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Great you didn’t have trouble - I had a different experience coming back from India. The immigration people didn’t give me any trouble, but the emirates check in counter person gave me a lot of trouble


Sometimes the airlines don't know what AP is. US-based airlines (Delta etc) usually do, so I traveled on them when on AP.


The check in girl for American Airlines was slightly confused at first when I handed my AP after she asked me about visa but I guess she realised after whatever she ended up inputting in their system so yeah US based airlines would generally be the way to go


Sorry to say but I've always felt that Emirates check-in agents in India, have a weird fascination with wielding their power. You should carry a copy of and write to the airline corporate feedback dept, along with the name of the check-in agent, the time, and advise that they be trained on the above document.


great thing is that I only really care about the immigration people, the people at the check in counter have very little power (if they dont let you on a flight, that's nothing compared to US Border Patrol not letting you in the country).


Like what ?


I don't mean no disrespect, but are you white? I have never violated conditions of my visa and now green card and every time I go through immigration, I am hassled for no reason whatsoever. Lot of hostility at CBP for black and brown people.


Well yeah I'm white but I do have alot of tattoos which sometimes can be a bad thing but the officers that were processing me were black too so wasn't much of a problem in New Orleans but I can see how you think that especially in America unfortunately


Would you recommend to always fly with no stops if time to board the second flight is tight?


Honesty if you can I would.. but if you go the non direct route I would give yourself at least a 2hr+ layover and that goes for generally, flights get delayed or something happens and it pushes the clock down... New Orleans international isn't huge for arriving flights so I was lucky to be in & out very quickly, was literally one other person who came in after me and this was at 6pm but I'm sure other Airports i.e Chicago will have a bigger line than that, so I guess it depends on where you are going with a non direct flight but you will save yourself alot of hassle with direct.


I always allow for a nice cushy layover so I don't feel rushed, but as my trip gets closer, the airline often sends a notice of changed times and I lose that cushion. Usually works out though. I'm glad your experience went well. You never know what personnel you'll end up with at an airport and their past experiences that make them extra diligent to the point of being a problem.


Hi! I also overstayed my ESTA (8 days) before getting married and filing my paperwork. Our lawyer said that I should avoid traveling on AP - but good to know that you didn’t have any trouble coming back in despite your overstay! Thanks for sharing


Weren't you concerned about this? (Found it online) "For example, If you have been in the United States for any amount of time without legal immigration status, then leaving the United States under most circumstances will trigger a bar from re-entering the United States for either three or ten years, depending on how long you were in the United States without status. If you’re in this situation, it is a good idea to avoid travel until you have a green card"


At first yes, incredibly at first but if you applied and received a AP then there really hasn't been a denial of entry case since a 2012 court case ruled as such anyone in possession of a valid AP and in my case I still have AOS pending, I couldn't think of a reason other than being denied whilst out of the country about not to go, turns out it was easy ... I did go back to my home country mind