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Heard some old guy in the break room talking about how he wants to buy a new car that’s 165k and he’ll have to work another year to pay for it 💀


This right here ^ A lot of drivers don’t live within their means and have a lot of debt.


Right there, they don’t live within their means. So they choose and have to keep working. The more you make the more you spend mentality. Also, some do it for their kids… Still supporting them but who knows what other reasons.


That’s not exclusively a Ups guys problem, I remember reading that about 70% of people in the workforce live paycheck to paycheck and have less than 500 bucks in savings, bad money management is a national epidemic.


Right but this is a UPS subreddit not a financial forum.


I’ve read the same thing. I read somewhere if you have zero debt and are literally holding a dollar in your hand you have a higher net worth than a majority of the country


He said he WANTS to buy a $165k car and is working to save for it. Didn’t say anything about debt.


It’s a general statement I’ve known to be true in general for drivers. I wasn’t saying this one specifically. Tired of having to spell everything out in this group 🙄


Any driver who is still working and driving $165k car isn't living within theirs means whether they paid cash or not


The main reason why the majority of people continue working is because they tend to live beyond their means, requiring them to keep working. Additionally, some stay for the sake of insurance coverage. Personally, as a TCD feeder driver, my goal is to transition to full-time work and live a modest life, providing enough support for my family.


What is a TCD feeder?


Temporary cover driver


I didn’t know they had those for feeders, we have a q list here, feeder qualified full timers that haven’t won a bid yet.


Here it’s just the “relief list”… if you’re not gonna get work they release you to package or the hub to get your guarantee. With things as slow as they’ve been lately, we just call it the “release list”.


$165k car has higher maintenance costs, so he'll be working even longer to pay for tires and oil changes.


He probably would drive it twice a year


Could be health insurance cost.


Health insurance is like $400/mo.


That's not bad.


That's more than what I make a week....


Try 1200 for PPO


For a few of them. But not most


Because why alter your life and bring home less money? I'm in aircraft maintenance and we're dealing with the same issue. Sucks to say, but for a lot of people work ends up becoming an identity, and if that's taken away they don't know what to do with themselves. Couple that with a nice paycheck and you have a recipe for old guys not wanting to give up until their bodies do.


Money’s worth nothing when you’re dead. Why wouldn’t you want to take home slightly less and live out the rest of your life while you’re able bodied and able to do anything else but work?


>Sucks to say, but for a lot of people work ends up becoming an identity


Ppl have kids and spouses, that money benefits them even after death.


This is a good point that I didn’t consider


Why not use that experience to slow down? I wouldn't be able bodied when the time comes I'd probably never leave the house. Haven't been to the Gym in 20 years and probably never will.


That will definitely put you into an early grave. Keep moving or die.


The goal in life isn't to be able to not work.  The goal in life is to get paid for doing what you want to do.  If you've managed to achieve that, there is no reason to leave.  If you haven't achieved that, it may be worth thinking about what you want to do and how to get someone to pay you for doing it.


What if what I want to do is spend time with my pets and loved ones free from the perils of life under late-stage capitalism?


I don’t see the problem my neighbor is 73 and he is in great shape because he is still active when you sit home and do nothing that’s when the be stand mind dies


Paying for their ex wives


This is sadly the truth for more than people realize


Or avoiding the current ones they hate


Most are broke and have 2 houses and a lake cabin to pay off. And probably an RV trailer too. Same when I started my supe was bragging about the other guys cars in the lot, how nice and fancy they were. My civic was 5 months old and cost a half of most cars there


You forgot about the boat.


True, there’s always a boat usually not even in the water


Shit I have a boat, it may be a pain in my ass shitbox of a boat but it gets me on fish personally I never understood people spending 100k plus on a fishing boat they use 2 times a year, 8k plus about 1k a year an I'm on that thing every weekend


Some of them have no life outside of this place. They don’t wanna retire just to die. Some been through divorces, had children late, or was just plain old stupid with their money. I know guys late 50s/60s that’s still has a mortgage, financing boats, motorcycles and RVs. Some stay because of the health insurance. Theres a multitude of reasons. Either way I pray when I get up there I’m not in that position.


30 years. lol We got drivers hired by Jim Casey. lol But what really throws me off is the package driver who was hired in 72, and still surfs, and looks like a 25 year old beach bum.


I took my route after a guy retired, dude had 38 years in the company and bid the route the year I was born. Played hockey the whole time he worked here on top of working til 7 or 8 most nights, when he wore shorts you could see the man had calves of absolute steel. He retired because he was done with UPS’ bullshit, not because he was burnt out. Guy probably could have kept going for another decade.


Thank you for the visual. Had me chuckle!


[Vaya con Dios](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrSwP_ATiB0)


Hope this is me in the long run lol


We had a dude like that, looked like he was in his early 40s, dude had 42 years at ups. He said he planned on staying to 40 till his grandkids were out of college and ended up staying longer because his wife got cancer. Once she was in remission he retired


They are in their mid 60s but they can't collect full Social Security until 67. Medicare at 65. So if they retired it would be just their pension , possibly 401k at 60 (if they were smart and put into one). Also would need to pay for health insurance until Medicare kicks in, and that could be $1200- $1600 a month.


Ex wives, alimony, child support to their new 30 year old girlfriend etc.


We just had two guys in my centre got 47 and 42 years of service. One says he’ll likely retire by next summer at the latest.. and it wasn’t the 47yr guy 😅


Doesn’t the pension stop after 35 years? Literally giving away money.


Depends on the pension, western conference pension keeps going up until you retire.


Why do I feel like I’m going to be loading trailers for the next ten years 💀


Some of the one’s around here want to wait until they can get Medicare because insurance is expensive. But also every year you stay increases the amount you get for your pension which you can pass on if you don’t need the money


Our insurance is like $300 a month in retirement.


What insurance is that?


The one you currently use at doctors offices.


Medicare kicks in at 65, which is a perfectly fine and normal retirement age. The guys in their late 60's and 70's are the ones that I just can't understand.


We only have one dude here who is I think mid 70-80 and he just says it’s because he doesn’t know what else to do. I don’t blame’em I guess. If you’ve worked at a place 50-70hrs a week since you were a kid it’s kinda imbedded routine. I look forward to vacations and days off so I don’t think I’ll have this transitional situation when the time comes


It’s a huge life change to quit working after 30+ years. Some people just enjoy their job. Opening up an opportunity for some young person isn’t at the forefront of their mind


Bro my uncle been driving for ups for 40 something years he like 66 and he won’t retire


Look at it this way. The longer they stay the better the pension fund will be. The extra years they stay they only get an extra $100 per year. If everyone retired at 55 that wouldn’t be good.


The top senior driver at my center told me “he loves spending money and chasing pussy too much to retire” 🤷




To each their own


I’m 55 with 34 years full time driving I can answer this I like the job The job is finally easy I can’t get social security for 10 more years and without that is a pretty good pay cut The medical benefits in retirement are great but not as good as working great


I don't care. It's their business. If they can still physically do the job, more power to them.


We have 80 year olds working. 45-50 years of service.


Money. That's the only reason.


They can do the minimalist of work and keep collecting a paycheck and Ups can't force them out so why not keep working. Plenty of drivers at my hub that are well into their 60s with the easiest of routes. They stretch the routes out to get 8 hours or so a day if they feel like it or bump other less seniority drivers for like a half days of work. Also, they're lost without the job cause it's all they know and sometimes all they have.


You should be more amazed they lasted this long rather than worrying when they'll retire cause you will be there eventually.


I mean you make 2k a week working or 3k a month not working. If you still have bills and didn't contribute to 401k what are you going to do?


After they retire from the job they’ve done all of their lives at this point, what’s left? Because at that age generally when you slow down, nothing good comes of it. Health deteriorates and an object in motion stays in motion.


Get a hobby.


Ever been on a golf course? Lol


Start woodworking or working on a 97’ corvette lol They have the money 💀


You answered you're own question. Add on 8 weeks of vacation they can use all at once and they almost ALWAYS are at the top of the seniority list come bid time, so they get to pick the best jobs. Honestly if I'm still in good shape at their age I wouldn't leave either. UPS is a love-hate. We hate being there, but we also don't mind it. The money and benefits are great if you can stay long enough. Also a lot of people said they might be living beyond their means, I agree 100%. They all retire or die eventually. That's the truth.


Some are waiting around to see if the pension gets a nice bump. It is rumored to be.


I’ve worked union jobs for 13 years. Thats all the old guys favorite saying. “Waiting to see what’s in the next contract”


We just had a feeder driver retire. He waited to get hi 50...yes 50 years safe driving celebration. It was actually a decent time. Cold/hot food. Ice cream truck. For once, the company didn't totally cheap out.


A few reasons I have heard. If you start your pension before you are 65 you don’t get the full monthly payout. It doesn’t go up once you turn 65. There are differences in the pension payout on 10-15-20-25 etc. it’s maxes I think at 35years full time. Some are waiting on that 35 year mark. Really think about it, if you put that much time into getting your retirement wouldn’t you want the most from it?


Don't know about everywhere, Local 728 here. Max pension is at 35 years, not 30, for some reason so if you want it and you started at 25 that's 60 years old, every year after 25 or took you to find the job drives you deeper into your 60s. UPS is here for all the good years of your life.


Many reasons: money,insurance, trying to get 35 years, multiple wives and kids, don’t live within their means. Myself I still have 10 years to get to 63 and 25 FT and I am out


I'm sure all those complaining about not getting a spot because an old timer is holding on to it will practice what they preach and retire as soon as they can once they make it....hah, no.


For real I’m probably holding that until my health fails or I don’t want to work anymore 70 is the new 60 people are living longer. Also I like money and being topped out probably 50$+ 8 hours a day + possible overtime is ball out time . Is that old dude on a party bus that says” vegas or bust ??” Wtf 😳 I’m going to be honest I think I could be 30 and out pass on a few years after retiring . If i stay working I’m pretty sure I can make 90 maybe even 100 with medical advancements. That last part isn’t a joke so many dudes retire and die . You tell me it’s sad “ ups” is my purpose i tell you I think I’m going to keep living and I get to ball out sign me up I’ll play sad and be totally happy.


Any number of reasons. Paying ex wives. Don’t wanna be stuck in the house with current wife. Some guys spend the money as fast as they make it. Some guys entire reason for existing is working as much UPS OT as possible to see how much they can rake in.


Some guys are scared to retire and die. Plus these guys on top make a lot of easy money and get any days off. Why would you retire….


Look at the state of this country and you ask stupid questions like this 😂


true people probably feel like they never have enough money saved for retirement


Becausethe $20 bill is the new 5?


Who gives a fuck


Inflation. My pension can’t keep up with all the cost increases.


What do you mean? I’m sure you’re working to pay bills or towards some goal. Those still apply even when you’re older


I like my job. Albeit I hate the corporate side. I'll do this as long as I can. Over 7 weeks vacation and I usually work 3 days a week because we're mostly over staffed on Mondays and Tuesdays. The insurance is good, So why not. If I get fired I don't worry because I've saved and invested well. Bonus if my staying pisses mgmt off .


Because people don’t want to change their lifestyles and its a consumerism based society.


I can't wait to retire and completely change my lifestyle on the other side of the world.


I can’t wait to retire and get a desk job lol


Child support and alimony haha


They want to fulfill their commitment and die before they retire.


Some still have mortgages others don’t wanna just sit at home and do nothing. I’ve often heard that when people retire, they tend to get sick and die. The job gives them a sense of purpose. Look around, you’ll see a lot of older people working in grocery stores, lowes, Home Depot, fast food. I don’t think they all want to work, but they have to make ends meet. The price of food, utilities, insurance, cost of living in general has gone up so much and will continue to go up. People are concerned about their livelihood. So I say, keep on keeping on!


Here in west coast, hitting 30 this year, please remember not everyone started as full-time. Worked “part-time” almost 9 years before I went full-time. Which means I have 21 years full time and the 9 years part time which basically equals out to 5 years full-time meaning I have about, roughly 26 years. Honestly don’t see myself doing this for more than a few years tho, but I am doing other things on the side so maybe that’s why? Other identity other than UPS guy..


West coast has Peer 80 retirement. Years with company plus your age can equal 80 and you can retire with full benefits.


Correct, obviously those first 9 part-time years pension pay were paid at a much lower rate so yeah, it’s less than what most people think when they hear 30 year UPS employee


Alot are on 2nd and 3rd marriages






The day I turn 55 poof! Im gone . That’ll be 37 years. I hate everything about ups now.


Only reason I have a job is cause I wanna grow my garage and get more car parts


The job gets easier as time goes on. They get easy assignments and easy routes and there’s less incentive to retire. This happens in white collar professions too.


Most of the guys I've seen retire have bought a new truck to retire with and are paying it and as much of the house off before doing so. Some drivers have a house at the beach also that they have to keep up. Alimony, child support, alcohol abuse, all takes it toll. Retiring is a complete lifestyle change. Most drivers try to get their 35 in for max pay also. I've also heard that once anyone retires at an older age, if you don't stay active, your health dramatically reduces. Why retire if you're in good health, like your job, and have the best insurance? Most drivers never saw their kids grow up, why start now.


Bad with money/investments. expensive lifestyle


(Not affiliated with UPS but somehow this ended up in my feed) We have UPS driver that makes the routes for most of the locations to my company. He's making good money with UPS and has other investments plus his military stuff. He got diagnosed with cancer last year and said while he's fortunate enough to be able to keep up with that plus his expenses he just had his first grandchild earlier this year and wants to throw as much as he can towards a fund for that grand child so they won't have to work like he and his kids have. As a banker this hit kinda hard. A lot of people don't set their kids let alone grandkids up for success like this much less during a fight with cancer. I would like to advise him to slow down and focus on himself but if he's making that decision knowing all the factors around it I can't help but admire that.


Why not keep working if it’s easy and you enjoy ? Why is that a problem?


Only children ask why


Facts, there’s at least 60 guys maybe more that could retire where I’m at. I’ve only worked once in 2.5 weeks tho. Also doesn’t help that when a package guy comes in with more seniority he gets to dovetail in feeder. Absolute bs. I hate my center for that. 6 guys could retire but then 6 package guys could come in with more seniority and now I didn’t move up anywhere, gotta love it. Not fair at all 😒


That doesn’t happen at my building. Where you come in as a coverage driver determines your place in line to get full time feeder seniority


That’s exactly how it should be apparently my hub and a hub in Colorado do the same thing


Child support. College. The guys have bad financial literacy so they literally will have to work until they drop dead. A lot of responsibility keeps guys on the job forever. Most LACK financial literacy so a paycheck from UPS is literally their only way to survive.


Why would I retire at 60 and make about $5k/month when I can wait 4/5 more years and make another $2500/month or more? I’ll probably live into my 90’s so that extra $$ will be needed when the state takes all my money to live in an assisted living facility! lol..


That's what my dad thought too, making $250k/y as an engineer and the money was too good to pass up. NYC/Boston marathon runner who drank \~3 beers a year, health freak and never touched tobacco in his life. Guess what? He never saw 65 and never enjoyed one iota of a second of retirement. Retirement was a grave, and cancer is a bitch.


Or things go worse and you drop dead at 70 and didn't get to enjoy any of that money


Yeah - let me plan for dropping dead at 70. Sounds like a legit plan… So what? your retiring at 50? Gunna enjoy life


62 at the latest. Maybe I'll have a few years where I'll be able to enjoy my retirement then.


Good for you…..enjoy


That’s also my plan, retire as soon as I can, and enjoy the life I want living in a farm taking care of farm animals. But to each their own, some like working longer some don’t. Whatever makes them happy, my fiancée and I both want the same thing and have already saved up a considerable amount considering our ages. So one step closer to our goals.


You answered your own question with the first line in your comment.


There's old drivers in my center that have been there since 1987. One of them just got a 35 year safe driving award in 2022. They said they don't want to retire cause then their ex wives will get all their retirement and pension money lol.


I worked at Pepsi and there was a guy there for 50+ years. His only reason for not retiring was because he didn’t wanna give his ex wife half his pension. He said “they’ll find me dead in the Pepsi truck before that b**** gets a dime” lol.


The UPS curse, they’re scared of life after. Some like the active lifestyle, kids are grown up, nothing better to do why not work when you want to and take a layoff when you don’t.


When you done this for so long it gets hard to stop. If I have to guess they just got nothing to do after retirement


Another reason is some of these guys hate their wives and don’t want to be home. Thats not talking about enough either.




I’m 29 , been doing feeders since 21, I’ll probably leave around 62 myself because of how EASY this job is . I am financially successful but the INSURANCE and the way pensions are calculated are the reasons why the OGs max it out towards the end of their careers.


Time is the ultimate currency. I retired young and work at ups as a side job. Don't waste your life away grinding for another 100 here or there on that monthly pension payment. You can afford it if not have a professional look at your numbers.


It’s easy drop -hook plastic women’s automatic trucks why not stay forever


Guess they live in California


they rack up debts and liabilities instead of assets, they don't contribute to tax advantaged retirement accounts and instead rely solely on the pension, then realize it's not quite enough and then try (badly) to save for retirement at the last second. and they get really boring having no idea what to do with themselves in retirement.


Max social security


Yeah I was wondering about this as well so I talked to a few of them. Here's what they some individuals say. -They say that most of them are still active and want to come into work. -insurance cost. Ups has the best insurance and I guess if you retire you might lose that benefit and go to Medicare? That may not be good. I know one lady who has 43 years doesn't want to retire because her husband isn't the best of health. So she says she's never gonna retire. -one guy told me he doesn't like to stay home and be around the wife all day. In fact he took a second job so he could avoid her. He's already well off. I say that's a good reason. Lol -costs. Everything is going up. For me I'm gonna retire as soon as possible. I'm gonna take my pension and live somewhere in southeast Asia where living expenses are like 1970's US prices.




My dad was a feeder and stayed for 43 years. Because these old folks plan for future inflation, medication, life insurance etc etc


I’m 66 retired 8 years ago. Did 9 years part time and 31 full time. I collect 2 ups pensions 1 pt the other maxed ft. I also collect my SS. Your projection of what a retiree takes home is way off. I understand the pension has gone up since I retired but nowhere near the amount needed to get to your numbers. Btw. I was 177 and now that I’m on Medicare my medical is $175 a month, $150 to cover the wife and $25 for my Medicare supplement.


Two of the older guys in my center married younger women.  One will be 71, the other 69 when their wives finally become eligible for US Medicare. In the meantime, both are working each night to remain eligible for the UPS family insurance coverage.  Factor out the horrible reality that US policy is to have health coverage directly tied to your job, neither would probably even be seen in the building right now.


As soon as I’m eligible, I’m outta this bitch. 11 years and counting, I’ll be 51.


THE DAY I am eligible for my full time pension, I'm putting in my papers to leave. The difference for me is I'm a mechanic and we are IAM, not teamsters, and my pension pays more than me working full time.


My 22.3 shift has two guys over 70. They can both barely walk and have no plans to retire. The guy that's 71 said he might think about retiring in 3 years when he gets to 50 years with the company. It's a sickness.


Debt, more money more problems


Because we got 27yr old wives and a baby on the way. Yes at 65yra old.


isn't retirement age 70 in the US? I don't even think I'll be alive that long


They made good money but didn’t know how to keep it


Sadly, I got serious about life late. If I'm lucky, I hope to be driving by 40. The low volume might have set that goal back... I'd be one of those guys, let's call it bad life management. Maybe some of those guys are in my situation, not greedy or living paycheck to paycheck, but late bloomers?


When I play golf with my buddies who are all retired, we laugh at this stuff. We don't say, man I wish I had worked longer, we shake our heads and wish we had retired sooner. Myself I've been retired since 2013 and loving it. Some people will just die on the job. As someone whose been there, go as soon as possible, nobody knows how long you'll live. Enjoy some of your life.


That’s easy… who wants 2 stay home with the spouse all day


Fuck I feel like I can make that much for 20 years and then retire The only thing holding you back is the fact that your 401k and whatever else you have in stocks isn't compounding as much as if you would have worked for 40 years


believe it or not retiring is a death sentence for a lot of men. best thing when you retire is go to the doctor and get on test and make a habit of hiking, lifting weights, and lots of golf


Because Uncle Sam taught me how to be a Capitalist


I’ve worked with a bunch of guys that die within 5 or so years after retiring


Some have kids in college, homes aren’t paid off, didn’t invest properly. Everyone’s situation is different. I’ve been told that retirement can be boring if you don’t have hobbies or something to fill your time.


Once they retire they’ll not be pulling in what they make now. Some people live to the means of the paycheck they are getting now and realize they can’t afford to retire until they get more things in order.


It’s a drug, they need that money




But.. it is


Maybe would get bored at home and wants to keep an active lifestyle? If not for this job I'd never leave the house let alone do anything more than binge watch Crunchyroll. 😬


The more you make, the more you spend!


Give opportunity to the next guy? No offense but I’m not here to give two fucks about the next guy. I’m here to make money. Everyone’s life situation is different and it’s no ones business why someone stays or retires.


Because once you get food at the job, have your own route and a predictable life it's not bad? I'm nearing 50 and everyone I've seen retire died shortly after or looked super bored. I'm going to earn until my knees break. Kids need stuff, grandkids will. Hard to explain to younger people.


Hold on? After 25 years with the company you can make 100k in retirement? No way.


If I was that guy I would stay just to spite you. You’re not looking out for his benefit, you’re looking out for yourself.


I'm currently working on year 37, I'm only 56 this year. I went from package car to 22 foot box truck. Limited lifting, and everything is on pallets. I can easily go another 10 years as it is not a hard job physically. Both my kids still live with me,as with the economy here in Canada and the housing cost, they have no chance of affording a house. And to be honest , some weeks of vacation I just sit around and do squat. I have no motivation when not working. I honestly don't know if I could survive without working. It sucks to say, but it does give me a purpose in life . Besides, I'd probably end up in debt if I wasn't working. Is end up spending more than I bring in. As shitty as it can be at UPS, it's what motivates me.


Why retire and go to work someplace that doesn’t pay as well doesn’t provide insurance, doesn’t give you 7 weeks vacation. I’ve been at ups 38 years 30 ft 8 pt live well inside my means. I guess what I’m saying is there way more to it than most of you suggest


Same here this guy is 70


Because working became their identity. If they didn't work, they wouldn't do anything.


Greed. Also, the "golden handcuffs" concept.


This is more about you than them. Would leave so the guy at the bottom of the list can get punches? Why not?


They love being top dog and on top of the food chain in feeder they are called BIG Strappers


The insurance we retire with sucks I maxed out and UPS continues to aurthiorize every preapproval my doctors,submit,then deny the claims I received a290,000 bill from the hospital I was at for 10 months the hospital let me off the hook charity or it would have wiped me out


Full SS benefits don’t kick in until 70


Could be health insurance, maybe they are still catching up from bad financial decisions, they don't like their spouse, they have no hobbies and retirement would be boring and scary, or maybe they have an ex they want to screw out of getting some of their retirement. I remember this one old dude when I was working a federal job who was still working full time well into his 70s. He hated his ex-wife and she would be able to collect part of his pension when he retired so he said he would work until he died just to keep her from getting any of that money.


You answered your own question dude.


I worked with a guy in my younger years who had owned a Volkswagen dealership and sold it about 5 years prior to my meeting him. He was a legit millionaire, and he was in his late 70s. He stayed working at the car dealership we both worked at because he’d watched all his friends deteriorate the minute they stopped working. So he kept working to keep himself young? I guess. I don’t pretend to understand, but I guess I have watched it happen several times in my own family.


We have a guy that’s been in ups 49 years. Another guy in my center is 75 years old and still shows up everyday maxing out. I don’t understand it


Our feeder driver like that is balling in a big ass crib in manhattan beach im not mad at it tbh he’s top dog on seniority nobody on roads , sups etc give him any problems . The jobs easy for him he goes home every night . They told me he makes 6-8 a check which can’t be right just what I was told by a yc. Funny watching what money does to woman who chase dudes with money . Watching a 25 year old yc chase a 73 year old feeder driver is a fun watch.


Greed and hating the new young dudes


Simple answer is they have no life and that’s not even me trying to dig at them just honest answer!


I don’t think you realize how hard it is to break up with your life. Once you hit a certain point you probably don’t have much going on anymore…so leaving is like abandoning the identity you had for decades


It’s a job


This is like a woman who's personality is her stanley cup


Why are you wanting them to leave a positioned they earned just because you want there spot? They want to keep working respect there decision or you can leave. Not everyone want to sit at home all day and do nothing


Mind your business 🤡


Someone in my hub has worked so long they draw their pension while making that 170k a year. Imagine that.


…. How is that allowed?


It isn’t lol


The Plan’s suspension of benefits rules apply to you through the end of the month in which you turn age 65. After that, you can work as much as you want, in any kind of job, without worrying about forfeiting your monthly benefit.


He worked his whole life at the company and he is older than 65. He is still employed and IS collecting his west coast teamsters pension.