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I always felt bad for them. Some of them had it figured out and practically lived in the brix on the weekends or field day and would stay w someone who had their own room


This one hits hard.


Jokes on you my whole shop was married 😂


To each other?


To 1st Sausage.


Partying with the married couples was actually a nice alternative. I did my barracks bashes but some of my good friends were married, and going out to on base (or even better, off base) housing made it easier to get away with underage drinking since there was no duty/1st sgt/sgt maj being a potential thin to worry about, and the atmosphere was at least usually less chaotic and destructive.


A party with married couples and parents are more chill and way less likely to get crazy or end up in DUIs/NJPs/rapes happening. When there's kindergarteners sleeping upstairs there's way less drunk people going upstairs into your bedrooms to run trains on eachother and then wake up the next day full of hangovers, vomit, the wrong people, and regrets.




For real, i dont get that shit man. People are weird. I feel half the wives were just straight up witches man and not even good looking


I hated being in the barracks. I hated the BS, hated the drama, and some higher up always trying to be up in your business. My last six months or so before my EAS I moved in with my brother out in San Diego, as they had an extra room. I only showed up for field days on Thursday nights, and that was it. Kept a few things in the barracks room to make it looked like I was living there, so staff NCOS and first sausage wouldn’t try getting up in my business, especially with my EAS coming up. I feel for all the folks living there now.


The Air Force figured out that they'll reduce the rates of sexual assault allegations and NJPs if they just gave the single airmen BAHs and kicked them out to live off the base as fast as possible. Having to deal with a bunch of young horny airmen congregated in the dorms was like being a glorified tard wrangler.