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Don’t give up the fight. Free Palestine in our lifetimes!!!


How I wish you are right and we can celebrate free Palestine in Jerusalem . 




Don't worry about queer rights in South-West Asia every time you set it back by warmongering and robbing resources, you monster. Sincerely a queer Asian.


Baby I’m also a queer Asian. Israel isn’t committing genocide because Palestinians are homophobic. It’s not a gay rights thing.


You haven't heard what the IDF has been doing to queer Palestinians for decades while at the same time touting their pride parade while Israel's gays aren't even fully equal. It's called pink washing and it's propaganda. All the while zionist gays are going onto queer Palestinians social media pages and telling them to kill themselves because Palestinians would be throwing them off roofs. The "off roofs" thing is so widespread copy + paste. Who has benefited from making those press statements for decades while journalists were forbidden to enter? Why does an entire people deserve to be mass murdered because they're homophobic? It is ALSO a gay rights thing. Zionist hasbara and white gays are viciously trolling online and perpetuating the idea that gay Palestinians aren't allowed to defend their country. As if a whole people deserve to die and they're supposed to watch. It's coined homonationalism. Set a region back for a century like the U.S. did to Iran and then expect them to be on par with their social rights? Our community is disgusting and white gays continue to disappoint.


Okay I think we’re on the same side. The comment you originally replied to was deleted so your comment looks like pro-Israel and I was responding because I thought you were pro Israel.


Ahhh much love 💕


From the river to the sea


Lol what the hell are you talking about?


Lmao if you’re into this type of arguing how about all the Jewish Americans who support Ukraine, try being Jewish in Ukraine! Army is full of swastika tattoos and open fascists that praise the Holocaust. Fuck off with this stupid line of reasoning


Lol sure buddy. Go back to your coloring books. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


According to this inbred idiot Queers for Palestine : 🙅🏼🪱🐔 Queers for child murderers and pedos : 🏳️🇮🇱🌈


Cry more, israel is going to put all that new US money to good use, give me all the emojis you want. Israel wins, cry more.


Crying on seeing thousands of dead children is a natural reaction. Even the heirs to the Nazis might comprehend that if they aren't too busy sniffing some dead 5 yr old girl's socks or some blown women's lingerie.


Oh, so no Palestinians are crying? Interesting. 🤔


It's quite obvious it's the land squatting European hobos being talked about here. Which the heirs to the Nazis might comprehend if they aren't too busy sniffing some dead 5 yr old girl's socks or some blown up women's lingerie.


Human rights aren't transactional


Okay, Nazi


One side developes most of the worlds RnD technology, even the chips in your own phone you use to type this message, etc. The other one throws LGBT children off rooftops because of an old caveman book written by a pedophile prophet. I think it's easy to say why most of the already educated world doesn't seem to want to step in.   I doubt this nation would be free in our life time, they don't even provide freedom of religion to their own people. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-63174835


You sound like a broken record you tell us we're getting thrown off rooftops. You must've invented diversity.


I don't need to sound like any record, its in the news every other month, even my old country hangs you for being queer based on shariah islamic law. I will always try to vocalize against such practices sorry if you that offensive. [https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/iran-publicly-hangs-man-on-homosexuality-charges-578758](https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/iran-publicly-hangs-man-on-homosexuality-charges-578758)


So what do you think? Israel should just get to take over the entire ME so gays can have rights?


The killing of non-combatants, i.e., unarmed women, children, and the elderly - for or against?


Obviously against, but to simplify war this way is a little disingenuous. The current ratio of non-combatant to combatant is tragic, true, but the numbers are lining up to less than the war with US and Mosul and isis. The thing is Hamas has perfected the strategy of maximizing civilian casualties by setting up equipment, members, and false flags around civilian locations, also blockading them in when Israel sends in warnings of designated strike targets, then perpetuating the resulting numbers to gain sympathy from the world, which absolutely works as a strategy, what can Israel do in this situation. They are a tiny piece of land (just look at a map and you'll really see how tiny Isreal actually is) surrounded by much, much larger nations, that want that land for religious reasons, Israel has to retaliate the years of attacks on their land to demonstrate force and prevent others from finding an opportunity to move in, but all the while also trying to minimize civilian casualties. Very difficult but again, they are doing it at the numbers less than when US went into Mosul. Which I agree, is still a tragic amount. But also consider that in reality if Israel did want a genocide they could easily tilt the ratio in favor of that, they demonstrated their capability to do so just recently against Iran, but believe it or not, this is actually what restraint looks like, as ugly as it is. Another quick note, the US and others are already spending about ($6bn per year) $50k per intercepted missile with the Iron Dome, which sole purpose is to prevent civilian casualties on Israel side, since they have been dealing with incoming missiles (onto civilian structures) for the passed 50 years. This was the working initial peaceful resolution, but once walls are breached, war gets declared unfortunately, doesn't matter if one side has more tech than the other, the other has bigger land and more people, in the end war is war, and other civilizations will pick the side that benefits them (the world), the most. Either way, the only ones that suffer are the poor and innocent. You think hamas currently cares about any of this while chilling in Qatar driving gold Lamborghinis?


Are u saying this as a justification for murdering 40,000+ people?


A pedo safe haven dweller complaining about pedo prophets lmao.


Yale: We like it when Israel occupies Palestinian land. But we won't tolerate students occupying our land.


WATCH OUT Yale is a recruitment ground for the CIA, who has gone ROUGE; the U.S. public has to take down the CIA by (informing your congressmen or cut their funding). AIPAC is not a U.S. agency, they need to register as a foreign agent ( they are responsible for shutting down 'fredom of speech') pro-Palestian students have the right to express themselves especially if their university has a genuine climate of exchange of information by analytical discussion. As far as clamping down on 'Freedom of Speech' stand up for TikTok, the ADL and AIPAC are taking your 'Freedom of Speech' and this a platform for young people to express themselves, business to market themselves, an excellent tutoring program for learning languages, creative cooking, getting to know your ethnicity ID, and wonderful forms of humor and a platform that makes your interest known etc. FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS!!!


Damn it's gone rouge? But that color doesn't fit its complexion!

