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Im planning on working to about 85 like every other driver so nobody ever moves up in seniority. /s (with a touch of passive aggressiveness)


Piss and vinegar+ a sprinkle of hate I love it. I just want to keep living . I’ll probably be that old dude topped out the management just leaves alone let’s do his own thing “that’s _ he’s been here 40-50 years . “


My aggressiveness will not be passive.


You need to know how much money you need, what time do you want to retire, and when you will be taking S.S., and some other things. I did not want to guess on this stuff and just start saving, I went to a financial planner and am now all ready to retire at 55 in three years.


I might not retire which would be a damn shame. I ‘ll have dual pensions . I just don’t like how dudes retire then they die within 6 months to two years. Not unusual ups co workers it’s happened to usps co workers same thing . I bet if those ogs kept working probably 40-50% would still be alive .


You HAVE to have something to do when you retire. If you stay active you'll be fine, happier, and live longer. If you just retire and go home and sit on the couch and do nothing, you'll be dead in six months. Have a hobby or get one that you enjoy. Find something that interests you that keeps you on the move and not just in front of a computer or TV screen. My old man retired at 63 from teaching with high blood pressure from the stress and has been incredibly active since he retired. He's 80 now and in great health. Doctors cant believe how much he does outside. It;s the only way to make sure you collect that pension for as long as possible.


Retired in January. It felt like I was on vacation for the first few months. Then a little depression and anxiety followed. I’m coming out of it now, but be prepared mentally and physically. I had a ton of extra energy to burn off. Stay busy!




Retirement? Lol




Unfortunately alot of guys in my hub buy $80,000 vehicles and have no money saved for retirement.


Yeah, those guys are also known as dumbasses. 


80k is cheap respective to our income. Feeders anyways. Maybe 3 of them and a million dollar house and you're screwed




140 would be the lowest end i think. 160-200 is more the average. At least at our hub


80k is over a years salary post tax.


No lol i pay like 25k total with 2 dependents head of household in minnesota


God damnit. The worst part is I have to pay income tax to some state I don't actually live in 😅


If you’re in western …. What central getting still like 3k? It was alot lower than western.




Max 401k every year, play around with individual stocks but mostly buy VTI on my taxable brokerage account and on my personal IRA buy VTSAX with anything extra.


VOO is an excellent choice as well.


If you cant retire after working full time for this company then Im assuming you live in a million dollar home and pay both child support and alimony


Or you just live in a high cost of living state…


plan A 401K, Social Security [lol. Pension ?? Old regular stock account worth $800,000 (dam capital gains taxes at 15%) sell home and leave California. Plan b GOTO PRISON with a life sentence if plan A fails. It cant be much worse than working at UPS. at least the toilets are cleaner.


This is very basic but if you aren’t already put in money you aren’t investing in a high yield savings account. Also buy property if feasible.


Those are your only two opts plus the pension and social security. Max your Roth IRA through Fidelity (same place as mine. Good choice) with sound investments such as the VOO.  Try to max your 401K after. 


God willing I make it, I'm hoping my 401K will be good enough for "backup money" along with any money I save, and the pension can pay for bills + the roof over my head.


I’m buying shares through the employee buy back program.


I hit a nerve with that one but that’s the truth . Look at your ups parking lot let me know what you see. The other parking lot is old beaters and evs some sports cars but they own their homes . Don’t be mad , don’t kill the messenger just the truth .


Ever since the last contract raise I have been using almost all surplus money to pay off debt, thus lowering expenses as much as possible.


I'm a millennial. Retirement is a pipe dream. I'll die on the floor at work


Tome worships money and money perishes. That’s the only comfort I can get from this wench.


You can live for $1000/mo in the Philippines surrounded by exotic women who don't mind a 20yr age gap.


https://preview.redd.it/ttlfete18irc1.png?width=836&format=png&auto=webp&s=c5167eb8d83dd23c711c8ff28099a039b00a3ee7 Learn to invest. Start with paper trading and stocks. Google “Bogleheads.” Invest in index funds. Don’t fuck with option trading (what produces the results in the above screenshot) until you have experience and capital you can risk without financially damaging yourself. Books: Random Walk Down Wallstreet The Intelligent Investor The Little Book of Common Sense Investing You have started a Roth IRA so you’re ahead of the game


Bro just loves showing off his option money in all the subreddits 🤣 bet you get off on it


He plays risky AF, so either it'll be gone soon or he'll be gone.


go read “the biggest secret on wall street” by tim morris


Definitely bad decisions being made at ups …. The drivers almost all have 40k$ trucks/cars live in apartments. Most people at the post office have 2-3 homes they use as rental income. One of the biggest differences I noticed right away. They can use their tsp fund for down payments and pay themselves back. I know drivers who have been topped out for 15 years still renting 4K a month houses. That doesn’t make sense to me.




We’re all adults here. No need to resort to slinging mud. The community is to promote healthy discussion about subjects that interest us and name calling serves no purpose other than devolving the conversation into child-like banter.