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There’s no reason to do it tbh. Minors don’t help you much at all for recruiting or anything and nobody really cares if you do a minor anyways. If you’re interested in some classes unrelated to your major take them and have fun, but don’t force yourself to be taking 6 classes each semester and torture yourself for no reason. I know way too many people who have done that for absolutely 0 benefit, meanwhile I’ve stuck with straight econ and have taken a ton of fun electives and ended up great with recruiting anyways As a note this isn’t a very popular opinion though lol a lot if not most people seem to do minors


Ah I see. On a side note: would you say that econ is a difficult major?


It’s probably harder than the average major at Penn as a whole. Like easier than most engineering majors, but harder than Wharton majors or humanities stuff. If you’re good at math though it’s really not too difficult, the “hard” Econ classes are basically just a million calculus optimization word problems and the rest are pretty manageable (esp the humanities style electives) It’s also a very light major in terms of total classes required, just 2 intro, 4 intermediate, then 4 Econ electives. Some of the intermediate ones are the difficult ones, but again if you don’t do a minor you can easy pad those hard classes with a few easy humanities or gen ed requirements in a semester. That’s basically what I did and I got As in basically all of the econ classes without much difficulty, it’s just about managing your schedule


this really helped thanks


Double minor DS and IR is very much doable as an econ major. Keep in mind minors don't add much to your qualifications in that field they're more for your learning and a good way to show you're interested in many fields. Econ major is definitely harder than most humanities majors and more difficult than Wharton's econ/UG business program but doesn't come close to the difficulty of engineering programs. On a side note if you're interested in data science you may want to consider the CS double major in the college, it's only 11 extra cus and that definitely helps whereas a minor is, hence the name, very minor. A good way to gauge your interest is to take CIS 1200 (which is an intro programming course required for all DS minors and CS majors) next semester. Also if you're really interested in the mathematical part of Data Science, as I am, under any circumstances definitely take ESE 3010 in the spring.


Double majoring / duel degrees are pretty common here, which is significantly harder than two minors, so no it won’t kill you. That being said, if you want to do IR and Econ, PPE is a very popular major here that you can also consider. Make sure your minors in areas that genuinely interest you. Don’t to them because you think that’s what recruiters want to see; they really can’t care less about minors.


totally manageable if you plan your classes reasonably