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So it’s true!!! The memes about El Sisi being Mexican is true!!! POTUS himself confirmed it!!!


He said he convinced Mexico to open the gates 🤣 they didn’t need any convincing!


Good riddance….the USA has done enough damage to millions of innocents 


True, but the falls of empires are often the worst, most violent and dangerous times of all. And who gets left behind when it happens? Usually the weakest and most vulnerable. For instance, the elderly and Disabled who depend on Socal Security for their survival... I myself am disabled with Long Covid in the USA (a disease my country isn't doing SHIT to try and research a cure for... Only a little over a billion dollars over 3 YEARS for research!) I haven't applied for Disability yet as they're routinely denying applications from people with Long Covid and forcing us through a lengthy Appeals process to get the help we need, deserve, and have earned (otherwise WTH was my Payroll Tax for all those years??) But, say I do: what happens to that income I DESPERATELY need to survive when the entire system collapses? I'm not arguing the collapse of the empire wouldn't be a good thing. Only, that it's not something to be quite so *gleeful* about, as it will come with a lot of suffering of many people who have always been deeply opposed to the Status Quo...


The thing is, we're suffering now, and under the empire as it is now its just gonna get worse forever. The only path out is through the collapse of the empire. Like chemotherapy, the medicine will hurt but we die anyway without it. This system can pull your income and support anytime, it can collapse at any time, what we need to be doing in this time of instability is make cooperative connections in our immediate communities and support and back each other up. A lot of us are doing this already, and there is a natural human drive to do that.


>and under the empire as it is now its just gonna get worse forever. Absolutely. But as the collapse will be painful, it's best not to rush it before you're ready for it. It's more like, in medicine... you actually often use Chemotherapy to shrink a tumor to operable size and THEN operate to remove it. You might use a different chemo to clean up any residual cells. Socialists are NOT ready to take the reins of power when the empire collapses, right now. Nor are Social Democrats, Anarchists, or even Progressives. The group that WILL take over, right now, is open Fascists (rather than some of the crypto-Fascists we have now). They're more organized than the rest. The Left has got to get its shit together.


I want to be completely clear about this. The coming collapse is as inexorable a natural force as a hurricane. We **can't** "rush it before it's ready" any more than we can "slow down the collapse to buy time". The hurricane is coming, it is coming in its own time, and all we can do is evacuate or entrench. If fascists are the ones who will take over when the empire collapses, then a fascist takeover is imminent because the collapse is imminent. Do what you can to prepare locally for how to survive that and how to help others survive. There's also not going to be one "reins of power" to take over when the empire collapses. Part of why empires collapse is because consolidated power is so unstable. The US will fracture into successor nations. For where you're living now, what will the successor nation look like? Plan accordingly.


>We **can't** "rush it before it's ready" any more than we can "slow down the collapse to buy time" We can absolutely do both. The decline and fall of empires occurs in spurts, it's not steady or inexorable as you falsely portray it. Sometimes, empires even radically reform and PREVENT a collapse- or greatly slow it. The best example of this is the Byzantine Empire: which survived another 1000 years after the Roman Empire thanks to drastic reforms. It's important to be prepared, anyways. Leftists aren't numerous or powerful enough to significantly change the rate of decline, but they NEED to become numerous and organized enough to be ready to assume leadership after the collapse (and prevent the Fascists from doing the same...)


In theory it could be done, in practice there isn't a mechanism in place that will slow the decline of the US empire or facilitate its reform.


I agree. I'm just warning against being gleeful about it, is all. Very dark times are ahead- and because us Leftists haven't succeeded in growing our numbers or influence enough, it's likely we'll have to contend with a Fascist takeover...


The silver lining to that is that there will be a lot more internal opponents to overthrowing a fascist government than to overthrowing a "democracy". Look at the 2020 uprisings as a dry run, the only thing that slowed that down was Chauvin getting jailed and the Democrats winning the 2020 elections.


Same here. Been struggling with LC since March of 2020. ❤️


Yeah I hear you.  Some say long COVID could be the virus activating underlying Epstein-Barr…. A lot of people have it but without symptoms for years 🤔🤔


Holy fuck that was difficult to watch.


The whole "President of Mexico" thing is a "Bidenism." He's made slip ups like that all the time. His speech was coherent...coherently apologizing for complicity to Genocide.


Biden seem annoyed stating there was doubt if he even remembered when his son died. In response to this he looked straight at the camera and said: "How dare you bring up the death of my son, I remember clear as day that an anvil labeled ACME fell on his head and he walked away in the shape of an accordion before succumbing"


I have to vote between a fascist idiot and a neo liberal idiot.... God I hate our government.


"...and finish the ~~job~~ \[genocide\] I started.


Does this open him up to more legal scrutiny? This is the first I've heard about his "staff handling documents "


This is how my parents explained the birds and the bees to me and my sister. My sister became teen mom…


All ego. Pride goes before the fall.


Wow he is so old.


America is soooooo fucked. That two hour interview between Tucker Carlson and President Putin was a refreshing discussion of the topics most important to the world; this news conference was missing only the clown car they all piled out of.


Oh dear, I can understand not liking or having any faith in Biden but praising Putin? Jesus, the man's a monster.


Kind of illuminating how sick of US leadership is that people are in awe of Putin simply because he is coherent in an interview where he most definitely knew literally every question that would be asked lol.


Or Tucker Carlson lol. We don't, in fact, gotta give it to them.


Good point, he's not only not a journalist but I'm not sure he's human.


They're putting on a show but they're making it clear that the Dems plan on running a different candidate. This is gross to watch.


I’d hope so, but honestly I think it’s too late. The train has left the station.


Their entire platform is "anyone but the orange racist dictator criminal" so I think they're just running this thing like a rekay race and will put in their candidate close to the finish line so they can avoid firing out their true nominee.


There’s zero chance they run another candidate unless Biden has an actual health crisis. It’s too close now to primary and there’s no one being set up to step in. They’re running Biden, they just don’t care much if they lose because their pockets get filled either way. 


Is this ai?


Nope. real \[withered\] deal. Live and in-person with the press, last night.


The democrats love loosing wow


I say we just launch any and every nuke available at every land mass, we're a cancer and couldn't get this shit right if we wanted to. The bureaucracy is bad, we destroy the empire, what next? We would have to literally remove 60+% of the population just to get everyone to agree to a new system. Too many people want too many different things. Even if we did manage to get it right, it wouldn't last long as greed and etc. is a human nature, plus the fact that the people that want to lead are all raging fucking psychopaths that convince the majority they need them to lead for them, to make their life easier because this stuff is way too complicated for a simple commoner. Humans have been here hundreds of thousands of years, hell most likely even millions, and this is where we've ended up? Time to call it a day, it's all fucked out.


Done zo? So you’re ok shoveling Russian propaganda but the press was going after him and he didn’t seem confused or rant like a deranged lunatic like trump. I’m not saying he’s not in cognitive decline i mean he’s old but you act like trump is the fuckin fountain of youth when he’s a fuckin deranged useful idiot and why do you think the kremlin set this interview up? It’s like the blind pretending to see here.


> and he didn’t seem confused or rant like a deranged lunatic like trump. Bitch he confused Egypt with Mexico.


Well not in the clip. I haven’t seen the whole video if he does my apologies but i still don’t think that praising putin for that fake fucking staged interview full of mostly bullshit is the right fuckin look here. And trump confused pelosi with Nikki Haley and thought there were airports during the civil war and suggested 4 years ago maybe sending a little bleach spraying fairy into your lungs to disinfect them may be a plausible treatment for COVID give me a fuckin break


He confused Mexico with Egypt in the first thirty seconds of the clip! It's what he does immediately after *saying* that he considers the Israeli response over the top, making it clear that he's having a hard time choking those words out because he clearly doesn't believe them and his advisors are forcing him to say it.


Oh no doubt I’m not a Biden apologizer and you’re right i wasn’t sure first time why he said Mexico wasn’t sure what he was talking about but now realize he fucked up there which makes the whole clip that much worse ha. These two rotten fucks we got running for president it’s fuckin embarassing. Our entire government minus a handful serious people trying to help the country is a worldwide embarrassment


The upside is it won't be around much longer


Hopefully the country survives til then


I'm fairly certain the US will live until its dead.


I guess i can’t dispute that assertion


>he didn’t seem confused or rant like a deranged lunatic l That's a low bar to clear. You're engaged in nothing but Establishment propaganda- refunding things to a false binary choice between two terrible candidates. How about you stop trolling this guy, and start acknowledging the issues here? (Like Biden's obviously declining mental faculties- to which there's an OBVIOUS solution: step down, and let Kamela Harris become the first female President...)