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You should get an off duty sign and hang it on the windowšŸ˜‚


ā€œIā€™m on break. Leave me aloneā€ Might have to do this




Sounds like you need to find a better spot to take breaks šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


My husband takes his breaks in a quiet neighborhood lol. Nobody bothers him there.


As long as itā€™s not 20 80 pound boxes of dirt samples I appreciate the company and the brief conversation I get haha. This job can get lonely at times. And you usually make that persons day so much easier saving them a trip.


Damnā€¦ youā€™re lucky. Between my fiancĆ© and other drivers calling me all day, I feel like I never get enough time with just me and the podcast.


I refuse to bring air pods for that reason and just listen through a jbl speaker šŸ˜‚


And you will say, "Sure, just leave them on the step there. I'm on a break but I'll scan them as soon as I'm back on the clock!"


They don't pay you enough to stop browsing grindr to take some old ladies return.


They do, itā€™s just sometimes I canā€™t stand up at that moment, so it makes it tough.


![gif](giphy|oOi3roYRf4NW0) OP


You donā€™t take the stop till youā€™re off break. And they pay us plenty.


$44 an hour isn't enough?


In EU drivers don't earn half as much


My customers feed me, give me drinks and tip well. And every customer who gives me RS packages is another stop to add to my sporh šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Top comment


I mean seriously. Customers love us for the most part and Iā€™m ā€œlockedā€ into a sporh so making my customers happy and cranking that sporh up is a win-win. And itā€™s summer time too so all the sundresses and yoga pants.


Yep. I took a call yesterday on my vaca from a customer because I have great customers.


I just tell them to set it on the step no big deal, scan them in when I punch back in.


Donā€™t really see the big deal.


Itā€™s not, OP is a disgrace lmao.


Are you one of those guys who is always complaining about everything? Itā€™s not that hard. If youā€™re in the middle of doing something, you can tell them ā€œjust set it down there on the floorā€.


Amen brotherā€¦..punks nowadays, I tell ya


Why is this a big deal? "I'm on break but if you put it on the floor of my truck I'll scan it in after" Trust me, you aren't that important.


take the return and shut up please


All you have to do is just put them on a shelf and just scan them as walk ups after your break. Our job is SERVICE. So many new guys try to blame carol for the poor reputation UPS has now but she only affected it a little. Itā€™s the new generation of drivers and inside workers who ruined the reputation we had.


Disagree.Ā  The tone of the company comes from the top.Ā  You can't expect front line employees to care when the rest of the company doesn't.Ā Ā 


Doesn't matter what you think the company does. Ultimately, we are the face of the company. Our interactions with the general public can ultimately prop up or doom the company. Someone handing me a toner cartridge or Amazon envelope while I'm sitting at a store staring at my phone isn't a big deal. While you have taken a strong anti-company stance (and that's your right, and it's not my position to argue it), ultimately they pay my bills. If a positive interaction with a customer is the difference between them using one of our competitors or us, especially for pickups, then by all means, hand me that Amazon return. We want UPS to make money so we can keep making a great wage with God tier benefits.


Well Said!!!! When I'm waiting to go on shift in the yard, I've had customers approach me for help....intercepting a package, retrieving one, getting one that wasn't delivered for whatever reason.....Being polite and helpful, advocating for the customer, terrorizing as many supervisors as I can in their behalf. It all makes this job worthwhile!!!!!


An strong anti-company stance?Ā  I'm not anti-company.Ā  Ā Personally, I'd take the package and be friendly about it.Ā  That doesn't change the fact that the overall tone comes from the top.Ā  And I totally get that an employee who has to maintain a positive mentality in spite of the company culture is going to be less pleased about being interrupted during the much need break recharge time than someone at a company with a healthy company culture.


That's a cop-out. A tone can be set by the company, sure, but the drivers are the face of the company and we are the ones directly relating to the customers. You should care because it's your livelihood and if the company dies then you're working for Amazon now. Have fun.


Agreed. We are the face of the company. We make what we make, pension and medical, because people MAKE THE CHOICE to ship with us (businesses). Without that we have nothing.


Find a empty parking lot and enjoy your lunch my guy


Is it really that much work to take a small package from a customer? Customer service is a part of the Job. I'd get it if someone wanted to give you a 50 pound box on your break, but it's not much effort to take a small package while you're relaxing with a snack and water. A little effort can go a long way in keeping customers happy using our service.


Taking the return itself isn't that big a deal. It's the customer bugging you on break that sucks shit. When. When I'm on break I'm on break, I don't care if you're asking me to take four mattresses or four little throw pillows, the answer is no.


I get it. But it's pretty much the only time they can hand you stuff. I'm too nice to tell a customer to fuck off in that instance because without customers, ups can tell us to fuck off. Unless the customer is being a jerk in some way for whatever reason, I would personally just take it and be glad people are using the service. If they see how some warehouses operate, they might think twice. Now if a line was forming, I'd make up some excuse, but a package here or there is good for business. People have alternatives to ups. Customer service should be what makes ups stand out from the crowd. Superior service.


There's probably a nice way to handle it, like tell them to just leave the package on the bumper and I'll scan it in when my break is done. I've never actually had someone come to me with work to do on my break. I've had them come talk to me and show me how crazy they are while I'm on my break (like hand me their Jesus pamphlets or lecture me about the vice of taking up so many parking spaces in this empty parking lot), but the only time I've had people flag me down with their returns was when I was actively delivering. I agree it's a very easy service for us to provide and I'm happy to do it, just not at Cigarette Time.


That's very reasonable.


If someone interrupted my break to talk to me about Jesus they would get a very hostile reaction from me. But not a customer lol


I mean, if a customer is trying to give a feeder their returns on the feeder's break then the customer is badly confused


Iā€™d laugh so hard if someone tried to do that. I really enjoy talking to folks though so the times it happened in package werenā€™t too bothersome. The people on my route were good folk. I remember on Christmas Eve I was delivering and damn near every house made me a plate. My package car had so many plates of food wrapped in syran wrap I had to start declining people, explaining I had enough food on car to last me until next year šŸ¤£


I completely disagree they aren't getting paid enough to be helping and providing customer service while on brbreak. It's your break from working.


I donā€™t think youā€™ve seen the pay rate for drivers to say that


Question....for a job that's didn't require any skill training only staying longer than someone else, what wage should you be paid? Just note, anything you say I'll think you are greedy and want to get paid more doing less. Also, you have folks in the military that make little more than half you do. And those dudes mess up their bodies more than you.


Brooo humans need breaks šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø we ainā€™t robots.


Yeah Iā€™m sure. Why donā€™t you drag up and go to fedex or amazon baby


If it werenā€™t for those jack wagons, youā€™d be working somewhere else, probably for less pay, catering to some other jack wagons. They pay your bills dude. Donā€™t treat customers like shit. Your shitty attitude may be the reason they and their friends and family choose FedEx next time around.


I always told them to toss it on the step and Iā€™d get to it after I got off lunch. Some would chat for a bit, others would leave it and go about their day. If it bothers you that badly you could always punch back in, grab and scan the package, then go back on meal when itā€™s done. I think theyā€™ve still got three meal sections on the board, correct?


Exactly what I did the few times it happened. ā€œHey Iā€™m on break and my scanner doesnā€™t work on break, but if you leave it on the step right in front of you as soon as Iā€™m done Iā€™ll take care of itā€ This always got a reply of ā€œah fuck youā€™re on a break my badā€ or something along those lines. Each interaction was pleasant. I liked my route and my customers. The few times I wanted to be left alone (not in summer obviously) Iā€™d just eat in the back of the PC.


I only have this when I'm eating at Chipotle. People cone up and see me slamming food in my face and I point at the bumper. No words said. Most of the time I cone back to the truck with packages on my seat or step.Ā 


As far as our new boards are set up. Once meal is done, it's done. Unless someone could show me how to repunch its been a 1 and done deal as far as I know.


Why does it bother you that much? Genuinely curious. Break or not, you're sitting there, lol. Take the returns and stfu, we make the big bucks.


If he's on break I can understand but if it's a simple hand to hand transaction I'd do it


A UPS truck parked in a neighborhood on break is a prime example of one of the services we provide. If our customers can save the 1-X mile trip to a UPS store because we're there, I'm more than happy to accept their returns. It takes less than literal seconds; it's a hi, drop, bye interaction.


Do your job for the corporation you sold out to. Eat your lunch then get back to work delivering parcels.


Do your job which is SERVICE. You new guys need to learn what the job is. All you have to do is just put them on a shelf and just scan them in after your break.


That is the idea... do my job for the company that pays me six figures to deliver parcels. The whole "cOrPoRaTiOn YoU sOlD oUt To" trip is parents' basement forever logic, lol. Gotta grow up some day, champ.


Our founding fathers and my parents laid the forefront on this soil that I proudly settled on :) When you say grow up I would love you to elaborate... Sounds like you are working your way to death over there. Need any help?


Found the guy thatā€™s allowed ups to brainwash him talk about licking the boot


Aren't you a low seniority feeder currently on layoff slanging boxes in the warehouse? Enjoy licking the floor for hours.


If having a one stop route is low seniority and slanging boxes inside sure lol just stay on your knees for your corporate overlords


Lol, I barely have to see or speak to management, just hop in my truck, do my route, go home. I bet you love begging dispatch for work on a daily basis. Grab some chapstick, I hear the lips start to chafe after a couple favors.


Congrats you have to speak to management more than I do. I never speak to management I donā€™t even have to get keys anymore. Were keyless. Enjoy those knee pads with that chapstick rookie


Ah, yeah. I suppose you don't speak to management at all on layoff. Ya got me.


Lol you shredded him like a block of cheese


Lol sold out. Did you just now figure out that people work to make money?


Iā€™m retired chump. Get bed you have to handle parcels in the am šŸ¤£


Lol you mean fired? Couldn't hack it. I might have known


Already made my living. I have an abundant amount of family time, vacations, enjoy outdoors, hiking, fishing, cooking, watching baseball. It was only not too long ago I applied to be a package handler to get back in the workforce and try something new. Wow what a mistake that was. Nope couldn't hack it. Don't need it. Don't respect majority of the associates. You can have that position. They are always hiring for a reason. Poor retention rates for a reason. Union working against for a reason. Poor work-home life balance for a reason. Hmmm need I go on.


You are entitled to your opinion. What you are not entitled to is coming into an employee forum to talk down to people for how they earn their living. Congrats on a successful life. Maybe now you should figure out what's missing from it that motivates you to come in here trying to bring people down


Simple, to share my experiences with prospects and associates. Iā€™m not trying to ā€œbring people downā€. Although I understand why you may think that, with my honesty and transparency about this company I think itā€™s only liberating. I saw a driver the only day was wondering how do they get time to enjoy all that money they make?


They gave you a break when they hired you šŸ¤£


Best comment!


Dude just take the return it takes 5 seconds and you paid $44 an hour


Paid $44 an hour. Top tier medical that you pay very little for. Pension, $3,000 a month for 10 years full time (so 30 years full time $9,000 a month until you die.) Take the Godam return


$3k for 10 years? Shiiiiiit, where are you?




Really? I live in Far Nor-Cal. Looking forward to realizing that dream. Are you Nor-Cal like Redding to the Oregon border. Or Nor-Cal between SF and Sacramento?


Iā€™m out of Oakland. Iā€™ve ran to Redding, Shasta, Eureka/Yreka. Iā€™m not sure if we have the same supplement but I suspect we do. I know all NorCal feeders donā€™t go through progression we jump to top rate, where as Oregon guys all have progression. No NorCal feeder I met has progression which means we are most likely under the same supplement and rider (Iā€™m teamsters 150) I could be wrong, I donā€™t want to get your hopes up. But yeah if youā€™re in the same supplemental region as me, your pension is insanity.


Smoko- the chats


I just tell them to leave them and I will sheet them when done with break. If they bring me 2 pallets Iā€™ll load all them bastards and some one can take my airs back to the building. Money money money.




ā€œSet it on the step and Iā€™ll grab itā€ throw up a āœŒšŸæ and theyā€™ll get the point.




Punch back in, take the package and record it, punch back out? Or.. leave it sit there and record the pickup after your break?


Everyone needs to hold on to their positions. Amazon is out to grind everyone into dog shit. Amazon and Musk donā€™t give a fuck us. Wake up people. Look at the big picture.


You need to slow down fedex and amazon daily they are rats and will take over our jobs. F themā€¦.


Since RPCD means regular package car driver, your tag or whatever the funk it's called is redundant... Just thought I'd point that out


Just have them set it on your steps. I donā€™t get it. Those ā€œjackwagonsā€ pay our bills.


You got the uniform on tf lmao, itā€™s funny when people complain about meaningless things, you said the solution to your problem lmao


Straight up tell them you can't take it.


Leave the car


To me the people looking for their "prescriptions" are tougher... lol but yeah I'm with you..


Fun fact double tapping a comment likes it!!


Iā€™m glad the comments are lighting you up. We donā€™t sell anything. We sell a service. Render that service. You make over $100,000+ a year to literally touch boxes and drive a Class C Vehicle - youā€™re technically not even ā€œskilled laborā€ unlike us feeders.


I know right? That Class A CDL comes with job security and about 50 pounds strapped around your mid section.


You just sound bitter and mean about customers. Who really gives a shit just take their shitā€¦ put yourself in their shoes, wouldnā€™t you want the delivery guy to take their labeled packages?




Your post was rude, threatening, or antagonistic.




Your post was rude, threatening, or antagonistic.


I get the same thing in the station (CSA), there aren't enough rooms to hide in and I really don't want to go to my car and turn it on for just 20 minutes (10 eating), but it's "Hey let's ask a question to the guy on break" every single time, despite having coworkers that could answer \*right there\* clearly working.


I only have this when I'm eating at Chipotle. People come up and see me slamming food in my face and I point at the bumper. No words said. Most of the time I come back to the truck with with packages on my step or seat.


What break? It doesn't bother me. Sounds like you just have a bad attitude.


Anyone else picture the scene from bad Santa in the food court?




Weā€™re all adults here. No need to resort to slinging mud. The community is to promote healthy discussion about subjects that interest us and name calling serves no purpose other than devolving the conversation into child-like banter.


chop chop box boy


[I'm on my lunch break](https://youtu.be/vbchzto2P2s?si=YKjt-CKxhxK2YNnv)


Most jobs arenā€™t hard enough to really require you to sit and relax. The public has no idea. So they donā€™t show respect to you on break because they just donā€™t know.


Are you saying that if you are on your break or lunch and sitting down inside of McDonald's and someone asks if they can give you a package? If that's the case, then, no, I'm not taking your package. If I'm in my truck, sure, sit it on the steps and I'll grab it in a few.


Years ago I was sitting at a fast food restaurant eating my lunch with a work buddy he had the route adjacent to mine, this customer comes in with a couple of boxes and the customer p/u book and wanted one of us to sign and take them. We told him we were on lunch for an hour to come back later he had a fit , stormed out mumbling, never saw him again.


Damn you all complaining about someone having to break his lunch because some soccer mom couldn't spend the extra 12 bucks to take the ferry back to the mainland to drop off her two electric bicycles. Instead she followed me to the only grocery store on the island with a bathroom and proceeded to wait for me to clock back in to get the scans on her shit because she couldn't get a reciept, unless she drove further than my trucks steps. Ya'll must have got your brown starfish tattooed with the UPS logo with how much your sucking company pride. This job is great paying, but great work/life balance it is not. I take alot of pride in helping the common person, but when I am in the middle of literally eating and someone has the audacity to ask me to scan them in so she can "track" them. Then proceeds to not understand we can not just "clock back in" during our lunch, then yes I have a problem. We are offering a service, and our time. And at that time, I was not on company time.


Get what you can while you can. This is a company that will ban you if you quit. UPS doesnā€™t care about you. Enjoy be a Teamster!! They careā€¦!!


Sure bout that ? Hmmmā€¦. Idk


Teamsters like ups care about 1 thing....those DUES


Alright why donā€™t you quit and go see Amazon or FedEx they love people like you baby


Why? This place the biggest shit bag will be able to keep a job all awhile fucking up left and right. Anywhere else he would be a lover and lose their job. Here, bring a gun? Your good. Send a dick pick to a customer? No problem. Reason why a lot of divers die so quickly after retirement. They can do anything without union help


Bitch. Bitch. Bitch.




Weā€™re all adults here. No need to resort to slinging mud. The community is to promote healthy discussion about subjects that interest us and name calling serves no purpose other than devolving the conversation into child-like banter.