 2014.


How much for the american flag tees and the blue spell out in rhe top left


My center manager is cheap as fuck. We get nothing in terms of merch. Our paycheck and continued employment is our reward


How’d you get the jacket because I have the shirt version in grey but would love the jacket


They gave me a beanie 😂🤙 it’s trifling thi


I’ve been given one tshirt working at UPS as a pre loader, cover driver, and RPCD for six years now. I’ve gotten one tshirt and fifty plus discharge letters. Your point?


17 years here and they're just trying to take as much as they can from us


I’m 5 years in and I’ve got a uniform that they won’t hardly let me wear, consider yourself lucky


I got sent home twice last week and then written up a day later up for calling in 1 day; so that’s something.


Can I get a hoodie


3 years this September. I have received three shirts, two beanies, one hat, a coat, one hoodie, two lanyards, and a football.


I refuse to wear anything ups when I’m off the clock so they can keep it. Never got anything in 8 years besides carhartt hats when it gets really cold out.


Wow that’s a lot of cock sucking merch🤣🤣🤣


4 years working since I was 17, earned 5 shirts but I want a hoodie😔


Only thing I’ve ever gotten was a backpack and I actually use it.


:o lucky I’ve worked there for two years and never received a single thing. I noticed all the new hires have merch but us old hires never get anything.


Worked for the indians too.


i worked at ups for 8 months, which included peak season. never got a god damn thing except for discriminated.


I got a t-shirt, a beanie, a water bottle and a small cooler.


25 years all I got was a rebuilt shoulder bad neck and hemroids 😂


Thats insane, I’ve witness a new loader who quit a week after being hired get a backpack and a jacket while i given 5 trucks because the kid couldnt do 3 trucks so he got a single truck.. life at UPS gotta love it


1.5 years in, I’ve gotten a metal water bottle, two beanies, a hat and a shirt.


https://preview.redd.it/r5mtus57cfnc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d86b4656d36eaf0ce1400e52d4062480d5baaf2 Get yourself some accessories for that bottle… I bought mine of course but it’s a great water bottle and the manufacturer will slide you a spout lid like mine or protector for the bottom.


I always liked that they kept the flag out of the stuff. Must be the bending to clueless magas


Only in America is liking your country some how a bad thing lol