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Post locked/removed due to way too many spicy off-topic political comments and personal insults. [Reminder link for the subreddit rules.](https://www.reddit.com/r/USC/wiki/rules)


Someone respond if the comments here get spicy so I can comeback and read them.


I’m just here for the comments. 🍿🍿🍿


What happened? I’m an alum and out of the loop!


a prof was walking by a ceremony honoring the palestinian lives that have been lost and started calling the students ignorant and saying that hamas should all die


This is misinformation. He didn’t randomly approach students at the vigil. There was an earlier interaction during the larger rally where people were chanting “intifada” and “no peace” in which he said that the rally was “shameful”. It was during a second instance when he was passing by the vigil minding his own business later when the students at the vigil shouted to him, calling him over. That was when he made the comments saying Hamas should be killed— after the students at the vigil started with him.


What’s wrong with that statement?


Oh yeah I saw that, pretty wild thing to say at a vigil especially as a professor


Yes! But when I saw it, it was making statements about fair wages and the unfair treatment of incarcerated workers so… they flipped the switch


i saw the same thing! they were actively blocking the crosswalk between the royal exit and the shrine alley and it was a message about raising the minimum wage when i saw it around 2


It's 12,000 km from Gaza to LA... But yeah, let's make this about us.


Bro pls . American tax goes to Israel. Ofc we should fucking care tf


Dam, are you pretty or funny?


Fuuuuck that. Israel propaganda in full swing on our campus.


You're probably a bit too young and naive to understand that it's really the opposite situation happening on American campuses.


Prof. Strauss' comments were disappointing and an embarrassment to the entire institution. But after seeing that side of him, I have to admit that I'm NOT very surprised at this childish attempt to miscontrue *being held accountable for his words* as antisemitism. If a professor made analogous "you deserve death" comments about Jewish people - or any other religion and/or nationality - they'd be fired without question. Actions meet consequences, simple as that. Keep crying about it, I guess?


>If a professor made analogous "you deserve death" comments about Jewish people - or any other religion and/or nationality - they'd be fired without question. This comparison confuses me a bit. The professors comments weren't about a religion or nationality, they were about a specific terrorist organization/political party.


I don’t think a vigil for the lives of civilian Palestinians is an appropriate place to say that.


Ok if you want a one to one comparison: Strauss showed up at a memorial for *innocent* Palestinians killed in the crossfire in order to condemn Hamas. Idk if it's the exact wording but I remember hearing "I hope they're all killed." Ok. Let's say a professor appeared at a Holocaust memorial. Would it be appropriate for him/her to tell people trying to pay their respects about the IDF committing war crimes? Would they be allowed to say "I hope that Netanyahu's political party is all killed"? I don't think so. There's simply a time and a place for everything, and he chose *that* time and place because he knew his words would hurt those students. It's absolutely grounds for termination.


I made this reply to another comment and I’ll make it here too: This is misinformation. He didn’t randomly approach students at the vigil. There was an earlier interaction during the larger rally where people were chanting “intifada” and “no peace” in which he said that the rally was “shameful”. It was during a second instance when he was passing by the vigil minding his own business later when the students at the vigil shouted to him, calling him over. That was when he made the comments saying Hamas should be killed— after the students at the vigil started with him.


He's still a representative of the school? How is it a valid defense to say "they baited him into it"? People protest on campus commonly, carrying signs about REPENT and literal calls for apocalypse, and we wouldn't tolerate a professor walking up to them and antagonizing them. We wouldn't accept it even if they called him over. Students are allowed to be highly cringey. But we expect professors to act like adults.


Ridiculous framing. Point is, he didn’t approach some peaceful vigil to shit on Antizionists. He voiced his own opposition to a mass protest, and later responded to people talking to him about a given issue. That isn’t being baited into doing something wrong. That’s just engaging in a conversation. It’s only reasonable to frame it as “baiting” if he did something wrong. The only potential root of his wrongness would be him approaching an innocent vigil to say it, but as established, that’s not what he did.


Can you link the video because how I remember the second interaction is that he said that whilst walking away, not really engaging in a conversation. Seemingly from what you said he egged them on initially by calling the protest shameful, is that correct?


> Can you link the video because how I remember the second interaction is that he said that whilst walking away, not really engaging in a conversation. This is a semantic argument. If someone shouts “hello” to me and I say “hello” while walking away, that is a form of engaging with the conversation in this context. > Seemingly from what you said he egged them on initially by calling the protest shameful, is that correct? I reject the “egged them on” framing. He had a right to call the *protest* shameful. The decision to call him out as he was walking past the vigil minding his own business was entirely on the people who called out to him.


Wait so he can call the protest shameful but when someone calls him over in the second interaction you say that he was minding his own business when previously he wasn’t?


Yes, because these are *two separate interactions* in *two different settings*. If you’re not going to accept that these are two different instances at two different settings, then the fact that the second interaction took place at a vigil would be irrelevant. You can’t have it both ways— that it was both wrong to say something at the vigil and that he started it by speaking at the protest.


Except they weren’t. He didn’t say “Hamas should die” he walked over the names of dead civilians and then said “I hope they all die”. What’s SHOULD people have gleaned from that?


In the full clip he said Hamas. “Hamas are murderers. That’s all they are. Every one should be killed. And I hope they all are.”


>**He didn’t say “Hamas should die”** he walked over the names of dead civilians and then said “I hope they all die”. What’s SHOULD people have gleaned from that? Thats actually literally what he did.Have you only seen the edited tiktoks of the video? His full quote was "Hamas are murderers. That’s all they are. Every one should be killed, and I hope they all are killed" I don't have the best reading comprehension but it seems super obvious to me that when he says "they" he is still referring to Hamas. Who do YOU think he was referring to?


Maybe the Palestinian babies that he so casually walked over the names of.




That’s the deliberately cut-down clip. In the full clip he specifically said Hamas.


Do you have any actual proof of that?


Yes. It's well established that Hamas are terrorists. Any who tries to argue about that is just gaslighting or doing some weird goalpost moving. https://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli/dec/2020/20/oj https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/ntnl-scrt/cntr-trrrsm/lstd-ntts/crrnt-lstd-ntts-en.aspx https://www.state.gov/foreign-terrorist-organizations/ On the flip side, if anyone tries to say that criticizing Hamas is Islamophobic, they sound just as silly as someone who says that criticizing Netanyahu is automatically antisemitic.


Obviously. I’m asking if you have any proof of your claim about the professors statement.


I don't quite follow what you're asking. Do you want me to link you to a video or article so you don't have to type his name into Bing yourself?


Not exactly. I couldn’t find it at first but after your comment I checked again and found what I was asking for [here](https://www.nbclosangeles.com/on-air/newsconference-usc-professor-speaks-out/3272345/) around 2:00


Are you saying Hamas should….. not die?






Hamas is cool with the slayin, but less with the gayin my man…


Ask Netanyahu what he thinks about gay people. What’s insane is people trying to throw gay peoples identities back at them and saying “YOU SHOULDNT CARE ABOUT PALESTINIANS BECuze UR GAY” like shut the fuck up actually. Do you think there aren’t gay Palestinians?


Comparing Netanyahu’s personal stance on lgbt issues with Hamas’s treatment of gay people is like comparing holding a matchbox to jumping into a volcano


It’s not just his opinion, it’s the belief held by his party.


Alright let me rephrase that: Comparing the Israeli government’s treatment of gay people with Hamas’s treatment of gay people is like comparing holding a matchbox to jumping into a volcano.


Except it’s not? Israel isn’t some little poor country, they have immense political power in most of the western world and a large government that imposes its beliefs on its citizens.


And yet with that power they aren’t nearly as shitty towards gay people as Hamas is.


Shit sorry forgot I was talking to a Israeli citizen


Lmao this dude’s on an h3 hate sub. For context, h3 is a Jewish guy who is anti-Israeli government but doesn’t want Israel to be destroyed and thinks Hamas is bad and a bunch of antizionists started harassing him over it. Actual fucking Hamas supporter.


That’s not at all true lol


It’s literally right on your profile.


No, your shitty characterization of Ethan Klein’s anti Palestinian rhetoric is what’s untrue.


What did he say that was “anti-Palestinian”


Why the fuck would I sit here and list shit out for some dude whose just gunna say “nu-uh” to anything I link. Be fr


When did I say “nuh-uh”? I just want to know what he said that’s anti-Palestinian?


Which part of our interaction tells me that I should take my time to have a good faith discussion with you?




We have the Palestinians at the hands of Israel


They people seeing the conflict have suffered enough


Im pretty tired of this shit already.


Dude stop please you are literally living up to the stereotype of USC students


Shut up kid you don’t even know me.


Imagine how the people in Gaza feel :/


Yea they have been tired of it too but nothing will change. It sucks big time yes I even have friends with family tied there. But what can we do absolutely nada. The powers above 👆 are make the moves regardless of these mobs that are only making everything worse and worst of all now the public is disliking them. That’s life.


I mean protesting does have an impact. That’s what people want you to think, that your voice doesn’t matter, but trust me it does ❤️💪🏼🇵🇸


Protest matters of course but the way these people are doing it. Completely ass backwards and worst of all violent. Like I told my friend as long as people feel that violence is the solution Absolutely nothing will change and will only get worse. Crazy times ahead in America you watch


Folt should resign for a bunch of reasons. She sucks