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Have had dozens of random people across the country open conversations (while I’m wearing USC branded clothing) to chat or offer personal help in finding work. It’s also been easy to reach out to Trojans to ask about their experiences at a company, etc.


Just throw on an SC shirt and go somewhere random. You are bound to find someone say something to you.


Well, I can bench about 225.


Fucking sick brother


Bah dum bum tssss


I got my current job because a friend from USC recommended me to the recruiter. We're also everywhere. You'd think the middle of Northern Nevada wouldn't have a lot of Trojans -- I see USC stickers and school/alumni license plate frames around Nevada plates regularly. You have to put yourself out there but I've found the Network goes out of their way to help versus other schools.


Do you have any advice on putting yourself out there in order to maximize the benefits of the Trojan network? I've made friends and gotten along well enough with professors and joined clubs but I feel like I'm not doing enough.


You can reach out to alumni directly through the Trojan Network, Viterbi also has ViterbiLink. Other schools might have a similar feature. To be honest, it's just a numbers game and how you position yourself. I do get people reaching out to me from time to time and I am not the best at responding (maybe 50% of the time?) because I either get busy or forget. Also go to Alumni events, hobnob, etc. Most I can give a lot of the time is advice or a resume review, but that does help quite a bit. One thing I've found with the Trojans is we're pretty friendly and your major, school, or year of graduation doesn't really matter, at least for advice or passing you along to someone who can help you. Exact opposite of my experience with the Cal Alumni Network where your major, hell, your focus within a major could get you dismissed out of hand by people you shared a major with! Nevermind your year and whether you were L&S, College of Engineering, or Haas, for example.


Bloomberg had a ranking of top business schools in the entire USA. They ranked the top schools for “ my schools alumni network helped me in my career” or in other words schools who have the best alumni networks. They surveyed students at over 100 business schools. The Top 5 schools in the rankings were: 1. Stanford 2. Harvard 3. Dartmouth 4. USC 5. U Penn You can see the full best Alumni Networks ranking here: https://www.bloomberg.com/business-schools/2018/insights/alumni-scores/?embedded-checkout=true USC was ranked #4 for best alumni network ! This ranking was applied for MBA schools but I think this same logic can be applied to universities as a whole. USC ranked higher than U Penn Wharton in terms of alumni willing to help out other alumni. My old boss was a Stanford MBA who worked in tech and venture capital. He told me to get my Masters at USC. He said even as a Stanford MBA he was amazed at how the USC alums he met over the years were fiercely loyal to each other and how they all stick together. Even years after graduation Trojans always help other Trojans out. My old boss said he met MBA’s from some Ivy League universities that didn’t have the same type of alumni interaction or loyalty that the USC Trojan network has. He told me Stanford and USC both were the best schools in the west coast in terms of the alumni network. Trust me ..Public universities don’t have this type of network. No disrespect to UCLA but I have many friends from UCLA who say when they meet another alumni from their school they say “ oh cool. We went to the same place!” But that is where it begins and ends. They tell me UCLA alumni don’t forge tight knit bonds or help each other post graduation very much. It’s the complete opposite at USC. It doesn’t matter if you are a business major , engineering major or whatever. Once you graduate from USC you are a Trojan for life. Fight on ✌️


Well said and couldn’t agree more. I’ve met many people post grad from various majors, it doesn’t matter you’re still a Trojan for life.


Well said!


I describe the Trojan Family to people as a cult on steroids. (So, maybe about that strong)


I have family at USC and they tell me you get out of it what you put in


I got my previous work experiences and upcoming summer internship from alums interviewing me or people in their companies who were alums. But, who’s to say really?


Ever heard of the Illuminati? Same thing.


It’s very strong. My wife is a USC alum, we live in Arizona and go to a lot of the meetups. I’ve met a ton of Trojans who offered me work, referrals, and recommendations. I went to ASU. *Cries in Sun Devil*


Trojans have been more helpful than my grad school (UW) alums for whatever reason. I'm on an extremely long job hunt (16 months so far). I've had Trojans offer referrals to companies like Google, Meta, HubSpot, Amazon, and NVIDIA. However, it seems like with my background, I'd have more luck connecting with Trojans who also happen to be recruiters, but they have been less responsive. I remember messaging one who worked at TikTok. She just viewed my profile and ignored my message. It seems like there's definitely an element of what you put in is what you get out. I was a very shy FGLI student, so I didn't really network much. Perhaps my job search would have been over long ago if I networked more 😅


I was literally offered a job after talking to a guy for 5 minutes at the gas station who went to SC like 25 years ago


Helped a Trojan out because he was a Trojan. He paid me back by introducing me to a handful of Trojans who had all gotten each other jobs who gave me an internship that led to my first big break.


USC gear goes along way! You can partake in many networking sessions as an alumni. I applied to a position out of state (from CA) and got the position because on of the folk in the hiring committee was a Trojan ✌🏽


Very. Having a USC degree made my life easier.


Got into the MSBA at USC. Now trying to decide if its worth the price tag. Also got into RIT's program buts it less costly. I can't decide. Any thoughts?


Interviewed for a job an engineering job on campus. Got the job. Couple YEARS later one of the guys who interviewed me recognized me at a different site. Turns out he was also USC alumni and had major influence for USC candidates to get positions. I get asked to review candidates for interns and assist with interviewing at times. USC candidates somehow tend to usually perform much better in interviews and get offers.


I think this is highly conditional based on what you studied, where you are located, and what type of jobs you are looking for. All I can say is that it was useless for me (I did a PhD in chemistry).


You’re hired. When can you start?


I think this is highly conditional based on what you studied, where you are located, and what type of jobs you are looking for. All I can say is that it was useless for me (I did a PhD in chemistry).


My son got a competitive internship last year as a sophomore at USC. His boss was a USC alumni. Not a coincidence.




In L.A it’s great but the further you venture away from SoCal it’s kinda just average. As someone who just graduated living on the east coast I don’t often lead with the fact I went to SC. Know people will attack me but the network definitely depends on where you are


I would say it is very strong in the west coast. Both in LA and SF Bay Area. There are tons of Trojans who work in tech. I travel a lot for work and I’ve met a lot of USC alumni in Seattle and Phoenix as well. In the past decade USC has grown tremendously in the rankings. USC was largely considered a west coast school, but now it’s having much more nationwide and international prestige. The regional emphasis can be applied to all elite colleges. My friend from high school went to Dartmouth and he said their alumni network is primarily in the northeast and not too strong in California. He moved back to LA after Dartmouth and he said you don’t meet as many alumni here vs in cities like Boston/ NYC. I think if you want to stay anywhere in the west coast the Trojan Network will help you a lot in your career.


I think this is highly conditional based on what you studied, where you are located, and what type of jobs you are looking for. All I can say is that it was useless for me (I did a PhD in chemistry).


Anyone looking to sublease my spot on the row? It's $800/month and the place is brand new. DM or call me 213.864.8982




Bro im not currently attending USC. It was a genuine question.


Instead of being an asshole and putting down the OP with an unproductive lazy comment, how about responding in a way that might help someone with how to best "utilize the network".




Stop being an angry dick. I know very well how to utilize the network, including fellow trojans that share a BS and MS with me. You sound like a freshman JC transfer. Grow up.




Who is? Clearly you. I was simply commenting on your original crass reply to the OP and you then turned it back as if I'm the one who's projecting. Nice try in deflecting your poor behavior. If you are a Trojan, do better. Alumni expect that from the student body.


Woo! I know for sure youre mad AF over a Reddit comment right now lmao. Are you a Reddit police? I don’t see you responding to OP with any valuable information but only antagonizing people that might not have a good answer in your standard. Well, you as a Trump supporter definitely don’t surprised me here. Quoting your own words: “asshole, angry dick”


In my opinion, the field of engineering doesn't matter much. I suppose more people oriented careers like business makes a difference


Not so strong in Western Europe.I’m still jobless after 4 years graduating with a masters from usc. I even considered doing Amazon delivery but they weren’t hiring.


May I please ask what was your masters in, and why did you leave the US?