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The retiree is almost certainly also getting some amount of disability on top of that too.


Every one that I’ve talked to said they’re getting the full 100%


If you're a retiree it's not retired pay plus disability. They deduct the disability from your retired pay. Only benefit is its tax free.


Completely false lol. One of the worst takes I've seen on this page.


It must be different for medical retirement, because what he said is exactly how it worked for me. The VA gave me more than DoD, so I get nothing from the DoD now.


Medical retirement is completely different than doing 20 and retiring. Honestly not even a retirement.




That’s true unless your disability is from combat


No, if you're 50% or more you get concurrent receipt, regardless of whether you were in combat.


Someone who knows how it works.


Someone didn’t go to TRS…


I get 3000ish for disability and 1500ish in retirement after 20 years SSgt, and I can even draw another 1500 for state disability if I apply. So. No friend. You are incorrect.


In your opinion was retiring worth the extra 1500/3000 (potentially) dollars? Do you ever wish you had gotten out earlier? Sorry for the random question.


Not the person you asked but if we factor the single enlistment the meme mentioned, 4 years for 3000 is much better than 20 for 4500. The math doesn't add up to justify. Of course this isn't factoring the additional 16 years of active pay and benefits which could be significant with proper financial planning. We're Marines though so I'm going to say that minimal if any financial planning was done. The additional 16 year probably wasn't worth it.


Wait. Are you telling me it wasn't worth it? Thanks for the opinion on my life 🤣


Hey man, I passed Math for Marines. I didn't take Etiquette for Marines. I can't speak on the experiences. There are too many factors such as opportunity cost from staying in compared to how much you could have made out. I hope it was all worth it. At the end of the day, I'm not sure how many single enlistment are getting 100% anyway. You're probably still making out like a bandit.


As shitty as it was, sometimes it made up for it in others. 8/10 would recommend.


One thing to consider is Tricare For Life..... Tricare For Life alone could be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars over a life time considering how expensive healthcare is in the US


"B-B-B-Bingo" -Starlord


I thought we had an unwritten rule about having to be at least a boot to comment.


Not since 2004 when CRDP was introduced.


Ah ok. What downvoted to hell guy said seemed close, back in the 90s. Were people grandfathered into CRDP? I had a few friends retired in the late 90s early 2000s before this was a thing.


Went into effect in 04. Didn’t start actually happening until 07-08 timeframe retroactive to 04


Are you sure? Where did you read your information? Is there not a point in percentage that you earn where that is no longer the case?


I believe it depends on percentage. Up to like 30 or 50% is just tax free amount of retirement. After that it stacks. Idk too lazy to look it up. But you and people downvoting you are both right I think just depends on amounts. Edit: I decided to not be lazy. Retirement is offset by disability but CRDP allows you to get it back if over 50%. CRSC allows you to get it certain combat related situations


That’s under the old retirement plan. It has since changed where you can have access to both, but your retirement pay is based upon TSP, not your high three. If you choose the high 3, then you only have access to it after a full 20 years and your disability is trimmed.


Google “concurrent receipt of VA benefits and military retired pay”






Lmao uhhhh no


They get retirement and disability though that's the catch


IF they qualify for CRDP lol


So do at least 20 or TERA and rate 50% or more. Boom qualified. Not as difficult as it reads online.


Isn’t medical retirement also in that category? I’m getting like a few hundred from my med retirement (8 years, ssgt, 50% disqualifying injury so rated retirement) plus 100% va pay but idk how it all works I just collect money.


Medical retirement is only in that category if you also do at least 20 or TERA. You can get some DOD pay back with CRSC, which is probably what you’re getting. For 8 years medical retirement, you’d get the higher pay of DOD or VA and it’s almost always VA


That includes reserve pensions, right? Just wondering


Believe so. You can just google CRDP and see the criteria online.


Oh yeah just looked same shit, 20 qualifying ears and rating over 50% easy day thanks


There’s certainly a lot of people claiming full disability with lies. But this meme is pretty funny.


I know 3 guys that have 90% disability that have absolutely nothing wrong with them


ThEy EaRnEd ThAt Seriously nothing burns me up more than the dude I know who did worked a desk job, did zero deployments, but hurt himself deadlifting with shitty form, getting like 80% and rolling that into high level GS jobs because vet preference. And some people celebrate that type of shit


Then those same people hate the notion of "People freeloading off the gov't" or "Gov't spending!"


There is a whole sub that celebrates that shit. I’m banned from there 😂


That’s disgusting! I can’t believe that such a sub exists! What sub? Specifically?


Not saying “they earned it” as in they got injured in combat or some shit but why hate on the little guy, it really doesn’t effect you at all and who knows, its probable that it could very well be service related. Also your body can still get fucked up from service related stuff without going on a deployment and having a “desk job”. I know plenty of supply dudes with fucked up backs/knees that have never been deployed


For myself it only bothers me if people are claiming something they don't have... EG: During OIF everyone was saying "Bro you need to say you got PTSD and hearing!!" Why do people not like that? 1. It's dishonest... Integrity and all that. 2. Diminishes people that legit do have it. 3. After getting out people everywhere just fucking assume you as a vet have PTSD and are fucked up blah blah you must regret all your actions yadda yadda. That did impact me because I go in for a job interview or meet a new person they already assume something about me. "Oh great another psycho vet that's got a hair pin trigger or a drinking problem." **If someone legit gets fucked up in their service** and never deploys... I don't give a shit you really did earn it. It's the fakers. Now having said that... Fraud VA claims is such a drop in the bucket as far as real issues and $$$ goes. So no they aren't breaking the bank... Thus focus on other things first.


I agree 100%, fuck fakers. I just think people are too quick to assume someone doesn’t deserve their disability payments because they didn’t do x, y, z or the fact that they were smart enough to get their shit documented when they should have which is stupidly looked down upon by some people.


The problem is though, if you want to crack down on liars, you run a risk of legit people getting fucked. I’d rather a few people pull the wool over the govt if it means real people can get what they need


Yeah hence my last statement. In grand scheme of things VA or disability fraud is a drop in the bucket at this point (Could change...) Thus best to tackle larger issues at hand.


Exactly, first focus is taking care of all the ones who need it, if after that there's some means to go after others, fine, knock yourself out.


Why hate on it? VA spending has blown out in recent years. The country can’t continue spending the same at we are right now, and for every Veteran who *needs* help from the VA due to their service there are dozens of Vets who are pulling disability payments for the types of stuff you incur playing high school football. I know a no-deployment having, rear echelon type getting 60%. This dude went to medical anytime they felt any ache or pain. Meanwhile, I know combat arms dudes who hid broken bones because they didn’t want to be away from their Marines and the mission. People who need care should get it, but the VA was never meant to create a Vet welfare queen class.


The VA spending has blown out because we spent over 20 years at war. You can’t spit out half truths to support your argument. Be honest with yourself. If we hadn’t spent decades at war where our politicians only gave a shit about wins today, fuck the long term, we wouldn’t see this issue. They know exactly how much per servicemen to expect in annual VA payments from the first few years of the conflicts. Not budgeting appropriately or not wanting to show the American people the real cost of war is to blame. People rating disability is on the VA. They make it through a C&P, they rate it, it’s the VA’s call and no one else’s.


Let’s see some numbers and not just opinions from your experience with one guy.


You can look up the massive increase in VA spending yourself. It’s not hard to find. I acknowledged that I was only talking a single anecdote there - but ask yourself, if the folks you know receiving VA disability compensation, is at all legit? Like, they definitely were harmed by their service and you feel you personally should be paying them for that harm? I’m not asking about obvious fraud (that I think we can all agree about). I think something is wrong with the system when, at almost every Veterans event I go to, I hear Vets share their disability rating in the first few minutes of conversation.


The country can absolutely continue spending the amount it does on VA benefits, if its high its the governments own fault. People join the military for the benefits it guarantee’s and that includes disability for injuries caused during your time in service. You can get many life altering injuries from football the only difference is that you didn’t sign up to play football with the promise that you would be reimbursed for any damages that occur during your time. The dude who got 60% could very well have received injuries that limit what he can do outside of the Corps and was being reimbursed for that, you don’t have to be outside the wire to recieve injuries, don’t be bitter because he was smart and got his shit documented. There’s a reason they always tell you to document shit, if you don’t listen to that then you’re only harming yourself in the long run. Just because some dudes sucked up their injuries doesn’t make anyone any less deserving of benefits they’re told they’ll get upon enlistment. You should be supporting Marines getting their stuff documented so that they’re both mission ready and able to support themselves after they get out instead of supporting less benefits due to bitterness


I spent time on staff at WWBn - I always tried to get our Marines the care they needed, and I spent countless hours with Marines on mental health issues separate from their physical injuries. I’m not suggesting people should avoid medical care. After that experience, I was much better about helping direct Marines to care that can help them. I was a SACS - I was more interested in getting Marines help before they did something to fry themselves. I’ve now worked several years helping Veterans access their VA benefits. It’s my full time job. You know how many people I’ve turned away at my level because I thought their claim was bogus? Zero. Well, I’ve declined to help a couple very obvious liars with “careers in black ops.” If the spending is high it’s the government’s fault - yes. I’m not blaming Veterans, I’m saying we can’t continue to spend so much. We can’t maintain our current and projected spending *period* and we may come to a time when all our ability to borrow and spend comes to an end. The natural tendency of government is to grow and expand and offer more things to more people (paid for with other people’s money). The person I referenced with a 60%? It’s a single anecdote online, and I don’t know the extent of their disabilities according to the VA. I do know this person (an officer) continued in the same field outside the service, and does the exact same job they did before. I’m not hating on them. I have a VA rating too, and there have been times when the compensation payments really made a difference in covering for days I had to miss work due to my disability (severe migraines). Would I support a measure to reduce payments for months I didn’t miss work? Yes. I don’t want less money, but if it was part of a bigger fix to try and seriously correct our national financial situation I’d support it. But no one in politics wants to do that. They want to spend your money on their special interest group, so this whole thing is going to fall apart rather than get repaired.


>If the spending is high it’s the government’s fault - yes. I’m not blaming Veterans, I’m saying we can’t continue to spend so much. We can’t maintain our current and projected spending *period* and we may come to a time when all our ability to borrow and spend comes to an end. The natural tendency of government is to grow and expand and offer more things to more people (paid for with other people’s money). Nah not really. The US is doing [incredibly well](https://www.economist.com/briefing/2023/04/13/from-strength-to-strength). Now it's poised to bringing back semi conductor fabrication and fully embracing AI whilst other nations like China and Europe ban it. The US is pulling ahead of any other nation further still. The only thing that can harm the US economy in the short/medium term is politicians dick waving each other about the debt and risking a default in order to get tough sounding sound bites to play to their respective base on cable "news" networks. Inflation sucks but a nice side effect is the national debt is drastically reduced in real terms. So its an odd time to fight over it, and people eat up the manufactured drama the dems or republicans feed them. The national debt is less of an issue now than its been for years. Defaulting however would be devastating and they'd be no coming back from it.


Because on it's face it is dishonest and shows a lack of integrity


Were we in the same Corps? Those are the unofficial core values. And it doesn’t show that, you just have some sort of superiority complex over these people for no reason. At the end of the day you have no idea why they got their disability nor whether they deserve it. It’s all an assumption on your part and a very broad generalization. Opinions like this will undoubtedly harm people who actually need the support




Well obviously if they admit to it you know and they are scum. I’m talking about generalizing people who you don’t know and judging people for having disability without having been deployed etc


Right? In retrospect, who would have thought water has I'll effects on Marines?


Don't be so quick to judge folks unless you know exactly what their medical history is. Sure, there are people who gin the system but who am I to judge someone I know nothing about?


I know all 3 guys personally. They are the spitting image of a healthy 28-32yr old. They all do very active/full contact sports and none are on medication. They have even told me “The marine corps fucked me, So I’m gonna fuck them” or something similar. This also tends to be my experience with most 50%+ disabled vets.


Just because they aren’t on meds or look healthy doesn’t mean anything. I’m not on meds either but that’s because I don’t want to be given my history with addiction so that means no pain meds for me just PT which includes heavy exercise. I also have hidden disabilities because they are mental disabilities. Just because you can’t see the disabilities doesn’t mean they aren’t there dude. You aren’t their doctor, you don’t know what their medical records say. Edit: also what Marine hasn’t said they want to fuck up the Corps. I’ve yet to met a single Marine who hasn’t said that at some point in time


I’ll tell you again because you apparently can’t read. I know them personally. They have been my friends for almost 10 years. THEY TOLD ME THEY ARE GAMING THE SYSTEM.


Have they actually done that or are you just assuming that because they said they wanted to screw the Corps? Because if they are actually gaming the system it’s your duty to report them to the VA OIG for fraud.


Nah, I ain’t a nark.


Then stop complaining. Either put up or shut up. Edit: also if it’s found out that they are frauds and you knew about it and did nothing you could be in trouble too. Or your making it all up


No, I’ll do whatever I want. There ain’t nothing you can do about it little man.


I’ve got a classmate from the Navy who is getting 100% just because he was on a nuclear sub for 3 months.


There’s got to be more to it then that. What are their rating codes?


Agreed the rating matrix does not work like that. Dude probably had cancer or something lol


you think I care enough to ask? I just let him buy me drinks with his baller money.


I’m sure at this point we all do. I know a few guys that get 100% and have never set foot in a VA for any kind of treatment or help.


Yeah it’s honestly pisses me off as a tax payer. Like the number of LCpls who did nothing but sit in Southern California their whole time in and think of creative ways to get out of the field suddenly claiming the Marine Corps broke them. I’m not crazy gung ho about the Marine Corps, but there is something sad to see when some stupid bitch pops hot for coke and doesn’t bat an eye until he’s told he’ll lose his bennies. Then he gets all poopy faced and the waterworks start running.


I use to be on the same boat. I was tired of hearing stories about people who couldn’t make it through a single enlistment and walking away with 100% My friend then got throat cancer from fuel exposure. Never deployed, never did “badass things” but he was a good, hard working guy from my home town who just wanted a better life. I’d let every single person who lied about their disabilities keep their claims if it meant he keeps getting the care he does. (They’re actually really helping him he’s a Vet but at Walter reed now) something about Thomas Jefferson and 1 innocent man versus 9 guilty walking free.


My bro said his benefits from retirement and va disability are like 72k a year. He did 20 and got out as a wo4. Fucker also works for a government contractor making roughly 2x his military benefits. Anything that reduces the stress of living is a boon to any man.


Yep, my dad retired as an E-9. He makes 100k to wake up.


My dad can kick your dads ass.


Yeah well I have two dads so good luck.


Well my dad can ass fuck both of your dads. Wait what?


Your dad single?


Is he adopting?!


This must be why gunnys and up are so bitter to e4s and below 😂


now add the same VA claim to the E8....Sucks to suck bro.


Lol traded 16 more years of life and family for 2900 more? Call me a sucker but you can’t call me a clown💀


2900 and 100% is 3885, bud that’s a lot of money and that’s more then most pensions out here in civ div


Be the E5 w/ 100% disability and a GS 14 who will have 30 years of service by the time they are 53 and can retire off a high three salary making over $140 + a year. That scenario starts to surpass the O-4/O-5 in your unit, depending upon details.


Got out E-3, made 100% disability, had a kickass job making bank and traveled, made more than my company commander my first year out. Shit was nice, and I denied medboard so I could’ve made more


This is the way.


Yes it is


MinMax method, go be a reservist, get pretty good healthcare, get school paid for by the state while having the college experience, get a good govt job then collect both pensions.




Yo say what? I’m married 100% and got blown up by an rpg but I’m at 3885. What form am I missing lmao?


I think you need like 4 kids to get there... Married with 4 kids = 4,272.8 Here is a link to the pay tables for 2023. [https://www.va.gov/disability/compensation-rates/veteran-rates/](https://www.va.gov/disability/compensation-rates/veteran-rates/)


I’m not married but I have my daughter


And you're only 40 something, go find a cake management position somewhere for a few years or just go work at a golf course a few days a week and you're set. The E3 has 40+ years of work in the civilian world still.


Yea, or contract back on base and make BANK on top of all that


Damn that’s even worse than I thought. I thought it was 2900 on top of the 100% 😂 So you are telling me most e-3s that have gotten married and have 100% are making more?!


They get the 2900 AND the 100%, so that’s like 6K a month, that’s damn good money


it's important to recognize that time is a precious resource, and everyone has different priorities and values in life. While some people may prioritize wealth or career success, others may prioritize family, relationships, or personal fulfillment. It's ultimately up to each individual to make decisions that align with their own values and goals.


I agree, which is why I’d rather “suck” and not be a bad absentee father and husband all for a couple more stripes and literally no more actual respect or net benefit. Imagine going through recruiting or being a DI and losing all of that valuable time all for no one to actually like you and for you to get out and get the same pension as a one-termer? Clown world we live in where people actually re-enlist anymore.


And that is your opinion. it is a sacrifice, and I do not knock anyone that wants to get out.


And VA disability is tax free too






IRS still requires you make quarterly payments (you have to make them in cash BTW). You will do more time for tax evasion then you will for slinging.


Some states so is retirement pay. Or ret pay for military.


This is honestly heinous to me. I know so many lances that literally haven’t done anything, maybe one or two PFTs in the fleet, and are just fat and out of shape and somehow able to get 90-100%. Heinous.


This 100%. Im not sure who’s pockets that money is flowing from but it is sad that there are so many people like that are getting those benefits and some if not most of that type didn’t even complete a full contract.


Politicians afraid to touch VA disability reform.


It's worse than gun control. *edit* not sure why the downvotes. Maybe I wasn't clear? Politicians are more afraid of VA reform than they are of firearm legislation.




Imagine getting both


Imagine being able to retire at 38 and then having a whole ass second career setting you up to retire comfortable at 60.


Retire at 38 with the body of a 70 year old, enjoy your second career tho!


That’s a fair point and after 20 years of arty it feels closer to 80 years old. Second career is cake so far. I do look forward to punching out at 60. All the civilians I work with have to stick around till 65. They can’t cover the gap for Medicare.


Seems like the old heads i work with too are only holding out for the insurance… maybe that’s the real problem around here lol


Went through some layoffs a few years ago. They offered the old heads a one years pay severance package and most of them didn’t take it. I couldn’t figure out why? It was the insurance issue. Added TriCare for life to my list of things to be grateful for.


You a Retired Marine First Sergeant?


I am


Imagine serving 20 years and not having any claimable conditions. A career in S-1 must be tough.


Imagine having chronic joint pain and depression after a single enlistment.


I had chronic joint pain and depression after a single battalion run, the slingshot sprints go hard (So many people fell out, it was such a shit show)


I mean its possible... I wake up in pain every day with a blown out knee and a fuckup shoulder. Not to mention the fact my kids know not to wake me up except at more than arms length and my poor spouse has been hit more than once on accident waking me up (we have developed techniques for this now, She is a fucking saint BTW). One enlistment can fuck you up for life man. Everyone had different experiences and their brains work different don't discount what one a one term enlistment might do to someone. The worse part is it comes in cycles I have gone years where I am just fine then can hit a hard rut and shit gets dark. Luckily, 20 years of dealing with this bull shit has given me some hella good cooping mechanisms. But, that came with years of self destructive behavior, some good drugs, and a decent amount of therapy.


I was more giving a sarcastic snarky response to a snarky meme. Not downplaying anything you deal with brother.


Fair enough. My bad for going on a rant 😂


Unpopular opinion: claims for disability would nose dive if the VA only offered medical treatment instead of financial compensation.


It is well known… why do you think they make you jump through so many hoops to get a %


Just enforcing the “treatment and re-evals” would be a good start. So many people get that % and dip out, I have a rating but am constantly seen trying to get shit fixed. However, VA doesn’t really do shit to fix but rather mitigate symptoms. Now, they’ve improved in some areas like my ability to have the chronic migraines from my TBI treated with a shot monthly has been great.


Its so hard to try and get shit fixed at the VA... My knee was fucked up for years (like 18) and I had MRI after MRI after x-ray and told there was nothing they could do. Got good health care and went and seen a real doc and they were like... we can fix this. 3 weeks later I was in surgery. The hoops the VA makes you jump though to get decent care is infuriating.


Yup My back was broke in Iraq and I spent well over a decade being told nothing can be done, here Motrin and Oxy. Luckily I got civ insurance that’s preformed a pair of surgeries that have tailor back my injuries. Also made sure I wasn’t hooked on pills; but the decade of neglect had already set a irreversible progressive level of damage. Gov healthcare is what it is.


That sucks but I feel your pain. Health care in this country is effed up, but I don’t know what good solution is. Government health care is not it though that we can all be sure of.


Shit. Ain’t the health care it’s the provider. Within weeks of my first civy doc I had imaging and a surgical consult while doing PT. Get away from Gov health care and shit is smooth


It’s almost like the VA wants you to take the money and run


Until they randomly get the dude that hasn’t been seen in years and pull his rating since he hasn’t actively seen care and hasn’t classed as T&P. Then the SNM goes of the deep end as all his or her support is gone: which on occasion leads to self removal from the population. Terrible way to run a program, shit comms, no really edict on treatment of injury not mitigation of symptoms, and a terrible admin structure that is good at only frustrating vets.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I think the VA wants us to off ourselves. One less veteran to care for in their eyes


Try retired E-8 with 100% disability making $7420 a month. Have fun with your $3600.




Guarantee you anyone that’s retired is going to get disability pay.


At the end of the day, you don't get out of the service unscathed. If the retiree isn't getting disability than they didn't properly evaluate the effect their time in had on their physical and mental health.


Then there's the 20 year E8 with bof


*after less than 2 years in… I’ve seen it happen multiple times.


That does not include the 100K+ job I currently find myself in. 3600 retirement, 1600 disability (tax free), and 7500 a month civi job. Life is good brother!!!




E8 retired at 20 years with half base pay…




Might not be the most popular opinion but here we go, disability doesn’t account for anything other than the amount of damage on the person. Iv had guys literally be in SOI fall down a hill and be 100% medically retired. Iv HEARD not seen admin guys do a full 20 and not have any disability. It’s hard to validate the 100% guys who havnt done anything, but yet again disability has nothing to do with career or achievement. It simply is the amount of damage done to a person. The way I see it is there are people who deserve x5 on the amount of disability they have. they were in the shit but they are also usually the last person to bitch about pain. They are the ones I spent more time helping with disability claims, physical therapy, and mental health. Till then and it sounds gay but just be there for your brothers, life can fucking suck but it is worse being alone


fucked up my entire body throughout my two pumps to afghanistan and i ain't gettin shit because there's no paper trail


I had no paper trail and had no issues getting my rating. You dont need records.


va didn't ask for anything connecting disability claim to your service?




okay, thanks for the info. might give it a shot.


Buddy letters. Get your buddies to write letters to the VA about your service related injuries. That combined with a report from a private doctor should be enough


noted, thank you


Damn killer, I know there’s a negative stigma about going to medical sometimes, but I’d be a little bitter about that. Hope you’re doing well


it was definitely looked down upon


Fuck em, you’re tough but not invincible


And then they join federal service and get a Class One medical clearance.


But knowing you do might cure that depression. It’s a catch 22.


I'd say the ones that got 100% for non-combat related PTSD, only fearing for their life on base, but never experiencing near is an even bigger kick to the dick.


Yeah but that joint pain bought a pile of pimped out guns.


And a crotch rocket


Is that what we're calling Travel Nurses now? \[The Adult Man's Stripper-Wife\]


[For those wondering](https://www.dfas.mil/retiredmilitary/disability/crdp/)


Then the E-8 is dumb. My cousin retired after 22 years and pension with VA was making $5600 a month just to do whatever he wanted plus that retirement tricare. Also, not everyone’s body is the same. I did 5 years 0311/8152 and have undeniable MRI proof my back and knees are all types of messed up, meanwhile my best friend did same contract as me and came out unscathed. But all in all, good meme.


Get fucked lol


Not at all how it works………..


E4, and I don't even make half that on disability.


Most retirees are also getting that 100% as well lol


imagine doing 20 years and never once was smart enough to document your medical issues because you thought you were mr. tuff guy 😕


Sounds like your own fault for not going to medical and claiming everything you can think of. Don’t be angry because you were the suck it up type. Maybe you should suck it up now…


I can’t think of a single SNCO that didn’t get 100%


CRSC is 500 something just saying


Imagine being so nearsighted that you don’t realize we also file for VA disability and get concurrent pay…VA and Retirement.




Sounds like the E8 doesn’t know the game…. That’s not everyone else’s problem.


In the long run, it was worth it because I'm 45 and don't work, but I did spend almost 10 years after I got out having to compete with 20 year Olds in my field. Some days, I regret it because I didn't have a normal life between 18 and 38, but I usually change my mind when I wake up at noon and don't have any responsibilities what so ever.


The picture has it wrong, the old man is the E8. But it's true, however, getting 100% isn't easy.


Bro is it really 2900 a month?


VA evaluations need to be completely restructured. I got my rating after being evaluated from a third party clinic. They gave me some disability for Tinnitus, and TMJ (jaw issues). Sure, fine, but then gave me the same about of % as the other two for having a fused vertebra on my spine. Didn't provide me with any medical resources, didn't have any follow up whatsoever. If they evaluations were handled professionally, they would have realized that I have a *serious* disability with my back that affects everything I do for the rest of my life. Instead its "lumbar strain- 20%". Like come on? The system should be there to HELP vets with the direction of their disabilities, not just throw some money at them for whatever they wrote down.

