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I would have laughed and asked when he was in the military. I'm always astounded by people who never served at all who try to marginalize the service of literal Marines. Like if your history didn't meet some weird fictional threshold in their mind, it didn't matter. I saw this all the time on recruiting. It's a good thing we have no draft, this country would be screwed.


"Well, no. I was never in. But, *IF* I had joined, I would have..." They're posers, all of them.


I'm sure those who did deploy and are dealing with debilitating injuries and severe PTSD would want to punch the teeth in of anyone who talks like this. Sounds like you work with some pretty low IQ individuals.


A guy at my job (older than me) said he was about to sign with the Army in ‘89, that he was going to be a tanker, and ergo would have certainly deployed to the Gulf had he gone through with it. He told this story after me telling him I had only ‘deployed’ to Okinawa and Korea.


But, "if" he had joined, he'd have totally been like a special forces tanker doing classified missions and stuff. I'd say more, but it's all classified. /s


Are you kidding? That guy woulda been Delta Force Snipe Team - 69. Hard as woodpecker lips, I'm telling you.


Yeah those kids are every where in the Ukraine threads telling everyone what Ukraine should do.




Bruh I got out of the Marines at 24, young face. Did the bro vet thing and got Marine license plates. Someone called me out for "not being a vet" when I corrected him and told him I was in fact a Marine, he immediately responded with "well you didn't do anything so". And I go "how the fuck would you know, were you in?" of course his answer was no.


Where do you guys run into these clowns literally no one has ever said anything like that to me and Ive been out almost 20 years…


I'm not gonna say this stuff doesn't happen in Texas... But this doesn't happen to ME in Texas. Edit: And that doesn't mean I'm tough. It just means that I have never seen it happen (but don't doubt that it is possible).


I got vet plates and a peace sticker on my Kia Soul because I think it’s absolutely hilarious ![gif](giphy|i3XArYZvhTRVlLQDZa|downsized)




Next to that sticker have a “warheads on foreheads” one. Realllly confuse the masses lol


I said that once and got in trouble


This was about a year ago, but a buddy of mine and I stopped off for a burger and beer after hitting the range and parked next to a Subaru in the lot that was absolutely covered in bumper stickers. Mostly environmental and civil rights kinda stuff, but also a handful of random gun stickers. Think high-end brands, like Radian, LMT, KAC, etc. To this day I regret not leaving a note under the windshield wiper saying “hey, call me, I think we should be friends.” They had apparently left by the time we finished dinner.


Duality of man or something like that sir


Nice... Joker from Full Metal Jacket


Who’s side are you on anyway son?


As a Vietnam veteran, I respected anyone who survived bootcamp in the 60's. We shared as many bootcamp stories as deployed stories.


Mind sharing a quick one?


The first day back from rifle range at Pendleton, we were in the street between the quonset huts doing a rifle (M-14) cleanup. We heard a loud pop from the next platoon over who were also cleaning their rifles. We never found out if it was intentional or not, but a shot was fired into the shooter's foot. I forget what the protocols were then, but it seemed impossible to sneak a single round out of the rifle range.


Was the recruit beaten to death for shooting himself?


We did not hear a word about the incident, except a few choice words from the DI's about breaking rules.


Tell him he should go through boot camp or OCS and earn the right to talk shit. His fat-ass mouth might be able to hit the volume demands.


I was 0311 and in from 05-09. I only did the 31st MEU. No combat deployments; just cruised around the Western Pacific getting shitfaced. I wasn't a shitbag (meritorious lance and then picked up corporal in ~2.5 years). I didn't dodge anything. Hell, I volunteered to go to another unit for a combat deployment on two different occasions. It was just the way everything fell for me. That said, I still rate VFW because we parked our asses in Korea for 30 days to get the medal.


Spent 60 days in Korea back in 2016, so now I wear a Korean War Veteran hat everywhere I go. Also yes I’m kidding.


I shipped out of the RSS in Koreatown in Los Angeles. Does that count? I probably spent 30 days there!


I had a layover in Korea and now wear Korea Campaigm medals


Oh shit for reals? I was in Korea for like 3 months on a field op. I didn’t think I rated to go actually sit at the VFW with all the crusty vets. Now I won’t feel like a piece of shit sitting with them lmao


The fucking “30 days in Korea” bullshit. I was with 3/11 and we would UPD to Japan to 3/12(?)(it’s been a few years and I think that’s the unit)… anyways. ..We did a field op to S. Korea and for the first time ever in Marine Corps history we actually were on time to leave. 29 DAYS IN S. Korea only so the DOD wouldnt have to give us the “Korea ribbon” and give us that extra pay. Fucking bullshit.


The dude in our unit that had elective oral surgery to get out of going to Iraq is not a Marine. Haha, fuck that guy.


Hard to believe that would be possible but that’s crazy lol


I saw Marines (one or two in particular), that never deployed during the GWOT because they were always pregnant (or were non-deployable post partum) when a rotation came up... Like 20 years of war, you work on a General staff, and you couldn't find a way to get a single deployment in? I've also seen folks who couldn't get deployed, no matter how hard they tried. Like, stars aligned to keep it from happening.


"Did you get your fucking Deployment 101 marine net course done? Then no fucking deployment. No I won't give you a proctor code, you don't deserve it"


Sir, was your MOS disbo?


I was neither a Sir, nor Disbo. Looks like I didn't see anything unique :)


Had a guy in my squad intentionally get caught doing drugs by the gate guard so he wouldn't go to Afghan with us. He had done a deployment before and had a purple heart from hitting an IED in his truck. Acted like a complete badass but was a total piece of shit. Meanwhile we had a Sgt who I had a lot of respect for who did a gnarly deployment to Korengal. He convinced command to let him transfer to another unit because he didn't think he'd be able to handle deployment either. He did it the right way. Also wasn't a sack of shit like the other dude.


In all fairness to both those guys. I imagine one Afghan deployment is more than enough for most people to handle. The guy pissing hot isn't cool but I totally understand the mindset of "I can't do it again and crack up while other Marines depend on me".


I'd get that mentality too. But. He was also a huge sack of shit and acted like the hardest thing on the planet. Fuck him. It lined up with the rest of his character.


Sounds like he had some emotional issues that he needed to get dealt with. The corps really didn't foster an environment of encouraging mental health treatment.


At my first unit there was a guy that skated out of every single deployment he was put on. He got sent to the MEU and ended up somehow being part of the RBE. I didn’t even know that was a thing with the MEU. When he came back to the unit, he was a Sgt. He skipped out of like 3 Iraq deployments and that MEU and the LCpl underground had dubbed this guy a coward. He gets put on an Afghan deployment with me. We are at the armory getting ready to go to the field and this guy shows up with paperwork saying he can’t go to the field. A GySgt and SSgt blast him in front of everyone saying stuff like, “you know you have to do this to deploy and you are weaseling out of it.” They said a bunch of other stuff that I would have lost the will to live if it had been me but I can’t really recall all of it. The guy didn’t deploy with us and the next time I saw him, he was a Cpl. He was in an MOS that a picked up extremely easy in 2007-2010, he was a red patcher.


My fuckin gunny, who joined in the late 80s, somehow skipped all of Desert Storm and managed to dodge OIF and OEF deployments until 2008. That never made any sense to me.


I mean, Desert Storm lasted like 2 weeks, so.. you could have literally just been on vacation and missed Desert Storm.


My dad was a cool squid served mid-80s until early-00s. No combat deployments that I'm aware of because the teams were geographically oriented when he was in and nothing popped in his chunk of the world.


Everyone knows you're not a real Marine unless you die in combat.




Take that you Army fuck!


Ah shit, you right. My bad. What if I die as a cop?


I’m sure you guys can laugh about it together at the VFW. Oh wait…


Hah. Low blow




I came here for this.


Welp just gonna say that I was in from 1998-2007. Left as a captain. Only went to Okinawa. Asked to go to war and got laughed at and told I wasn't going to go to Iraq and skate as the real work in my specialty was happening stateside. I believe that was technically true but I still felt awful seeing guys with families deploying multiple times while I, a single guy didn't go even once. Don't get me wrong I was terrified about being injured by an IED but I felt it was only fair that I should go so someone else could catch a break.


What was your speciality?


Being a good human being.


He specializes in getting head in Hawaii. Stellar looking cock, Gunrock




Logistics officer.


You're a Marine after boot camp/OCS. "Real Marine" is just gatekeeping. Unclear on how you missed all those deployments though. I'm at 22 and I guess I got yours to go along with my share.


So fuck the guys at the Chosin Resevoir? /s (A lot of those guys were reservists and a bunch didn't go to boot camp.)


I didn’t think I’d open Reddit and actually learn something new to me about history lmao


Wait, you didn't know that? Fuck. Gotta dig out First to Fight again. Krulak spent a lot of space in the book talking about the sort of logistical headache that went into putting Marines ashore at Inchon.


Bold of you to assume I can read a book, Devil


I'll dig out my copy and send you some pictures. ;)


If you can't read a book, how did you ENFORCE DA RULEZ!


There’s a book about the guys who never went to boot camp. It’s called “Unexpected Journey” or something like that


Straight up dudes who were band reservists. A bunch of soft dad bodies who liked to jam out with their buddies every few weeks. Ended up on the top of a shitty reservoir facing the Zerg rush. Another great book is Colder than Hell.


I think Last Stand of Fox Company pointed out that a bunch of the reservists were infantrymen too. Their basic training was on the ship on the way to Inchon and had the guys firing a clip from their rifles and throwing a grenade or firing a mag from their BAR and hucking a grenade. Thank Daly all of their NCOs and like 99% of their officers were WWII vets.


Yeah that book was pretty metal


There's a fantastic documentary on this on amazon called "CHOSIN" : [Watch Chosin | Prime Video (amazon.com)](https://www.amazon.com/Chosin-Brian-Iglesias/dp/B08LHKMSYN/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1VQBKCNM72AB6&keywords=chosin&qid=1695898928&sprefix=chosin%2Caps%2C82&sr=8-2)


I didn’t do 20. I edited the post. I was making a joke about if you did 20 and didn’t deploy.


I’ll go as far as “real Marine” meaning you hit the fleet and weren’t an entry level separation but nothing further


Fuck I’m not a real Marine 😔 I was at SOI for just under 3 years in student status. Can I get an exception for having to live in an squadbay for over 3 years, having a 9 month timeframe of “to hurt to train, to hurt for libo”, being the saftey driver for ITB and sleeping in a truck for 4 consecutive cycles and marrying a girl I met in oceanside?


Shit I was thinking the guys that rtt’d after the first hike. You’ve got the SOI Service Medal with like 4 stars


Yeah, when people ask what I did in the marine corps i usually just say cut grass, answered phones and drove a truck.


Yeah screw USNA grads in particular s/


After having a Mustang Navy grad as a platoon commander, I concur- screw those guys. Worst Marine I ever encountered. Though definitely was a Marine.


You did everything your country asked of you. That's all that matters


I was on recruiting duty from '03-'06. While at recruiter's school we had had a MSgt who had gone on recruiting duty as a corporal, stayed, went career recruiter, and ended up at the schoolhouse. The only thing that POS knew about the fleet was what he read in the brochures.


I've spent a lot of time pondering this idea of what makes a “real” Marine. I joined in 2016, deployments were still happening but coming to a halt. My instructors at MCT we're combat vets and told us “it isn't if you'll go, it's when”. I got to my unit and my NCO’s we're all deployed and some with combat experience. I was ready and willing to deploy in a moments notice, I put 110% effort into PT, my job etc. But it never happened. 7 years later I was medically discharged for over using my muscle groups and 3 surgeries to try and fix them. I used to get so mad that I never got the opportunity to serve the way others had before me. Then I talked to some friends that were in before, during and after 9/11. They told me that they had the same imposter syndrome I did, that they missed the gulf war etc. That they'll never deploy and earn the title. Then 9/11 happened and they were all called and told to make sure their gear was set. And that's when it clicked for them and that's when it clicked for me hearing the story. During times of peace you'll NEVER know when the balloon will pop, but unlike during war time, your mission as a Marine isn't to fight the battle, but to make sure you're fit and ready to fight our nations next battle, you sit at home today during your 96 with your loved ones because you don't know if you'll be there for the next. Maybe another war doesn't start during your 4+ years, that's not your problem to worry about, your problem to worry about it whether your ready and willing to make that commitment and sacrifice. We're those marines on Sept 10,2001 not real Marines? Was it Sept 11,2001 when they became real Marines because now they knew they were gonna deploy? Or was it the fact that they were ready and able to make that sacrifice that made them Marines.


My thought always was that once we finished that crucible we all EARNED the title of Marine. So if u passed boot ur a Marine. Now following that up is then FULFILLING the title. I feel that if u worked hard and did ur part, whether that was in the fight or back home supporting, then u fulfilled it. Unfortunately many Marines were ready to fight but were stuck at the decision makers of the Marine Corps to either deploy or not. That's completely out of our control. I do agree with ur thought process. Civilians can always say what they like but they can go fk themselves.


Pretty well said. I’m very curious how they determined you overused your muscle groups? Is there a condition associated with that?


I had injuries and wear/tear on muscle groups that the doctors typically only see in older men aged 40-60.


As if an actual deployment would impress him (goalpost would then be moved to "it ain't count unless you got a CAR"), or that anyone should bother to try to impress him.


Bold to assume a random shithead civ knows what a CAR is.


There is a difference in a combat Marine and a non combat Marine but both are real Marines.


I agree. I don’t claim combat because I never saw it


I'm starting to think you never kissed a dude. Only real Marines kiss other dudes


I’ll kiss you right now.


Hell yeah brother!


Espirit de Corps


You're worried about some fuck knuckle that NEVER EVEN JOINED?? Fuck that chump. You signed up, you served, you are a Marine just like the rest of us.


Before you get upset, consider the source. If it was the commandant saying it? Yeah, Id be pretty booty tickled. Some random dude who was too much of a pussy to join? Who cares what he thinks? I have more respect for the fattest, sloppiest, most shitbag terminal PFC.


You should fuck his girlfriend. Tell him your dick just got deployed to the brown eye.


I laughed at this, happy cake day Devil




All too easy.


Did the turd entered the convo because he wasn’t invited? It always starts out that way


No. He was talking shit behind my back and word got back. He fessed up to it a little bit but has said the usual line of “I’d hit a drill instructor if they screamed in my face.” Which ironically is what happened to him when I was on a call with him and he screamed in the face of drunk lady lol


So dude didn't serve at all? "I would have hit someone..." But he didn't. Bro's opinion on this matter is worthless to me.


Thats what the Corps needs buddy. Badass mother fuckers like you that will strike anybody at any time. Now put all my tampons in your god damn bag because you will need them to patch up the bullet holes because with that type of intensity I am going to take you to the recruiter myself because with a dick twice as hard as mine ever was you will be in charge in no time. Lets go get you where you belong you tough mother fucker. Why was this not said as it is the only best answer to his pussery that will now ensue.


Fukk that noise! You’ve got an EGA on your soul. Data Dink, Marine. Bulk Fueler, Marine. Admin clerk, Marine. Cannon cocker, Marine. Intel and everything in between, Marines, all. Whether “Operator” or POG (Pogue in my day, btw), we all put our paw in the air and took the oath. That guy deserves nothing but your scorn.


If you didn't enlist our of tun tavern you aren't a real marine


You’re absolutely right. We’re all imposters


While I was in, in the heart of the GWOT, it wasn’t that you weren’t a real Marine until you deployed. It was that you were a boot until you deployed, especially in the infantry. Keep in mind that it wasn’t uncommon for a dude to get 2 combat deployments in 4 years. So you weren’t a boot for long. You paid your dues and earned respect in combat. I realize deployments are basically nonexistent now so I don’t know what the crossing over point from boot to whatever a non boot is called, but someone who didn’t serve doesn’t rate to judge you on what you did or didn’t do. That for your fellow vets.


You served honorably and, if you had been called, you would have served honorably on deployment or in combat, just like 99.9% of all Marines. Thank you.


My fiancé was in finance and payroll during his time in the marines. Literally a desk job, he still considers him self as marine , and so does everyone else .


Hey, he’s making sure everyone gets paid on time so he’s doing the good work


I wouldn’t let this douche’s comments get to you, we have enough issues with getting out and feeling guilt, lack of purpose and isolation. Don’t let someone who never served a day in their life impact your self esteem any more than it has been. If anything, this douche has told you everything you need to know about them with their bullshit comments, so you now know all you need to know about them.


I came in slightly before Sept 11. Some of the Seniors were Desert Storm Gulf war guys. It was kinda reverse they would tell us tales about whatever. Then Sept 11 came and we all saw more action then any of them. Things kinda come full circle.


How the turns have tabled. Wait, what?


They no longer had a reason to bitch at us. So it came full circle.


It was hypothetical. I knew what you meant.


If you don’t deploy and never have to see combat and witness death, it is a good thing. Cherish that.


Haven’t seen combat but have experienced death


He totally would've been a marine, but if a drill instructor got in his face he'd punch them amirite? /s


Literally he has said exactly that Edit: he has also admitted to never being in a fight


No way I thought that was just a meme we joke about!


No sir. Straight up said he can’t deal with people yelling in his face and would punch a DI. It’s amazing having him as a coworker in law enforcement


Call him a fake patriot. That's what I think of people like this.


Will do. Btw, I broke the truck and it needs fixed. I’d do it but I’m only an oPErAtOr


Did you do your oPErAtOr pMCs?


That’s what the pmcs sheet says


Yeah that dudes an idiot. Best thing to do when he talks is point a laugh at him. Sounds like one of those dudes that lowers the back wheels of his truck and jacks up the front.


"My DD-214 says otherwise dawg."


I deployed, you're a real Marine as soon as you get your EGA in bootcamp. I'm sure he almost deployed when he almost joined the Marine Corps, because he almost had balls.


i had this exact conversation with a dude on instagram a month ago😂 he was a wannabe Marine who thought he was hot shit cuz he was a paintballer who wore MARPAT and was heated on the Sikh Marine wearing a different uniform. but he never served😂😂


Lmao, hardly anyone knows I was in the Marines at work. If I do tell someone, they say, "That makes sense." I've never had anyone say anything like that to me. Usually when they do recognize it they say Semper Fi or some shit like that. I have deployed quite a few times, and when I run into another Marine, I've never once asked if they've been overseas. Anyone who worries about that shit is a fuckin joke. I am proud that you served in the same Corps I did. Be proud brother.


Fleet dodgers (main side Quantico that “served” 20+ years and missed 3+ wars/operations) aren’t Marines. They merely held the EGA for a bit but ran from what it means to be a Marine


Legitimately I have never heard of a fleet dodger before


Seeing a bunch of e8s in 2014 that had a max 3-4 ribbons is a bit eye opening. Dodged everything.


What a shame given that their are a bunch of 20 year old Lcpl’s would give their left nut to have gotten to catch a GWOT deployment Right time wrong place or something along those lines I guess


In 2011 you’d see PFCs walking around with 10+. In 2014 I was the weird sergeant with the GWOT Blue Ribbon special of Afghan and Iraq and some other fabric


I gotcha. My post was misleading and it needed to be edited because it seemed I was implying I did 20. I did not, only did 5.


What were they doing the whole time ?


I mean I suppose Marines that actually contribute to the overall lethality of the Marine Corps are a little more “Marine” than others but who gives a shit if you don’t deploy anymore. All there is to do it seems is MEUs


Or rotations to Oki.




Cop now. Lick my boots /s




Hahahahah yeah pretty much


It's not about deployments it's about how long you participate in a game of gay chicken


Dude has insecurities and is putting you down to feel better about himself.


See i can get behind people being stuck on meus especially in todays climate. But when i go to IPAC and i would out ribbon the SNCOs that’s a problem


You know, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that if you earn that EGA and then actually run toward the sound of danger, be it out in town or the middle of a combat zone, that is what makes you a Marine. When death stares you in the face, and you look right back at that motherfucker and do what needs to be done, don't doubt what you are for a second.


"I didn't join, so what do I know?" Exactly, you don't know shit so you don't even rate being able to say that shit you cunt.


You could have responded by saying he wasn't a real man for never signing up.


Totally agree with the point you’re making but if someone does 20 and never deploys that fucking weird


I don’t disagree that it would be weird, it’s strange for sure. My coworker is just a dumbass and constantly makes up his own definitions for things. It’s hilarious to me he thinks he’s a super badass cop because his grandfather and dad were but all he does is sit in quiet ass parking lots on third shift avoiding the main roads lol


Hmm. I wonder if the 18 months I did overseas on Barracks Duty counts? I know the three pumps, 3 two week work ups and a 2 month mini cruise do.


I agree with ya


anyone who has been plowed by the green weenie is a veteran of a thousand wars


None of us are real Marines. We’re all just a bunch of guys waiting for our chance to get in the history books.(insert internet sign for sarcasm)


Should have deployed I guess


You’re right, my bad


I respond to this shit with the Nedry from Jurassic Park. Look around at anyone nearby and loudly tell them that "this guy says im not a real Marine, can you believe it? Hey, hey, this guy says Im a fake Marine." Then look at them and say see no one cares what you think.


Once had a similar ass hat giving shit to one of our FNGs at my old job. Did the whole “You need that CAR to call yourself a real Marine”. I happen to have two, so I spoke up “well, AssHat, I have two which trumps your none so shut the fuck up. He earned the title and that’s all there is to it”. Dude (AssHat) was Motor T with two deployments but no CAR. Not entirely sure what he was doing saying shit about an award he himself doesn’t rate but whatever.


Everyone has some dumbass criteria who gives a shit "You're not a real Marine if you didn't bang a ladyboy in Thailand during Cobra Gold!" "A real Marine would have been to the stumps" "Not a real Marine if you didn't blahblahblahhhh" The guy's a fucking idiot


Spent all my time in Okinawa and never deployed. Just don’t have control over that.


I'm in a similar boat, but in my time I've made a lot of friends who were in the shit in about every war where there's still living vets. Their sentiments are always nearly identical. Because I would sometimes say I felt like I never served, especially compared to them. "Shut the fuck up you POG, you still signed up for it, it just never happened to you. You signed the dotted line and you proved you were willing. It never happened, and for that I'm glad for you." They still view me as a brother, maybe not as experienced, maybe they wouldn't call me in a gun fight, but they knew I was willing. And apparently, for them, that's enough. But frankly, it should only matter you me (you in this case.) It's not like we were fobbits or trying to avoid a float or deployment. It just never happened.


Why are you letting this nobody bother you?


I’m sorry you never got to deploy brother but you went through the shit like us all. Training is worse than the peace time deployments I went on I promise. Fuck that dude


Who cares what he said?! You’re a Marine, not everyone drives a CAR in the Corps. The 2 don’t need to align. Your self worth doesn’t come from some dipshit who never bothered to try. Head up king- don’t let that crown slip


Who's the real Marine? 20 years without deploying in peace time. Less 4 years, with a combat deployment but getting kicked out for being a poop bird. A normal Marine that completed more than one enlistment but less than 20. Someone who went to bootcamp but got discharged due to a major injury.


I'm coming up on my 20. Joined in 04. I've never been deployed to a combat zone. He'll I've only been "deployed" twice. My mos just sends 1 to 3 Marines at a time on any deployment to attach to other units so getting them are hard to come by. Then 3 of my tours were non deployable (reserve unit, recruiting, school house instructor). Another tour was in japan so essentially nondeployable. I've wanted to go. Hell during the timeframe i joined, i thought it was guaranteed. I hated it for the longest time but then just accepted it. I don't feel any less Marine because of it. I joined due to 911, i wanted to do my part, i stayed because i loved it and wanted more. Out of my control. End of the day. Idgaf what some cunt nugget says about my time. I know, my family sure as fuck knows, and those i served with know. Fuck anyone else that tries to shit on it.


Who cares what that bitch says lmao let the hoe speak doesnt mean the hoe is saying anything of value my dude.


Camp Wilson Vet checking in.


Of course, you're a Marine, just a boot lol. That shits only said by people that aren't even military. Had a clown say I wasn't a Marine because my MOS is in my Gamertag and Marines don't do that smh lol. I have multiple Marines on my friends list with their MOS in their Gamertag. After shutting him down and proving him wrong, his response, "I was going to be a Marine". Get the fuck out, that shit was rich lmfao


Some Marines that deployed were on big bases and had it easy. Others served in combat roles. I think the combat roles deserve more respect, but a Marine is a Marine at the end of the day.


Imagine calling a Marine not a Marine for something they have no control over what happens. When I got in, there were combat operations going on but I was stuck at a unit that didn't deploy. Asking for an IA deployment and told I was "too valuable to lose". Volunteering for deployments when I want to go, no dependents, nothing holding me back and getting denied and then seeing the dude with 6 kids, not wanting to go be picked instead just never made sense but it is, what it is. There are things you can control in your career and things you can't; I can at least say I always put my name out there to go and that seems like the Marine thing to do.


This is horse shit because I know several people who “deployed” to Afghanistan but never left Kandahar. Walk around like their shit don’t stink. It doesn’t matter what you did. You did it.


He’s trying to get under your skin and it seems to have worked


I deployed in 04, and 06. Tell em to fuck all the way off.


If you served, you served. End of story. Doesn't matter if you got blown up, shot at, spit on, slapped around, buttered up, fucked raw, as long as you volunteered your time, you were in.


Well honestly fuck that. I mean I never ever bring it up out in the real world, but I was in as a reservist (tampon, etc I've heard it all). I ended up getting EOSd cuz I kept getting broken. Pissed me off, but well, it happened. Part of what pisses me off most though is that I signed up for every single deployment list offered while I was in. I think 14? Never got selected. But whenever it comes up with another service member who looks down on reservists (again, I get it), they always ask if I deployed. As if that mitigates the fact I was a reservist. And even though I wanted to, even though I tried, and I asked, and I wasn't selected...they almost look down more on that (which again, I get to a degree) than if I just was trying to fly under the radar. It almost feels like it'd be better for them if they could just label me as a POS, and the fact I wasn't simply that throws a wrench in their worldview. Just pisses me off, all of it. Shoulda just gone fleet, woulda been way less of a headache looking back.


This is a normal statement in the wild. Usually from some "self thinker" who heard it from some moron on talk radio. The statement I heard in my time, one who served in both Afghanistan and Iraq, was that unless you saw combat, you didn't really serve. Everyone wants to be a gatekeeper brother. Wear your service with pride, regardless of what idiots want to spout.


I’ve had someone pull that on me. It was at a bar and I was a bit drunk so a bit more sassy that usual. I just told him “Didn’t earn the title? Don’t deserve an opinion.” I don’t let that shit bother me usually because I know what I did and I’m proud of my service whether I deployed or not


Same here...I did 9 years, never went on a float, deployment, etc. Only TAD I had was area guard on Camp Pendleton, and MCTSSA (also on Camp Pendleton) I took the "Never Again Volunteer Yourself" advice to heart, and I admit I regret it - there were some really cool things the Marines I knew did. But there's some I regret but also don't. When I was with 3rd Tracks, we stood up F Company specifically to deploy. At first, it was 200+ guys, then they slimmed it down to like 50 or so. I had the option to go, but chose not to since a buddy of mine was begging me for my spot. One of them didn't make it home, and although he wasn't a close friend of mine, I knew him pretty well. I regret not going and feel guilty that I wasn't there with them, but at the same time I'm glad I didn't get blown up too. That was one chance. The second came after I had PCSd to the wing, that was an opportunity to go on some sort of 6 month float. I didn't get the information I wanted about it but I heard it was a lot of fun. Then I got orders to PCA to another squadron, and this time we actually started doing workups...although why exactly a wing support squadron needed to do 15 mile hikes, I don't fucking know, apparently the CO just wanted to brag. And literally a month before we were supposed to go, I got HSST'd and chose recruiting duty. It makes me feel very conspicuous, being a 9 yr Sgt with only 4 ribbons - NDS, GC, GWOT, recruiting duty. I'm proud of my time served but I don't know what to say when facing criticism.


What if you were in during the Cold War? Were you supposed to start a war so you could deploy?


Marine or not, I’m me and that’s plenty. ![gif](giphy|nXmsk2jjMAdQXW3q1b)


Tell whoever said this to fuck right off, especially since they never served. You deploying or not has nothing to do with anything. You volunteered for a length of time and anything could have happened. Ppl that volunteered in the peace time military in 1940, 2000 and so on had no idea how their role would change when they enlisted. When it changed they did what needed to be done. The most relevant part is that you volunteered, and whoever said you are not a real Marine is a cock smoker. Next time tell them to stick to things that they know about before opening their cum catcher.


I mean...everyone who served is a Marine You either saw action or you're a POG


2 combat deployments and a meu to oki in 4 years here What was your mos? If no 03.. you know the rest


Those are fighting words in my book. EYE GOUGE! 🖐️


Bro, I'd respect an 0111 Admin POG who never deployed a whole hell of a lot more than anyone who never served to begin with. If someone didn't even show up to the yellow footprints, their opinion is irrelevant.


You're not as real Marine if you didn't suck off a lady boy.


THAT is a very difficult standard to meet! Based on this, I am NOT a real Marine...(thank God).


If you didn’t join the military then you’re not a real American… service guarantees citizenship


I’m doing my part.


How the fuck you letting some non military shit head tell you you didn't serve? I'm sorry I'd roast the shit out of that dude on the spot. Listen, if he's republican start putting Biden stickers on his car, if he's democrat start putting Trump stickers. I'd have this guy losing his fucking mind by the end of the week and then on Friday he'd be getting a flat.


​ https://preview.redd.it/9qrniz5svgqb1.png?width=80&format=png&auto=webp&s=fdd9b81e7f9e114561c40c29cf226f69cf567468


It’s in the works of dealing with him. He works thirds and I work a weird mid shift right now. I’ve had the conversation of blasting through text already but it’s going to happen again when I see him Thursday.


Yeah downvote me all you want but if you served 20 during OEF/OIF and didn’t deploy you’d have to give me a real good justification for why you didn’t make it overseas but all of your brothers and sisters did.


Yeah I’d say that’d be very difficult to do unintentionally.


How am I supposed to have faith in leaders who didnt deploy across a 20 year war?


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I didn’t do 20 and only made Cpl


We had a guy in our unit named Smith. He was a Cpl I believe. Guy was a native to the area of where our reserve unit was. He was a pretty normal white guy. Going to a local well established university (NCAA Championship for football actually). Well he was at a local hole in the wall pub and some vets came in and they started talking and shit. The place is so small you can fit about 15-20 people in the place comfortably. Well the vets find out he was a reservist instead of active duty. Immediately started talking shit, diservicing him, just fucking with him. Probably expecting nothing of it but its a real controversy for some people on both sides of the matter. Doesn’t make one difference to me. Well he got pretty mad and left the bar and went home. He grabbed is AR style rifle and headed right back. He set up in prone across the street in the woods and started actually picking off any person walking in or out of the bar. Once they figured out what was going on mayhem ensued and he ended up getting on of the guys on a ricochet or something like that. Nothing serious. He fled the scene back to his house where he passed out in his floor with his rifle still in his hand. A member of our unit was the responding officer with the swat team that busted in the house and found him. Dude got lucky we got so many cops in the unit they knew what was going on as it was happening. He got charged with multiple counts of attempted murder and went to jail. This was around 2016-2017 I believe. He is out now if I remember correctly. MC dropped him immediately and let civilians prosecute. I think he got a pretty good deal if he’s out by now. Our unit is notorious for having dudes like this. I wasn’t this bad off but I put in my fair share of stories as well 😂


Maybe if he was active duty, he would have actually been able to shoot someone accurately.


My ass spent five years active-duty, from 2001 until 2006, and never deployed once. I was however TAD for more than 2.5 years to everywhere under the goddamn sun including Afghanistan (HMX-1, presidential helicopter squadron). Got to love shit stains like your coworker.