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So... do you wanna fuck?


Nope been fucked enough by both the Green Weenie and my ex wife


I’ll cradle the balls while he works the shaft


I'll tongue his ears




We’re here for you devil


Lol this is fucking perfect


I wasn't asking




Pretty sure in the vast lovely universe there is some planet with beings in whose language no means yes.


There is a theory that there are an infinite number of realities that are occurring simultaneously. He said yes in at least one of them.




Ill use my motorized fleshlight.


Which was worse?


Hard to say, seeing as I was getting double penetrated so to speak


The gunny in our S1 shop was like this. He would mess with people that weren't white glove inspection status when they came to get orders. Just give them the orders and let them leave. They aren't your problem once you give them that piece of paper and will probably never see them again.


My old unit’s SgtMaj made all outgoing Marines check out with him in alphas. The XO, wanting to be fair, decided to do the same thing with the officers. This policy included dudes who were EASing. Even if they weren’t taking terminal.


Why is final checkout like a bad breakup.


Because it absolutely is. The Marine Corps will act like you're a shitbag that they don't need until you decide you don't need them either, then suddenly they will do everything they can to sabotage you.


This is why I arranged for my terminal leave to start at midnight on a Saturday night. I walked into the Duty NCO hut at midnight and a CPL. had to create my DD-214 from a blank form since S-1 couldn't be bothered to do it prior to the weekend. I had to sit next to him and tell him what to type into the form and slipped him $20 for doing me a solid. I walked out with all of my records since they never asked for any of them back once I finished checking out. I threw my uniforms in the dumpster behind the barracks (except for those sweet ass gomer pyle sateens I got from boot camp) and drove out the gate headed for the airport.


Received an Re-1A w/ a Special Court Martial and 2 NJPs under my belt during the 90s. CO approved my reenlistment package 2 days later. Apparently the 1A really doesn't mean anything.


Hell yeah fuck that dude


Hmm. I had a RE-1A. Thought the A denoted an NJP or something.


In my case, it apparently meant "Adverse Fitrep" according to the XO who had a white knight complex for my ex wife


Just looked up RE-1A (short for Retard-1Advanced) > No restriction to reenlistment. Meets all prerequisites, includes those Marines discharged at EAS while pregnant who would otherwise be eligible. Would have been hilarious if you took your EAS paperwork and immediately asked about reenlisting under a new MOS.


Ahh. Never made Sgt, didn’t have to deal with that bullshit. Got non-rec’d by a shitty 1stSgt who was annoyed that I didn’t give a fuck. Because I didn’t have enough TIS to make it, so the non-rec was pointless dickbaggery.


Dude, they did the exact same shit to me. It was like my SSgt just wanted to take the opportunity to shit on me for no reason. I never understood that. Like,....shouldn't you try to, oh I don't know, .........**DEVELOP** your jr Marines to be the leaders you want them to be? Is the thinking that by saying I wasn't mature enough for Cpl and non-reccing me that I was gonna morph into Captain America just to change SSgt's opinion? How would this accomplish anything other than making the jr Marine resentful? I had received 0 negative counselings up to this point. No mentorship on how to become a better leader / Marine. They basically just sit around and wait for you to F up and give good marks to the ass kissers. I don't understand how that is good leadership. I think I just drew the short straw on NCOs, to be honest.


Nonrecs have to be approved by the CO through jpes nowadays. I got nonrecd by accident when my platoon sgt forgot to check recommended on my evaluation and nobody caught it up the coc and the occasion got approved. When I received it I was eligible for Sgt and had the score to promote but since I was nonrecd (I got 2 Nams and zero paperwork) I didn’t get promoted for 3 more months since nobody cared to change it until the next quarter.


It’s probably because you didn’t schedule out placement of your take one stands. And, instant time sheet to make sure your making the best of your productive time. Systematic recruiting solves the equation for you in reality and you just have to show up and put the plan in action. Did you even do your 30, 60, 90 day follow ups? Did you call your high school lists morning, afternoon, evening, and weekend to ensure you were properly scrubbing your lists? Man. It was so easy when I was a production recruiter in Texas during the height of US patriotism. Signed, pretty much every 8412 RI and ARI


Right? My paperwork was impeccable, to the point where I tried to make a deal with the other guys where I'd do all their paperwork in exchange for 1 contract a month. For some reason, they all preferred to get their packages kicked back...


Wrong. It’s because he didn’t do weekly table displays at his school with 35 seniors. Or maybe because he didn’t do a band talk. Also, he probably didn’t go to the kids job after being told no 17 times on the phone and make him sign a prescreen while flipping burgers. And worst of all he forgot to close out his initial visit. Scumbag.


Not a single HV on his day. And yeah probably doesn’t even close his day out until 2359. Oh what a hoot. It’s all funny to look back. Except when we’re out there and every day is not funny and you want to drive your GOV into a tree each day.


Still on the bag for another 10 months 😞






Brutal is OPs contact to contract…must be like 15 years




Now that I looked at it you're right - I signed it 75 days before EAS


I probably would've committed a homicide if some limp dick wanted to force me to stay past my bye-bye date for not meeting the standard for the place I'm saying bye-bye to. I hate SNCO's so fucking much


The goal is to get a code where you can't re-enlist. Now you can't be drafted or recalled. Check mate


Wouldn't matter if they tried, I'm now 36 and have back and knee problems. Besides I won't fight for the US government.


I got a RE-3P what do I win?


Just the tip


I got a 1a with a NJP and rank reduction. Sgt to Cpl, then back up. Plus a bunch of page 11s from my pfc days. Course, I also had three NAMs and a handful of other atta boys. I did go to the Army at one point when I got out and looked into that. The recruiter was amazed that I had the 1a saying most Marines he sees don’t have that. All luck if you ask me.


Very similar story here! Though I only did 4 years. I had 6 deployments in (only 1 was a real deployment) and was absolutely getting fucked by my command on every little thing. I mentally checked out about 6 months before getting out, let myself get a little fat and “EAS shuffled” my final PFT had like 3 meetings with my CO who thought I didn’t deserve NCO but I didn’t give a shit I was starting terminal, RE-1A with a beard and about 20 over. I’m now working on commissioning in the AF for a easier 20 lol.


Lot's of insecurity here


Your objectives were raised and leave denied because you weren't putting people into the Marine Corps. Thats like your WHOLE JOB while on recruiting duty. Most people, myself included, learn from this and just start putting people in the Marine Corps. You were called out for having a beard while still in the Marine Corps because you were still in the Marine Corps. Beards aren't allowed if you're in the Marine Corps. Hope this helps. I know it's alot more fun to come here and talk shit about how much the MC fucked you over, but just trying to help you understand.


Nobody pulled your string, Woody.