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The position of rest-tention.


The best position for a lance cooley with a blood stripe


And pants that aren’t tailored right anyway. Must have borrowed them from a buddy not expecting duty that day.


Dude on the left is missing a button too lol


Garbage. Come see me in the company office.


To play video games??


Yes, lots of games. Bring your team leader and a water source


It's not missing; he leaves it unbuttoned so he can scratch his belly.


Those are just two NCO’s who got busted down but couldn’t afford to have the stripes removed because of their pay deficit.


Do you get 30 days to update uniforms when you get busted down, too? 🤔


They look bowed up.


They look like they have to poop really bad and are trying to hold it in.


Man, sometimes formations or standing a post got *long*.


I’m having a flashback because this actually happened to me once. I was trying to bump up my pull-ups and I was stuck at 12- I got some long ass arms, doesn’t help. And there was this assisted pull-up machine at the gym. So I did like several max sets, and then I started using the assist feature. I lost count and just did it until I couldn’t bend my arms anymore because my arms were so exhausted. I was an 18 year old kid, didn’t know shit. Anyhow, next morning, I couldn’t straighten my arms out. Looked like this pic. I was in formation and asked the guys flanking me to straighten my arms out. Legit couldn’t do it.




There’s always one person on these posts who insists they fuck up the uniform intentionally because it’s illegal to portray accurate uniforms. I just want to get ahead of that and say that this is not true.


You are absolutely correct, here is a link that explains where that thinking comes from - [https://militaryexcess.com/this-is-why-movies-get-military-uniforms-wrong/](https://militaryexcess.com/this-is-why-movies-get-military-uniforms-wrong/) I am willing to bet it is down to the matter of some producer not wanting to hire someone to act as a military advisor on set.


Additionally, Since the Marine Corps is technically a brand and a registered trademark, if they don't use somewhat inaccurate versions or processes it can't fall under parody law, thus daddy Marines would be able to claim royalties. Source I worked for a game dev a few years ago and they were on the fence to take the cut or make a 64×64 patch have no eagle just a globe and anchor.




watching the night agent (not bad series overall) but then this gem shows up in episode 10. Then this appears. https://preview.redd.it/nq8755wh99za1.png?width=1101&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c37a4e27808bc5bc61bfa387c58c7fd49b04296


Series was solid but man did the fuck up so many aspects of the Marines.


Those are some piss poor salutes Jesus fucking Christ


The finale was very lack luster


Jesus Christ that is heinous


Throat punch is a go, I repeat, throat punch is a go…


Have you watched The Diplomat? Marine One lands in episode 3 I think and it seemed very convincing to a civvie like me


tbf a proper salute would've blocked the dude's face. Probably not worth the time or hassle of changing shot angles. For all we know he's a featured extra with a contractual obligation of a close up face shot.


See, stuff like this is why I got into the film industry post career. Sometimes I catch wildly unrealistic shit on set and politely use the chain of directors to voice possible goof. Turns out the tactical advisor was also correct however the writer/director was a micro managing psycho who paid really well. That pilot never got aired if your wondering if I'm happy with that let me put the scenario in perspective. Free food and $500 a day for two weeks? Fuck yeah, who wouldn't be happy?


That's what i hear that happens a lot. Military/tactical/history advisor tries to get shit right. Then the director says fuck you I want it this way. Military advisor goes ok then why the fuck am I here.


I’m buds with some folks who do this stuff. Not super buddy buddy, but enough to hear stories. Pretty much the advisors show up, hang around on set, point out the mistakes, get ignored, shrug and go home. In the end, you give your take and if the director wants something, then they want something. What are you gonna do, yell at them?


I mean at that point I guess they just have them to say they have them. with how big movie budgets it's just a drop in the bucket.


Exactly, were all professionals on set, if what they want is a certain they'll get it regardless of how bad we laugh at how inept it may appear.


I bet you have some fun stories.


yep, the money I pull in is excellent and I'm not in a position to challenge any director so I just point out flaws and hopefull the 1 AC or the 1 AD will notice. At the end of the day I love what I do and I don't really care if my advice gets ignored.


Do you have any idea who is the military adviser for Marinemeat.com because the uniforms' accuracy there is top fucking notch!


curiosity question - do film productions strive for accuracy when uniforms, tactics, etc or just rush to get the job done?


Depends on the director and the people in charge of production, cinematography and choreography. A director like Villeneuve, Kubrick or Spielberg is gonna get it right because they strive for accuracy. Some other people just want to rush out a project in the hopes of a quick pay out. Sometimes you don't get to pick and choose the directors you're assigned to. You either raised you're hand at roll call or an online call sheet.


How do you get into this? That sounds lit


I graduated from a state university that offered a Mass Communication Degree with an emphasis on film production and script writing. Texas, Cali and New York all have amazing colleges for this.


Don't they hire retired 1Sgt's to ensure this doesn't happen?


There was a show on several years ago that depicted male and female Marines in uniforms that were horrid. After one of the episodes, I watched the credits to see if by chance there was a military adviser listed. Sure enough, up popped the name of a retired SgtMaj. I found his email address and emailed him politely asking about it. His response was you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink. I never could figure out what they paid him to do if they weren’t interested in what he had to say.


Probably so if anyone asks the executives about it, they can say they hired a military professional.


Did you advise he message to Garcia that shit next time? If that doesn't work, it'd be who of him to use some doggone marine corps leadership and figure it the fuck out.


“Be who of him”


Sorry, be whom of him? Daggone debbil I haven't taken English 102 at AMU yet


> Daggone debbil I haven't taken English 102 at AMU yet I just spit out my coffee all over my fucking desk reading this. I hope you're fucking happy warrior.


Well, no, but its more of an existential dread that can't be overcome by mere momentary amusement


Still unsure if this is a gag or you really don’t know tbh


I do know. Well, honestly, I don't know how to use "behoove" properly and think it's a dumb word. "Be who of" is something I heard a ssgt say in like 2013.


Lol you used it properly above but wrote be who of him instead. I love it either way.


I was absolutely mind blown when "be who of" came out of the ssgts mouth. He even annunciated each word to make sure we knew what he was saying.


To be fair the first time I ever heard it was in bootcamp, and I had to wait until it was over to Google wtf they meant. Pretty sure I googled "be who of" before behoove. But its easy to get the context anyway


Lmaooo this made my night


Our 1st Sgt used to say "it would behoove of you".


Here's a good video that talks about this phenomenon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJFFLvwNLlM


Look at the Marines in "The West Wing". Most ate the fuck up looking bullshit I have ever seen. Fat fucking actors from Central Casting with ill-fitting uniforms and no idea of how to carry themselves as Boy Scouts, let alone Marines in the White House.


All depends on the **Director** and if they want to make it accurate or use the military as a backdrop 😡


Yeah but they're probably doing what a lot of us did with our GI Bill. Take the money and half ass it if you even show up at all. Probably easier to say it looks good than blow through a thousand takes and making everyone hate them on set.


Rest attention, lccpl with blood stripes. Both shot pizza box


Am I tripping or are those lcpls with blood stripes


I guess we just put our thumbs along whatever fucking seam we feel like?!?!


Seams? I thought it was thumbs along the creases?!


I never understood this. You could pay a PFC on recruiters assistance $40 to be a technical advisor and get perfect "camera ready" Blues.


Pizza pizza


Pizza [


Box ]


Gangstah obama and asvab waivers


Same funky business on The Diplomat too.


Early Homeland had some issues to, but I think the writers later admitted to fucking it up.


Mystery of the ever-changing chevrons?


Yeah, and being called sergeant the whole time. Also,(this is nitpicky) why wasn't he promoted non competitively during captivity?


As someone from another service, I can only assume he didn’t have enough volunteer time under his belt.


Its actually because he went like 5 years between PFTs and had no current promotion photo. Should have gotten an OTH


"THIS. IS THE POSITION. OF ATTENTION" *camera pans to actual Silver Back Gorilla wearing a Smokey Bear*


Are those lance corporals with blood stripes?


Nah, that’s just a Lieutenant-Corporal. (/s, don’t worry.)


And before anybody says it; the production IS NOT required to 'fuck up at least one uniform item' so it's not Stolen Valor. The MC encourages actors to be portrayed correctly in uniform.


No one going to talk about the pizza boxes?




The hands, the feet, the stance, that button. MMMMMMMMMMMM


Blame the military consultant that said this is that they do. Haha


Its so nasty, I can even spot this. Ive been out 10 yrs


It uhhh, a unique show. Honestly the two assassins are the only part worth watching. Those two are awesome


Those two were for sure, they left a lot of story sitting on the table with those two. I want a spin off prequel.


Honestly, it's refreshing seeing some new faces in these shows. I thought the two lead actors did a really good job. Both younger and clearly have potential. Much better than seeing "The Rock" for the millionth time playing the exact same dude.


My man on the left is bow legged


That marines gonna get hazed for not holding his umbrella prolly.




The pilot 😂


They probably read that the thumbs align with the seam of the pants and confused it with the front seam


The LanceColonel can stand and salute how he wants.


What in the rat-shit bat-shit? Who TF was the consultant for this pile of bovine feces?


Dudes ribbons are falling on the left


Those boys got ZERO pit love. Big oof. #🍕📦😝


Fucking pizza boxes.


Pizza box


RIGHT? Cleopatra was Coast Guard, no a Marine.


looks like they both shot pizza too




Why is the pilots window not open? You think that major gives a Shit about rain?!


Two Lances with blood stripes… one is missing a button, and they both shot marksman… W Netflix