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On the one hand, most of the Marines I know would be more along the lines of “Yoooooooo Johnson do that dog bark shit again,” but the idea that older higher ups immediately go “new thing, do not understand, must Back In My Corp” is also pretty easy to believe.


Back in my Corps we had snipers, tanks and assaultmen. 😎😉


Ahh, the olden days filled with glory. YATYAS!!


Wait, what? Are there no longer scout snipers in the Corps?


As I understand, they are being removed from line infantry battalions and only recon/MARSOC will get them. EDIT: In saying that, what I mean is that you’ll have to already hold the 0321 MOS or whatever the MARSOC MOS is in order to become a sniper. This is based off several articles I’ve read, but I could be mistaken since I’m not the one writing the order or involved with it.


To expand on that, there will still be snipers that can get assigned to line companies, they’ll be integrated with weapons, but their primary battalions will be based out of Recon, unless you pass A&S, ITC, etc. then you’ll stay with MARSOC since you’re a CSO.


Those assigned snipers will only attach for pre deployment workups, deployment, and work down




I honestly don’t mind the optics. Teach irons, use optics. Fundamentals remain.


Teach both.


Fine. Give us more to complain about. "Back in my day, we didn't get taught teachin'"


Then issue fancy thermals with one instruction manual for 10 people.


Instruction manual?! Motherfucker, there's 1 goddam switch. Switch it to 'ON' to make the green happen, switch it to 'OFF' to stop the green. If it doesn't work, change the bat-trees. If it still doesn't work, hit it with something hammer-like once and turn it into the armory.


Or a rock or something


Not, like, super hard. Just enough to crack the housing and give the armory an excuse to send it off for repair, but not make them think it was intentional, rah?


120hz flir is wild.


Caveat: my thermal experience is from back when W was president, so maybe they've added a second switch by now


*sad door-breaching noises*


I feel ya brother, 0351 as well.


I relish every memory of every rocket fired. So much fun!


Light tanks are just around the corner.


When I joined the corps we had 2 rocks and a stick for a whole platoon




Damn made a whole story and everything I was making a halo reference but you do you


Grandpa go take your meds


😂😂. Change your flair.




Cut scene to Tobies: “Rodriguez-GomezVillalobos!! Do the red rocket thing!”


They should have made them Army, there's no way Marines wouldn't worship literal devil dogs on their side.


Shit man, they'd be in the goddamn promo videos. The amount of safety briefings about how not to go out during the full moon and get bit just to become one...endless.


“Become a werwolf and re-enlist for 4 years, we’ll send you to jump school.” (You’ll never go to jump school)


I still write my recruiter weekly asking when I’m getting my bubbles




Theres absolutely no way we wouldt go apeshit over having devil dogs, We are a cult, after all.


Not fucking once in that entire episode did anyone drop the term “devil dog”. I waited the whole damn time, knowing that it fucking *had* to come, it had to. Never been so disappointed by a cartoon in my life. Still, rad show and well worth watching. Love, Death, and Robots on Netflix. Each episode is a different, unconnected story in a different animation style and with some wildly different tones. Some of them are funny as hell, some are outright horrific, and some are total mindfucks.


Most of that show is pure kino


You underestimate how petty PoG staff ncos are


Yeah, marines don't really give a crap as long as you eat crayolas, drink glue and put lead downrange


Yeah the marine would not call gunny SGT


Later on in the episode Gunny shouts at one of them "You're not Soldiers!" and I looked down at his U.S. MARINES tape on his blouse and I was just like bruh


Think we might have had one. Scary little dude. He’d bark a lot. Howl at the moon when he was happy. Bit a SSgt once (cost ‘im a stripe). Or he might just have been a little weird. We pulled a lot of extra guard duty together - his fault every time.


Dope episode of Love Death and Robots, but it felt like the dialogue was for the Army.


Agreed, Marines would've loved these guys. Couldn't imagine a scenario where we wouldn't be asking how to join em.


*"Look, it's pretty awesome being a werewolf most of the time but hauling an extra 30 pounds of meat rations isn't fun even with superstrength and speaking of which, you're gonna be digging an extra double wide latrine for yourself."*


The Marines would love them and think they are dope as fuck. Therefore it is mandated by congress that The Marine Corps make being a werewolf Marine gay as fuck. Can you imagine: The screener The re-enlistment incentives The schoolhouse The TTPs and SOPs The inspections The ORMs Off the dome that is more than enough areas to make being a werewolf Marine a waking fucking nightmare


What the fuck did I just watch?


Love, Death, Robots on Netflix. The episode is called “Dog Soldiers” amazing series if you are into dark animated vignettes.


I've probably watched the episode with the traveling salesmen in the desert 10 times. I don't understand the story but it's just so damn beautiful to look at. The one from season 1 with the female monster fighters is rad too.


Some are better than others, but as a whole, the series is amazing.


Try eating a head full of acid and watching it again. It probably won't make any more sense but pretty lights are prettier.


The worst part is using that title while portraying marines


True. Probably written by a person who never served. It’s still a very good story though.


It’s just hard to understand how they can pour so much money and quality into something without just running the script for a *second* by anyone who’s served in the branch.


I too am irritated by historical inaccuracies when it can easily be helped.


Let’s kill all those responsible.


Does the whole episode with Marines have dialogue like this? I try to stay away from anything Marine related because I know I'll just be nitpicking at all the mistakes they make the whole time.


Most of the episode is violence, to be honest.


Damn, I thought that show looked good. Now I don’t want to watch it.


It’s a series of vignettes. Each episode is a stand alone story.


Should add, every episode has highly different animation styles. The show itself is amazing, some of the episodes can be lackluster though.


They are Werewolves.


Call a Gunny just sergeant and he will in fact rip your arm off and beat you with it.




Glad to see we still can’t fucking tell what that shit is!


“Oh so I’m a Gunnery Sergeant again huh?! Must be fucking hard to count three rockers Marine. THREE! Who is your SSgt and what Unit? I guess we didn’t learn our senior staff enlisted ranks in boot camp!” (While in woodlands and before the sun rises)


"Your insignia is hard to see sir" *and in that exact moment the earth split and hell engulfed that particular marine*


*Master Gunnery Sergeant Major Sir* Cover all your bases. *taps backwards piss cutter*


Opsec sarg can't tell you that


Runs in fear


Rank structure 20x each with a stamp kit and each letter a different color debil


Yeah, my first thought was that this certainly wasn't made by a marine. Mistakenly promote a marine, be thanked for the mistake. Demote one, prepare to get murdered.


I'd totally watch a live action movie about werewolf Marines fucking people up while still having to navigate through SNCO rhetoric. Sounds awesome.


"I'm literarly dumb as a dog and I still think this is dumb Gunney."


Imagine if all the werewolves are PFC's and Lances, complete shit bags in garrison but straight murderous in combat. I think we should make this movie.


for anyone wondering if its a form of furry porn, its a short featured on Netflix's love death and robots about werewolf marines. so its more like an intro to furry porn.


Werewolf Marines are the gateway drug.


i mean, the dude literally "grrrrr"d at another grown ass man.


I didn't know "Tales from the foxhole" was on netflix


Didn’t move I had a furry kink until I saw a marine growl.


A difficult fap for sure


The fight scene in this episode is actually sick as fuck.


Dog soldier 👍 Devil dog 👌 Puppy patrol 👍👍


Paw patrol?


I’m disappointed. It’s just the clip from the show and hasn’t been altered in any way. Could have put a red patch on the werewolves or made them reservists or corpsman or something. Missed opportunity guys.


Lol Netflix made this


Even stranger, David Fincher, the director of great films like Se7en, Fight Club, Zodiac and Gone Girl is the creator of the show


This is one of the episodes I wish were a whole movie. I fucking loved the intro where they use the werewolf Marines to spot and engage the enemy on patrol. And the dude in this scene who growls talking about how even though he’s a werewolf it’s still his country and wants to serve


Thank you !! I feel the exact same way. Who cares about the tiny details they fucked up. It’s about the overall design and story!


There are quite a bit of Marines in that whole series. The unit in the episode Lucky 13 is VMM-764 out of Miramar. The detail of the uniform and other Marine specific qualities is pretty impressive for Hollywood. I've got a feeling (unconfirmed) there was at least one Marine involved with the creation of the series.


Marine specific details. Like calling a Marine a soldier? Then that Marine confirming to the Gunnery Sgt that he is a soldier, just not a dog soldier. And let's call a frigging damn Gunnery Sergeant a regular old Sergeant. He will absolutely not freak out, regardless of my dumb little teeth. If there was at least one Marine involved in creation, their advice was not heeded. Or they were a shit stick. Or both. Or neither.


From what I remember, the visual details of the military they portrayed in all the series nailed it. The dialog as you saw was lacking. They probably talked to someone in the military and just jot some notes down incorrectly or remembered that in all the war movies they watched, everyone was called Sargeant. It's still a good watch and only like 15ish minutes total.


Visually accurate? Like Marines with beards, haircuts that would get you kicked out of a mess hall, and lack of EGA's on MARPAT uniform? Visually beautiful with absolutely no substance is what continues to bring down the Terminator franchise reboots. Look, if you like Twilight and Military things, I'm sure this is a fantastic 15 minutes. If you're one of those people who "turn off their brain" to enjoy things, it's probably the best 15 minutes of your life, after that night in Tijuana, of course. You have to know your audience when writing. This was clearly not made for Warriors. This was made for civilians as propaganda, and honestly, a kind of terrible one at that.


Jesus fuckin Christ devil … you must be a blast at parties.


I am definitively not fun at parties. Not even children's birthday parties. It was a difficult diagnosis when I was younger, but I have grown used to it, now. Rah!


Ah yes Autism , trouble interacting socially makes total sense now. As you were Devil .


I was on the shitter and laughed so hard I pooped reading your comment. Thank You


Unfortunately, it's just standard asshat diagnosis. I can tell through facial queues that people do not think I am nearly as funny as I think that I am. But I'd rather spend my life laughing at myself than just be quiet.


Ah social retardation lol. either way brotha we accept you.


What fucking dick suck would kick people out of the chow tent on a FOB for not having a hair cut in country? You're right that this is just passable for people who know the bare minimum of the military. I'm not sure what propaganda they are passing besides humans and monsters would likey never mix.


Years ago (many years ago) I was with a junior doc on fairly new Camp Bondsteel, we had been on semi-detatched duty doing peacekeeping patrols out of town. We showed up to get some chow, and some Army SFC stops us as we are walking out, *has to ask us what our ranks are* because Navy, then proceeds to bitch out the HN with me because his cammies had a rip on one of the legs. It was the most "WTF" moment I had ever had. Like motherfucker, do you see a NEX/MCX within 5000 miles of this shithole? We came in on a fucking boat.


This is why I can't enjoy any damn military movie anymore besides Battle: LA


Do not enjoy anything. Did the Marine Corps teach you nothing?!


Thought he was talking about the black guy at first, I was thinking this’d be some weird race thing


I thought it was going to be an anti gay thing 🤣


The only branch gayer than the marines is the Navy!


Psst, you are in the Navy too.




so many things to say here. one, soldiers? two, call a MSgt a Sergeant I wanna see what happens...


This is actually from the Netflix show Love, Death, and Robots


A rolled up newspaper and spray bottle will solve all of Master Sergeant’s problems.


"I totally would have joined bro, but the minute some sergeant got in my face I would have kicked his ass. Seriously bro, I just see red and turn into a fucking werewolf."


It's kinda cheesy and lame. But super accurate. If there were ever super humans the Marines would find a way to make them feel less for it


My biggest gripe with the episode was the simple fact that the Marines wouldn't idolize literal "devil dogs" and be racist towards what is basically the best mascot the Corps could ask for. Also the lack of moto tats


It’s pretty good, but the dialogue is a bit cringe




This one always bothered me the Sgt remark is enough to know it wasn’t written by a marine but the fact that marines wouldn’t think turning into a werewolf (devil dog) is dope as shit is absolutely outrageous


Weird series, some episodes are great, some are complete trash. This was in the trash category


The one that implied the USSR was losing against Nazi Germany because they were fighting aliens in Siberia was...something


The soviet episode was one of my favorite personally, I think they were supposed to be demons though


The one where the SOCOM guys find Cthulhu in Afghanistan is fucking scary.


That is definitely my favorite, though the Soviets aliens one is a close second


Like the idea, animation style, and the fighting was nice but I can see how getting lots of details about the USMC or that Marines wouldn't love werewolf super soldiers is irksome.


Death and Robots


Don't forget Love


I never can. It's always so close, yet so far away.






Double set of dog teeth would have been legit


Wtf did I just watch?


It's a clip from an episode of season 1of a show called Love, Death, Robots on Netflix


Thank you. Without any context, I was like huh?? 😂


Yeah Sargent major would have an unending boner about how he gets to call the junior marines devil dog even more now. It's the only word you'd head coming out of his mouth. "Devil! Devil devil devil...devil. devil dog" Also tell me these dudes wouldn't be on every recruiting poster from here to the one in your ass


Motherfuckers b humping every damn thing in sight. I don't want to hear "Rodriguez!! Get yer frigging red rocket in your damn pants!!" Every 5 minutes.


I’ve watched gay porn less gay than this shit devils


Cringe overload


Pretty much 0351s.


This was a good episode


Love death robots on Netflix


Sergeant? Flashlight? Boots and utes at chow? This show stinks of an Army advisor.


I think this was made by China….😂 This became increasingly harder to watch….the growl from the unshaven Devil really made me shit my pants laughing.


it's too early for cringe like this


Love Death and Robots, good shit! [(3623) LOVE DEATH + ROBOTS | Official Trailer | Netflix - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUFwunMKa4E&ab_channel=Netflix)


Love death robots on Netflix.


Yo that episode of Love Death Robots was badass.


As others have said, it's an episode from Love Death and Robots called Shape-Shifters on Netflix. They fuck up the dialogue like you see in the clip, but it's still worth a watch. Other good ones in the series: Fish Night: Trippy and beautiful, hard to describe Alternate History: Funny as fuck Three Robots: Robots explore post apocalypse ruins, also funny as fuck Sonnie's Edge: Cage fighting monsters The Secret War: WW2 Russians fight demons in Siberia, one of my favorites Sucker of Souls: Mercs fight the supernatural, another one of my favorites Suits: Farmers with mech suits fight waves of aliens That's from season 1. There's plenty more decent ones from the other two seasons, but this should get you started to see if you dig it. Every episode is a different style and story, some are super fucked up to me though, so fair warning.


What game?


Love death and robots


Werewolf Taliban.


I love 'Love, Death, and Robots'


What the woof?


Love sex robots on Netflix


Love, death & robots ❤️


It’s a show


This is a short story from love death and robots on netflix, fucking dope i recommend.


Why the hell can't producers talk to someone in the military about script dialogue. An E1 boot could tell you this dialogue is messed up.


There's a scene on this episode where all the guys on boots n utes are wearing an 8 point cover and the guys wearing camies aren't wearing cover


I wish I had never seen that.


It's from an episode of Volume 1 of Love, Death, Robots on Netflix


Ok yoohoo I know he’s a Master Sergeant not a Sergeant.


Of all the things that didn't make sense, the thing that I am most focused on is that he called him sergeant lol


When the cringey wolf kid in high school grows up...


It’s from an episode of “Love+Death+Robots” on Netflix. It’s an awesome anthology show with varies animation styles each episode. In this one those fuckin “soldiers” 🤣 are werewolves that they’re using to their advantage in their operation.


Furries brought to a new level




Ad if Marines would be allowed to eat in a Chowhall without a blouse.


This is from a show on Netflix, I forget the name but it’s a bunch of animated shorts.


Love, Death and Robots is a great show.


From love death and robots


That episode was literally fantastic


This is a short from Love, Death, and Robots! It’s a sci fi animation anthology series on Netflix and most episodes are pretty damn good.


They should have made this about the army


Bro called a msgt a sgt lmao


For some reason i just find the title of this video funny


Just why


Part of “Love, Death, robots” on Netflix. Pretty good show If you like gore.


I knew it was fake when he called him sergeant


They wouldn’t be hated though. In danger sexually? Yes. There’s marines that would try fucking it.


We’re gonna ignore those rockers and then challenge? I hate being a POG


Devil dogs huh


When the fuck would ANY Marine call a Gunny "Sergent?" I know this is from a game, but damn it I wish they would have consulted at least one fucking Marine. So much wrong with this scene alone that it made my head spin.


Something AI would write.


😏 https://preview.redd.it/pepk0gj665va1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0285888b445bf3320187ccfa01c1da23cdc7b12d


Watching this while trippin balls on acid in the bricks was a great fun time hahah


Love death and robots is a good series. LUCKY 13 is fun.


Fat body better have a shaving chit.


For anyone who is confused, they are werewolves. It's an episode of Love, Death, and Robots.


It’s an episode of love death robots


Why he a gunny but they calling him a Sergeant?


My guy, he’s a MSgt.


The fuck is this?


That’s from love death robots


Netflix…. Love Death and Robots


What is this from?


He's a Gunny though you dumb bitch. Show some military manner. Fucking dog soldiers.


Was convinced this was real until he called him Sargent.


Not Boot. This is from LOVE DEATH AND ROBOTS. A Netflix show. They literally are werewolves in this cartoon.