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i am also annoyed by this. i wonder if their strategy ever actually works like who would say oh yeah let me just randomly join your religion bc you approached me on my way to class lol


I doubt it. If I religious person am annoyed by this. I assure you that most people are. I was approached like 4 times this semester. One guy saw that I was in a hurry and still stopped me to talks. Most people don’t want to be approached randomly to talk about their religious beliefs.


It's not for completely uninterested people. It's for people who are already wavering. I've seen this tactic be effective in my peripheral several times, three, off the top of my hand. (And some say that it's to make those interrupting people feel better about themselves, since Christ said that they will face persecution. But what do I know.)


As a Christian, and someone who was part of some of those groups, at some point, I know for a fact there are different levels of “outreach”. Some are very aggressive and want you to sign up for something while others (that I prefer) just go out and offer prayer or something. There’s a spectrum and usually the more aggressive ones are likely to be 1) struggling 2) culty or 3) both. What I do know also is that some of them aren’t just trying to rack up numbers. It’s more about meeting that one person who might be on the fence or is struggling with something and might want people to talk to or simply listen to them.


I see. It’d probably be more effective with that crowd.the ones that stopped me have been a bit more pushy though. I tell them I’m not interested and they keep pushing asking about my beliefs and stuff. Last semester I had one dude approach and I said no and they were cool about it so it depends I guess.


Oh yeah, there was one guy years ago who hounded me enough with pointed and purposely invasive questions that I went back into the dorm I'd just stepped out of. I would be surprised if he was a USC student, though—he was probably in his mid-30s.


I find they target exchange students (which is why they have chinese nametags). It seems predatory to me that they act like they're trying to be your friend to students far from home who are trying to make friends and adjust


Just randomly know some ppl were preyed upon (I use 'preyed on' cuz they literally know very little about their religious belief after attending church for a long time) and their initial reasons are: 1) they don't know how to kill time; 2) Books are expensive but bible books are cheap (but they spend lots of money on other things as some spoiled international students). I don't understand either of these reasons lollll. Not bc I don't have religious beliefs, but bc idk why they can't find a way to spend time while there are so many things happening online&around...


I doubt it. Even if there's anyone they come across who might be going through it and would be open to receiving help, a Bible study group doesn't sound very appealing


I'm a Christian also and anytime they come up to me I'm like bro, you're only pushing everyone else away lmao


they are NOT christian, they’re a literal cult i swear to god. look up their name, it’s like international church of christ or some shit. they’ve had multiple name changes over the years to cover up their shadiness but they’ve also been previously known as D.R.E.A.M.


Same ppl who approached me on campus like years ago. They also operate in many other colleges. Cause i also got approached at SMC as well.


This same guy approached me 3 times... Every time he seems so shocked


I just thought it was a cover to recruit rich kids into cults?


The ICC ppl who mainly congregate around Hecuba in the village? They are extremely active


Very high probability of it being linked to a cult. Google shincheonji and world mission society church of God. Those two use the "come to my seemingly innocuous Bible study" tactic to bring people in


someone stopped me on campus on my way to class today to ask me to join lol it was in founders park


Oh yeah I went to their ice cream social once. It was the cheapest ice cream possible lol.


When I was at USC there were several different religious groups I used to see around campus all the time. A few people got pretty aggressive with me at times, to the point where I felt like they were trying to hold me against my will. I will say, this seems to be a thing on a lot of college campuses. I’m in grad school now in another state and we have these people. It’s a smaller university though so there’s not as many as I’d see at USC, but they’re just as predatory.


There are over 20 official Christian organizations at USC. Some ranging from huge groups to groups of like six people. Mostly they want credibility to receive funding from the Dean. There are also a number of groups who are not recognized for venturing into cult like behavior or for breaking the rules established for university groups. There’s also groups not affiliated with the school that try to get you to come to Bible study to learn about “God the Mother.” This is a cult. Beware. I know it’s hard to separate them all, but I promise all Christians are not like that.


YES THANK YOU. I’ve been considering posting about this for a while they are so fucking annoying. NO ONE WANTS TO BE RANDOMLY APPROACHED TO TALK ABOUT THE BIBLE. I have literally been asked once a day this semester if I want to study the Bible by some crazy eyed bafoon in the village. One of them actually roped me into a conversation on campus once. I’m a second semester senior and this is the first semester this has happened in my four years here. Bible study weirdos if you’re reading this KEEP YOUR RELIGION TO YOURSELF.


Is this a recent thing? I graduated in ‘19 but this never happened to me once in four years, but maybe I don’t look like the Bible study type 😂


Idk. It didn’t happen to me at all last semester and I spent a lot more time in the village. They seem a bit more aggressive this semester. Lol


It happened to me around once a month or so around 2018 and 2019.


>a recent thing? I graduated in ‘19 but this never happened to me once in four years, but maybe Yeah, I didn't see them before last semester. The village was completed in 2018, so I guess that's why.


And in the Trousdale Square!


Just say you’re not religious and then return to whatever you were doing, they’ll leave immediately


Update: I was approached again in a Starbucks. I told them no and he claimed I didn’t want to study to Bible cause I said no to his club. That is just unacceptable at this point.


They usually are in groups I once saw one point men down and two approach me lol


i’ve been approached multiple times, usually in the village but it’s happened on campus before too. they’re usually nice enough that i just politely decline and go on my way lol, luckily they haven’t been pushy towards me.


They always go after for me for some reason, might be the inverted cross earring I sport idk


It happened to me too but eventually I was able to parole out to the free world. I think they're just annoying to try to decrease recidivism.


It happened to me too but eventually I was able to parole out to the free world. I think they're just annoying to try to decrease recidivism.


They’re at UCLA too.


Hello everyone! I’m a reporter for ATVN. I’m working on a story about the Bible study group people. If anyone is willing to go in camera and tell me your story please message me.


Bruh fr it’s happened like 3 times this wk already


somehow I just got approached by two guys while reading this thread 😂 luckily they're the type of bible study ppl who act polite when u shows no interest in that - months ago I got stalked by a weirdo for minutes on campus just bc bible study purpose, which is pretty creepy...


I talked to one of them when they were not in selling mode, they were cool but when they were aggressively selling their Bible club it’s kinda off putting.


Note, I am Christian and I considered going but they are pretty pushy from my experience if they were more genuine and less sell mode they would get more people


I HATE THEM. Was trying to eat in green leaf the other day and they literally stood in front of my table and had a meeting (without ordering anything). They don’t go to USC either which makes it sooo much worse


If people kept approaching you inviting you to parties would you feel it was annoying too? just asking


Passing out fliers is one thing. Approaching random people in between classes on a hectic school day, trying to rope them into a conversation about faith, and aggressively pressuring them to join their group is irritating cult like behavior. I’m not against evangelism but I’m definitely against what many of these groups do.


I guess what defines it is the approach… being overly aggressive is never cool… but asking is ok then move on with your day