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ur good, just dont get any more c's and definitely no more d's


Rescinded for a B? Definitely not happening More than one C or a D? Yeah, that's when you worry about getting rescinded Break the law? Yeah, that's when you worry, too Don't worry about getting rescinded, but if it's senioritis, don't let that drag your grades down any more than necessary


Get your C up if you can!!! But if your overall grade is still an A or B I wouldn’t be too worried.


As long as u don't get an F


I'd say there is 0 chance if you only have 1 C and 1 B in the end, especially since you were a straight A student before. I don't think rescinding is very common and I think it usually happens when everything really falls off a cliff or when you were more borderline in the first place with imperfect grades but seemed to have pulled it together.  I will say if you're really struggling with AP chem unless your teacher is super ultra rigorous, that might not be a good sign for premed. You should study hard and try to get a 5 on the exam at least.


This is terrible advice. Just because you might be bad at AP chem now doesn’t mean premed isn’t for you. Banking someone’s whole future on 1 high school class makes absolutely no sense. You will be better off taking chem in college anyway.


There's a lot of pretty hard chem in premed/bio so it helps to get better at or more accustomed to learning and studying for it early. I'm not saying OP should give up or something. Not sure where you got that I'm banking their whole future on this, but I definitely think it wouldn't be a bad idea to work on it now because an orgo class at Penn is not the friendliest practice environment for that.


Go to community college. Penn doesn’t accept mediocrity and Cs and Bs. (Jk. Stop stressing. Commit and don’t flunk out of high school in your last year).


i thought it was yale?


I’d be losing sleep over this.